
Swellnet crew have reserved your spot in the line-up...anytime & always!
Send off Party Wave ~~~^~~~/(`~~~/(C`...[Crew*Laurie )

I enjoyed your essay, take it easy.

Don’t have Facebook all the best

shame because Facebook is a corporate circle jerk.
didn't always agree with everything you said Loz but I always found it thought provoking.
hope you come back.

damn Lozza , ya didn't get Blowin away?

Sorry no facebook but it's been good reading your perspective (and everybody else).
Why don't you take a break and come back in the future? You're always worth reading.
You know, 'sticks and stones' and all that...

Blowin maybe you could stop drinking and posting...........its pretty ugly

Virtually every grossly stupid and truly regrettable thing I’ve ever done in my life has occurred whilst I was pissed, I Focus.
Witnessing the self imposed exile from Swellnet of someone I find entirely disagreeable wasn’t one of them.

Blowing I don’t post often but really enjoy the different strands of thoughts that come through in the forums. Have to hope that with the clarity of time you may think an ounce of humanity and humility worth more than a victory through vitriol

“Post, edit, piss, shit, vomit hate, fucking facts, blah blah thread hijack blah edit edit delete blah blah blah. Gurgle Crunch zip.” What’s next dicknose? ( that’s you Blowin, didn’t want any confusion.)

Actually, Soggydog, I responded with my opinion to a pile of pessimistic conjecture paraded as fact . Did so without rancour or personal references. The original poster elected to commence the usual ad hominem attack rather than defend his opinion .
If he wasn’t prepared to defend his unsubstantiated theories then he shouldn’t have created a public forum for them to be examined .
Straight up I got called a troll. First response. Nothing to acknowledge what I’ve said. No recognition that I’ve taken the time to consider his piece and then raised valid issues with it.
And this from a bloke who is so sensitive to insult that he has repeatedly threatened legal action against people who insult him. Surely you understand that I’m never going to think highly of someone like this ?
My opinion was actually positive. I didn’t believe that the affects of climate change - in the context of surfable waves - were guaranteed to be universally negative. Since when has optimism , or in this instance realism, been such a bad thing ?
Obviously, I didn’t appreciate the typical and unwarranted response I received and things escalated from there.
I don’t hate facts , I hate conjecture presented as indisputable fact.
Excuse me if I don’t roll over and let some lounge room scientist publicly insult me for daring to question his quaint notions.
BTW Soggy - you want to pull someone apart for posting pissed bile , then it’s best not to do so yourself.
This is over .

Gee Blowin , seems like ya have a hard on for Lozza , and yeah you have been trolling him a fair bit lately...I also do this so I recognize it!
Sometimes its out of anger ( a personal problem) or to try and correct something I see as not correct , or to air ideas and so called facts .......which I am not sure they are ever 100% correct...
Having said that , when I read you " Virtually every grossly stupid and truly regrettable thing I’ve ever done in my life has occurred whilst I was pissed ." Not sure if this is a mental problem , in that when you get pissed the real you comes out or maybe it's an alter ego....but to blame the piss , hmmmmmm seems like a cop out?
I have been watching the discussion about sea level rise etc and all the so called facts/projection/conjecture etc.....I have been studying seal level rise for about 10 years now as I was alarmed at what I was seeing in my lifetime....beaches disappear , cliffs collapsing, water color changing , back wash on waves that have never had them before . front yards of houses disappearing ....and then all this new scientific evidence that shows why we are seeing such a radical change time and it's accelerating.
To only think about the quality the waves seems to me to be a bit precious as the real scenario will be one of an economic nature in that whole tracts of real estate will become worthless , and the cost of being reactive and not proactive , will be retreating from the coast........and severe loss of lifestyle and society as we know that pessimistic enough for ya...ask Zen about how the Japanese protect their coast and have been doing so for decades...

Brutus - point 1/ I totally agree. In this instance it’s a mix of the lot.
Point 2/ like many people, alcohol just exaggerates and radicalises the way I’d react to everything and to my behaviour in general. Pissed or sober , sooner or later you’ll know how I truly feel about the vast majority of things.
Point 3/ The situation in this case was the claim that across the board , everywhere in the world , the surf was going to be worse due to climate change.
The claim was not due to empirical research, it was a baseless and pessimistic opinion with a few truly scientific links tacked on to lend it an air of credibility.
I don’t doubt the climate s changing. But is it making for worse surfing conditions? Depends who you are asking.
Whilst some sections of the East coast are currently below par , other parts of the country and globe are having banner years.
I actually enjoy this discussion, I didn’t enjoy Laurie calling me a troll because my participation went beyond swallowing his home spun theory without thought.

