Making a Murderer
Is Netflix coming on board as an advertising sponsor?
Us regular surf bums make technology our friend. We set up dummy e-mail accounts and sign up with a prepaid credit card with no credit left on it ... Then at the end of the month free trial, we cancel that account, and sign up again with a new dummy e-mail account.
Sign up for the top package too ... all the bells and whistles for free.
Saves $15 a month that can be directed toward buying wax, or a six pack.
Watched the first ep on utube last night and eager to the see the rest. Would almost consider getting netflix to watch it.
You need pretty much unlimited internet to use netflex don't you? right into house of cards , true detective. Favourite is the U.S. version of shameless. :)
One bummer though. I was in transit in Medan overnight in October on the way to The Banyaks... Netflix wouldn't let me watch anything while I was in Indo! On a positive note, the wifi in Medan airport is awesome so downloading a movie on iTunes takes about five minutes
"Orange is the New Black" Uuuummmm. Watched the first few episodes but could not gel with that one Ben! I suppose some take awhile to get into, as I've witnessed and upon other's who don't like some but like others..........IMPO.....
Haven't watched "House of Cards", liked the first season of "True Detective" very well done, good actors.
"Hannibal" freaked me right out, was not into that at all.
There's a few good ol western ones out there I liked but can't think off hand which they were. as all of the TV series it's good to watch 2-3 in a row, then you get into a groove and don't want to stop, very addictive;)
I must saying posting on a thread like this must get ASIO interested, especially the topic????????
I'm not one so don't worry big brother!
thermalben wrote:... I've had poor internet speeds at home for the last month or so (mainly due to the Xmas period congestion) so when it's slow you can't watch anything.
Haven't had an issue here, and that's with at times Netflix streaming something different to three different screens. No lag issues either, just streams nicely.
We're with Bigpond, with 200Gb per month and have never gone close to exceeding the data limit. We get the fastest ADSL speed we can in this area. Would be great to get ADSL2, but that's just not possible here due to the Telstra exchanges.
Great documentary. He has just got the services of a hot shot lawyer and the innocence program has taken his case on again. Too many what if's for my liking...corrupt. He has already done 18 yrs for something he didn't do FFS
Get 'unblockus' and you can use any Netflix in the whole world. 5-6 clams a month.
A little off topic but be interested to know what sort of internet speeds you guys are getting down in Oz? You can do to find out.
I'm not computer savvy but I quickly did a test just then it's about 7:30pm here so guessing the traffic would be pretty high. My results were 14ms ping (whatever that means) 93Mbps download speed and 94Mbps upload speed. How does that compare to back home?
I'm on a pretty standard internet plan, runs about $60 a month.
thermalben wrote:... check your local RIM/CMUX unit (i.e. streetside green box, about 4-5' tall) and you'll notice it received a 'TopHat' upgrade about a month ago (additional green box, 'bout 1ft high, on top) ...
Not around here, she's all underground, good 'ole fashion pits... no green boxes. All our lines run up the hill to a sub station type thing, that then links with the local exchange near the servo.
What is the go with Spotify ?
Can you listen to the music offline ?
Is there much obscure Aussie content ?
Zen just did a speed test with our Telstra BroadBand from my MacBookPro.
Results 26ms Ping
2.96Mbps Download speed.
0.73Mbps Upload speed.
Would not have a clue, as I'm not on Netflix so I don't stream stuff to watch.
Hope this gives you a comparison.
Did you get a few face shots the last few days?
Blowin wrote:What is the go with Spotify ?
Can you listen to the music offline ?
Is there much obscure Aussie content ?
Can't help you out Blowin.
Soundcloud is what I have been using, there are various others out there depending on what genre of music.!
Wow Welly, don't really know what that means but seems like internet is really slow back home.
No face shots, shitty, icy but nice to get away with my lady.
Good snow and cold temps forecast for next week (finally).
Never have any probs streaming stuff here day or night.
thermalben wrote:Having never been much of a TV person, I've surprised myself and have been recently enjoying some great web series created for Netflix (Narcos, Bloodlines, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black etc).
The latest one is Making a Murderer - it's only been out for a few weeks - and it's fascinating look at a guy in the USA who spent 18 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit (sexual assault and attempted murder - he was exonerated by DNA). But a couple of years after he was released, he's arrested and convicted of the murder of a local girl. His nephew was also arrested and convicted.
The series has incredible footage from the trial, but more importantly the police investigations and interviews which led to the convictions, plus in-the-moment interviews with just about everyone. It's a real insight at the US legal system and how venerable people can be manipulated to say the things someone wants them to say. Well worth checking out (you will need a Netflix account though).
Good show, thanks for the scoop
did you get that line, me and the boys had a good laugh at it...when talking about conflicting evidence
"it was alleged the attacker wore white underwear...Avery didnt even own any underwear!"
