The United States(!) of A

GuySmiley wrote:^^ “.. Do you think he will strike the UK?..”
No and why?
He would be guarantee a full Nato and US response
He won’t strike anyone other than Ukraine. Trump will sort this out with rocket man.

Do you think bullies pick on guys bigger than them? Putin needs the war to stay in power just like the other alleged ICC war criminal who is the current Israeli PM - they both need their wars to continue to retain their power!!

andy-mac wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ “.. Do you think he will strike the UK?..”
No and why?
He would be guarantee a full Nato and US responseMaybe not the UK, but NATO bases in Europe with US and other servicemen, but who know what could happen further with escalation.
Really the USA and NATO have to stop this war mongering BS.
Below video I posted Glenn Greenwald points out the Western confused propaganda being one that Putin is weak and is bluffing, but then again, he is power hungry and crazy and want to expand into Europe, either way ya should not be stuffing around with nuclear Armageddon.
He seems to be the most rational leader involved ATM, and many do not believe he is bluffing.
Clearly Putin has the whole NATO against him. But he also has allies. North Korea is more than eager to get involved and what if China gets involved? Iran as well shouldn’t be ruled out. And an old debtor - Syria?

He'll strike back but asymmetrically. Stuff like undersea cables.
Recently there was a big fire at the upper levels of the UK's nuclear submarine construction plant in Barrow - don't know if that's related, but probably time to put a watch around many industries and facilities.

GuySmiley wrote:Do you think bullies pick on guys bigger than them? Putin needs the war to stay in power just like the other alleged ICC war criminal who is the current Israeli PM - they both need their wars to continue to retain their power!!
Disagree, same people supporting Zelensky and the very same enabling genocide in Palestine.
For all Russia's faults this war could have been avoided if NATO/ USA did not break their end of cold war agreement not to expand east.
Meddling in 2014 and then ok Boris flying to Ukraine to scuttle peace agreement just before invasion.
That this is happening with a dead duck dementia riddled president make it all the worse.
Who is exactly making these decisions?
Like him or hate him, Trump campaigned to end this war and he won the election, Biden administration should not have escalated like this, especially when they had ruled out the very same thing only a month or so ago.
Never any valid reason for land mines, disgraceful they are being supplied.

indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:First one down , dare say , won’t be the last .
Interesting i heard political commentators say this might happen, historically they withdraw themselves rather than getting rejected by the senate vote.
For all we know Trump might have expected him not to get through, but just a way of showing support or shaking things up or even testing loyalty in the senate.
Either way it's not a pick i care about, so no loss.
I think Gaetz withdrew himself, because
he knew if he didn’t ,the leaked ethics report,
would be made public and humiliate everyone.
Now he can fade away and the ethics report
will be forgotten.

andy-mac wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Do you think bullies pick on guys bigger than them? Putin needs the war to stay in power just like the other alleged ICC war criminal who is the current Israeli PM - they both need their wars to continue to retain their power!!
Never any valid reason for land mines, disgraceful they are being supplied.
Absolutely. Land mine decision is a disgrace. In my 2nd home, Croatia, they still have dangerous areas that haven’t been cleared of mines. You can see the signs as you drive through the countryside. The war finished 30 years ago.

velocityjohnno wrote:He'll strike back but asymmetrically. Stuff like undersea cables.
Recently there was a big fire at the upper levels of the UK's nuclear submarine construction plant in Barrow - don't know if that's related, but probably time to put a watch around many industries and facilities.
I reckon he might encourage Iran/Syria and their other proxies to target US bases in the Middle East. Fuck me, this is really escalating. Putin really wants imperial Russia. Look at Russo-Turkish wars which dragged for centuries. It was all expansionism, one area after the other. It was only stopped with Crimean war when a coalition of countries got involved.

Ironically, that Crimean war in the 1850s also had elements of the ‘Palestinian issue’ mixed into it.

burleigh wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ “.. Do you think he will strike the UK?..”
No and why?
He would be guarantee a full Nato and US responseHe won’t strike anyone other than Ukraine. Trump will sort this out with rocket man.
2 months before your hero moves into office , a lot can happen in that time . Trump promised to end the war before inauguration day, he better hurry the fuck up .

Trump and Elon know how to bullshit an
election win , but they have no idea how to run a country or keep their election “promises “,
even if they wanted to,

So both sides keep escalating & escalating until what ? ………….

