Turnbull and Trump

A flashback to thursday's announcement by PM Dawg;
"Breaking news...... PM dawg has just announced he has pulled out of the refugee deal with the USA, as he does not want to cause President Trump and his new administration any problems in it's first months of Office.. PM Dawg has said processing of the refugees will begin immediately, and will be settled in Australia and New Zealand, on the proviso refugees move to farming areas that cannot find enough pickers.
Trump tweets "Australia .... Good peeeeeeple....
Shortly after, Pm Dawg announces all service personel will be pulled out of active theatres in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as "we have to put Australia's security first. ""We can't go fighting other people's battles" Dawg said. When asked about how the USA will respond to this, PM dawg said "My concern is stability in our region of the world, and better relations with our neighbours. "
A mere 1/2 an hour after after PM dawg wrote on swellnet, , a definite case of plagiarism by respected political reporter Michelle Grattan........ I know you read swellnet, Michelle..... But come on..... bahahaha

The whole deal was a ridiculous idea to start with .

This is the first time I've checked out this site. Comments on its content led me to expect it to be more about how to knit a KKK hood than the reality that transpired.
Only story I've read was this :
Holy shit !
Following the footsteps of the US was how we wound up in the quagmire of shit we are experiencing with foreign labour . Maybe it'll be the US that leads us out of it .
Go Trump !

@Blowin Why is it a ridiculous deal?

Trump was dead right
"...it's a dumb deal"
For both countries

I dont think it's that dumb or ridiculous, it's not the perfect solution but the options are running out resettlement options have been tried to to be negotiated in many countries and two were found in PNG and Cambodia but rejected.
Australia could keep on negotiating with other countries but unless they are developing countries the refugees are not going to take up the option, and more time and money will be wasted.
The good thing about this option is it gives these refugees and refugee advocates what they want a life in a developed country, and it get's refugees out of offshore detention, and we can wipe the slate clean and hopefully learn from our past mistakes and turn back all boats or fly them back to their departure point if needed.
It comes with a slight risk of a trigger effect but nowhere near the risk that would come from resettlement in Australia or New Zealand.
If Australia is not an option, what's a better solution?

For the refugees this is a fantastic deal. Obvious, why.

ohhh its a stupid deal alright.... Said so at the time.... But its more than stupid.... it blows apart the narrative... The spin and bullshit..

No one has actually explained why it's a stupid deal?
Or provided a better option? (Resettlement in Aust is not an option)
There seems to be little detail on the deal itself but from what i have read in a sense it's not too different to a Malaysian swap deal.
We swap a small number of refugees for a larger number of refugees, they help us deal with our problem, and we help them deal with their problem both of us are happy, and refugees are happy, the only people that wont be happy are the crazy far left because to them it always has to be exactly their own way.
Obviously the simple minded left will say, but it makes no sense they are all refugees and you guys didn't want to resettle a small amount and now you are happy to resettle a larger amount?
Because the left don't understand or choose to ignore the implications of resettling those currently in offshore detention, the trigger effect, and the precedent it set's.
It's very simple you don't reward people for doing the wrong thing as obviously it encourages others to follow.
In a sense even this deal is rewarding those who have done the wrong thing, but i think it's got to a stage where you need to compromise which the government is doing.
From what I've read those that do not accept the deal, will then be given a 20 year visa to live on Nauru, which to me is a breath of fresh air and a good sign that the government means business, this should have been negotiated with the Cambodia PNG options instead of the crazy system of giving them a choice.

Indo - "No one has actually explained why it's a stupid deal?
Or provided a better option? (Resettlement in Aust is not an option)"
It is an option..... Just because you say it isnt an option? It's an option.
Ok.... here's why it is a pathetic deal.
Manus.... Nauru..... The refusal of NZ's offer to take them.... Trying to send them to Malaysia, Cambodia.... What was that all about, Indo? What was the Libs AND Labor's narrative?
It was - "to send a clear message to smugglers, and their clients that they will never be settled in a western nation". It is to deter the "trade".
So...... here is Turnbull and Dutton going TOTALLY against the narrative established since "the malaysia solution", doing a deal to send "illegals" to not just a western country, but the biggest western country.
It undermines their whole spiel.... Not only that, but in some parts of the media, slowly but surely, it's being pointed out that the deal was struck last november, but not one boat has turned up in the three months up until Trumps dummy spit... Perhaps the smugglers didn't hear about the usa deal? lol. I doubt it..... But not one boat has turned up..... Where does that leave the "clear message to smugglers, and their clients that they will never be settled in a western nation"

