Clean offshore each day, swell peaking Saturday and Monday

Guy Dixon picture
Guy Dixon (Guy Dixon)

Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Guy Dixon (issued Wednesday 6th April)

Best Days: Thursday, Saturday and Monday


We've been seeing a run of small, but clean surf over the past few days with northwesterly breezes dominating the east coast.

This week (Thursday 7th - Friday 8th):

Southerly swell is likely to be the dominant source of energy in the coming days with a fresh groundswell due to fill in across exposed beaches on Thursday, generated by a strong front and associated low located which has been moving to the south and east today.

Westerly core winds of up to 50kts have been blowing over night, with the resultant swell due to peak in the 2ft range, limited only by ordinary alignment.  

As the working week draws to a close, options in the 1-2ft range should continue to fill in across south facing beaches, maintained by south/southeasterly fetches off the back side of this low.

Conditions should remain clean for the majority of Thursday and Friday under a persistent, increasing west/northwesterly airflow.

This weekend (Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th)  and next week (Monday 11th onward):

The situation for Saturday’s southerly groundswell pulses has changed slightly since Monday’s notes, speeding things up a touch.

Two pulses of long range groundswell look to fill fill in with quick succession, peaking on Saturday with south facing beaches peaking in the 2ft range with the occasional 3ft set in the mix.

The first pulse is currently being generated by an elongated frontal fetch south of WA, with a reinforcing system working on the sea-state activated by the last.

This energy looks to fade slightly throughout Sunday, before the Southern Ocean winds up once again for early next week.

Breezes are expected to increase and tend more northerly throughout Saturday, keeping conditions clean and groomed. Sunday is likely to see clean options continue under a west/northwesterly flow.

A strong front should then move more locally late on Sunday into Monday, steering a broad and strong southwesterly airflow along southern and eastern parts of Tasmania.

The resultant swell looks to peak on Monday in the 3ft range, under a west/northwest tending southwesterly breeze.

Good options are expected at most spots, which sets the tone for the week with larger, better swells on the cards further ahead.

More detail on Friday.