Another proposed wave pool .

Now were being promised 2,400 waves per hour .
Occy has been appointed Surf Industry advisor.

"I've always loved the ocean........that's why I want to surf in a lake!" Credibility? Zero.

Sounds like there trying to sell this bullshit to some dumb rich bastard.......biggest load of crap ....10ft barrels ...........mmmmm sure.

hahahaahahahah. what the fuck. i got a chuckle from clicking on the 'team' tab. just marketing people in suits

They were holding a meeting in Manly tonight. Spruiking for investors?

No, a long way to go yet with this one. The proof of concept has to be built. Hence looking for investors.
Concept is interesting and most likely aimed for fun parks - that's the largest target group.

Another proposed wave pool on Tuesday night's news...Somewhere in Tweed Heads?
(Trash Talk) Toxic Marine Debris Island could be 196th country?
SBS (VICELAND )Tuesday 19th Dec 9:30 pm....That's less than half an hour, gotta go!

TBB...I've heard some talk to the same effect...a partially govt funded via Surfing Australia Slater wavepool in Tweed with a purpose to work in tandem with the HPC in preparation for 2020 Olympics...
Tell me it ain't so...

How good would it feel as a taxpayer to pay for a man made wave that you weren't allowed to surf ?
Best Evers ?

Apparently it will be open to the public but Surfing Australia have obviously hitched their gravy train wagon to the Olympic hoo-ha...

Maybe Northcoast TV news got crosswired on Tuesday night...Sorry Guys! (Pool's on hold!)
Same TV News(Tonight)+Tweed Daily News (Today Friday 22nd Dec) revealed a new story.
It could be a surf reserve proposal for a legendary Northern NSW bigtime surfbreak....?
I won't reveal more cause I reckon Swellnet are onto this + Local skegz are keen to shout it.
Same region does have other fresh news about north coast shark nets/drones.
Busy year on North Coast with councils barricading Super Heroes surf spots.
Silly Seasonings Neighbours! Happy double New Year to you too.

With a bit of luck , the Fed Govt will shut down the HPSC , and withdraw funding for the Olympics as the KPI's say that's what is destroying Australia's Competition Surfing Culture , so enough with the pools , especially Kelly's (25M$ USD just for a license!

Agree! Pro' surfing aids to assist professional surfers for amateur Olympics is a non event.

I hear on the grapevine that the wave pool at Rockhampton/Yepoon is having its first run this week with a few invited pro surfers to trial it ??

it's not official until lurker and creep of Instagram UDO has made it known

Let's see if they can turn them profitable. Snowdonia's been running as one of the longest, and their scheduling system adapts immediately, making sure their overheads are kept as low as possible.

TheMaharadscha (Snowdonia' Pool is a model for all the wrong reasons).
First: Some of the longest Wavepool operators...
1912-28 Budapest Gell'ert Wavepool is beyond WSL Divas dream setup! (open!)
1936 Portobello Wave Pool (6,000 seat surfboardriding Arena) WSL dream!
1939 Palintus Wave Pool runs surfboard-riding lessons.(Sill open!)
Snowdonia Wavepark impacts 20km of Nat Park + 20-30 kms of river reserve.
Wavepark has shut 5 x & drained the Wavepool 4x.
Mountain Reservoirs pipe to Hydro Plant taking 18 hrs to refill 6m gallon pool.
Wavegarden say "Dumping a Megaload of 'uv treated' water into river is fine!"
Maybe so, if it were anywhere else than Conwy river being UK #1 Floodway...
Wavepool takes 24hrs to drain the 6 million gallons into Conwy River.
Wavegarden's 1m ltrs/hr wastewater impacts on WH Castle/Royal Bird Reserve
Upstream release wastewater impacts on a Sovereign Nation's Grade 1 Castle.
note: Each daylong Wavepool dump supplies over a 1/4 million UK residents.
Snowdonia has wasted 2m residents drinking water supply (4x water in/out)
Humans utilise/recycle UV treated water. Snowdonia can't pond it so waste it!
Draining a pool of Town water is just not an issue as they don't pay for it in/out.
20th Century wave pools were fine only 21st century whiteshoe pools fail.
Surfer's logo on each Pool all wasting the world's water mid drought.
I've said it before. Wavepools suck more water than Nuclear power plants.
Pool operators claim Wave Parks are on Par with Golf Course water waste.
Ranch wastes 5x Golf Courses of water a day (1m ltrs-Wash & Evaporation)
Chlorine is fine for old school concrete Wavepools but eats thru Pool liners.
Chlorine affords water to pond but UV water must reticulate a fresh supply.
How URBNSURF turns PFAS & Airport runoff into Cheese & wine...Who Knows?

Good post, Weber's pool will dump into Logan river which hosts major aquaculture in it. If Slater puts a pool down on the Tweed, this hosts significant oyster farming. Would be interesting to hear what those farmers might have to say about the potential impact of all that pool slop being dumped in their farms.

What about all the power these wave pools are going to use. Maybe the developers/operators should use some of their millions investing in renewable energy. Then one day we may have wave pools running on power created by harvesting ocean wave energy. Oh the irony.

only way forward, to turn shitty wasted waves into better ones. or convert whole sections of energetic but onshore plagued coasts into groyned points. Lots of ways to do that, work with nature.

