Quiet outlook, maybe a few just rideable days in the mix

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Mon Dec 16th)

This week and next week (Dec16-Dec28)

Central QLD: Quiet outlook, maybe a few just rideable days in the mix

Only tiny surf around.

Just rideable

High pressure is now in the Tasman moving NE with a clearing trough off the NSW Coast and a lingering trough line and broad, weak sub-tropical circulation off the Central QLD coast. An infeed into the low is better aimed at SEQLD so we are only seeing tiny surf in CQ. That tiny signal then eases right back through this week to surf less than 1ft. 

A new SE surge Thurs into Fri looks to run out of steam quickly without generating much in the way of surf. 

SE surge runs out of steam quickly

Next week looks tricky but we may see a trade flow develop in the week between Xmas and New Year.

Check back Wed for the latest.