Largest Surf Park in Southern Hemi One Step Closer To Reality

Nicolas Perpitch
Swellnet Dispatch

A proposed $100 million surf park in the Perth suburb of Jandakot is one step closer to pumping out waves, after the state's environmental watchdog ruled it did not require further assessment.

Despite concerns about endangered black cockatoo habitats on the site, located between an industrial area and the Kwinana Freeway, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) decided the vegetation was already too degraded.

The surf park would sit on 5.78 hectares of land and would require 5.26ha of native vegetation to be cleared, including 3.13ha of Banksia Woodlands, a state-listed priority ecological community.

Environmental consultants commissioned by the proponent, Aventuur, had found that ripping up Banksia trees, which can be a foraging habitat for Black Cockatoos, could put the threatened species at risk.

The company then referred the project for federal environmental assessment, which found last July it did not present a significant risk to Black Cockatoos and did not need assessment. 

Aventuur also referred the surf park to the WA EPA, which examined the impacts on flora and fauna, inland waters, water quality from polluted discharge and noise.

During a public comment period, submissions overwhelmingly urged the EPA to assess the project. Out of 1096 submissions, only 150 pushed for no assessment.

No need for formal assessment: watchdog 

After conducting its own investigations, the watchdog agreed with the minority.

"The EPA considers that the likely environmental effects of the proposal are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment," the EPA concluded.

"The vegetation has been impacted by historical clearing and ongoing degrading processes leading to large proportion of weeds and limited canopy connectivity. 

"The vegetation is of low to moderate quality foraging habitat for Black Cockatoos."

The decision can still be appealed, and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation will also assess a native vegetation clearing application.

Proponent to offset land clearing with nature reserve

Aventuur said it wanted its projects to "deliver net positive environmental outcomes" and it would buy 18 hectares of Banksia Woodland on the Swan Coastal Plain and donate it to the state as a nature reserve to offset its land clearing.

The facility is expected to include bars and restaurants, accommodation, function spaces and retail stores

The proposed surf park would have a large open water surfing lagoon, accommodation, bars and restaurants, a function centre, an events space, a skating area, and a health and wellness centre. 

Aventuur promised the park's buildings would be five-star green rated and it would remove existing banksia trees during clearing and then replant them on site.

Aventuur is planning to build the wave park on a 5.8-hectare site on Prinsep Road in Jandakot

"In each aspect of our project, we aim to exceed the stringent requirements of the WA government to deliver a world-leading example of a sustainable, responsible surf park development," it said in a statement.

The project also needed development approval from the City of Cockburn to go ahead.

Construction would then start in late 2023 and it would open to wave hungry surfers in late 2025.

© Australian Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.


Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 2:38pm

That top image....ahhh...heaven!
Dance party/rave - then surf - then rave - then surf....then Id get one of those apartments overlooking the site, then spend my life between plugged into my VR headset in the Metaverse, then rave, uber eats, then chlorine waves, then metaverse, then rave, then uber eats, then chlorine waves.....
you'd never see me again.
Maybe taking the occasional pot shot at the last black cocky as it flies past with a dying banksia in its mouth.

what_up's picture
what_up's picture
what_up Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 3:49pm

hahaha.. so good.. hello future!!!! (insert depressed face)!!!!!

kimbo1's picture
kimbo1's picture
kimbo1 Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 7:28pm

would of thought the steel mill next door was already a fairly obtrusive neighbour to the incumbents .

t-diddy's picture
t-diddy's picture
t-diddy Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 9:48pm


channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom's picture
channel-bottom Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 2:44pm

Like Melbourne, Perth ain't a bad option for one of the tubs. Better than the Sunny Coast location.

Smorto's picture
Smorto's picture
Smorto Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 3:04pm

A comparatively small bit of land surrounded by a highway, major railway station, steel plant and industrial estate that's well within the existing Perth urban area is hardly prime cockatoo habitat. I can see why they didn't bother to assess it further.

Its better here than sticking it out further east of Perth and extending the urban sprawl.

rj-davey's picture
rj-davey's picture
rj-davey Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 3:51pm

It's written as though Aventuur somehow got away with something here.

There isn't by default a strong correlation between the volume of submissions and their quality. A mobilised and/or well funded campaign pushing poorly founded objections should still fail.

Komodo's picture
Komodo's picture
Komodo Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 7:18pm

Excellent opportunity for the developers to not only revegetate, but also provide man made nesting sites.
Provide the food, provide the safety,they will come.
What could be better, chillin after a surf
Listening to the chatter of the Carnaby.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 8:57pm

From "The West Australian" today

"Located on Prinsep Road, the Perth Surf Park is expected to create more than 260 jobs during construction, welcome over 1,000,000 visitors annually, and contribute more than $250m to the WA economy during its operating life."

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 8:59pm

That's approximately 2740 people/day every day of the year attending, staying, raving, eating, drinking, shagging and maybe some surfing

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 10:05pm

Im all for any thoughtful development carefully implemented that makes the planet better for our kids & future generations.... however these type of developments are rarer than the endangered Carnaby cockatoos.

Ask yourselves....who benefits from this or other Devt projects?

Cockburn Central Location Map (no kidding)

I can understand the logic of putting this development near an major airport and freeway at Cockburn & going through the Govt assessment process.
You dont want them Carnaby cockatoos being sucked to the jet engines anyway.

Its just some profiteering pirate factoids are being endlessly reproduce across this Great Southern Land
( that has evolved over 600 Million years or .....miraculously manifested by mythical angels in 6k God yrs) &
that is sadly now mostly logged and /or cleared of bush & grazed by livestock in 200 years of Fast:bucks Pty Ltd

This is a WA Govt leased site & adjacent "bushland reserve" land may be sold in the future & cleared of most native vegetation.
Can this lease arrangement can be onsold to other investors...?
Is there any mention in the Environmental Assessment of future clearing of the last remnant of bushland in any future expansion to the development?

