Easing E/NE swell with a good S'ly groundswell early next week

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Friday 8th December)

Best Days: Saturday morning open beaches, Tuesday and Wednesday south magnets


Strong large sets out of the NE yesterday with favourable winds most of the day besides an early afternoon period of onshores.

This morning the swell was back to a smaller 2-3ft, but with favourable winds for southern corners though since, fresh NE sea breezes have kicked in.

Today’s Forecaster Notes are brought to you by Rip Curl

This weekend and next week (Dec 9 - 15)

Moving into the weekend, the NE swell from the Tasman Low late week will fade, but there'll be some distant and inconsistent E/NE swell from a fetch of strong E'ly winds that developed above New Zealand earlier in the week.

This swell is due to arrive later today, and ease back from an inconsistent 2ft+ tomorrow morning.

Winds will be great all day and offshore from the W/NW tending W.

Sunday looks small to tiny with maybe 1ft to occasional 2ft sets at magnets, but mainly tiny.

We've got some fun S'ly swell on the cards for early next week now, as a great fetch of polar SW gales develop on the tail of a strong polar front and low moving through over the weekend.

This should produce a fun S'ly groundswell for Tuesday, building to a great 3-4ft across south facing beaches through the day with a W/NW tending N/NE wind, easing from 3ft Wednesday with similar winds.

Beyond this we may see some building N/NE windswell through Thursday, but we'll have another look at this Monday. Have a great weekend!