The United States(!) of A

^^ ..a stonkingly effective sunday morning read, @a12. A biblical-scale story told around the dying embers of an aussie beach bonfire. first light bringing with it Nosferatu images of melting oligarchs fucking the pile of money that is their birth-right.
(irony much that western society has effectively hamstrung and neutered residual monarchies, but supreme executive power is up for grabs to any wealthy monkey willing to climb the greasy pole and make a grab for the ring.)
have a prize: 10% off drinks and à la carte at Ilios Beach Club Bar and Restaurant atop Kelly's Abu Dhabi Tub. Good for multiple visits. With this discount, why would you eat anywhere else?
approx prices:
AUD$25 - a side of asparagus
AUD$30 - a cocktail
AUD$40 - glass of bubbly or an entrée
AUD$100 - a trio of raw tartare (fish, meat)
AUD$200 - a small Aussie wagyu chop (cooked really well)

A good read Adam.
My question is over the quarter of millennia since mad King George, how do you reconcile those who share these lofty ideals with those who are just 'along for the ride' and demand everything that goes with it at the expense of the aforementioned?
Poorly articulated question but I'm sure you catch my drift.

Missouri has 2 Court Cases of National & International "Universality Claims"
Missouri (vs) China $24.8b for Covid Damages
21 April 2020 Lawsuit
2021 Dismissed under 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
#1 Essential Covid / Health PPE gear Supplier China...
Restricted international supply of Covid Masks mid pandemic.
Judge allowed Missouri's Appeal on grounds that...
"Nations are Legally responsible for Rollout of Govt Public Policy International Commercial Activities.
China refused to take Court decision seriously and failed to appear in court...
US believe these actions will rule Judgement in Missouri's favour.
Missouri are seeking & believe they will be awarded $24.86 billion in damages...
China : "We will take resolute & effective Measures to Safe Guard our interests!"
Possibly means retro Insurance to compete as a good corporate citizen on World Stage...
But will involve a setback to comply under international law on a Global Trade.
Which will set their trade back quite a bit...
Should all States follow suit in a class action > this then auto wipes $1 Trillion US Debt to China.
News article leads with "First State to Sue China!"
Can of worms with 'more states' & Private Citizen jimmy it open...
This is a multi pronged law suit on several Chinese Interests
3 Govt ministries + 2 Local Govts + 2 Labs + Communist Party
2nd Lawsuit
Missouri (vs) Starbucks [DEI]
Supreme Court upheld Students for fair admissions (vs) Harvard (Blatant violation of Human Rights)
Missouri argue theirs & National chain citizens deserve back compo for Racist Commercial Quotas...
Again likely sees Corporates counter suing "Dem Govts" softly mandating workplace law.
Both see China & Democrats righting off any All Trump's Republican retro Debts...of 5 -20 years!
Well in the very least a major shift back to Global White Corporate Dominance Compliance.
By two ways...
Restricts Foreign Assets
Restricts pooling of higher % Racial City enclaves requiring or driving proportioned City Pop Quotas.
Thereby empowering each State to conform to National White Demographic enclaves & workplaces.
Where they so choose to protect Unis / Health /Defence / Aviation / IT > High End cbd Industry..
But also allows Corps to pool cheapest migrant slaves with Free Range Quotas where they choose.
Disaster Clean Ups & Farms & Factories...without Quota = Less or no breach of Workplace Practice.

wax24 wrote:True story, indeed, Adam. And, even though this new story is in it's beginning chapters, we already have a rough idea of it's arc. And still they clap. The fever won't break until it's host is broken.
What's that saying i keep seeing here??? Ah yes, interesting times we live in.
Thanks @Wax, but it wasn't written for you, I knew you would know that story and it's meaning well, I bothered to take an hour to tell it to some of my fellow countrymen on here who say things that make my brain scream "you don't know what the fuck you are talking about."
My brain screams that a lot these days, not just when I hear or read about America, but many things.
And some of these people are smart too.
So for an Australian telling an American story, and what a great story it was and my piffling version of it doesn't do it justice, it was heartening to take a look just now and see an American was the first to back it up and say "true indeed".
I only hope some of my fellow countrymen who come on here talking such ignorant bullshit and throwing their own prejudices and proclivities on a story and issue that they don't seem to really understand take the time you did to read what I wrote, because I took that time from the dwindling amount I have remaining, so it was valuable time for me, because they are shitting me up the wall at the moment with their ignorance and bullshit.
I know that was time I wasted, but I had to do it anyway.
Good luck in the new America @Waxy and as y'all say "Have a nice day."