I got a good chuckle out of that line, Balance.
Bloody riveting show - I watched the first 8 eps all in one slothful sitting.
It's the next step up from Serial.
Still on the fence about his guilt... Especially with no EDTA being found in the blood - That was the make or break point in the case. Though why you'd be stupid enough to leave the car and the key on your property is beyond me... and those cops, man they came across as reprehensible during the deposition tapes. And that poor bloody Nephew... he'd confess to being a Spice Girl if you pushed him hard enough.
Still... seems like there was enough reasonable doubt to get him off.
Don't know if it's on Netflix or not, but judging from some the shows you guys seem to enjoy, checkout Black Mirror. It's a British series, each episode is unique/distinct from the others. I guess the name might come from holding up a mirror to society, the darker side. I've recommended it to a few people but no one has picked up on it yet. I'd know if they had, cause you can't keep quiet about a show like that.
Ha, Dunsta, Black mirror is awesome. You gotta digest each episode afterwards.
Really liked the one where people ride the bikes for credits and the guy loses it on the x-factor show, then they turn that into a show. Pretty heavy social commentary.
And Ben, going back to Making a Murderer, It's hard to know how the jurors would have perceived it - they didn't show everything from the trial, and we had the luxury of having it foreshadowed by episodes painting Avery in a good light and down playing the other things he did. That, as well as making the cops look evil as. But if the jurors didn't have that, well it might have seemed heaps different.
Hey Ben i watched most of Making a Murderer and then looked up wiki..... another perspective of what netflix will do to make a show.
Yeah Ben, i think they probably had it in for him,maybe cause they knew he was trouble but they cant be forgiven for pinning it on him and knowing the other guy was still out there raping .By the way another good show on netflix is called The Fall, couldnt stop watching it, so well done.
Charlie Brooker is a funny bastard and a great writer.
Been watching this, this week pretty crazy shit.
No need for Netflix it's on "popcorn time" totally free, been using it for years, no pop ups or viruses and heaps of stuff on there and regularly updated.
Ben, have you watched the Jinx mini series? Highly recommend, like a video version of the podcast serial.
Ben Suits was good at first but becomes melodramatic in later seasons.
Damages is good but not sure if it's on Aust Netflix
A US judge in the state of Wisconsin has ordered the release from prison of Brendan Dassey, who was featured along with his uncle in the Netflix documentary series 'Making a Murderer'.
I just read 'Killing Pablo' which deals with generally the same content. Was a pretty good book. I'm not really a tele series watcher (actually not much of a reader, either), but it piqued my interest and I started watching Narcos last night. Was surreal as they introduced the characters and I knew what was in store for each of them. Will persevere with it and see how it goes
The Escobar and Medellin Cartel story is a good yarn. Couple of intriguing parts of the story: the 'jail' he was put in (which he built) when he surrendered, and the way he stayed on the run for so long despite the efforts of so many. Some of the antics resulting from his excesses are pretty funny too. Looking forward to seeing it play out on the screen.
Making a Murderer is the only other series I've watched in the last 5 years and I liked that a lot, so I'll trust your judgement on this one
Narcos is a good watch.
Fargo season 1 is good and season 2 two is real good
But "peaky Blinders" is the best show out there at the moment.
Agree with all the above
Binged on True detective a few weeks ago - the first season in a few days
Is The Jinx on Netflix ?? - it is a must watch
Then there is the doco on the West Memphis Three.
3 teenagers charged with murdering 2 children (don't bother with the movie version Blood Knot)
Have been trying to get into the Wire lately. some say it was better than breaking bad.
As far as im enjoying it it hasnt hooked me in like breaking bad did. (watched up to season 3 in a few days)Even Vikings hooked me in more.Still a good show though and im only up to episode 8 season 1.
Loved Narcos. Im waiting till i move to a non internet remote area soon to watch season 2, have it at the ready.
I liked what little i watched of Peaky blinders. Might get into that one.
Have you checked out Animal Kingdom ?
Having never been much of a TV person, I've surprised myself and have been recently enjoying some great web series created for Netflix (Narcos, Bloodlines, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black etc).
The latest one is Making a Murderer - it's only been out for a few weeks - and it's fascinating look at a guy in the USA who spent 18 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit (sexual assault and attempted murder - he was exonerated by DNA). But a couple of years after he was released, he's arrested and convicted of the murder of a local girl. His nephew was also arrested and convicted.
The series has incredible footage from the trial, but more importantly the police investigations and interviews which led to the convictions, plus in-the-moment interviews with just about everyone. It's a real insight at the US legal system and how venerable people can be manipulated to say the things someone wants them to say. Well worth checking out (you will need a Netflix account though).