Surfers, Environmentalists, and Mining Companies Clash on South Africa's West Coast
Thursday 20/10 16
It's an issue with echoes of the recent Fight for the Bight: a foreign company extracting domestic resources and upsetting locals in the process.
Excerpt: 'Grajagan: Surfing in the Tiger's Lair'
Wednesday 19/10 25
An excerpt from Jack McCoy and Mike Ritter's upcoming book.
Watch: Early Season Sunset Beach
Wednesday 19/10 41
A bluebird day at Sunset, enjoyable mid-range waves, and a drone doing its best to transport me there.
Watch: Dylan Graves at Surf Lakes
Tuesday 18/10 36
The host of Weird Waves visits "that Mad Max pool".
Is October The New March?
Tuesday 18/10 34
Never-ending east swell, offshore mornings - spring has sprung a whole new set of conditions.