Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

floyd's picture
floyd started the topic in Monday, 10 Feb 2014 at 7:21pm

No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?

Slumber away ........

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Monday, 19 May 2014 at 11:53pm

Blindboy , just not a fan of the piss takers that cruel the situation for genuine cases and that we , as taxpayers , have to foot the bill for with money that could be dedicated to a more worthy cause just cause they think they can have a consequence free shot at taking us for fools.

Taking advantage of our charitable nature.

I don't enjoy it when a friends brother and his missus spend their fraudulently obtained pensions on piss , durries and pokies then front up at Vinnies using their kids as leverage to get handouts either . I see this as just more of the same.

Wouldn't say it was a moot point as a few of Floyd's other bullet points were a direct result of con men such as this requiring real dollars to settle their expense accounts.
Any money required to fund what is essentially a more comfortable lifestyle for this fella is debited against funds for hospitals etc thus requiring tax increases. Which I'm just as unhappy about as you and everyone else is.

Thanks for such a generous summation of the Swellnet readers Floyd. Like a few others on here I find all the parties as distasteful and as unrepresentative of my views as each other. No point favouring my dislike of any of them really. If you think Labour or the Greens are any better than the clowns you despise so much then your drunker than I am. They all make me crook.

barley's picture
barley's picture
barley Monday, 19 May 2014 at 11:24pm

Ahh floyd the labor stooge...all piss and wind..lets wait the 3 years and see what good/bad tony and his cronies have done!! After all we gave kevin and julia 7yrs and look how we ended up!! If the gov were a business they 'd be in receivership..I dont mind the cutting of the welfare..I know some people who put harder work into staying on welfare then they would working a job..I also know people who have been at uni for 10yrs cause they can..now I have to pay to get the country back on track because some dero's didnt realise that wallets have a bottom in them!! Has anyone seen a boat?

mick63's picture
mick63's picture
mick63 Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 7:18am

Barley, it’s not only the welfare being cut, it’s funding for schools and health also, surely that is something to be concerned about. I don’t know about you, but I’m not too pleased that “I have to pay” for the stay at home mums when they have a baby, regardless of their income, while some kid from a low income family in small regional town is going to find it harder to get to uni or get proper health care if they need it. There’s plenty of funding for infrastructure so plenty of new roads and that’s a bonanza for the finance industry and engineers. The head of Leighton actually said in the last few days that he believes all the political donations and dinners attended by his firm helped sway the governments thinking. So they took a leaf out of Gina’s book and stuffed a few pollies with beef and chardonnay and reaped the rewards. If Australia was a business it wouldn’t be in receivership as it has one of the highest credit ratings available and it is paying its’ debts. There are plenty of ways to raise more revenue than cutting welfare, do something about the doleys for sure I 100% agree with you there, but how about getting rid of family trusts that just about every politician and well healed have set up? They pay fuck all in tax for no benefit to anyone except themselves, talk about some heavy lifting, why is there no mention of that little rort?, plenty of revenue to be found in that pot of gold. Why not charge extra for mining royalties like some of the Scandinavian countries instead of letting all the money go overseas or to just a few individual companies. No doubt Labor fucked things up but they didn’t fuck up everything and the level of debt is overblown and part of the marketing strategy from this new government so they can get through their agenda. You don't really have to pay extra, they just want YOU to pay extra so they don't.

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 11:24am

Haven't voted for the ALP in over a decade barley so I'm hardly their stooge. I agree there needed to be a change of government but my point is the LNP government 100s of thousands of Australians voted for is not the one they got with the litany of lies and broken promises.

So how does it feel to be so blatantly lied to by a group of politicians?

For me, I'm not surprised at all about Abbott and his performance and lies once in government. What he has done since being elected is what conservatives do; in the great ideological race to the bottom welfare and any expenditure on the punter is slashed while the big end of town continue to smoke cigars. Anyone who thought differently is a fool.