zenagain wrote:A good read Adam.
My question is over the quarter of millennia since mad King George, how do you reconcile those who share these lofty ideals with those who are just 'along for the ride' and demand everything that goes with it at the expense of the aforementioned?
Poorly articulated question but I'm sure you catch my drift.
Thanks Zen, I think I get your drift and it's a good question that I'd need some time to try to compose a half decent response to and don't want to talk bullshit, enough of that on here already, but I don't have time right now, will try tonight maybe.
Hope the Land of the Rising Sun is treating you and yours well @Zen.

@Adam 12 - Great read and along the same lines for those interested in what is happening today after centuries of blood being spilt since Magna Carta for the principle Brave George was fighting for , have a crack at this.

All good Adam and thankyou for taking time to write that excellent piece. And yep, all good here. I guess you get out of life what you put in to begin with.
I understand what you wrote and of course there is much more complexity and nuance, but at the basest of levels, socialism, collectivism, communism whatever ism disregards human nature.
There will always be people that step over other people if they feel their not getting enough of the pie.

The story of American democracy and the war of the George's was an epic read but I think that skipping 250 years from 1776 to about a month ago is leaving out the most important parts of the fable.There has been a lot of water flow down that river since brave George defeated mad George.
The monarchy that brave George and his brave soldiers rebelled against 250 years ago was spawned by the division of class structure/wealth,the royal taxation,the invasion and conquering of foreign land in the name of the crown.Autocratic mad George had himself created the perfect opportunity for a rebellion.
Brave George's victorious empire grew to become a mighty power, the very concepts it was founded on of freedom,liberty and justice for all got muddied in the banks of that river over time(i wont mention slavery,thats another time,another battle).brave George's new world over centuries had eventually decayed into the very institution that they'd rebelled against,an elite ruling class,a large and ever growing lower socio-economic work force,an industrial military complex that created expensive,unpopular,unethical wars that also involved more recent George's pappa Bush and jnr.
Hence a modern day disillusionment in the 2 party system.the perfect environment to start looking for a modern day 'brave George' to steer the ship back on course.
I'm not endorsing the Don and his computer geek accomplice,we shall see?
I'm going to go out on a limb and predict the future.Hollywood George (Clooney) wont be able to help himself will go for the top job.He's got the hair to do it!

Many days away and just catching up, Trump has delivered Russia its negotiating aims and the Kremlin gets to keep the big parts of Ukraine it has taken. These deliver the land bridge down to Crimea they wanted, and title to all the juicy oil reserves off the Crimean peninsula - as well as guaranteeing water to the peninsula. Messages have been backed up by Vance and the SecDef, and it appears the peace will be negotiated without Ukraine actively at the table. Ukraine is not allowed to join NATO, as the Russians also wished.
The Russian victory is not without cost, nearly a million casualties, thousands of tanks and other equipment destroyed, and a much larger hostile border with NATO after Sweden and Finland joined. They will remain on a war economy footing and rebuild, their grand strategy demands this with the reunification of the Rus.
Trump will later try to gut NATO and Europe will construct their own defence treaty organisation.
At least the killing stops. Or does it? The deal is much like the Munich deal of 1938, as we've pointed to in these forums before. Someone else's quote on that particular deal to finish up:
“You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war.”
“And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”
And so we have peace in our time again.

