Tue 26 August 11:22am
The other Box
Square and shallow, this wave bears an uncanny resemblance to the Box at Margaret River, except it ain't that Box, it's the other Box.
Over the course of three days Tim Bonython filmed maxing Cow Bommie, reeling Gnaraloo, and heaving Box - the other Box. You can see that footage here with Brad Norris, Mick Corbett, Brad Domke (the skimboarding bloke), and Luke Wylie getting amongst it.
All the footage will be featured in Tim's upcoming Australian Surf Movie Festival 12. In the can is big Shippies, Pedra Branca, The Right, Cow Bommie, Cape Solander, and plenty of other barely rideable slabs. It's the real Big Wave World Tour caught on film.
Click Tim's Facebook page for updates on ASMF 12.