I couldnt find the assessment link on their Facebook page...
I found this promo pitcharoony...Facebook Quotes below

According the Aventuur Facebook page sourced today 7/3/23

"Aventuur is with Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and 5 others....
20 June 2022 ·

Today we celebrated the signing of our long-term ground lease for the Perth Surf Park with the Western Australian Government, City of Cockburn and Surfing WA. Opening in Summer 2024/25, the Perth Surf Park will be Western Australia's first, and is set to become a major sporting, tourism and entertainment destination in Cockburn. "

“The interesting thing about this asset class is the (surfing) lagoon itself is fantastic…it has got a great margin profile of 40-50 percent EBITDA, but it’s really all about its destinational value. It’s a massive attractor…(that) elevates all the surrounding property around the park, so having it as a centre piece to a larger integrated property development makes a whole lot of sense.”

"Aventuur promised the park's buildings would be five-star green rated and it would remove existing banksia trees during clearing and then replant them on site."
(BTW: It takes 10 years for Banskia's to flower & reproduce in undisturbed areas of NSW; how long in disturbed salty soil sites in dry WA; any sandminer may know ?)
So, a 10 year investment bond could be required to help the Carnaby Cocktoo eat & sleep or it maybe greenwash marketing & free PR lunches are quicker & cheaper?

"The surf park would sit on 5.78 hectares of land and would require 5.26ha of native vegetation to be cleared, including 3.13ha of Banksia Woodlands, a state-listed priority ecological community."

Some Eco maths:
5.26ha veg / 5.78ha site footprint = 91% clearing of 'degraded vegetation'
3.13ha Ecologically endangered Plant community (EEC) / 5.78ha site = 54% EEC to be cleared

"A mobilised and/or well funded campaign " Reverse? spin 101

Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben Friday, 10 Mar 2023 at 12:16am

Good maths tbb. You always do the research. The amount of energy and water use will be massive. Social and financial dividends for all companies-and governments-I’m pretty sure will see the project through. Don’t mind Trigg clouseouts

Lottolonglong's picture
Lottolonglong's picture
Lottolonglong Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 9:31pm

Any idea of which technology?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 10:48pm


seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 9:35pm

That's a lot of car parking

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Tuesday, 7 Mar 2023 at 9:47pm

" Ex-CEO of NSW EPA on board of polluting waste giant Bingo"

eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies's picture
eat-your-vegies Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 1:58am

Perth would be the best city in oz to have a wave park.
They surf 2’ close outs all year packed with cocks that would snake their own mother to get on the end of one.
Don’t tell ‘em there may be waves south or even north.
We don’t want em.
They’re a plague .
Give them a 2’ peak and a Big Mac they’ll plant palm trees instead of banksias ,drink emu lager instead of Bintang .
Dodgey Macgowan public transport instead of sterdy Kuta scootas
Warm enough 2 months of the year
Cold enough 10 months so Jetstar don’t care.
And all on a dodgey bit of land that will be zoned for a truck dispatch yard with no trees or water or chicks in bikinis if the pool doesn’t go ahead.
Black cockatoos shoulda left when Macgowan won his first election

elrayoex's picture
elrayoex's picture
elrayoex Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 9:13am

YEP !!!

sangsta's picture
sangsta's picture
sangsta Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 10:15am

Well said Vegies.
Call me a surf snob, but I fully support keeping the crowds in the capital cities, fully chlorinated, carb loaded and in their "Happy Place"
For me, surfing is all about being in the ocean and not really knowing what you will get until you get there.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 3:17am

Perth would be the best city in oz to have a wave park. AGREE

elrayoex's picture
elrayoex's picture
elrayoex Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 9:11am

Has anyone done a full study on the land to see how valuable it might be for the endangered Black Cockatoos . How many of this endangered birds use this last remnant of original vegetation as a refuge or permanent source of food . Why cant they find an old cleared sheep paddock further out of Perth to build this Surf Palace . If its going to be that good people will come from miles around believe me . Destroying nature to recreate nature in the name of the almighty dollar is sacrilege. Cant believe how the government departments that are supposed to protect the environment are doing the very opposite of what they were created for . WHAT A JOKE .

555ZZZ's picture
555ZZZ's picture
555ZZZ Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 9:56am

''The company then referred the project for federal environmental assessment, which found last July it did not present a significant risk to Black Cockatoos and did not need assessment. ''

simsurf's picture
simsurf's picture
simsurf Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 10:07am

It would appear in this instance the proponent and the consultant have done the right thing and sent the proposal for assessment at the state and commonwealth level though the significant residual impact guidelines can be wishy washy at best. The vegetation would appear to be heavily degraded and suffers from high levels of disturbance. Given that habitat mapping is usually done from aerial photography without any ground-truthing until a DA is lodged it appears to be a decent outcome.

john.saba's picture
john.saba's picture
john.saba Sunday, 26 Mar 2023 at 1:30pm

well said elrayoex ,ist always about the $$

555ZZZ's picture
555ZZZ's picture
555ZZZ Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 9:54am

Since the EPA survey found it to not be a significant risk to the Black Cockatoos , it should go ahead.
These birds easily travel large distances every day , so its not like they are living on that piece of land only.

radiationrules's picture
radiationrules's picture
radiationrules Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 10:58am

Don't forget that one of Urbsurf's key marketing points is saving surfers from "marine hazards" AKA willfully teaching children that sharks aren't a part of the environment you play in.

I can't wait to see the private number plates for the 1st 100 surfers who "took on the tub" - wow - so much prestige.

