Mid the go Wednesday, then head South Thursday

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

South Australian Forecast (issued Monday 28th April)

Best Days: Protected locations down South tomorrow afternoon, Mid Coast Wednesday, South Coast Thursday, possibly early on the South Coast Saturday


After a pumping day of waves on ANZAC Day, Saturday was average, with only a short period of W/NW offshores early before a strong S'ly change moved through. This created poor conditions across both coasts but brought with it a late kick in new swell.

This swell peaked through Sunday as winds tended offshore from the NE with great waves along the Goolwa to Middleton stretch and chunky surf out at Parsons for experienced surfers. The Mid was clean but tiny and in the 1ft range.

Today the swell is dropping away from a clean 2-3ft along the Middleton stretch and larger 3-4ft out at Waits this morning, with smaller waves due this afternoon. The Mid Coast is tiny and choppy with the N'ly wind.

This week and Sunday (Apr 28 – May 3)

Tomorrow won't be the best for surfing with a fresh W/NW wind down on the South Coast and small to tiny swell, suited to beginners at Middleton.

A strong but very inconsistent and long-range W/SW groundswell is due into the afternoon to 2-3ft+ at Middleton and 3-5ft at Waits, but conditions will deteriorate with a stronger W'ly breeze. The Mid Coast should see wave heights building to 2ft+ but with semi-stormy conditions.

Wednesday is looking poor down South with a strong new SW swell but onshore S'ly wind in the wake of an early morning change, but the Mid is looking great with a new W/SW swell to 2-3ft from a front pushing through the Bight and favourable S/SE winds.

Thursday will be the day to head back to the South Coast as an approaching front brings strengthening N/NW winds with a fun easing swell suited to both Waits and Middleton.

As we head into the end of the week we'll see a vigorous polar front pushing from below WA up into us. This front will bring poor winds to both coasts in the form of a strong S/SW'ly but also a large SW groundswell as the system jumps on the back of a polar low and active sea state before projecting a fetch of SW gales up towards us (pictured right).

The swell is due to peak Saturday morning to 4-5ft+ at Middleton and 6ft at Waits but conditions look to remain average with a fresh SW'ly. There is a chance for more favourable W'ly winds early, but we'll review this Wednesday. The Mid Coast should see plenty of swell to 2ft but conditions will be average here also with the onshore wind.

Sunday onwards (May 4 onwards)

There's plenty more swell on the cards for early next week as the Southern Ocean remains more than active but winds through Sunday look to remain poor. The rest of next week is looking good with either morning offshores, or at least light variable winds. We'll review this again on Wednesday though.