Surf now drying up with a flat spell on the cards next week
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (issued on Fri 18th Mar)
This weekend and next week (Mar18-Mar25)
Central QLD: Surf now drying up with a flat spell on the cards next week
A decent strength cold front is passing into the Tasman Sea at the moment, and a trough in advance of the front is bringing a S’ly change to the southern part of NSW this a’noon. In the sub-tropics a ridge of high pressure is maintaining a SE flow. That front then forms a low, which becomes slow moving as it tracks NE towards the North Island.
The ridge maintaining the SE flow which has been maintaining fun waves for the CQ region is slowly but surely drying up, with a total failure of Tradewinds expected next week, leading to a period of tiny/flat surf.
In the interim there’ll be some just rideable surf on favourable tides over Sat, easing further Sun. Only at the most exposed spots and on big boards.
Check back Mon for an update and have a great weekend.