Reef Hawaiian Pro: Day 3

Haleiwa did a fair impression of Trestles yesterday during the Reef Hawaiian Pro. As the surf bogged to a measly 2-3 feet, above the lip flair was the only way to score and progress.

Reef Hawaiian Pro: Day 3

Haleiwa did a fair impression of Trestles yesterday during the Reef Hawaiian Pro. As the surf bogged to a measly 2-3 feet, above the lip flair was the only way to score and progress.

Clash of the Legends

Let's hear it for the old boys! The Reef Hawaiian Pro hosted the Clash of the Legends yesterday; four surfers on the cemetery side of forty had Haleiwa to themselves while the young crowd ogled.

Clash of the Legends

Let's hear it for the old boys! The Reef Hawaiian Pro hosted the Clash of the Legends yesterday; four surfers on the cemetery side of forty had Haleiwa to themselves while the young crowd ogled.

Ed Sloane
Wave of the Day: Unlikely lines in Victoria
Leroy Bellet
Wave of the Day: Kye Hoole gives the lip a hefty headstart. South Coast, NSW.
Ben Kiggins
Wave of the Day: Blake Thornton, casual on the Solander dance floor

The Reef Hawaiian Pro: Day One

Big waves, clutch performances, throw in a Clash of the Legends heat (where one legend didn't even catch a wave!), and there's little this sports writer has to do whilst covering the Reef Hawaiian Pro

The Reef Hawaiian Pro: Day One

Big waves, clutch performances, throw in a Clash of the Legends heat (where one legend didn't even catch a wave!), and there's little this sports writer has to do whilst covering the Reef Hawaiian Pro

Eduardo Fleck Rosa
Wave of the Day: Yago Dora: A surfer in silhouette