Nothing until mid-late next week

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Friday 9th July)

Best Days: South magnets Wednesday morning, later next week


Tiny waves across the coast yesterday and today, unsurfable for even the keenest of keen.

This weekend and next week (Jul 8 - 14)

There's been no change to the coming forecast period, with tiny to flat waves due over the weekend as the westerly storm track remains too north to generate any swells for our region.

The models are picking up a tiny E'ly windswell Sunday but I can't nail down this source, so I'd keep expectations vey low.

A weak cold front pushing up past us Monday is likely to generate a very small S'ly swell to 1-2ft across south magnets but with less than ideal W/SW tending S/SE winds.

Wednesday looks a little better as a similar sized S/SE pulse to 1-2ft fills in with light offshore winds.

Of greater importance is the possible development of the cold front pushing past us Monday into a low over near New Zealand through the middle of next week.

If this occurswe expect a good fetch of SE winds off the South Island and E/SE gales through Cook Strait.

With this we'd see some fun E/SE swell into the end of the week, but check back here Monday for more on this. Have a great weekend!