1. if you want me to write stories about America between brave George and dumb Donald, I probably could, probably poorly like my version of the War of the Georges was, but I'll be dead before I get to the 20th century, let alone the next.
The American Revolutionaries anticipated problems, that's why they wrote down the rules.
I don't think dumb Donald has even read the rules of golf, let alone write anything down like his new rules. He's freeballin'. Doubt it works like that. I sense disaster, but, as you say "we'll see".
2. Only nature and the divine create perfection, the upright monkeys, even the best of them, get it good as they can. Shit happens, that's why if there are good rules, better to stick with them.
3. dumb Donald is there because the courtiers that put him there wanted a new King, better still a mad one, to get their hands on all that juicy benevolence, and the people who owned the power were, as I said, "distracted, confused and aggrieved", mostly by those new 21st century courtiers themselves.
It's not a new American Revolution, it's another American shit show, and it's fucking dangerous.
And I don't think we'll be waiting too long to find out how much danger we are all in. Us too.
3. And this is not directed at you @Troppo, or anyone...
But yeah, how good were the crack addict like shitler youth going in to treasury to tear out the copper wiring in the walls searching for the Woke Machine that makes women not want to fuck them, and what about that Hunter Biden, fucken threat to democracy that guy, and how good was Elon's little, Damien?, picking his nose and wiping it on the Resolute desk and telling the cuck President to "shut the fuck up", and "you're not the President" while some guy, think it was his dad, who no one voted to do anything, and, well, is a fucking Nazi really, stood there lecturing the silent cuck and the people who's power he has stolen, about democracy, and even fucked that up enough to show he never understood the story about the War of the Georges either... how good is the new revolution!..

velocityjohnno wrote:Many days away and just catching up, Trump has delivered Russia its negotiating aims and the Kremlin gets to keep the big parts of Ukraine it has taken. These deliver the land bridge down to Crimea they wanted, and title to all the juicy oil reserves off the Crimean peninsula - as well as guaranteeing water to the peninsula. Messages have been backed up by Vance and the SecDef, and it appears the peace will be negotiated without Ukraine actively at the table. Ukraine is not allowed to join NATO, as the Russians also wished.
The Russian victory is not without cost, nearly a million casualties, thousands of tanks and other equipment destroyed, and a much larger hostile border with NATO after Sweden and Finland joined. They will remain on a war economy footing and rebuild, their grand strategy demands this with the reunification of the Rus.
Trump will later try to gut NATO and Europe will construct their own defence treaty organisation.
At least the killing stops. Or does it? The deal is much like the Munich deal of 1938, as we've pointed to in these forums before. Someone else's quote on that particular deal to finish up:
“You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war.”
“And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”
And so we have peace in our time again.
Thats BS!

Great work there and an entertaining read.
Maybe Netflix will give us a mini series, you wouldn’t call the new Brave George a friend of Reed Hastings.
Mid term election will be interesting. Brave George is in with only a 4 seat majority, and I see him being gelded, which will likely lead to more chaos.

adam12 good were the crack addict like shitler youth going in to treasury to tear out the copper wiring in the walls searching for the Woke Machine that makes women not want to fuck them
I lol'd.

I remember that discussion, a year ago?, you called it back then.
You predicted he'd be Neville Chamberlain back then.

Cheers, Adam - just be aware of what happened after Chamberlain did that deal.
Also a massive green light to China on Taiwan.
given this unprecedented weakness, it's a profound moment for Europe to stand up itself and decide to be strong, UK involved too.

wise words...
from the only democrat who had a real chance against trump - from my perspective
but... sigh... he got the bernie treatment...
of course

Do you think Trump will go after Pelosi for insider trading ? He really doesn’t like her & you would think she would be up the top of the revenge list .

andy-mac wrote:wax24 wrote:True story, indeed, Adam. And, even though this new story is in it's beginning chapters, we already have a rough idea of it's arc. And still they clap. The fever won't break until it's host is broken.
What's that saying i keep seeing here??? Ah yes, interesting times we live in.Hey Waxy, what is the vibe like over there in SF?
People happy, scared, or just life as usual?
Which monk was that who, when entering a long period of silence was asked what he would say when speaking again, replied 'i dunno, maybe where is the bathroom, or if i am hungry in that moment, where is the kitchen"
The answer to your genuine question, Andy, is All Of The Above. (and usually all in the same day!)