MidWestMonger's picture
MidWestMonger's picture
MidWestMonger Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 11:31am

Missed opportunity not putting it next to Kwinana motorplex. Accommodation could of had either drag strip or pool views. Could of had a cage fighting area for surfie / bogan interactions.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 2:32pm

And scored some meth off the bikies

Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 3:13pm

Will they face it in the right direction?
They faced the Scarborough pool the wrong way…..

Perth surfers better move within 15mins of it to be ready for “climate” lockdowns.

panaitan's picture
panaitan's picture
panaitan Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 3:18pm

It doesn't matter if it is degraded habitat, it could easily be repaired. Once it is gone, that possibility is gone forever. The concept of buying existing habitat as an offset is a complete joke. That habitat is not new habitat, so there is a net loss of habitat. Its called a death by a thousand cuts.
Wave pools stink! All that energy that is used to power them when we have a natural source of wave energy just nearby.

Chicken Schnitty's picture
Chicken Schnitty's picture
Chicken Schnitty Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 5:18pm

Just a guess but you have never been to Perth

Garryh's picture
Garryh's picture
Garryh Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 3:20pm

Will this park be busy. Heck yes

Vince Neil's picture
Vince Neil's picture
Vince Neil Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 5:18pm

says a lot about the wave quality in Perth?

pigdog's picture
pigdog's picture
pigdog Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 5:53pm

i wonder if they are going to put as many modules in (56) as the one in soel ,south korea

SurferSam's picture
SurferSam's picture
SurferSam Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 7:21pm

Ha ha it’s a light industrial waste land already. The pool will only improve it. Pretty good spot for it I reckon.

Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 10:55pm

Sure is. That whole area (Cockburn Central) was bush just ten or so years ago but they’ve managed to build first a massive shopping centre followed by numerous apartment blocks and light industry and commercial businesses. Didn’t here about the cockatoos then-I think they bailed a while ago. Agree with Sam it’s about as good a spot you could pick for a wave tub. Also the groundwater table is roughly 15 metres below ground level and saline in some areas so I wonder where the water is coming from? That and evaporation-it get’s hot in summer-should be the biggest environmental concerns.

Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 10:55pm

Sure is. That whole area (Cockburn Central) was bush just ten or so years ago but they’ve managed to build first a massive shopping centre followed by numerous apartment blocks and light industry and commercial businesses. Didn’t here about the cockatoos then-I think they bailed a while ago. Agree with Sam it’s about as good a spot you could pick for a wave tub. Also the groundwater table is roughly 15 metres below ground level and saline in some areas so I wonder where the water is coming from? That and evaporation-it get’s hot in summer-should be the biggest environmental concerns.

Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben's picture
Johan Wohlleben Wednesday, 8 Mar 2023 at 11:15pm

Just checked and for scheme water it’s roughly a third from desalination plants and groundwater each with the rest from dams. There’s no way they should be able to directly access groundwater.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 1:58am

Anyone following the Politics or wishes for the detail of Site Clearing...
swellnet / tbb ran an ongoing site review including Local Community Enviro response.

Here'a a Quick catch-up!

Habitat Loss : 1H Wetland + 3H Banksia Woodland
Endangered Species : Carnabys / Red Tailed Black Cockatoos / Quendas / Rainbow Bee Eater
29 Nov 2022 : "Cockburn Shire supported Saving this Wildlife Corridor!"
29 Nov : Consultants recommend new Road Alignment to minimize habitat damage!
1 Dec Cate Tauss: " 55% of Block has been "Illegally Pre-Cleared before EPA visit"
13 Dec 2022 Minister : "Pleased to see Proposal advance to next Stage!"
March EPA : The Vegetation has been impacted by Historical Clearing & ongoing degrading processes!
EPA : "Vegetation was already too Degraded!"
Too Bad so Sad.

Airports naturally restrict development Height.
Inter Urban Train Stations maximize 12 story City Centres > 50 Stories Cbd.
Most State Govts would demand Max 10 Story Cockburn Central Population of 10,000.
Simply as Environmental prerequisite to Max Public Transit & Remove cars off roads!
tbb's local station is vacant just like here but approved as a city of 18,000 Rail Commuters!

1,000's of Potential Employee Units feed Transit System > Perth > Airport
Hard to fathom how any think an interurban Station Wavepool removes maximum Cars off Roads.
Kinda think it's camping on a potential 2,000 daily commuters Train Seats!

Let Transperth sort it out...will they Welcome Surfers to Cockburn Central?
Locals would first need Buses to connect to Perth > Cockburn Line.
Perth Buses carry 1.2m Boogies > Only Perth < > Scarborough Bus carries 2m Boards!
All Transperth Trains including Airport now carry surfboards > 2m max!
Transperth > Cockburn Train Line to Wave Pool Station (Carries Surfboards > 2m max)
Tip! (No Boards) in max height thru Carriage Aisles > Side seats/Storage max out at 2m Bulkheads

So it's Pretty much Ok for Yuppie Gromz that can fork out $90 min to surf the Point.
For all the Interstate Gromz & on...

New Airport Train > (Perth Central connect) > Cockburn Wave Pool = 1hr Journey!
That's how the Perth Wave Pool Rolls!

PS: Private Coaches from Airport South will carry Boards.
However will cost more & run less timetable options!
Possibly a Surf Safari Mini Bus may run Airport > Cockburn > Margs.
Similar to Bne > Goldie Airport > Byron (It can Work!)

smokeydogg's picture
smokeydogg's picture
smokeydogg Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 1:58am

Apparently the the Black Cockatoos were sent down to that rough bushland after causing a fair bit of trouble,
while the White Cokatoos are all nested up nicely in the parks in the Northern suburbs.

guysoceanharmonics's picture
guysoceanharmonics's picture
guysoceanharmonics Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 9:42am

Fantastic news, finally a move in the right direction for a surfing sports facility for kids and families just like every other sport expects and receives a sporting complex which in the past never received one complaint. Great to see the usual protesters did not get to destroy a wonderful opportunity for the community to get access to waves at a capital city location where there are no waves for easily 8 months of the year, When it comes to cost interestingly I see no complaints over the costs associated with access to yacht clubs, golf clubs, gyms, ballet, rock climbing, scuba diving, fishing, motorsports etc, costs are only ever mentioned when a wave sports complex is mentioned. Looking forward to the community enjoying it.