When it was announced in November it was also announced very clearly and very loudly it was a one off deal, I'm sure the government feels it's not the ideal deal to resettle them in a developed country but IMO they are showing maturity and leadership making a compromise and trying to find a solution everyone should be happy about this.
It's quite obvious the options are running out especially when options are given and then not taken up, like i said unless they force them to resettle somewhere(which they should) it could go on forever, wasting time and money.
There is still no guarantee it will happen, so until it does you wouldn't expect a trigger effect although you can be certain there is more border control boats stationed in Northern Australia, any trigger effect is also obviously going to be much much less than if they were resettled in Australia or even NZ, it would be quite a gamble to travel to Australia knowing you will most likely just have your boat turned back, and even in some rare case that you can get to Nauru or Manus there is no guarantee whatsoever you are going to get to the USA, plus it's not a decision that is made by one country alone but two countries, so i think most understand if it happens it really is most likely to be a one off deal.
Even if it doesn't go through for the government it's a step forward they have now shown they are trying to get deals done, Cambodia, PNG, USA if it doesn't happen it should give them more right to go back and relook at Cambodia and PNG and ideally say choose one or stay on Nauru with a 20 year visa.
Anyway it doesn't undermine their spiel the line has been" they will never be accepted into Australia if they come via boat", i could be wrong but i don't recall liberal or labor saying you wont be resettled in a developed country.
BTW. The fact that no boats show up at anytime time is a good thing and shows how successfully the boat turn back program has been.

Indo - Im not in too much of a hurry to see a possible repeat of the Lebanese concession.
We've already got a middle eastern crimes unit. Do we need a MS13 crimes unit too ?

"When it was announced in November it was also announced very clearly and very loudly it was a one off deal,"
Till the next one off deal, I'd say if I was a smuggler...... ffs.
If the deal is so good, why has it turned to shit.

SNL goes the Donald again ... very funny

Making Australia grate again! All aboard!

You've never told us who you vote for Parrot !?

No? Sure? I know you have though. One Nation! Trump! Brexit! Cheers. Yew!

Dance baby dance !
Tunes still the same though , cobber.
Ruled and divided by your capitalist masters.
The worst outcome of Trump is a continuation of the present course : war with China and the ME, throw in furthered inequality. Oh woe is ....you.

Blowin I found that article from The Atlantic pretty interesting.
It talks about the MS13 El Salvadorean gangs as being a "made in America" crisis.
What the article doesn't mention is that the U.S. aided and abetted the military regime which was responsible for making the El Salvadoreans flee to the U.S. in the first place.
The gangs could arguably be called a "made by America" crisis.
The fingerprints of the capitalist masters are absolutely everywhere.

The big wheel keeps turning AndyM.
Doesn't mean I particularly want to contend with it here.

Fuck , who are you trying to fool Blindboy ?
You're praying for it to happen so you can start flagellating people with the rosaries of your self appointed righteousness.
What of Bannon's aspiration to re empower the American working poor ?
We all know you have zero affiliation with the working class he claims to represent so you have little desire for him to succeed and every wish for him to fail.
It's a pity that you can only empathise with those existing in an abstract society , BB.
Whoa : I just reread that and it was straight to disjointed brutal accusations.
My apologies .
But what of Bannon's interest in the interests of the small people ?
Anything to say about that ?
Or are you no platforming ?

I think BB raises an interesting question. Will Trump accept the courts determinations during his presidency or will he seek to undermine their authority. Its reasonable to say Trump hates to lose and Americans hold dear their courts and legal system. We would all hope he accepts the courts/law but his attack on judges and the courts to date is unprecedented like everything else about his presidency. The courts/ law ought to be where his excesses are stopped.
Bannon empowering the working poor? I hope it is so but ultimately it is my view these are the people that will be hurt the most by what we know of Trump's economic road map. Reading this week Trump is relaxing banking controls introduced after the GFC is an example. Lowering taxes for business (is it halving them?) how does that help the poor? Voodoo trickle down economics since Reagan like that has only made the plight of the poor worse not better. Trumps appointments to Education and the EPA for example do not bode well for those areas of public administration and while some dirty, efficient coal mines might reopen employing a few people those initiatives will be localised and not economy wide. I don't see it Blowin.

