Women's Championship Tour Expands Field
Six years ago, the WSL announced a new initiative: Starting in 2019, each WSL-controlled event would offer equal prizemoney between men and women.
Though a noteworthy initiative, the fields still weren't entirely equal. On the CT, for instance, the women fielded 18 surfers per event - exactly half the men.
The rationale, provided by then-CEO Sophie Goldschmidt, was that the process was transitonal and the WSL were waiting for the depth of talent to increase.
Molly Picklum, Pipeline Pro, 2024 (WSL/Heff)
Overnight, the WSL announced they were making good on that statement. In 2026, they would increase the women's field per event to 24 surfers per event. The numbers will be made up of the Top 14 surfers from the CT, the Top 7 qualifiers from the Challenger Series, two WSL Season Wildcards, and one Event Wildcard.
At present that breakdown is Top 10 surfers from the CT, Top 5 from the Challenger Series, plus one Season Wildcard and one Event Wildcard.
Unfortunately for Nadia Erostabe and Luana Silva - who placed sixth and seventh on this year's Challenger Series - the change comes into effect in 2026. The early announcement allows surfers to prioritise focus for the coming year.
“I couldn’t be more proud of where the level of women’s surfing is currently at,” said Sally Fitzgibbons, a 15-year CT veteran. “Growing the Tour is the next logical step in that natural progression. All over the world, women are stepping it up every time they hit the water, and on Tour, we’re seeing intense heats and fierce rivalries."
the current crop already has big holes in it. if you look at the top 5 on challenger series even vahine does not have the full bag of tricks. this is just more evidence DEI does not reward achievement. the american election is the first in a string of corrections to this woke mind virus. i will quote ronda rousey (a now delusional muppet)but at her peak was the highest paid fighter in the UFC she said........dana doesnt pay me the most in the UFC because im a woman, he pays me the most because i bring the most eyeballs. the DEI muppets at WSL need to grow the f*ck up along with the rest of this toxic feminity brigade and the weak men that enable it all.
Putting aside the fact the WSL is a private biz and they can do whatever the fuck they want regarding pay for employees, women's surfing has easily been the fastest growing part of surfing, both in attendance and interest.
Still doesn't match the men, and perhaps that's reflected in them having less competitors in the field, but if you haven't seen the astonishing rise in women's surfing in the last five years you haven't been paying attention.
Perhaps you have a mind virus of your own..?
i agree the new gen like caity, sierra, erin brooks etc are a paradigm shift. similar to when the brazzos came on tour. the progression is the sharpest in the sport. doesnt change the fact the WSL bleeds money, and this is just one of the multitude of dumb decisions that leads to the ever expanding losses. it also doesnt change the fact the challenger series for women is a bit of joke.
are you really trying to make out that you have concerns for the finances of the WSL (owned by a billionaire) to justify your misogyny? bit of a stretch isn't it?
I couldn't disagree more with your misogynistic words @rothmanisatool. I believe the far majority of the surfing community want to see more women on the tour. The time is definitely now. Do all the men on tour have "the full bag of tricks"? Don't think so. You should stick to watching UFC and US election coverage. Pretty sure there are currently 12 year old girls in Australia who surf better than you and most other adult men, myself included.
im guessing you havent been laid in a while.
your guessing is about as accurate as your opinion and comments on the womens tour expansion - way off the mark
Hey bud, I recommend putting the electronic devices down for a bit and getting some fresh air.
I guarantee you'll feel heaps better and most likely wont have the agro urge to go everyone here who disagrees with ya.
, or not.
Hey CampDog. Thanks for the advice - digital detox is sound advice for all.
I haven't posted here "to go everyone" who disagrees with me like you suggest. As you might be able to tell from my username - rothmanisatoolisatool (it's unfortunate and maybe confusing that my username gets truncated), I have only created an account to counter the comments made by rothmanisatool - who's opening comment reads like it is some sort of Misogynists' Manifesto written by someone while serving time for a DV offence. (you are aware of the link between misogynist comments online and violence against women, aren't you?). These are actually the first and only posts I have ever made online anywhere. But I am happy to make this my last post after reading the many subsequent positive comments and seeing that this hasn't become an online misogynist echo chamber.
But if you have found my posts "agro", let me finish with something warm and fuzzy for you:
For all of you who support or sympathise with the post at the top of these comments by rothmanisatool - those of you who seemingly feel threatened by the rise of women's surfing, who feel that 8 extra women on tour is "toxic femininity" and believe that men who support and enable women in surfing or any other pursuit "are weak", let me offer you a BIG HUG. Because I feel sorry for you. Not as much as I feel sorry for your wives, daughters and also sons, but I genuinely feel sorry for you. So let's hug it out. Tip to tip!