Supafreak wrote:So both sides keep escalating & escalating until what ? ………….
1. Until one side wins, either by surrendering or being destroyed.
2. A ceasefire basically a pause in the war.
3. Another agreement is made like an armistice or treaty

indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:So both sides keep escalating & escalating until what ? ………….
1. Until one side wins, either by surrendering or being destroyed.
2. A ceasefire basically a pause in the war.
3. Another agreement is made like an armistice or treaty
Or the crazy fuckers on both sides use nuclear weapons and take out just about everyone .

Exxotixjeff wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:First one down , dare say , won’t be the last .
Interesting i heard political commentators say this might happen, historically they withdraw themselves rather than getting rejected by the senate vote.
For all we know Trump might have expected him not to get through, but just a way of showing support or shaking things up or even testing loyalty in the senate.
Either way it's not a pick i care about, so no loss.
I think Gaetz withdrew himself, because
he knew if he didn’t ,the leaked ethics report,
would be made public and humiliate everyone.
Now he can fade away and the ethics report
will be forgotten.
“Either way it’s not a pick I care about,”
So you wouldn’t care if a paedophile was running the Department of Justice in the US ,
And you feel entitled to criticise other people’s character.

Supafreak wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:So both sides keep escalating & escalating until what ? ………….
1. Until one side wins, either by surrendering or being destroyed.
2. A ceasefire basically a pause in the war.
3. Another agreement is made like an armistice or treaty
Or the crazy fuckers on both sides use nuclear weapons and take out just about everyone .
Even if it went Nuclear it would be Russia sending one over in a ballistic missile and that would be it, war ended.
Unless you think USA would attack Russia with a nuc in reply for Ukraine.
Does anyone really think that's realistic?
Or do you think USA would rather just let Russia take over Ukraine?

indo-dreaming wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun
You forget his other one Heeby.
It went Juliang, Heeby, Tim Tam, then exoticjeff.
Great stuff hulk fan , oh well if you like hulk that’s your right,
MAGA never worry about facts,
except heeby and Juliang got blocked and Tim tam is someone else , so don’t hold your breath Einstein .
Even if you still think that china pays for Trumps tarrifs and a lot of your MAGA mates are losing their Christmas bonuses, because imported materials are increasing in price, in January, and migrant farm workers won’t pick the fruit so the economy will crash with expensive imports , and it’s going to cost
$88 billion to deport 1 million migrants over a year, which will also crash the US economy,
Not to mention the tax increases for low income earners to pay for the tax cuts to Elon and his mates, and MAGA won’t have to pay tax on overtime anymore? Because they’re banning overtime.
All in all you’ve done well so far .Mate if you are going to play this game of using a number of different profiles thinking you are swapping head's like you are Worzel Gummidge you are going to have to be more savvy and actually try to make it look like your different people, which means your not going to be able to have exactly the same political views and writing style, and maybe vary the source's of your youtube videos and maybe mix it up and dont post at exactly the same times of the day, or should i say all hours of the night, i mean fuck dude you even mention Brisbane/Goldie and Philippines in all your profiles.
Honestly when you posted as Juliang while i didn't agree with your view's i didn't mind you(sticking to the topic etc) and even felt a bit sorry for you thinking Stunet was being a bit hard on you, but not now, i cant stand people who purposely go to an effort to deceive others.
So sucked in Trump won you are going to have to put up with seeing him in the news and on TV etc for four more years.
And here is a video of losers like you thinking he was going to lose looking pretty stupid now with their clueless way off predictions.
So sucked in Trump won
But gee it’s fun watching all your fellow
Trump humpers f ing around and finding out .

"Newly unearthed audio reveals RFK calling Trump supporters belligerent idiots, cowards, bootlickers, and Nazis. This is why Trump is so good at coalition building. One day you’re calling Trump a fat Nazi, the next you’re calling him boss. Nothing needs to be said about it. Just tell the intern how many McNuggets you want for the flight home. "

@indo , these are my thoughts on the war and its current escalation . They are just my thoughts and opinion , nothing more . If Russia starts taking serious hits from rockets that are US made and need US or Nato intelligence in order to be operational then Russia sees that as a declaration of war from the US , UK , ect and the gloves are off . Then the retaliation is not necessary central to Ukraine , all participating countries that are supplying and supporting Ukraine are fair game in Putin’s eyes. He has his own support & allies and so WW3 becomes the reality . Both sides say they want an end and peaceful solution to this war but both sides actions don’t support this . I believe Putin isn’t bluffing and this is another war that the US have screwed up and the stakes have never been higher .

