Pumping cyclone swell as TC Alfred tracks south through Coral Sea

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Fri Feb 28th)

This weekend and next week (Feb28-Mar7)

Central QLD: Pumping cyclone swell as TC Alfred tracks south through Coral Sea

Heaps of surf ahead, potentially very sizey.

Pumping waves all weekend

No great change to the weekend forecast. In the Coral Sea, Severe TC Alfred (currently borderline Cat4 central pressure 956hPa, expected to weaken to Cat 3 during the day) is crawling slowly SE to Southwards. TC Seru is SE of New Caledonia and weakening to tropical storm status through today as it slowly moves south-eastwards and then stalls. 

TC Alfred is about 730 KM NE of Rockhampton and expected to move southwards today, with a SW track possible into Sat.

TC Alfred in perfect position this weekend

That will generate very large cyclone swells for CQ, peaking on Sun.

Later in the weekend the system then moves SE and with that movement and into early next week as it moves SE of Fraser Island (K’gari) we should see an easing in size from the peak.

The cyclone is expected to linger in the Coral Sea next week, so expect plenty of surf right through next week, not as big as the weekend’s peak.

Seeya on Mon for the latest updates and have a great weekend!