Great post.
mysogynistic? my sister is a professional fighter? i train with girls all day long. my comments above recognise the amazing talent of simmers, brooks, sierra etc. im just stating the obvious that weak men like you are too afraid to say. the talent pool is not deep enough in the mens for top 32, let alone on the womens side. as i said before vahine ferro is not top 32 material, those behind her even worse. this is more DEI garbage. wake up.
maybe we can't expect you to understand it, given that you can't spell it.
your argument seems to revolve around the notion that women need to perform at the same level as men for them to be worthy of participating professionally or on a professional circuit. do you believe that your professional fighter sister is worthy? how would she go against a professional male fighter and does it make her any less worthy or less enjoyable to watch if she is not at the same level as a professional male?
I didn't watch the Tyson vs Whoever fight on the weekend but I heard many people say that the women's fight beforehand was far more entertaing and enjoyable to watch.
The women deserve the extra numbers on tour. But if you can't see it then at least try not to get offended by it.
More loving less fighting. I would also like to offer you a tip-to-tip hug.
please see comments above. women should earn more than men if they bring more eyeballs just as ronda rousey did in the UFC for a while. achievement and compensation should be based on merit. i get that is hard concept for some to comprehend considering the state of the world. The MT v JP farce was rigged. thats why the prelim/undercard fights were better. my comments stand. the womens talent pool is shallow and does not warrant expansion, the eyeballs, revenue its brings to WSL is a joke with less than 1000 people watching womens heats sometimes.
folks just want to see good surfers rather than ordinary surfers
exactly barb. thats all i should have said. eloquent.
Seems completely justified and warranted to me.
it's going to create practical problems as far as fitting the expanded roster into the waiting period, unless they chop the mens tour down to 24.
Dropping the men to 24 is a obvious change that should have been made some time ago
yep my kooky bog railing son is better than some of the men on tour.
how good is that..... hopefully we see a rotation of girls qualifying, but not just the 17yr olds, there are some absolute shredders around the mid 20's who also should be represented.
How many extra heats will this add to each event?
Is it as simple as six more surfers = three more Round 1 heats = one and a half hours?
Even if there's a few more heats later on, this should be relatively easy to absorb into the current daily schedule (unless the forecast is a dog's breakfast and they're desperately trying to get everything done and dusted in 2-3 days).
Have to agree with Stunet, I have been watching with my daughter not only the women's heats but also some of the free surfers. Caity Simmers is more CORE than most of the blokes on tour and free surfing films/edits by Tahlija Redgard, Jaleesa Vincent, Josie Predergast etc are incredible. I love the different lines and the fresh take on surfing, the surfing is different but it is critical, technical and progressing (I'm not a fan of the WSL but I will give them some credit here for putting the women in when pumping). Surfing used to be progressive and anti-establishment, now it seems rigid and conservative. We need to take a leaf out of the skateboard culture and be more inclusive and CORE. Fuck the patriarchy.
Shes a good surfer, but fuck me, it's mostly 2 foot waves? Why even put that in a video. There is also some slow mo's of her grabbing rail, but not getting barreled...
The only worthy wave was that one at about 13:30. Certainly not froth worthy for those 13 year grommets.
There you go Burzum. Tahlia grabbing rail and getting barrelled.
Bit over 2ft.
Big waves gotta be AI
No g banger another giveaway. This is obviously fake @Zenagain
This old dinosaur (according to some) has been loving witnessing the progression of womens surfing over the last decade or so. In some cases I prefer watching the ladies to the men because quite ofter you'll witness something truly out of the box which elevates the sport even more.
Bring it on I reckon.
There's a faster progression happening in womens surfing right now, more bluesky ahead and that makes it more exciting to watch.
Mens surfing seems to be stagnating or progressing at a slower rate. There's less excitement and novelty about it.
Firstly...rock on...making space for more improvement in women's surfing. Watching women's professional sport these days almost takes me back to times when professional sport was well...less professional. There is a prominent sense of camaraderie amongst the athletes, genuine joy in each other's success, and appreciation for the opportunities they've earned for themselves.
Secondly...thank f@#$ for the string of responses following the first stream of toxic shit
Yeah Bring it on.
I cant forget Molly's Massive Floater/Re entry at 10ft Sunset.
That was awesome!
