Huey goes AWOL to end 2024
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Fri Dec 27th)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Building NE windswell Fri, peaking Sat, favouring MNC for size
- Small leftover Sun with light/variable winds
- Minor SE-E/SE swells into New Years Eve and most of next week with light winds
- Possible tradeswell developing by next weekend and into second week of 2025- check back Mon for latest updates
Fun sized S-SE swells across NENSW yesterday offered up 2-3ft surf with the odd 4ft set at swell magnets, smaller 2ft or less in SEQLD. Conditions were clean early under light land breezes tending to mod SE’lies. Small S/SE swells to 2 occ. 3ft continue in NENSW today with tiny surf in SEQLD. Only a brief window of clean conditions before N’lies kicked up and freshened. Those winds are expected to exceed 20kts.
Clean, fun S swell leftovers Boxing Day across NENSW
This weekend (Dec28-29)
No great change to the weekend f/cast. Fresh N’lies bring some workable NE windswell for the keen, up to the 2-3ft range. N’lies will blow all day in SEQLD with a trough bringing a S’ly change to Coffs around early morning, late a’noon across the North Coast and moving across the border after dark. There may be a brief window of OK surf at N facing points around the change. Expect NE windswell to ease across the North Coast post change.
Light winds for Sun under a weak, troughy environment with a weak high cell moving off the South Coast during the day. Light land breezes should tend variable with a light/mod SE-E/SE flow in the a’noon. Small, weak surf to 1-2ft tops will offer a wave for kids and beginners.
Next week (Dec30 onwards)
Huey will be not be offering much in the way of surf for the last days of 2024. The outlook is low energy with weak high pressure moving into the Tasman and no swells of any significance in the near or far swell windows. We’ll see light winds Mon and Tues, as a weak trough sits off the QLD Coast. Little E/SE windswells in the 1-2ft range Mon and Tues. Best case scenario NYE is for similar surf.
Same again for New Years Day.
No real change expected for the rest of the week either. A weak troughy pattern with just enough energy from local SE-E/SE winds to hold a 1-2ft wave at the most optimistic scenario.
We may start to see a trade flow develop into the end of next week, and into the second week of Jan but the high pressure belt still looks unconvincing. Elongated and weak. GFS has a more optimistic scenario which would see some small peaky tradeswell develop in the sub-tropics through next weekend and into the week beginning 6/1. Small E/NE swells would slowly filter down from this source into more temperate areas during that week if the trade fetch becomes persistent.
Nothing concrete at this stage but we’ll see how it looks when we come back Mon.
Seeya then and have a great weekend!
Huey goes AWOL (in) 2024
1-2ft NE windswell here this morning.
I saw some skilled surfers get a turn or two in,
Kids and beginners had fun.
Nuclear strength nor-easters yesterday shaved 2 or 3 degrees off the water temp.
Body bash this morning, and it felt like 22-23C. NE can f off now, please :-)
Which cam was that Boxing Day pic taken from?
I don’t believe it was. From my experience nothing wave wise 50k north or south of there.
Between 6-6.30 am Boxing Day morning- cam rewind will get you there.
S magnets here still 4ft Boxing Day.
Haha I was taking the piss. Live in the area. No waves here.
hahahah, copy that.
Cheers. It’s been a while since I surfed down that way.
Cam Rewind.
Aww man, you know we're stuck in a shiite spell when the forecast wave height axis tops out at 3ft
Was flat enough this morning to take my daughter snorkelling off the point where we were rewarded with a decent sized wobbegong (amongst plenty of other fish).
Water temps are down a few degrees from last week too.
DPI advise 3.6M Tiger Shark tagged and released from SMART drumline at Cabarita Beach, CABARITA BEACH at 03:54 PM on 29 Dec 2024.
Probably had a stomach full of stolen mackerel.
Nice rock fishing sesh this arvo on a super exposed ledge you can only fish when it's close to flat.
Water actually warmed up here this arvo from yesterday.
Had high hopes for Ben's point, but sadly flat. Managed a couple of grovels - just.
South winds fairly moderate ATM... any chance it'll translate into 0.5 or so in size ? Little desperado for anything ;)
Yep. Should be a little increase from local SE windswells short term.
Keep expectations very low though.
Thanks for the reply Free.. fingers crossed for the odd one b4 going back to work... Cheers
I rode 1-1.5ft surf for a lunch break.
I saw a 2ft set.
It was surfable.
warm Bluewater makes it easy.
throw a pair of boardies on and paddle out for 15.
It's basically a swim with benefits.
Yep, really nice for a little snorkel or freedive at the moment.
Took dog for a walk.. not a surfable ripple seen.... :(