Anything But Fantastic!
I'm sure the people at Fantastic Noodles think that whacking a superlative into the name of their product is a brilliant piece of marketing. And, I suppose, to an extent it is - seemingly you can't talk about the noodles without saying how good they are.
"What sort of noodles are you eating?"
"Fantastic noodles"
"I don't care what they taste like, what brand are they"
And so on and so forth...
When you involve the media it just gets worse. Especially when they sponsor a surf competition and every single press release includes the line "Fantastic Waves at the Fantastic Pro Junior".
But the fact was they did get fant....sorry, great waves. Check this video to see Ryan Callinan's ten-pointer. Just before the comp began, when the young fellas were filling in to the Fleurieu Peninsula, they also got great waves.
Here South Oz natives, Khai Adams, Alex Rix and Stephen Manners, hook into a few bowls before noodle time. All photos by Sam Norwood.//STUART NETTLE
(Thanks to Weasel for the video footage of Ryan)