Aritz Aranburu eyes return to ASP WCT
"My preparations have changed quite a bit lately. I used to focus only on competitions before. Now my head is asking me to look for more instead. Happiness is the key to success for me."
"My preparations have changed quite a bit lately. I used to focus only on competitions before. Now my head is asking me to look for more instead. Happiness is the key to success for me."
I have believed for a long time that surfing has been oversold. By this I mean that the thrills, benefits and general attractions have been exaggerated.
I've been thinking about the worth of celebrity riders. It's something I've been mulling over since news that John John Florence signed to Hurley for a rumoured $40 million over ten years. At the time Brendan Thomas, editor of Surfing Magazine made a poignant Tweet, and I paraphrase: "Companies that get caught in bidding wars are like two surfers paddling each other too deep on the peak – no-one wins."
The professional surfing tour and coporations attached to it preach creativity and freedom in the slogans but it's possible to argue that they actually bury them, destroy them, make them only connotesales. The professional surfing tour can be argued to be surfing as control – an apparatus of capture. As the commentators and judges remark, he/she surf's "in control".
So what to do?