Blowie, why are you soooooo angry, comrade?
From your fave:
"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."
Oh, and as for believing anything comin' out of Bannon?! Jeezus wept...

Courts are there to interpret the law. The government may simply change it to pursue its policies. Trump - narcissistic yes, dictator - no, by any definition.

I have to be honest I'm curious to see how he will react to this too blindboy. The trumpinator seems to be getting a lot of things done by going around all of the traditional ways and fingering the media but no one can deny that he throws tanty's like an angry toddler with a shitty nappy. I'm still convinced a lot of this is just bravado tho.
Highly doubt he's going to be overthrowing anything when the whole country is enshrined in redneck gunlaws.

Trump had six dry runs at president since 1987(re: 4 corners).
Reagan's slogan 'Make America Great Again! Again! was regurgitated for recent run.
Trump is a media/news junkie and that spells bad news for Australian security.
Yes I know they're tracking me,you, us! (Yeah USA 1st/Australia 2nd...bomb us last)
Joh'z taskforce used to confiscate our song lyrics these guys will rewrite them.
Re: talkingturkey(thanks) Laugh @ "The Phone Call".
Re: GuySmiley(thanks) for infamous Trump "Fuck Australia" Tweet !
So big deal ASIO is now a some twitter boardgame.
We must draw the line,stand as one. Unplug the alliance.
Commentators here are right N.Z. are lightyears ahead low profile under the radar.
Today USA is infiltrating Qld crimes unit then rewriting crimes to suit race hate agenda.
Qld Premier/Police and recent victim's Parents are mortified at how evil his Power.
Goes without saying we support these families rights to grieve in peace.
Not even the dead are sacred,nor their legacy. Please respect our war graves.

1/2/17.......... The media wrote this in regards to the USA Australia refugee deal;
"Although the Prime Minister’s office refused to comment further on the deal, US officials privately have made no secret that Australia would ultimately be expected to reciprocate, most likely on issues of force commitment to Iraq and Syria in the fight against Islamic State or freedom-of-navigation exercises in the South China Sea..."
At the time, Dawg asked this, and the usual swillnuts got "offended";
"I'd like to ask some of the anti refugee folk here, if our brave men and women are sent to Iraq, and we suffer casualties, all because of having to meet this "deal" to get Manus island refugees to the USA, how will you feel? Or if we have to perform naval exercises in the south china sea, and China sinks one of our ships, killing hundreds, again, how will you feel?"
Fast forward less than 3 weeks;
Australia.....USA's bitch......
Australians.... Willing to stay quiet, send our young to war, just to get rid of those pesky boat people......

USA's bitch..... Example 2;

