Laurie Towner

The Literal Zone

From a session last month...

Hippo, Mark Mathews, Richie Vass and Laurie Towner get stuck into a wave of unbelievable dimensions but unimaginative title. A wave with a name as blunt and literal as the rocks underneath.

All photos by Mike Maxted.

The Literal Zone

From a session last month...

Hippo, Mark Mathews, Richie Vass and Laurie Towner get stuck into a wave of unbelievable dimensions but unimaginative title. A wave with a name as blunt and literal as the rocks underneath.

All photos by Mike Maxted.


Uncomfirmed reports say that the first sequence (the fella eating it) is Laurie Towner, the second sequence a paddle-in. All shots by Namotu's Scott O'Connor.//STUART NETTLE


Uncomfirmed reports say that the first sequence (the fella eating it) is Laurie Towner, the second sequence a paddle-in. All shots by Namotu's Scott O'Connor.//STUART NETTLE