All these cuts announced in the budget don't even pay for Abbott's PPL scheme over the next 4 years for example. So the sick, unemployed, pensioners and university students will do some heavy lifting so that new mothers on high incomes can get a cash grab. Find an economist in the country that thinks that is a good idea barley even if we have a manufactured budget emergency.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 5:47pm

Gillard was crucified by Abbott for breaking one promise, rusted on liberal stooges cant see anything wrong with Abbotts total Jeckle and Hyde triple backflips since lying his way into Govt. Go figure, I guess born to privilege pompous twits aren't subject to the same rules as us peasants.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 8:06am

Hey, old dog.... Having a "pedigree" in politics..get it...pedigree.... :p..... Don't give yourself any grief about rusted on conservatives, or superglued socialists..... They will never EVER win you an election... The will always vote for their tribe...
It's the 10 - 15% of the populace we all call the "floating voter" that decides the outcome of every election.... Win that crowd over and you will form government.... Of the say 15%, around 1/2 are quite discerning, and aren't fooled by deception....The other 1/2 are a bit more flip floppy, and may chop and change depending on the issues AT the election, not 2 1/2 years before...
So, I'd say Abbott has cooked 5 -7% of the vote..... Only a golden run can save him now.....

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 5:55pm

@Sheepdag , yeah, can't argue with that ,well said, although I reckon 14.73% of the 15% will remember how Abbott shafted them once he got their vote for the rest of their pitiful over-taxed lives. Lets face it T.A.
would bugger his Grandma's poodle if he thought it was worth a few votes. Cheers .

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 1:33am


Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 9:18pm

Blowin, if you do yourself up as a bangkok ladyboy, I might consider it.... But no kissing....
Man, everything in perspective...... I don't mind paying tax. But what I do mind is radical ideology disguised as "medicine"....

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 10:42pm

No kissing ?! That'll cost you double.

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 8:41am

Poorest families pay most in budget


So how does it feel to be lied to and then fleeced?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 9:01am

Birmingham goes in hard (but fair):

'This is what privilege looks like'

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 10:04am

I'm glad there is something we agree on stu...... I never thought I'd say Turnbull is looking like a good option..... For now.....

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 10:16am

Turnbull still has the 'born to rule' attitude but he's got a few qualities that I like. For one, he's less Machiavellian than just about anyone else in Australian politics right now (outside of the Greens, that is), so he's prepared to vote on conscience, and his journalism background means he has more regard for the role of media. Less spin, less cynicism.

He'd be the only small L liberal with a portfolio, wouldn't he? 

leckiep's picture
leckiep's picture
leckiep Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 2:10pm

Not too many small 'l' liberals in the Liberals me thinks Stunet.

And you get the impression that he was originally handed his portfolio (aka the job of defending the 'copper magic' NBN) as a punishment for past transgressions; it's testament to his strength as a salesman that he's been able to defend it...

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 3:34pm

Loved the link Stu and the richly deserved appellation at the end. Abbott has always been some sort of weirdo, the type who never escape the creepier aspects of their Catholic upbringing and are still prepared to kiss the ring to get ahead. And if a man is to be judged by the company he keeps then Smokin'Joe with his sneer and contempt for anyone who doesn't share his toxic political philosophy and Christopher Paininthearse, with his pout and his pumped up outrage at the target of the day, mark Abbott as so far outside the mainstream of Australian culture as to be incomprehensible to all but the tiny section of the population who share his particular brand of warped and distorted quasi-religious politics. But we should probably be grateful, he has done more to undermine the shallow and vicious free market philosophy than its opponents could ever have hoped.
Sorry Tony but this isn't the US. The centre of Australian politics is a long way to the left of you and your mates, stuck out there waving your pathetic policies while your anachronistic beliefs and attitudes hang around like a stale digestive odour emananating from the wrong orifice. So full of shit it has backed up and is coming out of your mouths.

mick-free's picture
mick-free's picture
mick-free Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 11:47pm


I don't know how you can call that fair.

