Tiny surf gets a small boost as tradeswells start to develop over the weekend and into next week
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Wed Jan 1st)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Minor surf Thurs
- A slight bump in size Fri into Sat as ridge re-srengthens
- Winds shifting NE on Sun, with minor NE windswell for the MNC Sun/Mon
- Small tradeswells developing from Mon next week and persisting through the week
- Nothing concrete but still monitoring the tropical South Pacific for low pressure development
No much surf to recap with small 1-2ft waves yesterday, smaller today with light morning winds, tending to weak E’ly breezes, more E/NE-NE south of the border. A very low energy start to 2025.
Sunrise made the first dawny of 2025 worth it
This week (Jan1-Jan 3)
No great change to the outlook with very weak pressure gradients across the Coral and Tasman Seas. Slack winds extend right across the South Pacific with only weak frontal activity south of the continent. In short, a very lacklustre surf outlook ahead.
In the short run we’ll see another day of very small surf in the 1-1.5ft range (close to flat on the high tides!) with light morning winds tending to light E/SE-SE breezes, more moderate in SEQLD.
High pressure moves rapidly into the Tasman on Fri, which does strengthen the ridge along the SEQLD coast and increase the proximate SE flow. We’ll see local SE winds increase, along with a modest increase in short range SE-E/SE swell from 2ft up to 3ft - slightly smaller south of Ballina.
This weekend (Jan4-5)
Fridays small increase in short range swell lingers into Sat, offering up surfable 2 occ. 3ft beachies under light winds tending SE-E breezes. What surf lacks in size and power will be somewhat offset by light winds all day.
Similar winds for Sun, although tending more E/NE-NE on the MNC up to Yamba, and staying light E’ly north of the border. Again, nothing amazing on tap but we should see workable 2ft beachies on offer most of the day from a weak but persistent trade flow off the top of the high.
Next week (Jan 6 onwards)
The outlook for next week is…….awesome if you are a kid or learning to surf. Day after day of small surf from the E and light winds.
Mon and Tues should see light winds across the board, with the caveat of a strengthening N-NE flow across the MNC as a trough approaches from the south. SEQLD should see light land and seabreezes.
Tricky outlook for the trough with EC suggesting the trough moves N into Tues, bringing a S tending S/SE change later Tues into Wed.
There is some flukey S swell moving up the Tasman on Tues which may show some 2-3ft sets at some of the more reliable S swell magnets in NENSW- not likely to show much, if at all in SEQLD.
GFS is holding the trough southwards with continuing light E to NE’ly winds and workable E’ly tradeswells to 2ft.
We’ll update on Fri but there should be a fun, workable wave in either scenario.
Models become divergent from mid next week with EC suggesting high pressure moving into the Tasman and a small trough sitting off the leading edge generating small SE swells for Thurs and possibly Fri.
GFS is holding a small trough off low pressure off the Gippsland coast with light NE winds and continuing E-E/NE’ly tradeswells not exceeding 2-3ft at this stage.
Let’s see how it looks on Fri.
Nothing concrete on the radar longer term. Models are still hinting at low pressure in the South Pacific but model skill has been low so far this summer. A trough in the Tasman may direct a SE flow late next week but with so much model divergence confidence is very low.
Nothing really short term, get the grovel game happening.
We’ll come back Fri and hope there is some better news on the longer term horizon.
Seeya then.
Ahhh enough already can we get some decent bloody waves, im losing my mind over here.
One of the worst starts to summer that I can remember for some time.
Yeh it's horrendous. That south swell last week was super straight and didn't fill the cup. Normally at the least we get onshore points surf.
The next two weeks aren't really looking any better. WHERE ARE MY CYCLONE SWELLS!? Hahaha
If not the fucking worst️️
Usually sometime in Dec we get our first significant E swell of the season and by Jan 1 Tradewinds are reasonably well established.
So, I agree with that Don.
all those brand new boards for xmas still dry
I have brand new board sitting unwaxed.
Whatta ya get for the new board mate?
Emery Haz Short.
Looks real nice, that tail is super pulled in!
Yeah, Huey is really testing our patience!
Hope he gets something going soon!
Happy new year to one and all.....
Have a weeek with the fam at a location that will maximise this, looking forward to it
Incrementally bigger this morning but still slightly below enjoyable levels for me. But another cracking morning of snorkelling along the point! This is becoming a thing. Might join the local freedivers and start catching dinner.
What are you seeing Ben?
Big schools of fish! I'm a fishing kook so not quite sure what they are - probably bream and mullet, maybe some tailor - but also saw a big wobbegong and a couple of large rays (small ones on the sea floor, bigger ones gliding through the column).
Also keen to sniff around the ledges for rock lobster but it may be a little too sandy (ironically not sandy enough for surf potential).
Anyway, learning as I go, so are the kids too so it's pretty exciting for all of us.
Sounds like lots of fun.
Different world under there.
Definite uptick in short period east swell on the southern GC this arvo. From 0 to 1.5-2'. Hopefully a few clean ones in the morning
One suspects when this wave drought finally breaks the GC points will be ridiculously overcrowded and locals will not be too welcoming of any out of towners
Chaos mayhem
Hopefully no rage
Big bonus this morning. Thank you
Fun ones on open beaches tweed coast just now. Thanks Huey 2-3ft
MY last surf was a week ago now in clean 2ft runners @ a local point on the 7ft softboard! Since then been diving everyday as it's been virtually flat with lite east/nor/easters. This mornning the wind has gone offshore buttttt still no real swell. Lots of tourists around so not really too worried about 2ft & under surf! Hopefully a few Coral Sea lows will provide some decent surf later this month when a few of our visitors have gone back to their locals.
Just a minor increase in winds into a lingering trough due E of Coolangatta has been enough to boost surf a notch into this morning - before the new moon morning tide killed it.
Winds all over the place this morning and the tide has killed any chance of a grovel
Just drove south a little for a coffee with the missus. 2(-3)ft waves on all the beaches
Jeez that was a struggle. 2-3ft sets but low energy, short period stuff and it wasn't suited to the board I was riding.
Got the new Ben Webb out in some soft point waves. Happy man.
What did you get IB?
Dims and report, if you don't mind...
SubVault 6’4 19 5/8 2 5/8
Got a taste of what it can do. FR's point, soft and short period, but a bit of fun. Shoulder-HH.
Board paddles well, but needs a little extra nudge on takeoff - just a little push. Doesn't skate flat like fat modern boards, but generates speed on rail. Locks in like a champ the harder you lay it on rail, and never skips out, just wants to carve.
Very promising, and I think this board will make me surf better and harder. Here's hoping.
Had a few off Greg but never Ben. Greg's boards were the most custom I've come across, like a blank canvas. Made you think about what you really wanted. Cheers
Yep, Greg made my first custom- never forget it.
fun but lacked some push. But we'll take it at this stage
Fun this morning before the tide got to it. 2ft wedges.
Very fun 2-3ft beachie north of here, and bath warm clear water. Tide turn killed it.
Nice one IB-yeah that warm blue water makes up for a multitude of sins.