Russia’s initial aggressive invasion of a seperate state aside, it’s a fair call by Putin to say that NATO is at war with them, I think. The further retaliation reasoning is murky though. Putin needs to sit down, be quiet and eat his play lunch

@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?

Supafreak wrote:@indo , these are my thoughts on the war and its current escalation . They are just my thoughts and opinion , nothing more . If Russia starts taking serious hits from rockets that are US made and need US or Nato intelligence in order to be operational then Russia sees that as a declaration of war from the US , UK , ect and the gloves are off . Then the retaliation is not necessary central to Ukraine , all participating countries that are supplying and supporting Ukraine are fair game in Putin’s eyes. He has his own support & allies and so WW3 becomes the reality . Both sides say they want an end and peaceful solution to this war but both sides actions don’t support this . I believe Putin isn’t bluffing and this is another war that the US have screwed up and the stakes have never been higher .
Yeah fair enough, i dont agree Russia just wants Ukraine not a wider war, they thought it would be easy and it hasn't been, but they cant back out now, to do so they would mean they look weak and defeated.
They will just keep grinding away as long as it takes, if Ukraine escalates, it just means they escalate and get the job done quicker.
IMHO the recent missiles from Russia that can carry nuclear war heads is more a warning and scare/bluff tactic.
The only other option is a deal like what Trump has suggested where Russia do gain some of Ukraine, but Ukraine still gets to survive, Russia then saves face.
I guess the risk for Ukraine to agree to such a deal, is what's to stop Russia from invading again in the future with the aim of getting another deal and more land, but then on the flip side does anyone really think Ukraine could defeat Russia or that Russia is going to give up?
I also dont think USA or its allies are going to go to war with Russia over Ukraine.
Disclaimer on my take: just like you "They are just my thoughts and opinion , nothing more" as i havent followed this war closely, and from learning the history and following the war in Israel daily, i can tell you 9 out of 10 people have NFI about the wars Israel faces so our views are probably the same in Russia/Ukraine wars case.
BTW. I think an escalation in Ukraine/Russia war slightly increases the chance's of an escalation in Israel-Iran war because Russia provides Iran with things like anti missiles system's and Israel has already taken many of these out in the last airstrike, Russia is not going to send them what it needs themselves, so Iran is very vulnerable right now and another strike from Israel would see them lose more and their Hezbollah shield is pretty much useless now, there is no better time for Israel to strike Iran than right now and try to cut the head of the octopus off, problem is the main target underground Iran nuclear sites would be hard to take out without USA help.

Anyway back to USA this was an interesting watch

Vladimir may not be bluffing, but he was very careful to provide the US with advance notice that he was "testing" a ballistic missile so that the launch didn't trigger an immediate response.
Those things hit a top speed of 13,000 km/h and it flew for 15 minutes from launch, it was a single missile that separated into smaller ones as it neared it's target.
Very deadly games being played.
Disclaimer, I am high right now,

shoredump wrote:Russia’s initial aggressive invasion of a seperate state aside, it’s a fair call by Putin to say that NATO is at war with them, I think. The further retaliation reasoning is murky though. Putin needs to sit down, be quiet and eat his play lunch
Russia's initial aggression was due to NATO expansion in Ukraine.
Russia had said from the start they would not tolerate NATO in Ukraine and it would invade.
The west thought Russia was bluffing like they think Russia is bluffing now. It's a dangerous game.
It all goes back to the end of the cold war where it was agreed that NATO would not expand east of East Germany to ensure Russia's security.
Well that didn't happen.
Don't want to sound like a Russian apologist as definitely not a model for a good country in my view, but this war was caused by the west and NATO wanting to weaken Russia, but Russia will not accept that. It's not about Putin , but the whole Russian ruling class being on side.
Ukraine have lost the war as well as tens of thousands of more lives for what?
If it doesn't blow up further, once the trump administration gets in they will be forced to concede and this mess can come to a end.
The alternative is too horrifying to contemplate.
On a side note the USA has a long history of disruptive activities in other countries like they had in Ukraine, Iran Indonesia, Chile, Central America etc.
A good book if you wish to learn how they CIA etc operate.