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 11:17am

Interesting angle - community enjoyment, little kids getting access etc etc.
But I just never get convinced - community? Little kids? Families? I'd be interested in the demographic of those that visit the other tubs. I'm not a demographer (insert other terms too like doctor, immunologist etc) but I'm going to take a punt at the clients NOT being struggling mortgage belters, not newly arrived immigrants, not community groups, not your average kid/family from the burbs.
This is the standard angle from developers and politicians (1mill visitors, 256,754,000 jobs etc etc etc etc etc etc ) but the cost of entry and specialty of the sport is a demographic and socio-economic berlin wall. Hope you're on the right side and dont try and cross it.
My two challenges are the total ecological cost in energy consumption and the second one is it supports this troubling human notion that we all have to have access to everything - some sort of human right to not miss out on things that maybe you done NEED access to. This notion drives more consumption....
Maybe we have to get used to the fact that if you live inland....surfing is not the best sport. If you live on the coast.....dont take up mountaineering. You live in Australia, dont take up second hand Japanese pottery collecting that requires a trip to Japan. If you live in Perth - get used to 2 foot close outs and just enjoy the fact the weather is freaking amazing as you sip your Emu lager at the Cott Sunday sesh....
Suggesting that we cant have something seems heretical these days. Like parents making sure that all the kids in pass the parcel get a price in each wrapping layer.....try old school pass the parcel at your next kids parts and see what happens! 6 year olds screaming that its unfair and storming out of the place.
I might be a little suspicious and cynical about the power of money but my bet is on the developers NOT really caring about community access to health and wellbeing opportunities....just a wild guess.

guysoceanharmonics's picture
guysoceanharmonics's picture
guysoceanharmonics Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 11:35am

The Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club just completed a substantial expansion into the Swan River and I did not hear one complaint, there was a massive protest against the Scarborough Beach foreshore area development and yet is has proved to be a substantial success story with families returning and ironically a massive swimming pool abutting the ocean that is incredibly popular yet costs either a membership or daily fee. People I have spoken to avoided Scarborough previously and have now returned, this is an example of social infrastructure development that the community builds to create a better social and community backdrop. I support the wave parks in high population areas to allow those who work long hours including FIFO access to the wonderful sport of surfing. There is a lot of irony that surfers jump onto planes spewing fumes all over the worlds oceans chasing waves (I recently went to to the Maldives, 6 plane trips and a diesel powered boat and 24/7 diesel generator for water and power) and yet there is opposition from some regarding a surfing sports complex that would reduce the use of fuels and time to gain access to the enjoyment of surfing. We mow down hundreds of acres of natural bushland so that those who enjoy golf can hit a small white ball into a hole, we build a billion dollar stadium on the river so that tens of thousands of people can watch someone kick a ball, the list goes on, I simply support access to waves in a city that has very little and yes I have surfed the wave park in Melbourne and thought it was great fun.

mcbain's picture
mcbain's picture
mcbain Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 2:01pm

What is the cut-off for community enjoyment/ access or options for things to do? No flying for surf trips or mountaineering? Any driving for surf trips, how far?? Wavepools for all in-landers?? Or just footy ovals/skateparks???

Shouldn't the vision be as much as possible for as many as possible? What is people's beef with consumption?

Agree with pass the parcel though - I always only did a couple of prizes at the end. Kids seemed to handle it though.

Bungan33's picture
Bungan33's picture
Bungan33 Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 9:50pm

Is that second paragraph serious or ironic? I'll assume it's ironic - but if not, try not to bring up your lunch when you google images/waste/cambodia....just for starters....or maybe scare the crap out of yourself closer to home....

Futurists have a term for it: Cycle of desire & consumption.
We consume due to some existential hole in our lives and a sense of emptiness or chase for status (God damn that new iPhone 14 looks SO much better than my 13), this degrades the environment through both production and waste disposal, this leads to cultural decay and unrest - which fuels a loss of meaning, purpose and damage to our consciousness - which - BINGO! - leads us to fill that hole with buying more stuff. Problem solved.

Happy days!

mcbain's picture
mcbain's picture
mcbain Saturday, 11 Mar 2023 at 12:44pm

I'd go for half ironic. Just not sure I want Bungan33 deciding what's good for us.

Your 'futurists' outline is a classic misanthropic view of humanity, but that sells right! Especially for a particular (guilt ridden) western middle class demographic!!
Not sure I'd be relying on futurists predictions given their general predictive capabilities (shithouse) - and business model (secular priesthood).

I'd agree waste is a problem, but that doesn't follow for 'consumption'.

Humans are a resourceful lot. Instead of thinking we are the problem, I'd suggest flipping and that for a mindset to an idea that no problem is too big for us to sort out (including wavepools for all!).

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 2:36pm

Yep, the greater ecological question is how much of the bio-physical realm are we prepared to sacrifice so every human want can be satisfied?

Do we build 30 wave pools across Inland Aus so every kid gets to surf?

Also agree that these pools aren't the same as soccer fields skateparks or kids going fishing- those activities are essentially free once you build the infrastructure.

With wave pools, it's the ongoing cost per wave which will eliminate that as a consideration for most.

Having said that- yeah Perth seems like a good place for one.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 7:20pm

Those fields are going to require a mow every once in a while. And if in Perth over the hot summer, might want to retic them... it's dry, Macca.

