
indo-dreaming wrote:Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.
Maybe Rubber Soul? Familiar for sure

indo-dreaming wrote:Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.
Was popular among my group of friends but I don't recall it in a surf video.

stunet wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Anyone remember what surf video this was off? (Expect late 80s early 90's)
I know and love the song, not familiar with the band though, so it must be on a surf video, but just cant recall what one or the section.
Was popular among my group of friends but I don't recall it in a surf video.
It gets a good run in Nightmare on Elm Street 4, and possibly a Billabong video.

Circling back to Indo's link to '94 Spotify mix which had me wondering what I was listening too. Not much that was current, however Prince Andrew on 2SER's late night Train To Skaville show introduced me to these guys. Their second CD came out in '94.
Trivia: Pablo Honey, Radiohead's debut album, is named after a Jerky Boys skit.

Asked some mates about that song, and everyone knows it but cant place it to what surf video.
For some reason i had it in my mind it was on Gripping Stuff or something, but who knows, normally when i hear the song i can picture the surfing but not in this case.

stunet wrote:Circling back to Indo's link to '94 Spotify mix which had me wondering what I was listening too. Not much that was current, however Prince Andrew on 2SER's late night Train To Skaville show introduced me to these guys. Their second CD came out in '94.
Trivia: Pablo Honey, Radiohead's debut album, is named after a Jerky Boys skit.
Yeah these guys use to get played on RRR & 3PBS in Melb too, there is also a movie (never seen in) and a soundtrack that has a few good songs like this one.

Canada punching above its weight with Leonard Cohen, Joni Michell, Neil Young and the @a-info "hot" Surfrajettes hahaha

They actually dont sound too bad for something different, and im a bit of a sucker for some surf guitar.

Dig it up baby. Gurus are on tonight in G-Town with Magic Dirt.
Should be a fun night.

here y'all go for a challenge. I stuck some, erm, ‘on-purpose noise’ I’m gonna call it, on the 'other vids' thread. But I'll put this here.. and include a review from the StewMag ‘zine below.. *try* sticking it on while you're on a bus or on a drive (not loud, just medium), and see what it does..
here’s the live recording ‘DUI 160524’ by Illawarra Most Wanted (QLD)
(jeez, you’ll firkin love this, @icandig ; )
“The quiet of the room, a polite ‘thank you James’ and Illawarra Most Wanted swagger their way to something wicked and special. It sounds to me like a bunch of stoned prison guards having a jam while someone brutally butchers their cellmate with a pointy toothbrush. It’s all fantastically deconstructed and unhurried, relishing in apathy for convention, Yvette’s voice conjuring four-dimensional guttural demonscapes against instrumentals that move in malcontent before ceding into inevitable texture, repetition, feedback.
This is probably the way Slint’s way cooler friends sounded but alas nol cares coz nol had the foresight for a YouTube documentary. The jazz-ier reprisals and climax towards the closing song echo post-hardcore and as the band themselves offers, post-screamo, but this gear is more situated in freewheeling experimental and avant sensibilities than anything. The crowd talks in the background, cheer when the vocals kick in and the liveliness of everything imbues the ‘songs’ with an immediacy and authenticity. Such qualifiers are useful only to say that this is unlike anything I’ve listened to in a while and probably one of my favourite releases of the year”.
Stew Magazine August 2024

Anyone else into this great Melbourne band?
They have a new album out … here playing a cover of a classic Velvet Underground song

GuySmiley wrote:Anyone else into this great Melbourne band?
Yes, like the Pebbles, good to hear of a new release.

Nice one Guy.
Love the lady in front- dancing like nobodies watching.
One thing I really miss about home is live music in a beergarden.

Haven’t seen mallets on a kit for quite some time! Sorry if the terminology is wrong!

Haven’t seen mallets on a kit for quite some time! Sorry if the terminology is wrong!

Not sure if these guys have come up throughout this thread, but been very much digging Naxatras..... great guitar tones and a nice heavy-at-times groove

digging your Greek mates Naxatras, @AH, wonderful surf-adjacent sounds..
not suiting my current urban environs, but I'll enjoy it when I get home. I can see this being a pearler to have on in the hilux, driving home through the forest dodging roos and wombats after playing pool with bob at the the german club.

actually, scratch that, this track goes well with Vic Markets, made them feel much more interesting.. (could say it put the 'pot' in eating at the Mussel Pot..)