Cringeworthy lickspittlin'. All the way with Donald J! It's in the Libs DNA.
With Howard, sticking his nose in the corpo media again, I'm tempted to bust out the famous Keating burn on him & his ilk. Ah fuggit, it's good for a laugh (and you can apply it to the USA):
"In the past week we have had one of those rare philosophic outbursts from the Opposition. We had some remarks from the Leader of the Opposition and the honourable member for Bennelong at a philosophical level which could not have made the differences between the Government and the Opposition clearer than they did. They started off with the Leader of the Opposition, with his back turned as usual, talking about, ‘I never learned respect at school’. You see, I should never have said in front of Her Majesty the Queen of Australia that Australia was now trading with the Asia-Pacific area. I should never have said that we have independence from Britain and Europe, as Britain joined the Common Market and as Australia trades now 70 to 80 per cent of its imports and exports with the Asia-Pacific area. I should never have made that remark about independence to the Queen of this continent. I should have had more respect. How dare I even reflect modestly on the old links with Britain, on the British bootstraps stuff? Of course we then had a flurry of comment by the honourable member for Bennelong about the 1950s and what a very good period that was—he said it was a very, very good period, a golden age. That was the period when gross domestic product per head was half what it is now; when commodities occupied 85 per cent of our exports; when telephones were half what they are now; when there were half as many cars per thousand people of population; when pensions were half their real value of today and when 10 children per 1,000 went to university instead of 30 per 1,000. That was the golden age when Australia stagnated. That was the golden age when Australia was injected with a near-lethal dose of fogeyism by the conservative parties opposite, when they put the country into neutral and where we very gently ground to a halt in the nowhere land of the early 1980s, with a dependency on commodities that would not pay for our imports.
That was the golden age when vast numbers of Australians never got a look in; when women did not get a look in and had no equal rights and no equal pay; when migrants were factory fodder; when Aborigines were excluded from the system; when we had these xenophobes running around about Britain and bootstraps; and that awful cultural cringe under Menzies which held us back for nearly a generation.
I said today at the Press Club that one of my colleagues, the Minister for Administrative Services, Senator Bolkus, has always been at the Cabinet about the future development of the old Parliament House and about whether it ought to be a constitutional museum or museum of Australian cultural history. We thought we could basically make the changes and put some of the cultural icons of the 1950s down there.
The Morphy Richards toaster, the Qualcast mower, a pair of heavily protected slippers, the Astor TV, the AWA radiogram. And, of course, the honourable member for Wentworth and the honourable member for Bennelong could go there as well. When the kids come and look at them they will say, ‘Gee, mum, is that what it was like then?’. And the two Johns can say, ‘No, kids. This is the future’. Back down the time tunnel to the future—there they are. I was told that I did not learn respect at school. I learned one thing: I learned about self-respect and self-regard for Australia—not about some cultural cringe to a country which decided not to defend the Malayan peninsula, not to worry about Singapore and not to give us our troops back to keep ourselves free from Japanese domination. This was the country that you people wedded yourself to, and even as it walked out on you and joined the Common Market, you were still looking for your MBEs and your knighthoods, and all the rest of the regalia that comes with it. You would take Australia right back down the time tunnel to the cultural cringe where you have always come from.
These are the same old fogies who doffed their lids and tugged the forelock to the British establishment; they now try to grind down Australian kids by denying them a technical school education and want to put a tax on the back of the poor. The same old sterile ideology, the same old fogyism of the 1950s, that produced the Thatcherite policies of the late 1970s is going to produce Fightback. We will not have a bar of it. You can go back to the fifties to your nostalgia, your Menzies, the Caseys and the whole lot. They were not aggressively Australian, they were not aggressively proud of our culture, and we will have no bar of you or your sterile ideology."

Quality work Turks, Keating was brilliant now we only get is yelling and in the case of Joyce incomprehensible mumblings from the "tired and emotional" minister ... that old parliament house is worth seeing right down to the mould on the shower in the Prime Minister's ensuite. In many ways better than the big house.

I still don't understand why, if they were real refugees they didn't go to PNG. I have many friends who live there and love it and the silly part is the refugees could have become PNG citizens and then travelled to Australia whenever they liked. Someone gave them crappy advice and stuffed up their lives just to win points against Mals government who I believe is trying very hard to be a Government for all the people. We can't have boats coming here and that is that. The real refugees are sitting in Indonesia and other places with no boat money, waiting and being processed honestly, and when they arrive we will know who they are and what their story is and we all will be happy to help as we always have. Regarding Trump, he may be a bit of a goose but it's interesting to see all the car makers and others changing their minds and deciding to manufacture in the U.S. again. I get the feeling there will be a lot of jobs back there again in a country that has so many people they can buy their own stuff and prosper pretty much without any outside help as they used to. Give everyone a chance and see what happens. Mal gets called privileged all the time but grew up a poor kid who's mum pissed off and abandoned him with his dad . True Grit got him where he is. I like our Govt, they may not be perfect but I reckon the other options like Bullshit Bill are debt laden dodgy dudes that just cook up trouble and leave our country a borrowing penniless society. ...and that's all I'm gonna say bout that...Forrest.

