Extended surf pattern incoming

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Wed 31st Jan)

This week and next week (Jan31 -Feb9)

Central QLD: Extended surf pattern incoming

Surf has gone tiny/flat over the weekend and extended into today, expected to build through Thurs. 

Nothing yet, should build through tomorrow

The high pressure belt is weak and moving at a more N’ly latitude than we’ve seen this summer, with a troughy pattern in the Tasman and some frontal activity under the SE of the continent continuing. The monsoon remains active with a small sub-tropical low movingE off the QLD coast where it may undergo further development In the Coral Sea in the medium term. A typical summer tradewind band cradles this low next week with plenty of E quadrant swell expected, favouring the sub-tropics for size.

No change to the outlook, the small low moves north into the CQ swell window early tomorrow with building surf to 1-2ft by the a’noon, and size holding at that range into the weekend. We may see a temporary  easing Sun as the fetch re-organises around the low near New Caledonia.

Into next week and at a minimum we should see workable E tradewind swell options next week from Tues-Fri -likely in the 2-3ft range at least-with juicier options still on the table as low pressure lingers in the Coral Sea. We may see an upgrade to this if the low deepens and moves into the swell window.

Let’s take a look at that on Fri.

Seeya then.