Do agree they need to condense the contest heats pre the cut off somehow.
Less is more....
And pull the men's back to 24 too...
Any mention of how the cut for the women works now??
100% agree. Top 24 is plenty. Not a fan of season wild cards. Not sure much evidence they have helped anyone. Brissa maybe the only one. Others have all dropped back to Changers anyway.
Dream format for me would be 24 surfers each side, no cut, bottom 8 at end of year get relegated.
Yep, would some spice back into it
Great plan
Makes sense. The men’s would become insane and the women will also - may take a few more seasons to fill the roster with deep talent, but the momentum is there.
Yep, 24 each thirded
Sierra Kerr on an absolute bomb in Indo.
Way bigger than anything I’ve ever seen Steph on. Which blows me away, why doesn’t she chase waves like this?!
Definitely takes after her father!
You better write her a letter goofy as she's probably completely unaware that she needs to impress you.
Speaking of writing, how are your WOMEN threads coming along.
100% strike rate of them being deleted no?
Should try make it 3 from 3.
Deleted? News to me.
Never mind.
Here i'll help. 'Dear Steph. It's me, Goofyfoot from Swellnet. You don't know me (actually nobody does) but i've gotta tell you, you've really been letting me down because i saw a video of Sierra Kerr in a big heavy barrel (that most mere mortals would avoid) and i didn't see you in it and i'm so disappointed in you. I'm just fucken baffled!".
You can add your own zing to the rest of it. Happy to help.
Have a great day Goofy! :-)
Happy to be a nobody mate.
Better than creating outrageous forum topics (that get deleted) because you thrive on the attention you get in return.
Have a fantastic day my man.
haha. Very good very good.
Yep. I thrive on the attention. You gotz me!
Thanks Goofy. Already had a little head dip so off to a good start.
You too.
Charging !!!
My day was going well until that thanks udo.
My god, she's insufferable.
Regarding some of the comments at the top of this thread: Is there a way we can check how many people watch the women's events vs the men's events? Do the WSL publish data on how much revenue each category generates? It would be interesting to see how fast the women's tour is growing relative to the men's.
IMHO, I think the WSL would be foolish to not try and capitalise on the rise in popularity in women's sport. We all saw how the Matildas got the whole country involved during the last world cup. I disagree that this is all toxic femininity. It just seems like a good business decision. Young girls are on their devices all the time. Imagine how many new eyeballs this would bring to the sport if some women from lesser-known nations could be flying the flag for tens of thousands of young girls who would otherwise not watch surfing.
Maybe I'm being optimistic but if you look at the men's qualifiers this year it's mostly Brazil sprinkled with a bit of Australia. There's nothing to lose (viewer wise) by shrinking the men's field. But let's say some Portuguese/Spanish/Basque/NZL women qualify, that should bring in a whole crop of young female viewers who now have new heroes to cheer for (and instagram accounts to follow).
I think the WSL is just reading the room and acknowledging that young women are more likely to get interested in the sport if they have actual women to cheer for and idolise. I've always felt that the women's tour has been somewhat of a token effort or sideshow.... Why not put it on par with the men's opportunities and let it grow to the level of women's tennis and soccer? There's far more upside potential in growing the women's side of things.
In MHO females totally fucked and decimated the big wave tour demanding equal money
and rarely riding a wave to the end or really charging. So slowly but surely are doing the
same in the WSL. Women surfing is definitely booming and obviously advancing in ability
unfortunately still mostly a little awkward and not that entertaining in general but being the
21st century its only about the female push in every thing.
Stating the obvious doesn't get any kudos around here. Jus sayin'
1. The US Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity,_equity,_and_inclusion
2. NSW Govt is facilitating CoEd highschools
3. Remove the 1st round warm up heat. Get there early and practice.
4. Remove the gender barrier (M+F mixed heats). Have higher scores for style, over airs, tricks, repetition (Fil Toledo & Italo will adapt)
5. If you dont surf in your heat cos its big, scary, but makeable; your disqualified from the finals at Cloudbreak.
6. Crap comp waves shouldnt be judged. Everyone gets a day off with equal points if its under 3ft or 90% closeouts.
7. Subscription judging panel (est 3000 'voters') spread around the world...
8. no sport gambling,.... (except at the take off at 10ft pipe with too much sand in Dec)
" Vahine could have been surfing with the men"
Quote above from Tahiti comp commentator Michel Bourez
Pipeline in December below.
Many takers, not many makers.
