Multiple swells with improving winds from Saturday

Guy Dixon picture
Guy Dixon (Guy Dixon)

Hawaii North Shore forecast by Guy Dixon (issued Thursday 17th March)

Best Days: Sunday

This week (Thursday 17th - Friday 18th) and weekend (Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th):

We are still on track to see a prolonged swell event, with ebbs and pulses from multiple swell sources filling in throughout the weekend.

The first pulse is due to build late in the week generated by a low situated southeast of the Aleutian Island over the past few days.

Mid-range energy should provide increasing energy throughout Thursday to around 8ft, more so on Friday morning at around 6-8ft.

More size off slightly more favourable fetches within this system should see secondary kick in swell on late on Friday with sets bumping up to 10-12ft range, fading from a similar size during Saturday.

A final pulse generated by an intensification within this system is due to fill in across the North Shore on Sunday, maintaining options in the 10-12ft range, fading throughout Monday.

Concurrently, a deep low has been working off the coast of Japan and is due to generate a long period NW groundswell for early Sunday morning which should see sets kick back to around the 8ft+ range.

A gusty northeasterly breeze looks to dominate for remainder of the week making it difficult to find a decent wave. Breezes look to swing east/northeasterly on Saturday, further to the east and potentially even east/southeast on Sunday, which is good news as a number of swells look to be in the water.

From here on, each swell window looks to settle down leading to a general easing trend for much of the week.

Monday will see the last of the significant swell, easing from the 6ft range under light winds so make the most of it while it sticks around.