Small blend of swells continues with some tasty E swell on the menu next week
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer(issued Wed Oct 16th)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- S-S/SE swells from low in Tasman, persisting into Thurs with light morning winds tending N’ly
- Small blend of swells Fri with increasing N’ly winds
- Small NE windswell Sat with fresh NW-N winds, before a late S’ly change on the MNC
- S’ly winds Sun persisting into Mon/Tues with sizey S swells developing
- Now tracking a low forming near Fiji expected to send good quality E swell our way as it moves through swell window, arriving Mon, persisting Tues/Wed with generally favourable winds
Not much yesterday with small swells and N’ly winds before a S’ly change arrived across the North Coast from mid-morning before stalling on the border. A small increase in S swell was observed across the North Coast, not much north of the border. Conditions have improved this morning with light land breezes and clean surf to 2-3ft+ in NENSW- a mix of shorter range SE and longer period S swells. SEQLD has remained tiny with small E’ly swells to 1-2ft. Winds are expected to tend to E-NE breezes through the a’noon.
MNC picked up the most size from the S/SE and S with clean morning conditions
This week (Oct 16-18)
We still have low pressure roughly due east of the NSW/Victorian border buttressed by high pressure near New Zealand. It’s not a very strong system but we did see a little flare up on the southern flank o/night into this morning before the system began to dissipate, although it is expected to linger in the central Tasman. We’ll see a low skirting the Bight approach from the west result in freshening N’lies over the short term before entering the Tasman on the weekend, bringing another round of south winds and swell. In the tropics a trough deepening between Vanuatu and Fiji forms a broad surface low which tracks southwards through the wide open South Pacific slot between the North Island and tropical island chains, generating some tasty E’ly swell next week.
In the short run, we’ll see a continuation in S/SE swell from the Tasman Low, in the 2 occ. 3ft range tomorrow across NENSW, remaining small 1-2ft in SEQLD. Early winds look to be light and from the NW before clocking around N then NE and freshening.
Small leftovers from the S/SE-SE on Fri with a few 2ft sets, easing back to tiny through the day. N’ly winds really freshen on Fri as the low approaches Tasmania and we should see some workable NE windswell by close of play from the proximate fetch which builds along the NSW coastline. Nothing huge but a few 2 footers, favouring areas south of Ballina.
This weekend (Oct 19-20)
The low drives a N’ly flow across the region through Sat morning tending NW’ly as a trough approaches up the coast . This trough brings a S’ly change to the MNC around lunchtime, reaching the border just after dark. Sat morning should see some workable leftover NE windswell to 2ft with clean conditions before wave heights take a nosedive for the a’noon.
Sun looks a different story. The low looks to absorb the remnants of the current low and build quite an impressive fetch of S’ly quarter winds extending from Tasmania up towards the sub-tropics. That will see quite a step-up in size through Sun and into Mon, but winds won’t be as kind, being mod/fresh from the S. Expect size to build from 2-3ft to 3-4ft on Sun, smaller surf obviously at more sheltered locations and into SEQLD.
Next week (Oct 21 onwards)
Our reconstituted low moves NE into the Tasman early next week, with high pressure sliding under it. This will maintain a S’ly flow through Mon and into Tues/Wed before pressure gradients ease.
Sizey S swells into Mon under current modelling with size to 4-6ft in NENSW, smaller 2-3ft in SEQLD and easing and tending more S/SE-SE on Tues.
At this stage S’ly winds will confine surfing to more protected locations Mon, with easing winds possibly opening up a few more locations on Tues.
While this is happening we’ll be expecting the arrival of good quality E swell from the passage of the tropical low through the South Pacific slot.
Under current modelling we should see this swell start to show later Mon and fill in Tues with 4-5ft sets by close of play.
Wed looks be the best conditions available with this E swell with 3-4ft (occ. 5ft possible) sets and light winds. Morning offshores tending to light SE breezes look prime.
E’ly swells then tail off through Thurs with a few small leftovers possible Fri.
Further ahead we may see the approach of another low from the W, suggesting another swell from the S, possibly as early as next weekend.
We’ll see how that looks on Fri.
Seeya then.
Sand is fucked, South facing and east facing beaches. Despite the wind and swell being good, yesterday was so bad I'm not up to putting myself through it again this morning.
I'm dreaming of reef surf at the moment!
Dunno where you are but there's some nice beachy banks around my neck of the woods. Working pretty nicely on the lower and mid tides.
A bloody reef would be nice though!
Sand is also slowly improving in my neck of the woods SC. I'm pretty keen for that combo of east and south swell next week.
there is that much sand gone you could call it a reef- just a fucked one
Never any real banks up here... this is a real bank: right now!
Incredible isn't it. Now getting a bit low.
Yep, still pretty good though, the left is looking ok too. And there's more up and down the beach towards Magiclands. More like a reef set up and not sand.
Looks fun as, and like you should never go more than 2/3rds of the way out!
The left is now starting to look pretty good now. I've never had a bank like this at my local, let alone 5 or six more up and down the beach. Sigh!
Gee i love a surf at woolies when its on. But come one man, we get epic sand on the beaches up here, I've had plenty of rides that were as long as you'd get on a point!
Hopefully sand stays around after this big southerly, beaches could be cooking on Wednesday with a decent sized east swell!
Not where I am... (15km North of Byron). Never had banks like Wollies, never ever.
Ah yeh you up around Bruns/New Brighton area i guess. You're right though, the banks up there certainly don't produce long lines like Woolies.
Few beachies between you and Ballina that do when the sand is good though.
Can't wait for the banks to get primed again man, its been pretty average few months surf wise.
I'm gonna head down to Vicco in the next few weeks, hopefully magiclands and woolies are still looking the goods!
Spot on, that's my area.
You'll always get waves at Woolamai, magiclands, anzacs, airports, forest caves etc etc if it's not too big and NE. Those banks are always there and never seem to shift much.
I’d love to know who’s been doing the Coffs region pm reports the last couple of afternoons. 4ft yesterday and 3/4ft this arvo. Head + high. Where and what world. They got one thing right, it’s straight.
Couple of fun HH sets here this arvo NS, nothing down there?
Nice! Nah mate nice surface conditions but nothing to get excited about. Admittedly I’m 1.5 k north of a prominent headland north of Coffs. Occasional shoulder set but no consistency. You couldn’t call it 3/4ft. Even mates in town who have consistent banks that pull all south swell said the same. This area misses the forecast mark quite a bit. Whereas when I was on the gc 6/7 years ago was usually spot on.
Gallows? Sawtell?
east swell sounds nice, pity about the sand in se qld
Been a pretty fun week of waves here- even this morning still some sets from the S-S/SE.
Beautiful warm blue water.
Couple of bits and bobs of sand- leading to some OK beachies.
Yeh there were a few fun ones yesterday but the tide really killed it. Heard it was better late morning though. Nice to see the water has cleared up again!