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Monday, 13 Mar 2023 at 12:22pm

People want the prize, without factoring in the costs to the whole community & ecology. These factors are what an environmental assessment is suppose to provide to the developer & impartial Govt Depts.
WA Fisheries research on the impact of opening the Swan River via dredging & breakwaters; found that it increased the salinity and decreased some species. Nutrient pollution & lower rainfall has increased algae & deoxygenation affects (kills) many fish species.

"Climate change is decreasing rainfall and increasing tidal heights and storm surge in the river system. This is impacting on the hydrodynamics of the river system."

After the researcher clearly presented this above information at a community meeting in NSW, regarding breakwalls & impacts on the local lake system, at retired boaty said.... " When are we getting our Breakwall?"

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 12:24pm

Claim : " Largest Surf Park in the Southern Hemisphere "

Boa Vista = 15,500 sqm or 1.5 HA
Melbourne = 20,000 sqm or 2 HA
WA (vs) Qld (Big Bash Final) Mankind's Biggest Puddle in Driest Continent

Perth Aventuur = 22,200 sqm or 2.2 HA
Surf Lakes = 36,000 sqm or 3.6 HA

No Contest > Winner is...
Last Play of the Final > Perth Scorcher's use last Referral for biggest whatever...
Waiting...minutes > Days > Crowd walks out > now months...& do we have a decision...(Maybe!)

Perth claim that we dodgy Qldurrz are sellin' a pup!
Massive claim that left our Qldurr Whiteshoes back peddling their Dirigibles!

tbb believes Perth just exposed that Surf Lakes are downsizing their Public Model? Huh!

Very clever play as Surf Lakes have already run their XL Demo > Why not the Mini Me model.
Qldurr admits that it makes good business sense to model the new Surf Lakes Urban Model
Mini Me Surf Puddles can better comply with Water Quality & 2.4m OHAS ...Tick! & Tick!
They can also sell more perimeter Real Estate to help pay for their own Down Size re-do.
Downsizing Surf Lakes to Surf Puddles affords the developers to squeeze in more Hi Rise!
So how big is this new Surf Lakes Downtown "Public Model"
Gromz Look Away Now!
Surf Puddles = 20,000 sqm or 2HA

Quote : Andy : "Our WA Pool will have same max modules as Largest WG South Korea!
But Perth's is gonna be 30m longer than Largest WG South Korea...(Huh! Why bother?)
Well now ya all know why...
Coz by extending Perth's pool it's set to claim Biggest Southern Title from reduced size Surf Lakes!
tbb has not read such but thinks our above Title screams the fact.
Reckon that Wave Garden knows us Qldurrz are gearing down & surrendering our Title! Cry! Cry!

Beastly Roary has sniffed out Dingo's VIP Grom Den & holds Thoroccy's head aloft!
Southern Sons now bow to their new Wave Pool God Roary.
Well Played WA...Big Bash Champions stepped up to bash us Qldurrz down to size.
Gotta luv that!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Thursday, 9 Mar 2023 at 7:24pm

This seems like a great resource for Perth surfers. It'll have great shape, too!

When we first went to Perth and rented in Bull Creek, the suburb was being established. On that incredibly diverse Banksia woodland of the Swan coastal plain. I shit you not, one afternoon a dragonfly landed on our back window and the thing was over half a metre long, the thing was massive. Who knows how many species and niches are already gone there?

George Seddon's book "Sense of Place" is a true gem for this coastal plain.

radiationrules's picture
radiationrules's picture
radiationrules Friday, 10 Mar 2023 at 11:41am

For me, just one person, the measurement of surfing; so as to make financial gain from every wave is anti-theoretical to my ideal of "surfing the artform".
Having said that, I will try it and that experience might change my perspective.
The philosophical construct reminds me of going to the ment's for the 1st time many years ago and being told on the 1st day how much the "surf photographer package costs" at the end of the trip. I said something to the effect of "Look I don't want any photo's of myself surfing. I'd rather focus on how I feel riding waves, not what I look like. I don't care if the photographer or anyone else sees any wave I ride" (that did not go down well with anyone)

bbbird's picture
bbbird's picture
bbbird Monday, 13 Mar 2023 at 12:46pm

Moments are glorious, memories can fade & hard drives fail...
You could grab a photo of your favourite Ments wave and paste yourself in the slot... for fun
This is a hypothetical suggestion only

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 12 Mar 2023 at 1:28am

Perth Surf Park Doc Drawer


WA Govt Handover Media Presentation

City of Cockburn Lease

City of Cockburn Application + Aventuur Surf Park Plans

EPA Referral + Determination
"Biggest Surf Park in Southern Hemisphere!"
Same news grab was run by media whole...
But then this jaw dropping figure was dropped from outta the blue!
"(1 million) Surf Park visitors / year"
Wow! That's Double Oz biggest Water Parks > 8x Tulla Tub

tbb can help explain those numbers & how Aventuur can claim Biggest Everything Ever.

Motorway / Railway Precinct affords higher density + higher decibels!
Aventuur Rail Hub is geared up as an Entertainment Arena for Concerts & Festivals
Govt Stations can timetable 50,000 return Passengers / day for Sports-Gigs-Events.
Many American / Asian Wave Pools pull in 20-40,000 @ Beach Parties + 2,000 Film Nights
1 concert / month in o/s wave pools would meet 50% of claimed annual 1m Target!
So! How many can Largest Wave Pool in Southern Hemisphere do with it's own Rail Station?

Sounds feasible tbb..."One Problem! The site can't hold 40,000!"
In fact the Lawns only hold 3,000?
Ok! Great Question...
(Govt Handover) Aventuur boasted a longer WG Wave Pool as Surf Lakes gears down.
Sure! Biggest Southern Wave Pool bragging rights...only, that's not the main reason...Huh!

