2024 Board Yard Sale Wrap Up

Craig's picture
By Craig Brokensha (Craig)
Photo: Tony Palmer

2024 Board Yard Sale Wrap Up

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)
Swellnet Dispatch

Another succesful Board Yard Sale was held on Sunday at Freshwater, with a great turn out for our yearly fundraiser in support of Lifeline Northern Beaches.

With shortened notice we still raised $2,450 for Lifeline, while adding to our team total which competes in the Lifeline Classic on November 17th.

Boards of all shapes, sizes, and ages were on sale with some incredible bargains going down.

While extending the life of pre-loved boards, it also passes on the stoke to a new owner, or provides an opportunity to try something a little different.

A big thank you goes out to the volunteers who helped run the day, especially Marty from Butterbox Cafe for handling the accounts and transactions, plus all the participants who came along.

Payments to sellers will be put through this afternoon, and we're still looking for a few more donations so we can reach our $5,000 target. Click here to donate to the Swellnet team.

A final thanks to Tony Palmer for taking these great images from the day, with a full gallery here.




radiationrules's picture
radiationrules's picture
radiationrules Thursday, 12 Sep 2024 at 12:41pm

Congratulations Craig and crew - I've run a few of these board swap events and it's not easy - it's a logistical nightmare - and for the most important cause there can be - Lifeline - 'coz mental health issues affect everyone. Thanks for your collective dedication.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 6:35am

Cheers RR, yes logistically quite a task.

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 4:02am

Looks like there were some cool boards there. Any of particular note?

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 6:35am

One that stood out to me was a yellow Christenson twin that was in near perfect condition and went for $300 or so. Some other insane deals as well.

Spuddups's picture
Spuddups's picture
Spuddups Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 9:59am

Holy cow, that's a bargain. Good onya for organising it.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 10:10am

Here it is.. With fins as well!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 10:38am

with fins, holy cow! ol mate gonna have some fun.
always looks an amazing fundraiser for the community craig,
bloody good on you! (me no insta, re wotd steve post)

Solitude's picture
Solitude's picture
Solitude Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 5:55am

Good on you Craig and Swellnet.
Bringing Lifeline into the surfing community’s consciousness is worth it alone. Hats off.

I have some similar ideas surrounding mental health awareness and surfing. Might try to get in contact to collaborate.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 6:35am

Yeah please do Solitude. Cheers.

Colinwood's picture
Colinwood's picture
Colinwood Friday, 13 Sep 2024 at 8:16am

I would love peen there

haggis's picture
haggis's picture
haggis Saturday, 14 Sep 2024 at 6:38am

Like that assymboard one fella had.

Gonebush's picture
Gonebush's picture
Gonebush Sunday, 15 Sep 2024 at 2:20pm

Well done Craig and team. Ben