Mon 9 May 12:00am
Titima Mange - The King of Kavieng
Last month the fourth annual PNG surfing titles took place at Kavieng and local surfer, Titima Mange, took the open honours again. Since he won the juniors at PNG's first national titles in 2007, Titima has been a mainstay on the winners dais.
According to Nicholas Warhurst, who has travelled to Papua New Guinea three times and also took these photos, Titima "shreds in a total island style". He's also an inspiration to the next wave of PNG grommets, "Every time he takes off at Piccas the local kids call out his name. They wanna be just like him".
"He is the local king" says Warhurst, "like any of the Hawaiian greats."
Photos by Nicholas Warhurst. //STUART NETTLE