Take a closer look at Perth Wave Pool Plans... (A bit see!) Wot! Exactly!
The waves cut out half Way...The larger Pool is not designed for stoking longer rides for Surfers.
A reduced 25% of Pool has surfable waves...75% is designed for shallow common wading access.
So why go to that expense of building largest Southern pool for shortest rides & largest wading area?

Many Perth swimmers equally love a wade or small wave bodysurf & are also fearful of Sharks.
A Rail Station Surf Lagoon with 75% of Surf / Slush devoted to Waders ticks all boxes.
Can fit 1,000's of waders in there alongside Boardriders on Shortened rides.
Plans detail Perth's waves as smaller & rides are presented shorter than Tulla Tub.
Unless all their Plans are shitty...only tbb is on record praising the detail of Perth's Plans!

VIP Lawns hold 3,000 then by site comparison the common wade area boasts 20,000 concert goers.
Why need so many waders?
It's designed for Maximum 1 metre Wading depth for Southern Hemisphere's Biggest Beach Parties...

Nowhere can sell & flush out grog faster than Southern Hemisphere's Biggest Beach Party!
Govt / Council up to the necks in filthy lucre! Everyone Drink & Wade...Everyone!
"Southern Hemisphere's Biggest Blue Loo!"
This is how all Worldly Beach Parties roll now...Councils permit these giant receptacles!

All recall 1969 Big Surf Wave Pool...10-15,000 all waist deep in rather not say! (Punk Festivals the Lot)
This is an oldschool entry example...Asia clock 40,000 Wave Pool Gigs easy! (All waist deep...well durr!)

Sure! Biggest Woteva with smallest 2m shortest shallowest shortboard rides is what they're selling!
All are free to check on that with Aventuur Plans supplied above!
3D Renders / Plans deliberately define & state a massive Dead Zone over larger half of the pool.
It can not be is repeated verbatim in every sketch!
Answer this! Why is 50% of entire Site (Massive 75% Wade Area) Absent of Waves & Planned Use?
Just sayin'...reckon World's biggest somethin' fits in there perfectly well thank you! (re: 1m / yr Crowd!)

dlk92's picture
dlk92's picture
dlk92 Tuesday, 21 Mar 2023 at 9:47am

For better or worse, looks like it's won approval and will go ahead.

"WA’s $100m Surf Park Gets Green Light"

Rt2's picture
Rt2's picture
Rt2 Thursday, 23 Mar 2023 at 9:57am

I’ve never seen a wave pool nor understand how winds affect wave quality in a pool setup. I guess an “onshore” wind will not produce bump , but will cause the wave to roll rather than barrel. Am I right? The photo seems to indicate “offshore” relative to wave machine direction is SW to NW quadrant and everything else is side or “onshore” relative to the pool wave direction. I live further south where easterlies, often were strong, dominate the mornings and the sea breeze roughly southerly to southeast, often strong in summer rolls in about 11am.. Overall SE is the most predominant wind direction in lower WA. We only see SW to NW winds consistently in the colder months when there is swell generated by cold fronts.

vicbloke's picture
vicbloke's picture
vicbloke Thursday, 23 Mar 2023 at 11:22am

i have never surfed the Tulla Tub but mates have said the same thing. the Tub faces Nw to NE which is not great. would have been better if was more in the western or southern quadrants. Did visit once when I had time to kill at the airport and was a strong southerly and didn't look that inviting

pigdog's picture
pigdog's picture
pigdog Sunday, 26 Mar 2023 at 2:14pm

rt2 its not that hard to understand. just think if you were in the surf and the wind instantly turned onshore for 15 second would it effect it. NO. it would not look picture perfect YES. imagine it was blowing 30knts offshore at a wave pool...does it fk it yes . imagine it was blowing 30knts onshore at a wave pool does it fk it NO. beacuse there is no fetch. yes is wont look front cover magazine worthy @30knts onshore but there is no fetch so it effectivly does nothing to the wave.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 23 Mar 2023 at 11:09pm

Urbnsurf Expert wave 46 pistons > 16-18 secs by ride length 110-120m

20th June 2022 / Andy: "Perth 56 pistons > '18 sec' Rides are 30-40m longer = 150m long"
Important Anomaly : Max 2 sec or 12.6% seconds longer > Max 40m or 36.36 % longer!
Ya see! That don't add up in the slightest!

"Potential" for Beast Mode?
Visitors = 300,000 / yr Beach Club Entertainment Hub!

On this page...
tbb claims Plans show "Longer Pool but seemingly same length wave!
Also pointing out Mass 3x ramp in Visitor Numbers (June 2022 ~ 300,000/yr > March 2023 1m/yr)

Like wot the hell is happening here?
We have another more recent press release that kinda sorta shortens the wave length again...

20th March 2023 News Video interview with Andy...

( On WaveLength ) Andy : "Up to sorta 18 sec rides"
This Week Andy reverts to quoting standard Tulla length 16-18 sec rides for his Biggest ... ?

News : "1 million visitors/yr ...but they won't just be surfers!"

Andy : "We've got a huge amount of amenity around the outside edge of the Lagoon!"
" & that sort of thing!"

Recapping News findings...reveals all these Bizarre Anomalies!

Southern Hemisphere's Largest Surf Park = (Nowhere does this mention any 'rides' are longer!)
56 Piston > Up to Sorta 18 sec rides = Same length as 46 Piston 16-18 sec rides
56 Piston 150m Long Rides finish in same time as 46 piston 110m rides
56 Piston Aventuur has the potential of Roary's 46 piston Beast
1m annual Visitors now fit in the exact same size Park plans for max 300,000 / yr Visitors.

None of Aventuur's self controlled media claims add up! Not in the slightest!
There is no excuse for this amateur Andy has skin in the game.
Begs the question on what Perth are being sold and getting are two different things!
Coz Aventuur are currently selling Perth a potentially as Beastly Urbnsurf pool.

