More surf on tap bigger into the weekend.
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Wed 14th Feb)
This week and next week (Feb14 -Feb23)
Central QLD: More surf on tap bigger into the weekend.
More surf to come, with fun waves on the right tides and building a notch into the weekend.
Our current pattern of slow moving high pressure near New Zealand is still well entrenched with a modest cold front sweeping into the Tasman and bringing a S’ly change to temperate NSW. Multiple cells of reinforcing high pressure then one by one move into the Tasman, maintaining a weak ridge up the NSW Coast and a deep E’ly flow through the South Pacific and Eastern Coral Sea, with resulting E’ly swells favouring the sub-tropics for size, with a rebuild in size expected later this week.
Waves to work with as tradewinds rebuild into the Coral Sea and we see E’ly swells start to build again through late tomorrow, up into the 2ft range and up a notch further into Fri, with sets likely to push a notch up into the 3ft range.
That size should hold into Sat and ease a notch into Sun.
Into next week and E’ly swells continue with ups and downs related to small tropical low pressure cells squeezing onto the tradewind belt. We’ll see how it looks on Fri but pencilling in another week of 1-2ft surf with some bigger 3ft pulses likely is a pretty safe bet. Winds look light for most of the week, although tending E’ly through the second half of the week.
We may see a slow fade out into the end of next week into the weekend as the fetch becomes more scattered. Still some model divergence though so we’ll finesse on Fri.
We’ll see how things are shaping up on Fri.