Supafreak wrote:@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?
Please don't mix me up with Exxotixjeff. I thought I'd leave all this alone but the Trump circus is just TOO funny. So long Gaetz that was quick lol. Now for the rapist. Then who? Rfk? Yeah the USA is in good hands LOL.

And it could have ended in 2022.

TimTam wrote:Supafreak wrote:@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?
Please don't mix me up with Exxotixjeff. I thought I'd leave all this alone but the Trump circus is just TOO funny. So long Gaetz that was quick lol. Now for the rapist. Then who? Rfk? Yeah the USA is in good hands LOL.
A known serial pest with several aliases wants us to believe he’s not. Nice try Jeffrey

burleigh wrote:TimTam wrote:Supafreak wrote:@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?
Please don't mix me up with Exxotixjeff. I thought I'd leave all this alone but the Trump circus is just TOO funny. So long Gaetz that was quick lol. Now for the rapist. Then who? Rfk? Yeah the USA is in good hands LOL.
A known serial pest with several aliases wants us to believe he’s not. Nice try Jeffrey
He's right...sort of.
All the other names are the one person except for Tim Tam, who was HarryCoopr.
Or another way to put it, he's Harry's 'friend'.

I’m glad that’s been cleared up . Apologies Tim Tam for assuming you were part of juliang’s charade .

Thanks for the clarification a-m, and tip.
Gosh, still don’t know if Russia’s invasion was warranted though. My grasp on it all is pretty limited I admit.
I might have to revisit “Winter on Fire” on Netflix. Excellent Ukraine war documentary from 2015 if anyone missed it

burleigh wrote:TimTam wrote:Supafreak wrote:@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?
Please don't mix me up with Exxotixjeff. I thought I'd leave all this alone but the Trump circus is just TOO funny. So long Gaetz that was quick lol. Now for the rapist. Then who? Rfk? Yeah the USA is in good hands LOL.
A known serial pest with several aliases wants us to believe he’s not. Nice try Jeffrey
Yeah it’s impossible to explain to a
MAGA t like you. , I’d rather be a serial pest
than a paedophile normalising party backer like you.
But hey let’s not get distracted here.

Supafreak wrote:I’m glad that’s been cleared up . Apologies Tim Tam for assuming you were part of juliang’s charade .
Hey Mark , I see you still have issues identifying as an old boat ,
must have been traumatic, what happened, did you run up on a reef or attacked by pirates,
Or is it I’m a boat charade.
I used to pretend I was Thomas the Tank Engine, but got over that at 10 .
Just out of interest, when was the last time you heard from Juliang , or is this an ongoing issue for you that won’t go away.

^^^ and how old are we today ? 6 ?

stunet wrote:burleigh wrote:TimTam wrote:Supafreak wrote:@Exxoticjeff , is it crowded on your couch with juliang , tim tam , heeby & yourself watching these videos ?
Please don't mix me up with Exxotixjeff. I thought I'd leave all this alone but the Trump circus is just TOO funny. So long Gaetz that was quick lol. Now for the rapist. Then who? Rfk? Yeah the USA is in good hands LOL.
A known serial pest with several aliases wants us to believe he’s not. Nice try Jeffrey
He's right...sort of.
All the other names are the one person except for Tim Tam, who was HarryCoopr.
Or another way to put it, he's Harry's 'friend'.
Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.

Supafreak “wrote are you 6 “
Now I’m Toby the railroad car ,
I’m thinking of changing my name to Toby
would you find that acceptable as a boat ?

TimTam wrote:Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.
Comprehension ain't a strong suit, eh?
Unless your real name is Tim Tam or Harrycoopr I haven't outed you.
What I've done is link one account to another after you were banned for repeated dickhead shit. Read the Code of Conduct if you have a problem with it.
Of course we know your real name after the abusive emails you sent.

