Couple of days from the S then large and stormy from the E as Coral Sea low tracks down the coast
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Mon 18th July)
Forecast Summary (tl;dr)
- Tiny surf conditions Mon with offshores
- Gusty S/SE-SE winds from Tues to the weekend, with a mix of strong S'ly thru' S/SE swells all week, wind affected in Northern NSW and pretty small in SE Qld
- Coast-hugging Low expected to form off CQ coast Wed/Thurs, leading to steep spike on size Thurs
- Surf becoming XL and stormy Fri, surfable at only the most protected Points with fresh SE winds
- Large surf continues over the weekend, with winds tending more S’ly as low moves away
- Heaps of E-ESE swell continuing into next week with improving winds
Pleasant weekend of small surf just passed. Size was around 1-2ft Sat with S swell magnets in NENSW seeing some 2-3ft surf. Sunday dropped further and with size less than 2ft and N’ly winds the Spring-like conditions didn’t draw many takers.
Tiny surf across most of the region today, around a foot at most places with NW winds now tending W to SW as a cold front pushes through the region.
We’re looking at another dynamic week ahead, with swell from across the seaward facing compass rose becoming XL and stormy by Friday. Read on for details.
Very gentle surf over the weekend, very different to the upcoming weekend
This week (July 18-22)
Surf comes from a wide variety of sources this week as a typical strong winter cold front gets shunted aside by a very La Niña looking synoptic pattern, more reminiscent of Feb/Mar than July. This will see a very strong south-wards located high pressure system set up a strong ridge along Jost of the Eastern seaboard, acting as an anvil for a tropical low to push against later in the week. The low forms as an upper trough across inland QLD enters the Coral Sea on Thurs, with a surface trough in the Coral Sea deepening into a surface low forming gales adjacent to the CQ/Fraser Coast, before the system moves towards the North Island over the weekend.
In the short run we’ll be looking at small surf through Tues as the strong ridge builds with a S’ly flow becoming established. SW winds should linger into the mid-morning before freshening and tending S’ly. Small background E swell will supply a few inconsistent 1-2footers while a new S swell is expected to push up the NSW North Coast, reaching 3ft at S facing beaches by mid a’noon on the Mid North Coast and later a’noon on the Far North Coast. Nothing special under brisk S’lies.
Winds deteriorate further Wed, with a mod/fresh SSE to SE flow expected. More swell energy from the southern quadrant will be on offer Wed but winds will make a mess of most beaches picking up the swell. Expect size in the 3-5ft range in NENSW, smaller at more sheltered spots and 2-3ft in SEQLD. Winds will be very unfavourable but if you can find a sheltered spot there should be enough swell energy on tap to refract into it at a reduced size. A late kick is expected on the Mid North Coast as a pulse of more SSE angled swell makes landfall from a secondary low stalled near the South Island later Mon/Tues which aims up at the NSW Coast. To be honest local winds will likely be so unfavourable this swell will be hard to pick out of the messy sea state.
The latter part of the week sees the dominant high strengthen and be just east of Tasmania on Thurs morning, with a deepening trough of low pressure off the CQ/Fraser Coast. Between those two systems we’ll be expecting a ridge of high pressure and onshore SE/ESE winds across most of the East Coast, strongest in our sub-tropical region.
The map will look spectacular but the surf will be marred by the onshore flow, likely fresh ESE and hard to find shelter from. There’ll be some S’ly swell trains in the water but these will be very much overshadowed by a steep increase in E’ly swell from the southwards moving low.
Only the most sheltered Points will be on the menu Thurs as size ramps up from 3-4ft into the 6ft range, possibly bigger in SEQLD. Expect a later increase and smaller size the further south you head into NSW.
By the end of the working week and surf will be macking, large and stormy and surfable at only a handful of the most sheltered Points, which will be no secret. Friday is likely to see a low centre due East of Fraser Island with gales aimed straight at SEQLD. Typically a low of this size and fetch strength produces surf in the 8-10ft range, bigger at open beaches with large Point surf in excess of 6ft, grading smaller into more sheltered inner Points. Winds will back around from ESE more SE, straight offshore at the classic QLD Points. The Outer points may see surf holding in excess of 8ft, depending on the state of the sandbanks, and there will be a ton of water moving around. Experts only apart from the most sheltered inner Bays.
This weekend (July 23-24)
Friday should see the initial peak of the swell (in SEQLD) but plenty of size is expected over the weekend, likely overpowering all but the most sheltered Points. The general movement of the low is expected to be SE, allowing winds to gradually tend more SSE through S’ly over the course of the weekend.
Expect size in the 8-10ft range Sat morning, just rolling off a tad in size through the a’noon as the low moves away. The slight shift in swell direction (towards the S) will affect swell penetration into more N facing Points through the day, seeing a steeper drop in size at those spots.
Expect an increase in size across NENSW into the 10ft range through the day on Sat as the E’ly windfield aims up more directly south of the border. Surfable at only the most sheltered locations, most of which will be reforms.
A stronger Sly component swell from S’ly gales on the western flank of the low sees surf rebuild Sun from the SSE-S, up into the 8-10ft range again, with much smaller surf at more N facing Points. With winds tending more S’ly and possibly even SSW-SW through Sun a’noon it does offer up the possibility of some more open Pointbreaks to be ridden at peak size. We’ll finesse that wind outlook during the week. Keep your eyes on local wind obs through Sunday.
Next week (July 25 onwards)
The tropical low looks to slowly drift towards the North Island later this weekend and into early next week, with a slow easing signal of E swell the likely result this far out.
