Greg Long on fear - video
Like a TED talk in three minutes, Greg Long works the stage articulating his response to fear.
Like a TED talk in three minutes, Greg Long works the stage articulating his response to fear.
When the year's biggest swell is forecast to hit Indonesia and perfect waves are just three hours away it's time to fire up the Honda.
When the year's biggest swell is forecast to hit Indonesia and perfect waves are just three hours away it's time to fire up the Honda.
"I wanted to create a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory vibe – bring back the fun, create some fascination in surfboards and take the piss a bit." - Corey Graham on his Wonka-inspired surf shop.
Even with the conditions as bad as they were, the Brazilians couldn't notch up a single heat win.
The Indian Ocean XXL swell that become the 'swell of the decade' in the mainstream news has gone up an order of magnitude. It's now the 'swell of the century' and this footage from the Right shows why.