@adam12, i understand the brain screams.
Effective in my efforts is,
1. Find somewhere each day where the sun reflects on the water and bask in that shimmering warm glow. Very healing.
2. Surf. Or get in salt water. Everyday.
3. Don't read the comments.
Secrets to happiness right there imo.

Should add, i'm still working on number 3. :-P

wax24 wrote:andy-mac wrote:wax24 wrote:True story, indeed, Adam. And, even though this new story is in it's beginning chapters, we already have a rough idea of it's arc. And still they clap. The fever won't break until it's host is broken.
What's that saying i keep seeing here??? Ah yes, interesting times we live in.Hey Waxy, what is the vibe like over there in SF?
People happy, scared, or just life as usual?Which monk was that who, when entering a long period of silence was asked what he would say when speaking again, replied 'i dunno, maybe where is the bathroom, or if i am hungry in that moment, where is the kitchen"
The answer to your genuine question, Andy, is All Of The Above. (and usually all in the same day!)
Cheers waxy.
I'm guessing it would be all a bit surreal.
All the best!

Glad you took the time to write that @adam12 it was another good read although for a second I thought you were talking about the Yarra and the start of a turf war. Point well made though re the US state of affairs.
The clean out of government departments has the vibe of a Stalinist purge, although thankfully no-ones been executed just pushed out of a career. The rhetoric from numerous players definitely follows the pattern though, "at the presidents pleasure" or "it's what the president wants" and the irony is that they openly admit one of the reasons for it all is to get rid of those against the president and his agenda so they can put in people who will agree with the president because "this is democracy and what people voted for", all with a total disregard for the checks and balances, sounds more like " "autocracy", loose translation, "one power" "
@vj, Trump has also come out and said that the sanctions against Russia should be dropped, so Putin has another win and fills his coffers once again
For anyone wondering what happens after the hostages are all returned from Gaza, well here's a hint
"Israel's Defence Minister Israel Katz said his country had received a delivery of MK-84 bombs from the US late on Saturday, after Trump overturned a block on exporting the munitions placed by his predecessor, Joe Biden.
Biden initially shipped thousands of MK-84s to Israel after Hamas's 7 October 2023 attack, but later declined to clear the bombs for export out of concern for their impact on Gaza. The powerful 2,000-pound bombs have a wide blast radius and can rip through concrete and metal, destroying entire buildings."
There are some in the Israeli government who have openly talked about Israeli settlement in Gaza and now they have Trumps backing they are frothing to get the job done.
As you point out @vj, and so we'll have peace in our time again

Interesting google searches and housing market action in DC:
Will try to catch up on conversation here later.

Fliplid wrote:@vj, Trump has also come out and said that the sanctions against Russia should be dropped, so Putin has another win and fills his coffers once again
Yep, an undercurrent to the war was the oil & gas tenements off Crimea and southern Ukraine - if Ukrainian and developed Europe would have two competing sources of energy, two petro-states to choose from. Now Putin gets to phone Europe and tell them to say who really runs Bartertown.

make polio great again

velocityjohnno wrote:make polio great again
'If you care about public health, you've got nothing to worry about. If you're in there working for the pharmaceutical industry, then I'd say you should move out and work for the pharmaceutical industry.'

It’s all about the money money money , talk about the money money money.

It sure is Supa.
DOGE audit of Fort Knox:
Personally I'd love a clear answer to this one. Imagine the chaos if the rumours are true?

Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future.

southernraw wrote:Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future.
Was in Arugum Bay off season in Nov 2012, very quiet just cruising with my wife.
Apparently early in the season had been a big blow up between locals and israeli visitors over surf etiquette or lack of. Army had to come in and break up fights.
Told to me by owner where we stayed, Samantha's Folly.
Beautiful spot....
There are a few nationalities getting into surfing without a clue on surf etiquette...

andy-mac wrote:southernraw wrote:Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future. in Arugum Bay off season in Nov 2012, very quiet just cruising with my wife.
Apparently early in the season had been a big blow up between locals and israeli visitors over surf etiquette or lack of. Army had to come in and break up fights.
Told to me by owner where we stayed, Samantha's Folly.
Beautiful spot....
There are a few nationalities getting into surfing without a clue on surf etiquette...
Israelis misbehaving in the surf. Who'd have thunk! haha.
Yeah their reputation preceeds them everywhere they go.
Working at the surf school in Byron they were our number one pain in the arse customers. Very demanding and rude.