Hope to see you back here Laurie. Haven't always agreed with you but appreciate your contributions. Enjoy your waves, music and photography.

Beatified in absentia

Blowin, you are the most relentlesly negative voice on Swellnet since Uplift in his various incarnations.


Cue 'Opinion Rhapsody -social media brawl' ,, parody of Bohemian Rhapsody
"I've gotta log out
just gotta log right out of here"

tubeshooter's shared parody was bang on the money...cheers!
tbb was equally rocked by Blowin's throw to brave new world parenting 101.
'The internet song'...crew might remember this Tonightly clip..(tbb misses that show!)

sorry tb, more man-bashing.
I think decent blokes are getting pretty tired of it.

I don't agree. It's obvious who the target is, I think people come across it enough to know it isn't a binary male/female thing.
And TBH I just don't get the sympathy with mysoginist, racist old white males just cause you share a chromosone sequence. Not just meaning you ZA, but the growing argument to protect such people because they're defined as "old, white, and male" in the media.
Isn't the rhetoric of that exact cohort to accuse offence-takers as snowflakes? So how can those same people also...gulp, take offence?
These are confusing times if you don't pay attention to the past.
Like, the Culture Warriors railing against Kristina Kenneally for last week asking to deny a visa to Raheem Kassam, they vehemently argued the free speech line, yet just last year visas were denied to Gavin McInness, Milo Yianopolous, and David Icke, and the free speech line magically evaporated because it was their political party who organised it.
Fortunately they're got too much pride to be offended by their own hypocrisy.

1) I think there is an evolution happening on the forums where there are people like myself who have realized that yelling /insulting and trolling are "passe" , and that there is a chance of real discussion between each end of the spectrum of our political and philosophic views..........
At the moment , discussion and communicating seem to be a thing of the past as we trundle down the new world highway of Economic / Climate / Social instability...have we lost the ability to listen to both sides of a story or are we so precious that our social media likes now determine our happyness and joy in life , once upon a time people really talked to each other ......
2) Alcohol , think it exaggerates and radicalizes your thoughts about your delivery of your thoughts when pissed...a bit agro?
3) have seen change at surf breaks , where once high tide was when it was best but now 1/2 tide...there are so many people getting injured at High Tide Winki now, as you can't get around the rocks anymore , waves break up the cliff....the list goes on....
Storms are more intense now , and sea's are rising , one you can see the other is probably a bit subjective , until you read the science.....
So ya got trolled by Laurie and reposted back at what's the end result?
saw this maybe you don't like Waleed , but what he has to say probably one of the most relevant articles I have read that explains the Worlds apathy , to just about everything......we are continuing to accelerate towards the cliff!!

For what it's worth, I rarely comment these days on Swellnet - love the site and the stories etc but I can't be bothered with the argy-bargy/adversarial tone that has become much more frequent over time. There is a big difference between respectful discussion and putting forward a point of view versus 'demeaning discussion' that often is laced with deliberate discrediting jibes (subtle and not-so-subtle) aimed at the person.
Sadly, too many have lost this art of honourable discussion and debate; instead they reach for their poisonous pen to take down a perceived foe. They interpret every conversation as a personal win-lose situation where their ego demands that they have to win. They can't let a reply go; they have to have the last say; they're addicted to their self-righteousness. They're not capable of grasping that being opinionated doesn't necessarily mean a person should open their mouth. Indeed, to be able to listen more than one speaks provides a continual opportunity to distil much, before offering something brief and worthwhile to say on a topic. In footie parlance it's called playing the ball; not the person. It's the true spirit of the game (ie the discussion) that some lose sight of with their actions (ie poisonous pen).

No need to return to this.

Denial can be an ugly thing
Sorry , I couldn't help myself.

In defence of the vid...Chix' spazz attack edit / cleverly hints girl/s as closet trolls.
tbb was a victim of a mass husband haterz crimewave...@ start of the email era!
In same week tbb, brother in law, best friend, good mate & neighbour all lost wives.
Sisters online pact committed coven to walk out on hard working loyal husbands.
Why! Because internet afforded wives online affairs while husbands minded kids.
Wives were ultimate Trolls painting husbands in past tense for world to read.
tbb was some bloke who was 'dead' to his wife in her lovers online charade.(Nice!)
We husbands brought up our kidz alone - wives started new lives with creeps.
tbb explored men's groups, then were just starting up...(Rights! Revenge! Rights!)
Men's caves wind up blokes like ticking time bombs..["Bitch won't let me see kidz!"]
No speak of parenting courses, self esteem, anger management to turn it around.