"anti refugee folk" Sheep dog i think this show's how ignorant you are about the issue of refugees.
Understanding it's not realistic to allow refugees to enter or try to enter Australia in an uncontrolled manner in uncontrolled numbers and all the complications around the issue doesn't make someone "Anti refugee"
Or understanding all refugees should be treated equally and fairly and that money (affordability to travel or not travel) shouldn't be a factor in who gets processed, doesn't make you "Anti refugee" quite the opposite.
In regard to your question, i doubt it would have any influence, we basically do what USA says 99% of the time, so why would stop now?

No offence indo dreamcone, but you know fuck all about refugees on Nauru and manus.
Not real refugees you say
What the fuck would you know you righteous prick.
Have you talked to them have you, heard their stories.
Do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up, cause you dont know fuckall.

Inzider, I am a refugee so what do you want me to do ?

@Inzider Go through the pages of post I've written on the issue and i don't think you will find anywhere that I've said those on Nauru or Manus are not true refugees.
Although i do think that when in doubt the government would er on the side of caution when determining who is genuine and who is not, rather than take the risk of sending a true refugee back which could be used against them politically, off course those that dispose of ID document do so for a reason those that are true refugees have no reason to dispose of ID documents as if they are true refugees these documents actually help in determining they are true refugees, that said we have no idea how many dispose of ID documents or how many don't or do have them to begin with.
I don't ever recall saying they are not true refugees but i have pointed out numerous times though that i don't believe they should gain any sort of processing priority just because they can afford to travel halfway across the world and then pay thousands of dollars to people smugglers.
Why do you believe processing priority should be given to these people over other refugees that can not afford to travel halfway across the world or pay people smugglers thousands?
Especially those that have already applied to be resettled long ago, in some cases years and years and years ago.
Remember that this option is open for all refugees to apply for, I'm not saying they should have less rights I'm just saying the advantage of having a degree of money to travel and pay people smugglers should not be an advantage, all should be treated equally as possible where possible.
To not to do so IMO would be very unfair and morally wrong, instead of always putting your self in the shoes of those living in detention centres with conditions similar too a developed country and well above the level of what hundreds and millions in this world live, maybe you should put yourself in the shoes of those you choose to ignore, refugees living in developing countries often refugee camps, often in tents without running water, without electricity, without free medical assistance, free legal advice, interpreters, without allowances for things like clothing, phone, cigarettes etc
All that said i think technically once they turn down resettlement options like they have for resettlement in countries signed to the refugee convention such as PNG or Cambodia then their refugee status should become void and the government should be able to send them home unless they have a very well founded reason for not taking up the resettlement option for example on grounds of religion or sexual choice, i think you will find unless they are not true refugees that they would very quickly take up these resettlement options.
Off course they are most likely not to blame i think it's almost a guarantee there has been refugee advocates telling them whatever you do don't take up these options, hold tight and you will get to Australia or another developed country, obviously if the same option was given to refugees in refugee camps etc you would expect that the majority if not all given the option would take up the offer, don't you think this is true?

Think of it this way:
If you and me were neighbours in a war torn country, both of muslim faith, i had a good job and savings, but you didn't you lived in a little shack on the alley next to my house and were dirt poor.
We both fled to the neighbouring country after bombs nearly destroyed our homes.
Once there, i got on a plane flew to Malaysia (no visa needed for Muslims) then entered Indonesia by boat illegally, once in Indonesia you paid people smugglers the equivalent of a years wages back in our country to get on another boat to Australia, lucky for me the government had to scrap the turn back boat scheme as deemed illegal, so I got picked up by Australian authority's and ended up in offshore detention, I heard it was suppose to be pretty bad, but actually its not at all, you are free to go from the centre 24/7, the food is great, there is even A/C and a gym, and I even get payed a spending allowance which is a bonus as i dont have to tap into my savings and can continue smoking my fav cigarettes, yeah I did get bored and i did just want to get on with my new life in Australia but well I know I will get there in good time, the refugee advocates reassure me everyday and i also know millions are not so lucky, but hey I'm not telling any Australians that :P
You however, you didn't have the funds to get further than the neighbouring country so seeked safety in a refugee camp, although you were poor you were pretty switched on and had a decent grasp of english soon after you went to the Australian embassy and applied for a Refugee visa (subclass 200) to be resettled in Australia.
Who deserves to be resettled first, or be processed?
Ten years latter you are still waiting to be processed, your child ands wife got TB while in the refugee camp and died and live a life of poverty, but you have no options you have no money to travel and are stuck in limbo in a third world country with no income struggling to survive.
But me well, government and policy changed soon after i arrived and I now i live in Australia and got a Job paying 70K a year and have a nice big house, strangely enough i even travel back home to visit family and friends even though the war continues.
You heard on the grape vine your rich neighbour now lives in Australia and is even richer, you also heard you may never be processed now because now Australia allows refugees to arrive by boat there is no more spots left for people like you, you really wish you could also travel and get on a boat but what do you do, you don't have the money and never will.
The alternative to this scenario should be we both flee to the neighbouring country, we both apply for resettlement at the Australia embassy and wait and see who's number comes up first and if we are lucky hopefully we both get a new life in Australia, but even if my number doesn't come up, i have the advantage of money and can to seek other options elsewhere or at least live in a bit of comfort while waiting to be processed etc.