Negotiations have begun in Riyadh, here is an article on the terms Trump has for the Ukrainians:
The Telegraph thinks that these are more strict than those imposed on Germany at Versailles! And that's from the side backing them.

southernraw wrote:Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future.
must be true if it's on Aljazeera.

JD Vance's speech to European leaders in Munich:
We're seeing years of history happening in days now, these are historic times.

southernraw wrote:Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future.
Could've been written five or ten years ago. Tough work paddling into a crowd of Israeli surfers no matter the location.

Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:Interesting read from SriLanka.
Israeli (the 52nd state of the United States as we are now well aware)War criminals on holidays, coming to a surf town near you.
Makes your skin crawl to be honest.
Gotta wonder if this is just the start of the global backlash.
They might get Gaza by force, but they might lose the privilege of ever leaving their region in the future. be true if it's on Aljazeera.
Don't shoot the messenger Burlz.
Got a suggestion for a better news source on the conflict between SriLankan surfers and Israelis? (apart from instagram and tik tok vids)

Have we all been here before?

I'm sure 'The Times of Israel' is more your go to rag these days with your unwavering support for all things Israelerica. @Burleigh.
But yep, you keep that head buried in the sand, because....Al Jazeera. ha

GuySmiley wrote:Have we all been here before?
Yep, definitely. The US is the oscillating empire, oscillating between involvement and isolationism.

southernraw wrote:I'm sure 'The Times of Israel' is more your go to rag these days with your unwavering support for all things Israelerica. @Burleigh.
But yep, you keep that head buried in the sand, because....Al Jazeera. ha
Just ask yourself why Aljazeera would want to bother posting a surfing article? They just want to create hate and you're sucked right in to the hate.
Israelis being pests in the surf is nothing new.

haha 100% you're winding me up.
I like you Burleigh. You're funny and dumb.

southernraw wrote:haha 100% you're winding me up.
I like you Burleigh. You're funny and dumb.
Right back at ya...... minus the funny part

I can live with that.
Guessing you didn't actually read the Times of Israel article.....that was about Sri Lanka....ya muppet.
Btw...i did have a good laugh the other day with your claim to 'having the balls to change your mind'.
I spent some time pondering that, and have decided to nominate you for a bravery award. Burleigh, the anonymous online poster that changed his mind on a relatively meaningless internet forum.
Hero status.

You gotta ask yourself @burleigh....why would the Times of Israel do an article on surfers in Sri Lanka?
Purely divisive ;-)

Southern is drinking again. Could you be ready for your 4th account? Paulmc, blue diamond, southeraw……… what’s next?

On a similar topic, hot off the press.
On Saturday Six hostages are to be released instead of three and four bodies on Thursday.
The four bodies include the Biba's family the mother and 9 month old baby and 4 year old boy, how they died after being kidnapped i guess we will wait and see.
The father was released the other week but held captive elsewhere and was holding on to hope that his family was still alive despite rumours they weren't.
I haven't as yet seen any explanation yet on why at least three more live hostages are being released than are suppose to, but its hard to imagine that without Trumps pressure and comments last week it would happen.
BTW. Many Israeli's hold other passports, its why you still come across Israli's in Indo, I have one booked in this year, he was booked in for 2024 but posponed to this year due to the conflict and uncertainty last year.

velocityjohnno wrote:Telegraph has been doing some great reporting on the events in Europe:
My takeaway is the US 'rules based order' that existed post WW2 is now kaput. It's gone. What has replaced it is power, just pure power. If a great power wants to do something in the 21st century to a smaller power, it just goes and does it now. Might is right. Alliances based on a great power now depend on its whim.
The implications for Australia, a middle power, are profound. It would be helpful at this stage to not only have the submarines, but a complete nuclear deterrent. In fact last week would be a good time to have that ready.
Hi VJ...
This popped up.
You reckon Chinese propaganda or element of truth?
If true pretty big implications for subs.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank