Mid Coast for Saturday, while conditions should improve into Sunday afternoon down South with easing onshore winds.
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Great surf on the South Coast tomorrow, while the timing of a strong onshore change on Friday is still up for grabs. Better surf with an easing swell Monday onwards.
Exposed spots will be the best but a bit blowy tomorrow and Wednesday, while better swells and winds are due into Thursday and Friday.
Give the surf a miss tomorrow and head down South Sunday for peaky clean waves. If you can surf Monday though, this will be the day.
Small windows of good waves across both coasts over the coming days with the swell bottoming out through next week.
Periods of good winds/swell for both coasts over the coming week. Thursday morning being the cleanest on the Mid.
Saturday morning the best of the weekend down South. Good waves Wednesday afternoon on the Mid and Thursday across both coasts.
Tiny clean waves down South tomorrow with a fun swell for Friday with offshores.
Best waves down South through until Thursday, with Friday offering good waves on both the Mid and South Coasts.
Great weekend of waves down south. We’ve got a new S/SW swell starting to push into the region and it’ll provide clean 3ft waves across the Middleton stretch on Saturday, with smaller surf on Sunday.