good post Indo.
Offered a lot more than the bloke above did and didn't have to resort to being a sanctimonious prick.
But, he did hear their stories.

For god's sake some-one change the record ..... we've heard this one to death.

Um done to death....
There is more than ten threads on the topic of Trump. (ha ha...nine started by blind boy)
Turnbull and Trump
Trump - some observations
Absurdity Rising
A Crisis in Management
The Idiocracy
Trump and the War on Science.
The Inauguration
Trump and the risk of war
Trump and the triumph of ignorance
The hypocrisy of the U.S.A
Trump and the concept of an elite.
Women's day in Washington well done Swellnet!
Australia Uber Alles
CAN YOU FEEL IT? WELL, CAN YOU? Shhhhhhhhh Trumpy won!
John oliver on Donald Trump
Im sure I've missed some.

Yeah I think rather than encouraging debate, all these threads chase it away.


Australia has long been a generous nation on all levels.
World including U.S.A. promotes Australia to best organise full scale disaster response.
They trust us... not because we're fully loaded but because we show we care and leave no stone unnturned.
Tsunami or Plane-crash...Northern or Southern Hemisphere
We're relied upon for clean water, triage to corpse preservation for I.D. .
Most often the case, victims are traced to all parts of the globe.
You're mistaken if you believe any other nation can fill our boots.
No doubt Multiculturalism has stretched resources more so here at home.
A welcome mat for a roof over a head even a school bag and bus fare
Health check, the least we provide to latest 'batch' of Refugees.
Blame WWW that world has changed.Now internet cafe dictators poison young minds the world over.Crimes of unimaginable consequence often unleashed in one's own neighbourhood.
Almost 100% ...OK! So 99.5 % of Australian Muslims are as kind as any.
However the radical lone dingo (I never cried wolf) has blown AFP/Foreign defence budget.
War is over everywhere... no longer budget for 24 /7 policing of invisible ink.
Now police invite leaders into joint units for more affordable quickest response.
War on terror is a poll ploy,security departments now get less soon less again.
Future shock: 3 terrorists are assigned 90,000 police in today's France
Comrades! Time has come today... 'Money or the Gun'... Stand and Salute!
1 even 2 Million Refugees are welcome,but just one more than that......Never!
Fine line between greatest rescue and greatest atrocity re: Tampa V Howard !

Few would argue about the need for secure boarders but ask where within our region are the orderly queues for people to "wait their turn" or whether there is support for regional processing centres, with regional co-operation between sovereign states and all you get is stunned silence. Stunned fucking silence, is that crickets I can hear? Because all that is put up as a smoke screen, the real game is to keep them out whoever them are this month or year. Because the queues and processing centres don't exist just like the generous country that once did, blown up for political gain, rub the glass bottle Johnny and let the nationalist genie out of the bottle to feed on the base fears of the electorate. And while all this look over there is happening let in thousands and thousands "economic refugees" and bang them on 457 visas and let contracting companies exploit them down to 3rd world wages and conditions, but mate, thats ok, coz they came here legally but dumb arse what about all those foreigners buying up our real estate? you good with that? More silence and more crickets in the night.