*WSL 2024 Women's Tours (Avg Combos Semi / Finals Days)
CS = [12.18] ( 9/10 Olympians Failed to Qualify for 2025 CT ) But still score higher than CT Front Leg
CT 18 = [11.84] ( Lowest scoring Finals Day performers don't rank as CS quality or make the Cut! )
CT 12 =[12.96] ( 5/9 Olympians made the Final 5 ) Proved their Worth!
*WSL Women now Constantly outscore men.
Last 4 WSL Comps ( 2x SF / Final Days)
Last 2 CT Comps Finals Day
Fiji : Women [12.67] (vs) Men [12.57]
Trestles Final : Women [15.86] (vs) Men [15.68]
Last 2 Longboard Comps Finals Day
Surf Abu Dhabi : Women [15.68] (vs) Men [13.97] (Women won every round on same waves)
Trestles LB Final (4 Surfers) : Women [12.44] (vs) Men [12.16]
(Decades long Gender Pay Gap blows out to double Chix Pay rates!)
2024 ($US) #1 Little Girl $595,000 vs #1 Grown Man $548,360
*2024 WSL Women Earn 2x more than Men in Premium highest purse Tour Comp
2024 ($US) Teahupoo Glow Mesh Prize Purse
Note : Few would know that these Price Purses keep pouring more Coins into Chix Purses.
2024 ($US) Teahupoo Glow Mesh Prize Purse tips 2x more into Chix Tips Jar! (Few to None care!)
Men $510,000 divided by 71 Performances = (Earn) $7,183.10 per performance
Women $370,000 divided by 27 Performances = (Earn) $13,703.70 per performance
Women are paid (90.78%) higher / per hr to surf less outings in smaller waves of consequence...
Silly Question! (Crew knows exactly why!)
Blokes just gotta shit in the Surf (vs) whole world tour itinerary of P&0 Chiko Chix Hassles
Unborn Baby Sacrificed on Reef + exotic Dream Tour Water bug swallowing a WSL Fetus whole!
WSL would need 2 undecillion Roubles just to dream up enough Code Red Lay Day Chix Insurance!
But! Big But...2021/2024 Only Women fought for Zero Dollars in Final's Day Title Bout Deciders
These Champ Chix forgo $100k to surf Final 3rd & Final Duel for free...(Again...none dare to care!)
Doubt very much if any Chick anywhere ever complained once of massive $100k Pay Dip...Wot? Huh!
*Final's Day obligates WSL to pay lip service to Duelling Gladiator Chix
WSL importantly mandate that last Event of each year lays claim to Equal M/W heats / Prize purse!
Basically all know...It's just to shut up the lesser paid Weaker Sex Men Slaves...
Equal M/W competitors > Equal Pay per heat...for one Dream Tour Day with no Gender Gap Shame!
Apart from 1 (vs) 1 Surf Off..( Chiko Champs often surf best ever 3rd Heat Decider for free )
5th $20k 4th $60k 3rd $75k 2nd 100k (2 Wins Final $200k) 3rd / Final is not rewarded = $0 Value! Shh!
White Star Line demand 2 most exhausted Slaves surf Duel to Death 21/24 Decider heat bouts for free.
The harder a surfer competes at Top level during end of season Final's Day the less they are rewarded.
Battle to the Death ain't worth an extra cent
Why bother surfing an epic all time Final Decider for Free (Nothing Special)
Only WSL could mandate Epic Finals Day Drama but refuse to reward epic Finals Day Duels...well durr!
*2026 : 24 Women / 36 Men
Depending on Heats / Rounds > WSL Chix will still earn 30 > 50% higher hourly pay each outing!
All know equal Heats per round would & could close the decades long underpay of Men surfers.
Blokes mostly surf for fun & care less about being forever paid less...not a big deal (None complain!)
It's very easy to allocate equal Pay for heats Surfed per number of surfers to even up the hourly pay,,,
Doubt if any male surfer ever uttered such request...for equal heat pay rates...Wotz that! Dunno! Vote No!
So we're gonna hear endless Blokes dropping off arse end of Tour & shed more tears...(Coughing fit!)
(More Beach Bum Mums are willing to step up & Surf for their Son's Dole Cheques)
Year 2000 Grannies once knitted 13% of useless Grandson's Bored Board Covers
Tides Turned to Drown out the Surf Rats!
2020 Now Dry Docked Gromz queue to polish 10% of Grovelin' Grannie's Seachanging Booger Haul.
'Can we stow our 5min Shock Jock leashed Hand Planes at yer Breaka Booger Shack Gran!'