It's hard to imagine many of the currently proposed pools will be anymore than oversized birdbaths in a decades time. Really, Birmingham?
Then again, Waco?
But will the BSR park in Waco survive when other pools are built closer to the surf hubs of SoCal and Hawaii? Seems most of the clips coming out of there are young pros on the make, travelling on the sponsor's dime.
Speaking of, here's Nick Marshall, 17 years old from SoCal, and his act which has been honed in the BSR park.

I would say that the new wavegarden cove tech is the best quality wave (ocean like) and the most efficient (energy/wave count) tech available right now. The Yepoon plunge has to prove itself able to produce wave after wave without bumpy water and mechanical problems, for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.
On this most recent interview, they mentioned that even if a few modules break down the pool can keep pumping waves without problems as it uses independent modules. They could be repairing broken modules while the pool is still operating. Kelly's train and the aussie plunger cannot do that.
I found this on YouTube, I'm pretty sure this is the tech behind the Wavegarden Cove technology.
The kind of wave produced doesn't create too much turbulence behind it, so the one just behind will be usually clean faced and it also creates a light current against the wave sending surfers back to the top of the peak effortlessly while causing a ripbowl effect, making the wave hollower.
The Melbourne one is taking so long to get ready we might see the English one pumping first.

The new pools will be even better quality and better located so yes it will be harder for these currently operating ones to survive especially Snowdonia old tech.

It should be a globally enforced provision for a mandatory uppercut to anyone describing their hotel as an eco lodge.
Extra right hook if it’s built alongside the surfing version of a roller coaster.

So is the qld gov paying for it, or chipping in? Or is it wholey and soley KS/WSL funded and owned?


I reckon state and local will be chipping in for it too.
Releasing the PFAS into the ocean is part of their cunning plan to drive up demand for the wavepool ;^)

Qldurr does his bit to ride out wave pool epidemic
#1 swellnet exclusive respects original rough nut wavepool surfers
*Saltwater Fish Trap surfers
*River Baths Tidal swimmers & boat wake Surfers
*Ocean Baths bodysurfers + relic Grom splasherz of Dam's / Weirs...etc
*Artificial -Reefs / Islands / Groynes etc..(Too many to mention).
tbb will fight clean & keep it civil & orderly...nuthin' suss!
1969 Beenleigh / Nth GC - US Big Surf Wave Pool (Proposal)
1984 (15 yrs on- Cades County Wave Pool) Still open...Wave size decreased.
1986 Thunder River Rapids (Pool spiked overhead waves) (Closed) {R.I.P}
1992 South Bank Lagoon Beach success (*Brisbane -No Wave Pool proposals)
1997 Calypso Beach (River circuit loop fun)
1998 Toowoomba Wave Pool (Small scale wash) Popular!
2002 Whirlpool generated fast racing vortex rapid (Closed)
2006 Cave of Waves (Small long ride SA boardriders [L] wave pool)
2006 Dreamworld Flow Rider (Pacific leg' comps)
2010 Wet'n'Wild Flow Rider
2012 Toowoomba Wave Pool (proposal)
2013 Ipswich Wave Pool (proposal)
2013 Agnes Water (Bundy) $90m Wave Pool (Proposal)+ hand out
2014 Sunshine Park Wave Pool ACTVENTURE proposal (I'm right here...Guys!) s.o.s
2015 Yeppoon Wave Park vote (Planning) (now a plain pool) [14 kms > Surf Lakes]
2016 Strand Wave Pool @ Townsville in Planing Docs
2016 Cairns Flow Rider
2016 Cairns Theme park (Proposed) Lazy River / Flow wave
2016 Airlie Beach (proposed) Flow Rider + Flow barrel
2017 Surf Lakes naively framed Wave Pool on GC Spit Skyline? At a bad time!
2018 Breakwater Spit CST Marina (Re design beach into *Margs/*Angourie breaks)
2018 Mackay Esplanade Wave Pool feasibility study
2018 Tunnel Vision (Proposal) re: Alt Route Hwy + see Logan Whitewater Pool.
2018 WSL Wave Pool (Rumours of North GC > GC Airport locations)
2018/19 Surf Lakes Yeppoon Trials (see swellnet)
2018 Cairns Resort Surf Lagoon (Concept) design Plans (Very Large)
2019 Logan Olympic White Water Park by #1 Eco wave designer (bid)
2019 Coolum WSL Wave Pool proposal (see swellnet)+ re: 2014
2020 Gold Coast Surf Lakes (proposal)

can someone explain to me the general disdain for wave pools?

Wellll to put it simply, it’s not surfing.

Perth to finally get some swell-

Cost Blowout by 80 mill...farkn jesus

Must be going to be one hell of a pool.
I believe the parks blowout is $20M tho. Was supposed to be a $80M build now they are saying $100M because of construction cost increases. Still , that's a lot of coin.
The surf ranch cost about 30M USD.

Yep - Duh !
Has this one been posted before?