Duck and The Wiz
Last week I ran a Session making light of the Central Coast fellas and their penchant for odd nicknames. Well, here's two more to add to the list: Duck and The Wiz. This Session comes with a few words by Jughead, who took the shots during a sundown dash at a favourite reef...
Here are some shots of my boyhood heroes. They're still my heroes today. They took me to this reef when I was about 12. There were no boogie boarders back then. No cameras. No wannabe surf stars. Just a few old boys (prob. between 20 and 30) and maybe the odd twin fin.
Gary Loveridge (AKA Wiz) shapes Wizstix surfboards and has been shaping in the area since 1968. He's been shaping for his little brother Jamie (AKA Duck) for even longer. I have been riding his boards since 1988 and World Tour surfer Matty Wilkinson has been riding them since he was nine.
These guys just walk up to this location and have been surfing it since day dot. When i saw Wiz in the carpark late in the day last Friday I was stoked to know he was heading around. I really wanted to surf but left my board in the car so i could capture these images of my heroes.
Hope you like 'em.
Cheers, Jughead