A Prime Minister who uses your money, taken from your pocket, by the Tax Office he controls, to party hard at weddings, surf carnivals, anything. quote from John Birmingham. I don't know journalism but thats pretty ordinary writing.

You guys put yourself in a tough position if Abbott turns around and wins the next election. Classic sell though from the liberals - go Ballistic from the kick off. Didn't Costello do the same with a tough first up budget when Howard government came to power?

Without mining Australia is another NZ hovering above the recession line. People don't realise that Mining companies just put everything on hold EOFY 2013 awaiting a change of government. The country would be hurtling towards a massive hole if Labor were returned to power. The trillions worth of mining investment was ongoing throughout the Labor era (largely as result of political stability from Howard era - projects and decisions take years to complete) but left 500 Billion worth of projects on the cutting room floor until it was obvious the liberals would be returning to office.

Forecast debt is $600 Billion. Anyone comfortable with that number?

Shits gotta change. I will give you one example as a small business. My installer quit his job last month (too expensive in Sydney) bought a house on the Gold Coast and is now on the dole, positively geared and just surfs. Before giving him a job he was on welfare for the previous 10 years abusing the system. He gave it a go but fiqured out he's better off not working, but going surfing everyday. Great move.

Currently Social Media going bananas on Abbott. Everytime I click on my fb I get another link to some fuck up disaster Abbott is causing. So I decided to go into the latest story regarding the 60K scholarship at Whitehouse Design Institute. It was a scholarship by the Managing Director and owner Leanne Whitehouse, the second of which in 25 years that has ever been granted. Being a private institution its totally up to the MD to make a decision on the grant to Frances (The Chairman has come out and he has said nothing to do with it). Whether this was a move to sway Abbott politically is largely irrelevant don't you think. The fact that Tony has come to power will only benefit the private institution Whitehouse Design. In business this is a part of strategic planning, much like having a box for the cricket, footy. Think its any different at Harvard? Its the old story - its not what you know. However there would be a massive problem if it turns out Frances was a dud designer (doesn't seem to be the case - graduated with distinction, working in Melbourne and doing her Masters in Design). I have absolutely no problem with Frances being awarded the Scholarship if it was on Merit.

Personally I don't vote so politically I get what I am given. It's a fascinating politically landscape with the democracy alive and well, with the ability of all people to air their opinions so easily on social media. It's a great country where everyone is comfortable in letting Pauline be allowed a political voice (to be chastised correctly), for Rudd to come into power, for Labor to have their opportunity to fuck it up completely and for Tony to be gifted the gig by Nick MInchin. Its up to the Liberal government now. Apart from knowing the full details of the TPP, this is one area where I have some real concerns. For the rest of this bullshit - we are in a user pays society unless everyone wants to pay a shit load more taxes and we can be like Sweden.

It's not popular running the other way...but getting back to you Floyd. Australian car industry manufacturing is over-subsidised jaugernaaut and its gotta die unless you and the other 5million car owners are going to buy Aussie made cars and fly Qantas. Here's another example, currently I am manufacturing a new product - here's my costs. Tool maker in Australia $60k plus Super etc. per year Indonesian tool maker $2.5k US. per year. Plus comparisons with warehousing. With that money I have saved I can ship 10 containers anywhere in the world to customers. Its over its dead pffttt goodbye manufacturing in Australia. Even if Abbott gave me 100grand of taxpayers money I wouldn't stay.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 23 May 2014 at 8:29am

