All Things Religion Thread

There’s something in the air and Russel’s feeling it.
Good for him I hope he does well… steps though go slow ….don't outrun God.
I see a lot of celebrities stumble because they run ahead of Jesus instead of by His side….taking it all in ….slow and steady….let the master lead.

something in the air alright..

You’ve done the fart thing as Jelly already…your tripping over your other characters again…..Russel's having a go …should be happy for him.

oops, I forgot.. got me!
Russel's having a go alright..

Optimist wrote:You’ve done the fart thing as Jelly already…your tripping over your other characters again…..Russel's having a go …should be happy for him.
B6 and JF are two different people (as is everyone else on that list aside from Blue Diamond/SouthernRaw)
But while we're on the topic of multiple personalities, the commenter who magically materialized yesterday, the lover of democracy, does not come from the US, and also comments on Swellnet under another handle.
Imagine it, a grown man faking a dumb American accent - written no less - to persuade strangers on the internet the value of his beliefs.

Ok I’ll run with that and that’s good to know. I had my suspicions after a few very similar and odd posts and at near same timeframes late at night when I was up once. ….then the green guy made the list and I assumed he was in some security role somewhere…..but if you say so I’m good with that and stand corrected.

well, the dream is over @Opti, it was a point of pride for those of us you entrusted with being your Rev 12:3 and 13:1–2.. even if it meant being John's Rev 12:9 to your obvious piety and godliness.
Anyhoo, the upside may be that you now treat people like people on here.

If the Dude man isn’t Opti it’s gotta be Blowin.

gsco @seeds.

Oh that’s right. basesix caught him in a typo or something. Forgot about him because he’s been scarce around here. Blowin is off the left but not quite a raving right wing nut job.

haha. Indeed!

who knows..? maybe a meager poster, maybe someone like sypkan or bonza craving jazzy cornflakes for brekky.. sippy was pretty adamant that gsco wasn't green room. it was an illuminating time though, watching those who clapped with glee at the bogus posts.

I wonder where his vanlife has taken him? Hopefully somewhere near the sea where he can relax and unwind.

If mkII was legit, he got a job punching code.

Shit mkII. I forgot he mark tood. I really don’t commit too much to memory do I? Maybe that’s a good thing.

basesix wrote:well, the dream is over @Opti, it was a point of pride for those of us you entrusted with being your Rev 12:3 and 13:1–2.. even if it meant being John's Rev 12:9 to your obvious piety and godliness.
Anyhoo, the upside may be that you now treat people like people on here.
Didn't know you read the bible!!

yeh, every night before I turn in, your old man Opti got me on to it ; )
(hectic and sad news from yr family's local.. very sorry to hear it)

basesix wrote:yeh, every night before I turn in, your old man Opti got me on to it ; )
(hectic and sad news from yr family's local.. very sorry to hear it)
Yeah terrible, I went out there at 8am didn't even know it happened till lunch time, parked in the other car park.

- green room isn't legit hahaha
Who would've thought, he seemed oh so clever and all
- now he's been found out, maybe rusty can fill in and tweak flopti's nips ;);)

Thinking about Russell more, who knows maybe he is genuine in this found god thing, he has had quite a roller coaster of a life, those people often tend to get religious.
"Was born in Grays, Essex, in 1975. His parents separated when he was six months old, after which he was raised by his mother
When he was eight, his mother was diagnosed with cancer, and he went to live with relatives while she was treated.
At the age of 14, he began suffering from bulimia, while at 16 he fell out with his mother's new partner and started taking drugs."
Including becoming addicted to heroin latter on.
Got famous as a comedian, TV presenter, actor, sex addict and done a whole host of other crazy shit, and now has this rape thing to deal with.

Indo said “ Thinking about Russell more”
Why oh why?

Yes Jelly it appears I owe you an apology. I thought wrongly that there were other sides to you from the assumed alter egos. Some deeper thinkers some more philosophical some actually interested in scripture , nature etc etc…..had me confused and maybe some hope…but no my mistake…your a singular character…a one off angry violent Jew and Christian hater and for getting that all wrong I am very sorry….and as you say…carry on.

Awww…hang on a minute, these Christian apologies seem a bit off.

Jelly the Jew ;)??

seeds wrote:Indo said “ Thinking about Russell more”
Why oh why?
Ha ha I just find it fascinating when people get religious.
I know lots of surf guide's from Mentawais as worked out there a season, some are just hardcore loose as can be every trip they are surfing hard and drinking a lot with the guest, its bassicaly like a none stop weekend from your partys days and then they get time off and they skip over to Singapore or Jakarta sleep with as many hookers as possible and do all kinds of crazy drugs in countries you can get the death penalty for.
You get the picture, anyway the other month a facebook post pops up from one of the guys that went harder than most first post in years, and here he is all these pics of him being baptized and a gone pretty full on turned to god, even got the preach god speak thing happening.
Its just such an eye opener, and hard to understand how people can become believer's.

