Pumping surf from STC Jasper 

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)

Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Wed 6th Dec)

This week and next week (Dec6-Dec 15)

Central QLD: Pumping surf from STC Jasper 

Surf starting to pump as TC Jasper approaches the QLD coast.

Here we go- surf starting to builld. Plenty more ahead.

No great change to the weekend f/cast. Severe TC Jasper has been slow moving and intensifying (Category 4 now) over the last 36hrs. It’s slow (2-3kts) S/SW track between 158-156E is in the NE swell window. That aids confidence in some NE groundswell from STC Jasper over the weekend. We’re already seeing NE swell show in CQLD so expect 3-5ft surf tomorrow.

The supporting wind field below Jasper thickens up Sat which should provide a well conditioned E/NE swell for Sun- up in the 4-5 ft range with occ. 6ft sets. No great change to the winds- fresh SE-E/SE.

Plenty of swell to start the week. TC Jasper is set to take a W’ly track with a Far North QLD coastal crossing now the most likely outcome. The slow forwards movement of the TC and it’s associated E’ly windfield will hold plenty of size into Mon, at least another day of 4-5ft surf.

Expect a slow easing then Tues and into Wed as Jasper crosses the coast or approaches it.

By Thurs we’ll be back to tiny surf so make the most of it.

Check back Mon for the latest and have a great weekend of cyclone swell!


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 7:35pm

Feet up Agnes boys and girls. Shark attack this arvo at 1770.