"we are in a user pays society" Except the biggest users of all don't pay. Ever heard of tax minimisation, family trusts, business expenses(wink, wink), tax havens and the numerous methods the genuinely wealthy have of avoiding paying their fair share. You want examples. I could give you plenty of people whose actual income is multiples of mine who pay a fraction of the tax I pay.
I think you have missed the point completely mick. The biggest problem Abbott faces is that most Australians, unlike their US counterparts, believe in a fair go and that means we are most comfortable somewhere well to the right of complete welfare states but well to the left of the US. Abbott, with his bizarre life experiences (seminary, Oxford Uni) has completely lost touch with that. The current threesome of Abbott, Hockey and Pyne are just a a bunch of over-privileged private school boys who have never done it tough for a single moment in their lives. The budget screws the genuinely disadvantaged while not touching the genuinely wealthy and imposing only a mild temporary tax increase in the upper bracket of PAYE tax payers. You can get away with a lot in politics but I don't think you can get away with this in Australia today.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 8:30am

Hey Mick,

Things have been going a bit nuts on social media, eh? Amongst the mayhem I've found myself humming the tune to the song 'Fortunate Son' by Creedence Clearwater Revival: 

"Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand
Lord, don't they help themselves, y'all
But when the taxman comes to the door
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yeah

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one, no"

The timing is just spot on; we're made aware a politician's daughter was gifted a scholarship when said politician tells us we all have to make sacrifices for the country (not to mention the $4.5 million renovation to the Lodge, signed off by Abbott under dubious cirumstances). Personally I think Birningham was on the money, there was no sign of improprietry with the scholarship it's just how the political class rolls - Lord dont they help themselves, y'all.

As for welfare...well, it's unfortunate your installer made that decision. But remember he is an exception, and more importantly he is breaking the law. Put it this way, the law tells us we have to wear seatbelts, except a small percentage choose not to wear seatbelts. But that doesn't mean we should do away with the law of wearing seatbelts. You'd only do that if you had some ideological opposition to seatbelts...

And mining, not sure where you got the info that mining companies were on hold for a change of government. It may be the case (though I tend to disagree) but I think the stronger argument is on the supply side with growth in China stalling over the last 24 months. 

Don't have much to say about the car industry. Don't feel strongly either way. My polical values aren't driven by labour rights, they're driven by human rights. Which is currently the wedge driving through the Labor party and they'll never get my vote till they've resolved those issues.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 23 May 2014 at 8:32am

"there was no sign of improprietry it's just how the political class rolls

Absolutely Stu, it's not the illegal things they do that are the problem. It's the legal ones.

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Friday, 23 May 2014 at 9:14am

Yeah like forgotten bottles of $3,000 grange or being paid $200,000 for 45 hours work in 12 months with the potential of a $20m bonus .... nothing illegal about that. And the $200,000 man was arguing about the need to include travel time to justify the income and of course lets not all forget that this is also the highly principled individual who was/is a minister in the Abbott government who wants to water down consumer protections against financial advisors.

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 9:16am
stunet wrote:

My polical values aren't driven by labour rights, they're driven by human rights.

What has become clearly obvious since the budget dropped is that a large % of Australian citizens feel the same way.

Then of course is the serious breach of trust, through absolute, "in ya face" dishonesty, more so than any other time in recent political history.


then read


old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 9:24am

Howard had 11 years of gold falling from the sky but his over generous middle class welfare built structural problems into future revenue forecasts. As soon as Labor got in the GFC (Libs still wont even acknowledge even occurred) hit slashing the amount of incoming revenue .Sure, Labor wasted a lot but saved a lot of jobs with stimulus spending shielding us from the full impact of the global downturn. The Libs keep blaming Labor for the deficit for political gain but any economist will tell you that if they had been in power when the GFC hit the debt would have only been slightly lower. Prior to the last election Abbott promised even more than Labor knowing full well he wouldn't deliver, the adults are back in charge ,unfortunately they are a bunch of pricks.

mick-free's picture
mick-free's picture
mick-free Friday, 23 May 2014 at 9:26am

Agree Blindboy regarding the higher income but you're mad given the environment you don't do the same. There is no better environment for anyone in Australia to go out and start a business, build a career. Tax reform is absolutely necessary but it won't happen. I believe in a low income tax Flat rate eg 30% and a much higher GST, but this would be hugely unpopular given these are the current rates paid at present.

$30,000 pays $2,250 in tax
$40,000 pays $4,750 tax
$50,000 pays $8,300 tax
$60,000 pays $11,800 tax
$70,000 pays $15,350 tax
$80,000 pays $18,700 tax
$90,000 pays $22,600 tax
$100,000 pays $26,500 tax
$180,000 pays $57,000 in tax

My point was mainly that Media takes a story (aka the Whitehouse) and turns in to fit their agenda in this case Birminghams.

Stu, info come from State Manager supply of Heavy Industrial Mining Equipment. There's only two main suppliers. Basically a lot of projects, Capex's were frozen in 2013 until it was obvious the Federal government was gone.

No seatbelts in Bali haha and you can drink and drive too....just don't get caught. In Australia there's no better country to go out and give it a go. Hopefully it stays that way and we can afford to pay for us when we are all on the pension!!!

Blindboy didn't you vote for your MP the PM?

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 23 May 2014 at 9:36am

All the ideological stuff aside Abbott lied. He just lied! After hounding Gillard for 3 years over the carbon tax lie he did exactly the same thing but 10 times worse!

Remember this image? He signed it. Signed in blood as he would say. It was plastered across billboards, and newspapers across the country before the last election. Here it is again. We should not let him forget it!

salt's picture
salt's picture
salt Friday, 23 May 2014 at 10:14am

Your right YS, i said give him a chance, we debated the fact. I gave him a chance, he can go and get fucked. He is a cock head. I've given up on politics they are all fucktards.

mick-free's picture
mick-free's picture
mick-free Friday, 23 May 2014 at 10:24am

Haha great photo YS!!!! What was he thinking? Must be a trip when you get into power and just throw everything out the window

abc-od's picture
abc-od's picture
abc-od Friday, 23 May 2014 at 10:25am
mick-free wrote:

People don't realise that Mining companies just put everything on hold EOFY 2013 awaiting a change of government. The country would be hurtling towards a massive hole if Labor were returned to power. The trillions worth of mining investment was ongoing throughout the Labor era (largely as result of political stability from Howard era - projects and decisions take years to complete) but left 500 Billion worth of projects on the cutting room floor until it was obvious the liberals would be returning to office.

Mining companies "put everything on hold" because growth in China and India has levelled out and they could afford to wait and see what the government would do. Tax minimisation, you said it yourself. Anyone who seriously thinks mining companies are going elsewhere need to understand that few countries have both mineral deposits AND a stable political situation.

Norway and Canada are the exceptions but they're the models we should be aiming for.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 23 May 2014 at 10:36am

Good onya salt for having the balls to admit you gave him a chance, nobody else will admit they voted for him, its like it was a rigged election, but that couldn't happen in Australia could it?

Mick free raises some good points though, the peasants are going feral on FB and it is a bit much, Labor fucked everything up, everything! no Midas touch, they had the portaloo touch, $600 billion is not a number I am comfortable with, and the way Labor dismiss it shows they are incompetent with financial matters. but old dog is right Howard threw so much money around buying votes it was a big opportunity lost, and Abbott has the same plan, cut like fuck, and then buy everyone back the year before the election.

If Abbott didn't make such a big deal about one lie that developed through negotiations, he might have got away with it, but he made a big deal, a really big deal. Then made some really big lies, preconceived ones, that's way worse than Gillard.