If that's their aim, then Aventuur are doing an excellent job!
Just sayin...why bother with biggest whatever if Andy himself keeps talkin' it down!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 23 Mar 2023 at 11:49pm

Anomaly : It is possible to have both same surfboard ride time for 40m longer waves

Yes! Even with 46 or 56 pistons, coz with a Larger Pool it's possible.

Keep Boardriding zone similar to Urbnsurf but boardriders cut out at a 110m Floatline.

Now weakening wave/s continues for 40m longer into broader [L] Bodysurfing / Wading Zone.
This option best fits the equal ride time Wave Pool plans + ramps their visitor numbers!
By containing the hard / Boardriding zone the Wading area can then cram in max bodysurf crowd.

Not read this here or about Perth Pool...just know they'll need a Floatline for Wading Gig certification.
Reckon the Floatline may double for Surf/Gigs...get a good workout at that 1m depth line!
Most wave pools have & use Floatlines ...only new for Wavegarden / AWM Surf Pools.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 26 Mar 2023 at 11:57pm

20th March 2023
Ours is not to question why... but ausleisure just let slip an undercover freebie...
All Hail Roary! Superstoked...Crew send thanx for the open share...Yeww!

Dry Run Surf Session at Aventuur Dirt Bowl...
{Warning} Pure Surf Stoke Classic!


20th March 2023 JDAP Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel
Development Approval!
Subject to Further Approvals...
Construction commences Later in 2023 > Open late 2025

That's what ya call dedication...already land swapping...
Andy & Family out shopping for 44 acres of Banksia Woodland on the Swan Coastal Plain...
swellnet are likewise stoked for Andy & Family & Perth Surfing Community
Well done crew & thanks for the Dry Run Surf Vid...gotta luv that! Yewww!

Ok! Celebration calls for a Bonus...
21st March 2023
Concrete Playground : "Sunshine Coast is due to welcome Kelly Slater's 2nd Surf Ranch!" Huh!
Q: Did WSL / Consolidated Properties do a Govt Land Swap similar to this Perth deal?
Also...was that always the Aim with the targeted Blue Heart Overkill.
Coz tbb thinks ALP Govt would win Cred by rescuing the Blue Heart in Blue Ribbon Heartland!

Double Scoop Wave Pool Bonus...can we even do that...
Ain't no turnin' back...set the controls for the heart of Perth Wave Pools...
Please slow down tbb...we're gonna wipeout!

Classical Perth Surf Stoke...from the renaissance Wave Pool Period
Special Treat for crew & Perth Wave Pool Fans...
After 25 years The Bayswater Liberace Wave Pool gets a re-tiling job...Drool! Precious!
Rare chance to spy on Perth's Top Secret Centrifugal Blowers & Oscillating Butterfly Valves.


Contraband Microfilm of Perth's exclusive Jet Powered Wave Pool Secrets...Exposed!

Thanx for sharing the works Bayswater Waves...good luck with the Renaissance Wave Pool reno.
Salute the Team for keeping the Wave Pool...Locals will be stoked! Man that is so sweet!
If ya need a Test Pilot for yer Max Propulsion Test...tbb is a fully qualified hardcore crash test dummy!
Go Perth ...Yeww!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 22 Jul 2023 at 10:51pm

Bayswater Wave Pool upgrade update.
11 May (Comment - Shipwreck is driftin' about + New Mezzanine)
2 June (Comment - Folks are demanding a return of the Fish Tiles + re: 1998 original Step Tiles)
Original pool tiles were Aqua with Red Wall Cross-floor markers + Navy Tiles on curved features
Now White & Navy Trim for Cross-Lines also. (see Vid)
Tiler cruisin in the lazy river...
19 June Wave Pool Vid (Note those overhead Comp Pennants have remained thru-out reno!)
28 June ~ Boiler Broke (Think this Boiler also works off the wave machine as one unit!)
Stage 1 ~ 25m Deluxe Indoor Pool is completed
(Wave Pool is Stage 2 > See above tiling! + Also see background Pennants hanging aloft...weird!)
Towards end of year finish for Summer.

Thanx to Bayswater Waves for cool photos of Deluxe Oz indoor Wave Pool.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 5:31pm

Bayswater Wave Pool upgrade continues in stylish tradition to Opening day.

Sept : Wading Pool Palm Tree is looking as cool as it should.

Oct : Deluxe Wavepool tiling looks sensational...

Nov/Dec : Peter Ryan's ~ Super Stoked Surfin' Mural (Tribute Gallery)

15 Dec Wave Pool Re-opens 10am-4pm
Wave Pool Prices : Adults $7.70 ($1.30/hr) Gromz +Hodads $5.80 ($1/hr)
Waves timetable 30min intervals + (Features a Whirlpool + Lazy River + Boat Waterslide)
(Feedback : Sorting out issues)
Wavewhirlerz suffer Chlorine type issues (Or possibly leaching from New Finish compounds)
Water is Cold (Oz : 30-40*) Problem all wanna have for their Heated Ponds!

17th Feb : Southern Hemisphere's most Glam Wave Pool Official Grand reopening Celebration.
Plenty of Family Fun...Aqua Inflatable Course-Wall / DJs / Face Painting / Photo Booth
swellnet crew are stoked with the Quality Bayswater wishes to WA crew!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 5 Feb 2024 at 3:25am

[ Correction ] Waves Timetable (In the Above Video > Click See More Link )
Wave goers reported 30m intervals...
Bayswater Waves : 10mins on / 40mins off...
Likely that the waves take 5mins to reach desired motion for 10mins then 5mins to subside.
20mins wave motion with 40mins Still water / hr
20mins reflects the every '30mins'-40mins reported by Wave Goers

Interesting they allow [Boards) + Rings...
Guessing the Wave Machine still powers up enough to ride a Booger ashore.
tbb can vouch it once pushed an active run of waves ashore.
Original Wave Pool also ran Canoe Safety Course for up to a Dozen crew!
Mostly righting one's Canoe with mastering eskimo rolls...
But they did paddle a course as well...most absolute use of a polite indoor wavepool.
tbb had a few neat links / Photos / Vids that have since expired in recent years!
However...can still share the Vision Splendour of original Showcase Liberace Wavepool
Why not celebrate Deluxe Wave Hangs!
swellnet tradies salute to World's best Wave Pool Tiling Jobs.