@stu Monday 9.09am
My question is, why does "whiteness" have to be included in the description - isn't that the definition of racist?
Sure, call Fraser Anning out for being racist, call Tony Abbott out for being a misogynist but including "white" doesn't seem to achieve anything, in fact I'd say it's counterproductive. I mean, the inference is clearly that all three or four adjectives are strong negatives.
When I hear people say that the problem with Australia is that it's run by "mysoginist, racist old white males" and the electoral system or corporate influence aren't mentioned, it can only be a shallow ideological attack.
There's no way that those words could be used if the circumstances were changed, it's impossible to consider a "progressive" person saying that the reason an African country has issues is because of its mysoginist old black males.
In Australia, using the word "black" mixed in with any negative adjectives would be front page news and rightly so, because it would have extremely strong racist connotations.

You could say the same about the inclusion of "male" - it's sexist
And say the same about "old" - it's ageist.
So we've got rid of those three troublesome terms.
Who exactly are we talking about..? should have done would have made a motza

Nah, I just like to argue.

You do not.

Tbb. That is a god awful tale. Stay the course mate.

do not let your past define you. do not let other's treatment of you determine who you are. may you realise that the only thing that really matters is your willingness to let love and kindness flow through you regardless of what has happened to you or what is happening to you. all labels are subjective so embrace them all with lightheartedness for you are all labels and much much more than all labels. this world is a world of compare and contrast, a polar world of opposites- a world that allows the one united living life to be projected as a many diversified seperate life/s. laugh, relax, have fun, let go of all grudges and grievances, when you focus more on the love/kindness that flows from within you, the foggy drama filled outer world magically clears up into a beautiful offshore ground swell pumping day. don't let yesterdays choose your future days, bless it all, thank it all, then let it all go and have faith that life will look after you- cause it will if you ask it to.

Because for mine, 'old' and 'male' are just a bit primary school as far as insults go but the white bit goes to another level - racism is a whole lot uglier.
What exactly would we achieve by calling, say, Scott Morrison, an old white male?
For a start it's just a distraction from the real issues.

andym, we have used these labels to explain the different variations of the appearances of the oneness. you are correct we are now moving into a consciousness where we no longer have to use prejudiced language to explain this. it will just take a while for us all to fully adopt a new frame of reference for explaining things, i also believe it's not the word that gives meaning, but your attached associations that flavour the word. racism isn't really about language, but really about perception or more correctly, misperception.

Yeah but nah, Andy. Old, white, and male is just a euphemism for The Establishment, however we're all very touchy around race issues so that word gets singled out. Perhaps not necessary, but also not that big a deal.
My original point was that it's the OW&M cohort that now beseech us to rise above offence, so they can take some of their own learnin'.

Stu , you are an old , white male.
Therefore your opinion is illegitimate .
You’re too privileged to be able to contribute to discussions about the future of the planet. You’ve already done enough Etc etc.

Am I part of The Establishment?

Answering myself here...
No, I'm not, which is why the OW&M accusation means fuck all to me, despite being categorised by a literal take on those words.

I understand these things Stu - I understand that the aim is to undermine The Establishment, to subvert the dominant paradigm and all that, and I support that.
And I also understand the hypocrisy and agendas behind these people picking and choosing 'free speech' and when to be 'offended' etc.
But I'm saying that the left/progressives or whatever you want to call them are going counter-productive to their intentions and are playing to motives of those in power - it's a distraction and I think it entrenches a fundamental voting base of the centre right and far right, to the detriment of real change.
The 'old white man' trope was used a few times on stage at the Byron Writers Fest and even among the chattering classes, the progressive champagne socialists in the audience, there was visible disquiet.
And this is without even going in to how it's in essence a racist theme that wouldn't otherwise be tolerated.

Fairies nuts. Got a good replacement?
We can forward it to the Guardian's opinion writers.

Referring to someone as “ white “ repudiates the construct that discrimination by skin colour is the driving motivation and reveals that the contention is purely the possession of power.
And the intention to redistribute power based on skin colour.
It’s full blooded racism.

Andy - you should have thrown a milkshake/ egged the fuckers.

I went looking for a milkshake and all I found was a dairy free soy substitute in a leaky hemp cup.
Chia seeds were extra.

A good replacement?
Dunno, accuracy and truth while toning down the ideological attacks?
Or is that so 5 minutes ago?

Fat Cats?
Though the combined wrath of Jenny Craig followers and PETA activists could be a force.

You're terrible Stu.

We've all been there ...