Good mix of E'ly and S'ly late week

Guy Dixon picture
Guy Dixon (Guy Dixon)

Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Guy Dixon (issued Monday 11th July)

Best Days: Thursday


Great conditions each morning over the weekend with easterly swell providing sets in the 3-4ft range under northwesterly winds. As breezes swung northerly each afternoon, conditions deteriorated slightly.

The swell has eased a touch today, fading from the 3ft range and remaining workable at protected northern ends.

This week (Tuesday 12th - Friday 15th):

We are due to see an easing trend in the coming days as residual easterly energy fills in off an east/southeasterly fetch which extended from Cooks strait over the weekend.

A pre-frontal northwesterly tending westerly airflow will dominate much of eastern Australia until late Tuesday evening before a fetch off the east coast swings west/southwesterly and intensifies while edging northward.

South facing beaches should build to around 2ft+ by the late afternoon on Wednesday, building further as the effects of stronger, more distant core fetches fill in on Thursday to around 3-4ft.

The poor alignment to the east coast will be the main limiting factor of the initial short range windswell on Wednesday, while the more substantial, long period energy on Thursday has more refractive potential.

As this groundswell eases and local fetch weaken so should the swell. Weaker southwesterly winds will maintain small, weak options in the 2-3ft range on Friday, easing throughout the day.

Otherwise, hints of inconsistent east/northeasterly groundswell should be in the water, offering occasional sets across open beaches in the 1-2ft range on Wednesday, perhaps up to 2ft on Thursday and Friday.

Fresh/strong northwesterly winds are due to tend west/southwesterly into Wednesday keeping conditions clean. Winds should ease marginally and persist from the west/northwest to west/southwest for the remainder of the week.

This weekend (Saturday 16th - Sunday 17th):

With no decent prospects of fresh swell, the surf should fade form 1-2ft on Saturday morning, further on Sunday becoming tiny.

Conditions are likely to remain clean throughout the weekend under a westerly tending northwesterly airflow.

More detail on Wednesday.