Supafreak wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:Supafreak wrote are you 6
Now I’m Toby the railroad car ,
I’m thinking of changing my name to Toby
would you find that acceptable as a boat ?
That dude looks like he’s had a big night on the Bintang ?
So everyone now has to post a really bad photo of someone ?

stunet wrote:TimTam wrote:Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.
Comprehension ain't a strong suit, eh?
Unless your real name is Tim Tam or Harrycoopr I haven't outed you.
What I've done is link one account to another after you were banned for repeated dickhead shit. Read the Code of Conduct if you have a problem with it.
Of course we know your real name after the abusive emails you sent.
Please get help for yr power issues. We know yr real name.

stunet wrote:TimTam wrote:Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.
Comprehension ain't a strong suit, eh?
Unless your real name is Tim Tam or Harrycoopr I haven't outed you.
What I've done is link one account to another after you were banned for repeated dickhead shit. Read the Code of Conduct if you have a problem with it.
Of course we know your real name after the abusive emails you sent.
Of course the funny thing is i can come back forever after being banned. And enjoy yr website as well. So yr powergames don't really work too well there matey. But u do need to address yr issues for future positive mental health

TimTam wrote:stunet wrote:TimTam wrote:Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.
Comprehension ain't a strong suit, eh?
Unless your real name is Tim Tam or Harrycoopr I haven't outed you.
What I've done is link one account to another after you were banned for repeated dickhead shit. Read the Code of Conduct if you have a problem with it.
Of course we know your real name after the abusive emails you sent.
Of course the funny thing is i can come back forever after being banned. And enjoy yr website as well. So yr powergames don't really work too well there matey. But u do need to address yr issues for future positive mental health
Yeah, admitting you're addicted to a surf forum where grown men fling juvenile shit at each other probs doesn't make you a pillar of sanity.

“ Of course the funny thing is i can come back forever after being banned. And enjoy yr website as well. So yr powergames don't really work too well there matey. But u do need to address yr issues for future positive mental health”
^ geez you’re a fuckn tool
- you’re no different to a loudmouth public toilet trawling dick grabber ;)

stunet wrote:TimTam wrote:Wow. Not only does Fuhrer stunet ban people when he feels like it but he also "outs" people as he sees fit. You got some serious power issues stunet. Keep a bit of mystery in life twerp... makes for funny reading.
Comprehension ain't a strong suit, eh?
Unless your real name is Tim Tam or Harrycoopr I haven't outed you.
What I've done is link one account to another after you were banned for repeated dickhead shit. Read the Code of Conduct if you have a problem with it.
Of course we know your real name after the abusive emails you sent.
Ha ha id love to be a fly on the wall some days at the Swellnet office, always amazes me how people are so abusive to admin.
Call me a fascist if you like but i run a facebook group with over 33,000 members, i give them one chance and thats it, if i ran this forum i would have banned pretty much everyone including myself long ago.
Have to say im shocked that Tim Tam aint Juliang maybe they should met up and do a DNA test, maybe twins separated at birth?

shoredump wrote:Thanks for the clarification a-m, and tip.
Gosh, still don’t know if Russia’s invasion was warranted though. My grasp on it all is pretty limited I admit.
I might have to revisit “Winter on Fire” on Netflix. Excellent Ukraine war documentary from 2015 if anyone missed it
Hi Shoredump,
I don't know if it was warranted also, not agreeing with it but trying to understand why it happened.
My thoughts are that it could have been avoided and both parties are to blame, not just the narrative that bad Russia with dictator Putin invaded Ukraine to expand Russia etc.
The USA seems to be fighting to maintain it's hegemony throughout the world without the acknowledgement that we are no longer living in the 90's.
The world has changed, is changing rapidly and so has the balance of power.
US military strength doesn't have the influence over others it may have once had.
Anyway I could be totally wrong, but geez get let's give peace a chance.
Will give your doco recommendation a watch.

…& from the gerbil files haha
“ i can tell you 9 out of 10 people have NFI about the wars Israel faces ”
^ thanks for admitting this noinfo, but it’s already obvious you’re a big part of those 9 out of 10 edumacated charlatans with no fucking idea. Fact ;);)

Jelly Flater wrote:“ Of course the funny thing is i can come back forever after being banned. And enjoy yr website as well. So yr powergames don't really work too well there matey. But u do need to address yr issues for future positive mental health”
^ geez you’re a fuckn tool
- you’re no different to a loudmouth public toilet trawling dick grabber ;)
Another stunet sycophant. What a knobhead

^ haha
- nice try you eternal dickhead ;)
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank