Rufus and Shanno at The Right - video
Monday 20/04 2
Ben Rufus and Chris Shanahan at The Right on Saturday.
Ben Rufus and Chris Shanahan at The Right on Saturday.
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles.
Read: Phil Jarratt picks up the quill and compares Main Break to The Box.
Including every wave of Slater's, Jack Robbo and a few locals, plus a loopy barrel from Noa Deane.
Adam Melling is taken down in the worst wipeout of the comp so far.
...and why they need the help of the surf industry to do it.
Mikey Brennan covers his Shippies session from all angles: land, water, and mouth.