Extended run of solid E swell ahead with winds favouring the Points

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Mon 17th Apr)

Forecast Summary (tl;dr)

  • Solid E/SE and S/SE swells building from Mon next week as trough-block pattern establishes
  • Sizey Mon-Thurs with plenty of S-SSE wind, slowly easing through the week
  • Likely rebuild in SE swell from Fri into next weekend with plenty of S/SSE wind- stay tuned for updates


Sat saw the last day of meaningful S-SSE swell with some clean 3-4ft morning sets in NENSW, smaller 2ft north of the border and slowly dwindling away through the day under light winds. Sunday was mostly a write-off with N’ly winds and tiny swells. Today is seeing stronger E-E/SE swell fill in with 3ft sets building across the region and cleanest conditions at more sheltered spots under a morning SW breeze tending to fresh S’lies through the day.

E swell rapidly filling in across the region with stiff S'lies

This week (Apr17-21)

The trough-block pattern set-up nicely over the weekend and we’re looking at a sustained run of swell from the Eastern quadrant. A long, angled trough with embedded low pressure centres on the Eastern flank is concentrating broad E-E/NE infeed fetches in our Eastern swell window. The pattern is expected to be slow moving with the main E-E/NE fetch slowly contracting north-eastwards this week while a small offshoot low looks to retrograde back into the Tasman Sea.

In the short run and high pressure drifts over the Central/Southern NSW Coast overnight maintaining a ridge along the sub-tropical coast. That should see mod/fresh S’lies, SW inshore early, tending mod/fresh SE through the day. Mid period E/SE’ly swell holds size in the 4-5ft range offering plenty of surf on the Points and some raggedy options at semi-protected beachbreaks. 

Plenty of size into Wed, with a slight thickening up expected as period boosts a notch from gales today. Expect sets to 5-6ft with winds SW early, as pressure gradients ease tending mod SE’ly through the day. 

We should see a window of light SW winds early Thurs before stiff S-SE winds kick in as a new, reinforcing high rapidly builds a ridge in behind the change. E swell just slowly ramps down from the peak with 3-5ft surf slowly easing through the day. We may see some reinforcing SSE swell in the a’noon depending on how the retrograding low behaves. We’ll fine-tune that on Wed. 

SSE winds will be on the menu Fri, as high pressure and the low in the Tasman maintains a SSE flow extending from the Central Tasman up t the sub-tropics. E swell will be down another notch but still offering up fun sized 3-4ft sets. EC does suggest a stronger retrograding low mid week which offer potential for a rebuild in size Fri from the SSE- check back Wed for that.

This weekend (Apr 22 - 23)

Stiff S-S/SE winds look to persist this weekend as the blocking trough and high in the Tasman maintain a SE-NW orientation through the Northern Tasman. We may see signs of easing winds Sunday as the pattern finally starts to break down.

Our SE-E/SE swell is showing signs of persisting over the weekend, mixed with plenty of SSE swell, as low pressure holds station in the Northern Tasman.

We’ll pencil in fun sized 3-4ft surf both days, favouring the Points, and finesse through the week. 

Next week (Apr 24 onwards)

All good things come to an end and we’ll see the trough/block pattern dissipate by next week, although the residual E swell should hold and we may see a rebuild in SE swell early next week under a high pressure surge.

Lots of model divergence next week with EC suggesting a strong high in the Tasman with a vigorous trade-wind flow in the Coral Sea and plenty of strong E/SE swell while GFS is suggesting a cold front intrusion into the lower Tasman with small S swells expected by mid-week. 

We’ll take model runs at this time frame with a grain of salt and check back in Wed to see how it’s shaping up.

In the meantime, enjoy the E swell. 


Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 1:19pm

Meh, points.

NoUseforaName's picture
NoUseforaName's picture
NoUseforaName Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 3:22pm

Agreed. The last few months have been great fun on the beach breaks.

geoffrobertford's picture
geoffrobertford's picture
geoffrobertford Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 3:29pm

Yep been loving the beachies too!

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:16pm

Yeah 7 days of point break perfection sounds horrible.

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:41pm


Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:44pm


Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 5:04pm

Geez matey - glass half empty? If you can't find super fun waves without too many crew on that forecast, you might as well give up :)

adsi's picture
adsi's picture
adsi Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:02pm

Shame its a points scenario with those morning high tides. Hopefully some good waves to pick off though!

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:51pm

Yeah, the morning highs will be tricky to negotiate.

JaM's picture
JaM's picture
JaM Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 9:08pm

High tide early and a week of surfing with 500 other people.... wonderful..... I too enjoyed the run of lighter winds and beach break action

More tubes please's picture
More tubes please's picture
More tubes please Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 10:42pm

Jesus Christ there’s some whingers on here.

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 5:04pm

100% mate. Face palm at some of these sooks

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 5:14pm


udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 12:08pm
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 12:28pm

Behind the rock snapper is fun to watch on the cam.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 6:44pm

Was just a bit underwhelming today- 4+ft sets but they were a bit few and far between and the SSE swell mixed in didn't really play that nicely.

Lots and lots of sand transport happening though.

toncie's picture
toncie's picture
toncie Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 9:26am

Pack your prawn sangas, it's on!

... and yes please to sand transport.

Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 9:44am

FR - had alot of fun on the high tide this morning on a central GC beachie, easily 4-5ft with a rogue 6ft cleanup set early. it settled down around 8:30am to pulsing 4ft. not ruler edged... mostly ESE swell up here...

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 11:09am


freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 12:23pm

Nice one PS.

Had a real lump and bump to it down here.

littlecove2020's picture
littlecove2020's picture
littlecove2020 Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 10:49am

Hey - what time is today's update? Thank you

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 12:24pm

Working on it now Steve.
Check back at 2.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 12:53pm

Great viewing on the Snapper cam!

Jono's picture
Jono's picture
Jono Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 2:41pm


Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 2:43pm


freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 1:52pm

Where's that bloke who said Snapper was a longboard wave?

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 2:00pm


burzum's picture
burzum's picture
burzum Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 10:19pm

Hasn’t barrelled behind the rock for years he said… must have been the Hazza twins trying to put the frothers off the scent…

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 at 3:06pm


lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 5:26am
Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 4:39pm

Burliegh was also prime today around at the cove and sharkies.. hectic rip kept the crowd low too..

Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic's picture
Plasticspastic Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 4:39pm

And yes it was very hard to get a good one..