Bandway- Four Day Weekend

1990's rare alt alt fuck'd up Sampler Comps that make no sense...
Well the hell is this gonna end idea promise...anyone game...let's rock!
tbb has recycled rubbish off the road > now this Lucky dip CD....
tbb's private stock...just dug this one out & bringing it up right now...
Reason : Online Oz Anomaly / Curio...should be fun...
Track listing is mental > It's all wrong & needs 100% complete correction
1994 Shock Records [ CORTEX ] Sampler (Made in Oz)
Crew can zoom in to verify it's totally different Trax on Disc to Sleeve...Ok!
tbb will fix that now ...
Here's the correct Track Listing for Oz Shock / Cortex Sampler.
#1 Magnapop / Slowly Slowly
#2 Charlatans / Can't get outta bed
#3 Lush / Hypocryte
#4 Five Eight / Mystery James
#5 Sebadoh / Rebound
#6 Supersuckers / Creepy Jackalope Eye
#7 Jesus Lizard / Fly on the Wall
#8 Pale Saints / Fine Friend
#9 Veruca Salt / All Hail Me (Feature Punk Chix Track)
#10 Come / In-Out (Standout Mystery Track)
#11 New Fads / Life is like an Accident
#12 Golden Palominos / Little Suicides
#13 Channel Zero / Heroin
#14 Silver Jews / Rebel Jew
Feature Punk Chix Track (Wow! That is Punk!)
Ben's Tunesmiths shine Spotlight on Standout Mystery Track...
Who is this kickarse unit...COME ...
This took some work just to wrangle this recently released 'remaster'..
Goddamn salute Fire Records for not re-touching this! Keep yer hands off it...
Of interest is tbb's timing > This Bi / Army Directives...round we go again...Wow!
That makes this redo a red hot item...back in the news for sure! Frontline Unit...
Wotz this...
Crew Salute { Bonus swellnet drum circle Mystery Track } Wow!...thanx tbb...
For real > Right Now > Backdooring in 54321 hang in got it...Go for it...
Come ~ Loin of the Surf (Instrumental) This is impossibly a red hot dedication...(See Below)
Click on them YouTube links for LP (Come ~ Don't Ask Don't Tell),_Don%27t_Tell_(album)
Super Rare ***** Ultra Rad Surf Safari... (From Above Surf Track Dedication)
UK / Swell Maps ~ Loin of The Surf (Original) Wot the hell is this tbb...
Gotta end this somewhere...dump the crew here & run...see ya! OMG...tbb...
Said it's a safari...suck it up...crew already know way too much...

Tbb Come had Thalia from Dangerous Birds and Live Skull. Chris from Codeine. Sean from Kilkenny cats (who recently rereleased on Propeller records some old recordings). Arthur from Bar b-q-killers.
The singer of Bbq killers, Laura, joined Jack o Nuts afterwards. The guitarist of Jack o Nuts drums and sings in Bandway, whose song Four Day Weekend, I posted above your comment.

My son put me onto this fella.
There’s about six songs from this gig.
Blackers might like this.
I doubt it.

Apologies to some I guess.
Oh my Aussie guys and girls are so good looking.
I really like this song.
It’s been years since I’ve heard it.

Its rarely by choice that i listen to Cold chisel or Aussie Crawl, but when i do hear them played, it's funny i enjoy them a lot more than i expect i would.
I love this song.

I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "

basesix wrote:I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "
How about
" I'd rather take a cold chisel to my ears than listen to...."
You can fill in the gap.

seeds wrote:My son put me onto this fella.
There’s about six songs from this gig.
Blackers might like this.
I doubt it.
Thanks seeds, will have a geez.

blackers wrote:basesix wrote:I'm in a playful band-name/philosophical-essay-title mood, and this is a good 'un: "It's rarely by choice that i listen to cold chisel "
How about
" I'd rather take a cold chisel to my ears than listen to...."
You can fill in the gap.
Oh come on guys. They are good. Bloody shame the bogans adopted them.

Agree Seeds, they've got some fucking great songs.

In my early years there were those that were into motors and those that were into waves. Motors loved Cold Chisel, the others Aussie Crawl. Chisel, in my opinion, were twice the band crawl were....