The scholarship thing, unbelievable, yeh its up to them who they give it to, but you would think at least one side of the transaction would think, hmmm hang on this wont look good, but no they didn't even think about it, because as stunet says that is how that end of town roll, unbelievable arrogance.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 23 May 2014 at 11:28am

YS's photo is a beauty, and the way I read "...under any GOVT I lead" means any GOVT this term and any future GOVT terms, Its gonna be fun holding him to that.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 12:59pm

The hypocrisy of Abbotts mob is breathtaking, when labor was in the libs blocked and obstructed everything possible even if it was a good idea, because it wasn't their idea, e.g. the Malaysia solution (they were scared it might work ) then he had the gall to say " Don't blame us , it's the Govt.'s job to get things through the parliament". Now the shoe is on the other foot he says "Blame the opposition ,they are wreckers blocking our bills." As usual one set of rules for them and one for everyone else.
I'm looking forward to when the faceless boogey men of the Liberal party knife Abbott in the back and wheel out Turnbull before the next election, even though he's a born to rule silver-tail he seems like a half decent chap, (not that he'd get my vote ).
If Abbott stopped talking down the economy and trying to scare the shit out of everyone consumer confidence would be back on track by now and revenue would be starting to flow back into Govt. coffers, he is like a self fulfilling prophecy. Now he is calling Bill Shorten a winger, that's a tad rich .

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 1:56pm

After all this time in opposition, talking down the economy, Abbott has not made the transition to power comfortably... Old dog, there is a chance that this talking down, done by the government, may put us into a recession with consumer confidence nosediving by the minute....

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:26pm
old-dog wrote:

If Abbott stopped talking down the economy and trying to scare the shit out of everyone consumer confidence would be back on track by now and revenue would be starting to flow back into Govt. coffers, he is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Now he is calling Bill Shorten a winger, that's a tad rich.

One of the big issues is that Australia was doing too well economically coming out of the GFC, we had low public debt (high private debt, but that doesn't count in this context), we were paying that public debt back and were well on track to being not just the strongest OECD economy by a long shot, but perhaps the strongest, well positioned country economically outside of the OPEC nations. Abbott (read puppet) had no choice in talking the economy down as instructed from higher powers than himself, and I’m not talking about his fancy sky god.

Now, the flip side is we were breaking the shackles of the IMF and World Bank far too soon for their liking, something which did not bode well for the US plan of a global economic empire (the Trans Pacific Partnership being the first major step in a long, drawn out working plan that had its origins in Iran_1951-53) and the US needs to hold onto Australia for various strategic economic and defense scenarios. This hold is best carried through public debt, the higher the debt, the tighter the hold.

Labor was not going to sign the TPP as it stood, the Liberals were, on the face of it champing at the bit to sign, when in reality Abbott and his stooges are just the front men for a far deeper plan for Australia. We are a key in gaining control of the major percentage of the Asia/Pacific rim GDP (40% of the world’s GDP contained therein). With control of that 40%, this enables the US it's final push for a single, global economy, presided over by a select few.

Look at funding for infrastructure that was over forecast, like the (false) future electricity infrastructure needs (why power prices went high, not Co2 Tax related), building of Desalination plants (WA & SA) for multiple billions that are now being mothballed (there were alternatives on the table in the realm of millions, not billions but ignored) and now the funding for massive road infrastructure improvements. These are about securing massive loans from the IMF and World Bank. By doing so, we stay indebted to the system that allows us to be controlled both economically and strategically. If Australia then happens to default on, or falls behind, the big boys get their pound of flesh no questions asked - that pound being open access to natural resources, military installation and control of domestic politics. This is modus operandi of organisations like http://www.giz.de/en/html/about_giz.html who provide high level, secret lobbyists and economic forecasters for the benefit of scenarios listed above. It used to be just developing nations that were subject to such actions, however in these modern times all economies are fair game.

Think I'm barking up the wrong tree; just ask Gough Whitlam how it worked out for him...and his nemisis, at the time close CIA/NSA associate, Governor General John Kerr.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:36pm

Wow TGF!!!!! Like, WOW!!!! Very interesting.....

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:36pm
Sheepdog wrote:

After all this time in opposition, talking down the economy, Abbott has not made the transition to power comfortably... Old dog, there is a chance that this talking down, done by the government, may put us into a recession with consumer confidence nosediving by the minute....