Winds should improve, slowly on Mon, with a lighter S to SSE flow on offer, and size in the 6ft range, bigger 6-8ft in NENSW.
A weak front Tues sees a continuation of the light S’ly flow, with potentially the first clean day in a week. Looks good surf-wise too, with continuing ESE swell in the 6ft range.
This set-up of lighter winds and E swell in the well overhead range lasts into Wed, so pencil in some time next week once the onshore pattern relaxes and we get back to more traditional winter wind flows.
Longer term and looks like the E swell will slowly linger and ease through until later next week. A cold front suggests a pulse of S swell through the same period.
We just have to get through this onshore/stormy period first, hopefully without too much damage to sandbanks.
Check back Wed for a fresh update.
There's heaps of sand built up high on the dunes, hopefully this drags some of it back into the ocean in time for Spr... Sum... next year.
It's probably the last thing we need right now, to be honest.
Bribie island passage looks to be in the firing line again.
Just starting to get some decent banks back...
This will not be good. Not keen.
This is a bummer, the deep inshore gutters were finally disappearing at some beach breaks offering good high and low tide options. These large systems usually create the gutters and ruin the banks. Sometimes there are positive surprises though
It’s an I’ll wind that blows no good.
At least the fishermen chasingTailor might benefit from the gutters.
Y’all know me. Know how I earn a livin’. I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycocks. This shark, swallow you whole. No shakin’, no tenderizin’, down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that’ll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin’ basis. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I’ll find him for three, but I’ll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you’ve gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don’t want no volunteers, I don’t want no mates, there’s too many captains on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing
Thank you very much Mr Quint. We'll, uh, we'll take it under advisement.
Dude, classic, you know it was supposed to be Oliver Reed playing that role but he was scared of flying so turned it down and Shaw got it. Still in my top ten movies. 'Duel' is another. Early Spielberg was pretty good. Shaw is a really interesting guy. He was great as Doyle Lonnegan in 'The Sting" too.
Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed..
Encounter today dude?
Fairwell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies…
The tailor fishing couldn't be worse, and I learned to catch tailor before I could walk.
I've caught 12 tailor- this year.
I usually catch 12 tailor a week from May-Sept.
You hittin the beaches at night, FR? Good night/super early morning tides weekend before last. Personally couldn’t be arsed getting out and smelling like fish when the sun’s down
Favourite tailor recipe? I reckon they’re better to catch than eat…
I fish for 'em everywhere, but mostly off the rocks.
The other weekend I walked 22k's which was every headland in this shire and half in the next.
Eventually got a feed of just legal choppers- magic lure was the old skool gold Halco twisty.
I love eating them.
Dust the fillets in seasoned flour, pan fry in hot oil to make the skin crispy.
Squeeze of lemon and mayo.
Serve with a green salad.
Breakfast, lunch and tea.
Yep, keep it simple.
+ My 2c is don’t freeze them. Cook within 24hrs.
Ha, the gold halco had a break from my tackle box for years but is now my current go to. Only problem is when they snap below the eyelet when they get banged on the rocks.
Even better brined fresh and put in the smoker!
I got 5 in quick succession southern end of GC in the school hols. Half pillies, good looking drain/gutter/bank formation, outgoing tide after bedtime. On a rod i wrapped myself.
Actually you make it sound pretty good. After 22ks through rocks it would be that much better.
Credit to you.
Growing up I saw people catching them off every beach of every island worth camping on in SEQ. being a kid I never had a rod long enough or enough grunt in my cast to get where I needed to be. Saw lines of people slinging them up the beach and garrotting them post haste. Was adjacent to core lords on jettys and groynes who had the technique nailed. Looked on in part envy, but knew what it would take to have the same skill set.
As luck would have it, I’ve picked a couple of days at my local beach where they were busting up just past the shorey, within range and ready to smash anything shiny. Plenty of fun, and a blessing when elements combine to deliver a watershed moment to a schmuck who’s riding his blind luck
it really is a shitty scenario this weekend. Nobody wins here.
Reckon you could make a pretty penny selling heavily marked up gum boots on the road to splendour this week.
Gee that's some unlucky timing. Swapped a poncho for a pinger once.
wanna be a good pinger Sprout...
was it?
It wasn't my first that day, more of a top up, so while it wasn't green mitsi good, I didn't care about the rain.
Do i need to say it??????
C yas there... Yewwwwww!!!!!
(for those new to talkin bout NOOSA. Come one, come all...
Its empty and perfect)!!!!!!!!!
yeah boogie, you will be able to walk over people this weekend. Stepping stones all the way to boiling pot.
Yip the sand is absolutely shit everywhere on the Gold Coast
And Noosa will definitely be the only place that holds the swell
Ding repairs dream. Leaflet drop under all windscreens at Noosa along with getting your head checked as to why you paddled out
All the negative reality aside, I'm thinking of grabbing the one with alot more length and volume then I'm use to, not because of size or the sweep,just in the hopes things align ( please Huey) with getting a bomb or 2 out yonderenostree after not surfing Noosa for years and call it a day. Surfed her every decent swell since I was 8 got the shits went beach to bush. At a point in my life I need to have a crack at least n stay positive no matter the outcome.
Cylinders and the di circus is an option at some point if i zoned in on the tic and tock n heartbeat of this swell, but just to be out in an alive ocean again and answer that Surfers urge we get will do me for now
Wind just started Mary valley area
Cherry adventure ran aground July 6 1973 in similar conditions..I believe
Good call FS 1977.
Thanks for that little history lesson FS.
I ended up here: