Easing swells into the weekend
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Wed 30th Aug)
This week and next week (Aug30-Sep8)
Central QLD: Easing swells into the weekend
Small, fun waves on offer over the last couple of days.
The troughy pattern is about to disrupt the tradewind flow in the Coral Sea, with a South Pacific trough moving south very quickly as it forms up tomorrow. The net result will be easing surf for CQ through tomorrow, likely tiny/flat by Fri and into the weekend.
No swell generating winds in CQ swell window, expect surf to go tiny/flat
A tradewind flow does develop next week in the Coral Sea, but at this stage it’s located too far north to generate much useful surf for CQ. Later stages of the pattern into the mid/end of next week do show tradewinds starting to extend further south into the favourable swell window for CQ but thats too far ahead to have much confidence in.
Check back Fri and we’ll see how it’s looking.