This is exactly where Abbott (and above) wants the economy...gives justification to his cry wolf scenario of the budget emergency and how fucked Labor left things. Then the real wolfs come in, the IMF and World Bank to raise Australias once meager public debt levels to new, hair raising heights. All the while crying from the highest parapit, "it's Labor's fault I tell ya".

Abbott is nothing more than a sociopath, so it doesn't matter how many times he lies and gets caught out, in his feeble mind he will always be the righteous and just man.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:39pm

TGF, sometimes you'll find me stirring the conservative pot over at Bolts website..... I might see you there one day, "fighting the good fight"...... Just look for "heretic'..... Or something that sounds like that ;)

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:43pm
Sheepdog wrote:

Wow TGF!!!!! Like, WOW!!!! Very interesting.....

Well, lets just say as things stand on the global economic and politcal chess board, we're fucked and there is nigh we can do about it. What is needed is a complete downfall of the current paradigm of capatalism (greed is good and constant growth in a finite world of resources) for any positive change to take place.

The very first move on that chess board is to break the dominance of oil, and the thinking that the world cannot operate without oil.

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:49pm

Very insightful tripper! Makes alot of sense, after all the IMF would be hard pressed squeezing much more out of many of the worlds' basket case economies these days? You can't squeeze water out of a stone. However our fat and juicy economy is ripe for a squeezing. And with such an easily manipulated main stream media it couldn't be simpler!

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:54pm

Here's an interesting little read. Must be scary being a conservative sometimes knowing that one day the peasants may want to rise up and take some of your toys away....

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Friday, 23 May 2014 at 2:55pm

Well, tripper, I had to drive three days in a row from South of the huon to Hobart airport...... Now, it's all well and good saying what you said above re' "oil", but the fact is, right where we stand now, You and I would not be having this chat without oil..... To get a sailing boat to bring us our computers from china would take quite a while...... Last time our hydro electric power down here in tassie was cut off due to a storm, the emergency worker didn't come down by horse and cart to fix it..........
What do you suggest, TGF?

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3:11pm

Sheepdog, I know it WOW alright...I'll give ya a scenario of how these Economic Hit Men (EHM) as they are known in the business operate. GIZ is one of these providers of EHM that in effect work for the CIA, NSA, IMF, World Bank and the true holders of economic/political power in this world. They also have direct links with global construction companies like Haliburton, who carry a big political stick themselves, think Dick Cheyney and Haliburton and the money made through war. War is a racket after all.

Let’s say we have an undeveloped nation that wants to bring it people out of poverty.
The first step in doing so is to provide electricity to the population, with power comes the ability to provide clean water (with billion $ contracts for such infrastructure) and so on and so on.

So an EHM will be brought in to give forecast of the required electrical infrastructure required and the 10yr forecast in infrastructure growth required.
In reality, the forecast growth will be around 6-8% over that 10yr period, however the job of the EHM is to garner massive loans from the IMF/WB that he knows the developing nation can never repay and can be guaranteed to default on.
So old mate will inflate the forecast by, say 10% to 16-18% growth, thus ensuring the loan required is in the multi-billions, and his job is to make sure that inflated forecast is watertight.

The deal is done, the contracts go to the likes of Haliburton, the money never really leaves to US (just goes on a paper shuffle), the loans defaults, the US gets it’s pound of flesh - gets to directly control domestic politics, tenders more contracts to the likes of Haliburton for oil exploration, building of military bases, military training of local defense forces, weapons sales and on it goes.

All the while these construction,oil, military training and weapon sale companies have direct political ties, either politicians who are board members or have direct influence over policy making.

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3:28pm
Sheepdog wrote:

Well, tripper, I had to drive three days in a row from South of the huon to Hobart airport...... Now, it's all well and good saying what you said above re' "oil", but the fact is, right where we stand now, You and I would not be having this chat without oil..... To get a sailing boat to bring us our computers from china would take quite a while...... Last time our hydro electric power down here in tassie was cut off due to a storm, the emergency worker didn't come down by horse and cart to fix it..........
What do you suggest, TGF?

I'm fully aware of how hamstrung we are by our reliance on oil at this moment in time...but there are technologies out there that can go a long way to relieving a lot of that pressure.

Take for instance the Tesla electric car (yes, I know it takes oil to produce). A friend of mine owns one, with full solar and wind off the grid setup at this home. He has not set foot in a servo in two years, with the only oil based product he's had to perchase is one set of tires since new. With the Tesla needing oil to produce, the amount required would lessen over time if alternatives were to be considered.

I'm not suggesting the knee jerk reaction of "stop oil NOW", I know that's not feasable, but with careful planning, reliance could be reduced by 50% over the next 20yrs or so with current technology. But the way it stands, much of the oil industry buys up said alternative patents and sit tight, all the while increasing dependance on black gold.

It's the dominance of oil that is the issue, not the use of oil itself. Like with any good marketing machine, we are led to believe that the world cannot survive without the dominance of oil in everyday life, that quite frankly is just another headline dreamt up by the same dream teams as used by Abbott.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3:32pm
salt wrote:

Your right YS, i said give him a chance, we debated the fact. I gave him a chance, he can go and get fucked. He is a cock head. I've given up on politics they are all fucktards.

Like wise salt.
Here here :)
Bamboozles me so much I feel sick in the head.
You guys and girls debating this should run for.............
..........the hills:)

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3:37pm

Haliburton, Really TGF......?

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3:52pm
wellymon wrote:

Haliburton, Really TGF......?

Haliburton have far more pies going on than just a straight up oil company, and have had for many years with deep political influence and affiliation, deeper than any company should have...lets call it diversification, water, power infrastructure and generation, influence over domestic politics for commercial gain in developing nations with lots of goodies of interest to be extracted, catering and services to war - the racket of war is awesome...they were charging $25usd for a single disposible plate in the soldiers mess in the Iraq war, no profiteering going on there at all. That contract was given under the watch of Vice Pre Dick Cheyney when he was also sitting on the Hali board.

inzider's picture
inzider's picture
inzider Friday, 23 May 2014 at 4:22pm

You guys should read ''the shock doctrine'' by Naomi Klein. It blew me away.
Really good book about the rise of disaster capitalism,
here is a link of Naomi expaining key arguement of book.

here is a link to a PDF of some of the book

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Friday, 23 May 2014 at 5:16pm

Geez TGF, great insight and well said, just ended up reading your posts, I never knew Haliburton have such a huge input, I see this company on all the rigs I work on.....? never thought that of their justification.

Quote TGF "It's the dominance of oil that is the issue, not the use of oil itself. Like with any good marketing machine, we are led to believe that the world cannot survive without the dominance of oil in everyday life, that quite frankly is just another headline dreamt up by the same dream teams as used by Abbott."

I hear you, well explained cheers.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 23 May 2014 at 5:37pm

Never underestimate the power of Transfield.

mick-free's picture
mick-free's picture
mick-free Friday, 23 May 2014 at 5:38pm

Great input! Great stuff just flicked through stoked this thread went off today. Will have a proper read after the footy finishes!

trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet's picture
trippergreenfeet Friday, 23 May 2014 at 5:38pm
Sheepdog wrote:

TGF, sometimes you'll find me stirring the conservative pot over at Bolts website..... I might see you there one day, "fighting the good fight"...... Just look for "heretic'..... Or something that sounds like that ;)

I haven't ventured over to Bolt's dark side as yet, I'll have to check it out.
I can be found doing the same on Oz Politic and Political Animal as 'fezz', giving the rusted ons from both camps a bit of a gee up.