Solid NE windswell ahead as spring takes hold
Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Fri 1st Sep)
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Easing S swell Sat
- Small E/SE swell Sun
- Peak in NE windswell Mon, easing Tues with winds tending offshore
- Small E swell in the mix Mon/Tues
- Another round of NE windswell likely Thurs next week
- Possible S swell late next week, check back Mon for latest update
A small surf yesterday with a tiny mixed bag to 1ft tops. Today has seen a stronger S swell signal in the 2-3ft range at S facing beaches with mod/fresh SW winds shifting S’ly through the day.
This weekend and next (Sep1 - Sep8)
No great change to the weekend f/cast. S swells will be the dominant though easing force in the water through tomorrow, mostly mid period stuff whipped up by a proximate fetch of S-SSW winds generated by a front and trough of low pressure forming in the Tasman with some small longer period swell mixed in. Expect some 2ft sets early, easing through the day with light/variable winds tending N’ly through the day.
Those N’lies look to increase on Sun with a small amount of NE swell being generated. Swell from a fetch off the bottom of the low pressure system in the Tasman will add some E/SE swell to 2ft. That should make for a rideable mix on the beachies.
Into next week and the N’ly fetch proximate to the Gippsland and Bass Strait really winds up Mon (see below) as a trough approaches from the W. Expect surf to build from 2-3ft into the 3-5ft range with fresh N’lies.
Well positioned fetch for chunky NE windswell Mon
Those winds tend NW-W overnight as the front passes over, with NE swell hanging on in the 2-3ft range before easing Tues. We should see some better quality E/NE swell to 2-3ft in the mix from a Cook Strait fetch over the weekend. That will ease through the day as well.
Looks like another round of NE windswell on the radar for Thurs as high pressure slips NE into the Tasman and a front/trough system approach. We’ll see how it looks on Mon, but we’ll pencil in a 2-3ft surf for Thurs.
The front/trough looks to pass into the Tasman later next week, possibly offering up a small S swell signal.
Troughiness may see more NE windswell next weekend as winds feed into a trough. Thats too far away to have any confidence in, so check back Mon and we’ll see how it’s shaping up.
Seeya then and have a great weekend!