Tiny/flat in the short term, tropics still active
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Fri 26th Jan)
This weekend and next week (Jan26 -Feb2)
Central QLD: Tiny/flat in the short term, tropics still active
Fun waves yesterday, have gone onshore and small today.
Still some fun yesterday
No change to the short term f/cast. TC Kirrily has now crossed the NQ coast leaving a light N’ly flow in the Coral Sea and no real swell generating winds. That will see tiny/flat surf over the weekend and extending into next week.
Models are offering mixed messages into next week. We may see some small SE-E/SE swell develop mid week as a trough pushes north from Wide Bay. Check back Mon for that.
Further ahead and the tropics remains active with a long monsoon trough extending from the Coral Sea out into the South Pacific Convergence Zone. Strongest winds are the monsoonal surge nor-westers along the top of the trough but there are signs more favourable E’ly winds will develop along the bottom of the trough later next week, generating small E swell either later next week to into the weekend. It's possible we may see a cyclone form in the Fijian region next week but models suggest a rapid track away from our swell window and limited surf potential. We’ll keep tabs on that over the weekend and see how it looks on Mon.
Seeya then and have a great weekend!