Woot woot. Love it. Great username

tbb's turn to get the next round...same again...Yep! Yeah! Ok! Thanx!
Fark...gotta demolish the mosh ...That's tbb's kinda drink spiking.
Just tell the crew they run outta Kegz...only servin' up Dregz!
Here crew...Scored a coupla top shelf Oz Pub Rock Knock Offs for [ Made in China Day ]
Wotz this shit tbb...did you spike our drinks...sure sounds like it...
Dead Australian of the Year..."Oz Day really was Wonderful!" {R.I.P}
Oopsie...Too soon tbb...
Yeah! Better offer an Apology to Simon's cult of afternoon stoners still in morning mode!

Had a flashback on Indo,s clip , might have been on Savage Cuts ? 1 or 2 , lot that style music

Definitely not on Savage Cuts 2, i still have the original video.
Heres the tracks on it, i never saw Savage cuts 1
Well actually i found it in an op shop a few years ago and had to buy it for nostalgia reasons, it was a classic video amongst the crew i grew up with, as it was the first original video (not taped copy) any of us ever owned, so it was used as a barter tool for all kinds of things, and changed hands many times.
Killer soundtrack

^ unreal vhs, $50-$100 on ebay when they come up.
couple of crunchy bands from yesterday, cheers again @blackers, the joint never fails to deliver and top-up this country boy.. in this case in being amid special-flock costume jewelry and feeling satisfied that the turbojugend kids are alright.
Enzyme from Melbs (this footage when USA west coast was being 40-degrees-hot last year)
Exit-Ploom from Brizzy, if mega-muppet Sweetums was skinny and swayed more
Happy Ozzy Day biyatches!


my son's not the greatest singer (in conventional terms, he's one of mine, of course), but has taken to artful whistling.. challenged him to knock out this lick..
(not a bad hump day boogie, in the evening cool).

I love a good whistle.
One of the reasons I upped stumps.

haha, nice @zen, WOMADelaide in a month, always guaranteed a shamisen and shakuhachi.. just watched To Die For on SBS on demand.. geez the 90s were a thing. I think we just think it was a boring decade, cos we were there. here's a nice track for Washing Away ABBA licks, from above movie..

1994 Alt Comp //PUNKORAMA\\ Think there is a few of these...
tbb has this first one...
Trax 5/7/11/13/15/16 are pretty good + these 2 featured trax
Surprise Kicker : Offspring ~ Session (Quality High Energy Punker)
Mystery Track :
Focus on > Gas Huffer ~ Crooked Bird ( Rare Creepy Kooky Punkz )
Kinda flips Surfin' Bird...certainly as cool in every way!
Compromise in the Dark ~ showcases the bands cool layering > (Like The Godfathers...Luv this!)
The Princess > one of them Zany racey tunes within a Live magician's Show...
Picked this band coz their unique odd curio a barrel girl show theme...

^ Nailbomb Sepultura Wasting Away Brazzo punk in a Joaquin Phoenix and Nicole Kidman film.
(just putting words here for the google machine) Tarantino did to movies what the Chilli Peppers did to music.. the commodification of alt made it lispy, pale and fit for future chinese boxer shorts. Not one of his, this 'un; Gus Van Sant is a filmmaker, not a collage artist.
(love the term 'curio sound' @tbb, sounds like steampunk, but more affordable and less self-conscious)
(actually To Die For had Sweet Home Alabama in it, so swings n roundabouts.. reckon Gus ok-ed a dissonant string sound and kept it short though.)

One of the bands from Savage Cuts 2.
There used to be a video of it on rage but can't find it on youtube.


swellnet drum circle salute
US secretary of Defence axes his first Bi Axeman / Drummer.

Nirvana, the gift that keeps giving.. Fire Aid LA
some pretty rocking 60/70 year-old energy in it. Enjoyed this way more than I expected. Great comments section: 'Kurt would have dug it, no Teen Sprit and messy as fuck', etc.. old GOAT Grohl getting a bit of a puff up, doesn't look like he's rocked at all for the last 5 weeks ; )
(ha, reckon Grohl got the techs to sabotage everyone but Violet's in-ear monitors?)

Bens Tunesmiths said hurry up with that pain in the arse rotating vocalists short set changeover gig.
Apologies Boss...just go with the flow!

'90's Alt Comps (Series)
1993 Deafening Divinities with Aural Affinities 1&2 (Beggars Banquet)
Psych Goth Comps.
Click the CD photos to bring up Booklets
Start with Goth Masterpiece by (Bauhaus vocalist Peter Murphy) : Cuts You Up!
Mystery Bands on #2
Sun Dial : Star Baby (Additional) White Stone
Polyphemus~ The Sea Map

No one is awake but Rage is going nuts with metal right now on ABC.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.