Hahaha flopti
- the bit about you being confused ;);)
Yep, plenty of confusion on your front
- and false accusations, and false theories and continued all round falsity ;)
& you now wanna try push more bs about others being 'angry violent' haha
- geez you are an immortal hypocrite.
Just a reminder of your recommendation for war strategy regarding Iran ;);)
- "cut the head of the snake"
^ that's a lovely peaceful suggestion about bombing another country!
- how tender and gracious and ummm peaceful ;)
Didn't know followers of jebus encouraged and condoned violence ooops
- this new age doctrine is fabulous for charlatan lawd frauds. Go flopti!
You've certainly got the flanders meltdown capability, and more ;)
- nothing quite like a slippery lil snake professing to be a christian, whilst angrily calling for violent retribution haha
- carry on ;);)

Indo , At some point God calls you. We can all run but cannot hide for long.
Sooner or later there is a choice to be made….everyone feels it at some point in time and in different ways but the call does come whether in a time of desperation or a time of seeking what’s what.
Brutus loved Lee strobel, he was gunna prove Christianity a myth ….a what’s what guy….gathered extensive and exhaustive evidence…then turned and surrendered to Christ.
Me , I was over myself…actually still am ha ha….such a long journey but I was a desperation guy….i knew there was more , I could feel it and challenged God to reveal Himself…….Well that was that…..never looked back…
Maybe that answers your question.
PS I see my previous comment has awakened the beast….ha ha…..takes all kinds I suppose.

Optimist wrote:Yes Jelly it appears I owe you an apology. I thought wrongly that there were other sides to you from the assumed alter egos. Some deeper thinkers some more philosophical some actually interested in scripture , nature etc etc…..had me confused and maybe some hope…but no my mistake…your a singular character…a one off angry violent Jew and Christian hater and for getting that all wrong I am very sorry….and as you say…carry on.
While you're eating humble pie and apologising for falsely accusing some of us being one and the same .............. I'm waiting for repentance @opti but not in the backhanded passive aggressive way you went @JF^^^ ......... and sincere thanks for I've adopted the role of earthly penance giver so you get to see your god all the quicker .... "Oh Lord grant me thy penance on this earth"

I forgot about you frowny….another aggro nut….you two can’t possibly be married can you ….no one could live with your miserable souls…..
…keep riding that ci mid though as Britt Merricks born again Christian anointing may rub off on you…….yep there’s hope even for you.

Haha flopti
- talking of awakening the beast ;)
Ummmm, he 'revealed' himself
- and u ummm 'felt it' ;);)
And then u came to your senses
- yep, desperado ;)
Hahaha, badoing badoing badoing!

….. and you can count on me waiting for you this Sunday @opti


I’m partial to an alternative news source these days. The podcast bros. Whatever. The algorithm feeds them to me now. Can’t deny the algorithm. Shows you who you are, as opposed to how you see yourself. Bit like golf, how the algorithm exposes your character flaws.
Had RB on the other day. Jabbering in the background. About Albo, Musk and the commissar at Australia’s Ministry of Truth. Not properly listening. He’s preaching to the converted on this one. Even though I haven’t got new the app. Yet. The way I’m going.
RB’s quoting Albo. My ears prick up. I nearly spit my coffee across the room. Albo’s been denigrating, mocking even, the very concept of free speech. In concert with Jackie Lambie. Jeez I thought, Albo would never say that. Surely. Say what you will about him, but jeez, he’s a canny politician, weighs his words with the best of ‘em. He’d never put his foot in it like that. He would never even think like that. Would he? Does he really want to control what we can think, and say, to that extent? He’s now a card carrying member of the Censorship Industrial Complex? Jeez. No!
But it’s Russell. And I’m an awakened wonder.
Alarmed now, I have a gander at the screen. RB always discloses his sources. Jeez. There’s Albo’s name. His full name. A little picture of him in a little circle. Fuck! Sure enough. Look at that would ya. Russ is shining light in dark places. Direct quoting Albo. From an X account. By the name of Australian Labor Parody.
Bit off when your whole shtick is to present yourself as a credible, sensible, rational truth telling alternative to the MSM and the Unaparty.
And Russ is really bad at accents. Especially for a renowned comedian. His American one’s lamentable. Ocker one even worse. Stop it Russ. No good.
Oddly enough - I’m sure it’s just a coincidence - seems Candace Owens has also come across to the one true faith. Hallow Lujah. Will have to get the app for sure now.
Reckon we might be due for the second coming. Of Martin Luther.

- flopti your bride is one lucky gremlin!
Story time must be fun ay ;);)

JellyJew is one nasty piece of work, how do you sleep at night or do you lol

Think you better have a read again Asham. He was called a Jew and Christian hater not a Jew that hates Christians.

^^ as sharp as a bowling ball is @ashsam

GuySmiley wrote:^^ as sharp as a bowling ball is @ashsam
Common ground, Guy.
We agree on something. He is the sharpest bowling ever…in the history of bowling balls.

seeds wrote:Think you better have a read again Asham. He was called a Jew and Christian hater not a Jew that hates Christians.
Nah he’s a Jew, would need photo evidence ;)
Thanks GaySmiley your not so bright yourself in here, some would say dumb.

Fark, that trashcan stench keeps lingering
- just a farkn fool ;)
On ya bike ya piece of trash ;);)

Roadkill wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ as sharp as a bowling ball is @ashsam
Common ground, Guy.
We agree on something. He is the sharpest bowling ever…in the history of bowling balls.

Jelly Flater wrote:Fark, that trashcan stench keeps lingering
- just a farkn fool ;)On ya bike ya piece ya piece of trash ;);)
Show us your nose JellyJew

Haha. I’m not an antisemite BUT…… I grew up in Wagga Wagga. Sounds like something similar you hear in Australia.

seeds wrote:Haha. I’m not an antisemite but…… I grew up in Wagga Wagga. Sounds like something similar you hear in Australia.
Place of many crows

^^I made the but bigger for you.


seeds wrote:^^I made the but bigger for you.
You and The Jew need to get a room together, his nose you will like, big snorter lol

Faaaark, the stench!
- can smell u from planet heaven ;)

You won’t be going anywhere near heaven lol ;)

ashsam wrote:seeds wrote:^^I made the but bigger for you.
You and The Jew need to get a room together, his nose you will like, big snorter lol
Mate really..?
Second warning.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!