1997 MSAC
1999 Bayswater Waves
1927 Gellert Wavepool
2001 Monash Wavepool
2008 Darwin Wave Lagoon (Note wavy lines in the Glass Barricade reflects onto posh!)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 31 Mar 2023 at 3:30pm

This is the EPA Doc from this Feature Story...
28th Feb 2023 Doco Draw (Late Edition) courtesy N. Perpitch

28th March 2023 ~ EPA Assessment (Appeal) Deadline (Oops! Missed it by 3 days! Sorry crew!)
However Doc is still very useful as it does give a breakdown count of Public response.
Unsure why ABC could not share a link to this Doc?

Also the exact wording of EPA response can be read & shared to all.
This was enquired about & can be shared...not a state secret!

Do not Access = 150 (see above feature!)
Referral Info = 9
No 'Public' Environmental Review = 40
Public Environmental Review = 897
Total Submissions = 1,096 (re: As given above in Feature)

Decision = Proposal not to be assessed under EPA > No Advice Given! (Exact wording)
Explanation is provided in full detail...
Covers - Historical Clearing > Ongoing Degradation / Weeds / Ltd connection > No Significant effects
To be Exact : "The Vegetation is of Low-Moderate quality foraging habitat for Black Cockatoo!"
EPA Notes : Council assessment process abides by EPA/Water Acts.

Basically a flick pass > Cockburn Council are obliged to abide by & inform EPA or any breach (Cough!)
Of interest being Cockburn Council previously sided with Melville Council to banish Roary the Dragon.
They also committed to Cockburn Wildlife Corridor!
Funny how things changed quite a lot over the Holiday break.

In light of this Glaringly Obvious kick in the guts for those locals who dared to care...
Seemingly this EPA submission was many locals first / last / only response mechanism...How so!

tbb thought to review public comment & also found this peculiar theme running thru comments.
Earlier Development Submissions on the Project...
Quite a good many keen locals were complaining at being locked out from submissions.
Oddly shared by pro supporters on a wave pool site...WTF ... that drew attention.

tbb sussed that only 'Local Hodads' were being knocked back from submissions!
Not just this Environmental white wash but also full on upfront Ageism / Elder Abuse!

tbb shared on swellnet recently that Hodads were a growth why shoot yerself in the foot!

This can only mean that inside Data (Likely [f]) revealed Pot belly Nimbys were raising pitchforks.
Yep! Twilight Zone Zombies rising up from the Pleasantville Bowls Club.
Entire Perth 30+ yrs Pot Belly Nimbys = 1x 60 yr/old Hodad Goldie Nimby tbb (In yer dreams!)
Really wanna see this Yuppie Development Proposal Submission tally...(Thought it was a mock up?)
In Favour = 127
Unsure = 1
No = 0

Like Wow! Wipeout the Beer Gutted Hodadz will ya...crime of the century...Huh! Wot!

This tally totally flips the above EPA breakdown...That sure don't add up folks! (Burp!)
We recently saw Sunny Ranch deploy in house / partnered submissions. (Now the norm!)
Why not just shower the Gromz in on them expired Lost & found blank [ i ] Signs.

Exactly!...In light of this sham ~ tbb will have a crack at unravelling [f] comments to get a more fair read.
As unfair as that sounds - Pro Wave Pool [f] Sites (vs) Wave Pool TV [f] News ... elicit varied responses.
Due to tagging and such we can't get any reliable tally...
But we can draw a line || then mix'n'match if "same" Groups or issues cross or arise!
For all the wrong's well worth diving into the sewer to stoke up wave pool Hysteria!

Ok! So a bit of a lull until Roary stokes up a filthy beastly slab of outrageous Wave Pool Fury!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 15 Apr 2023 at 10:12pm

Firstly! Indoor mall / Industrial - Airport Precincts have less opposition.
Council Compliance or Safety figure highly...
(eg) Aloha Surfhouse Flow wave ...
Parents were concerned of Head injuries from falls in constant fast flowing shallows.
Helmets were mandated for all Stand Up riders 'surfing alongside' prone riders (Same in EU)
Ya' see : Smaller Hobby Flow wave needs Helmet Mandate (vs) "Biggest" Wave Pool (No Helmets)
Urbnsurf were stoked with "Universal" Air Precinct slashing Red Tape.

Following Wave Pool 1,000's of responses are sourced from several Perth blogs.
Each have their own agenda according to Gender Orientation Bias.
Surf Sites (W 30%) News (W 60%) Enviro (W 80%) Parent Groups (W 95%)
Pro Wave Pool > Wave Pool ? > Pro Environment > Wave Pool is Great 4 Kids

Moot Points are not surf breaks.
Covid > Govt Health / Homelessness
Govt Mates Rates Land Leases convinced many that 'Govt Partners' were rubber stamping Wave Pool/s
Foreshore / Reserves have different Ratings (Slash'n'burn > Deen bros) > Each group played this up!
Transit Utilities > Melville = Poor Transit Access (vs) Cockburn = Priority CBD / Airlink
Olympics have nothing to do with wave pools? ( Yeah Sure! )

Common Concerns equal to opposing camps..
Other Site = Most favour access to majority of CBD
Chosen towns were stoked by locals only or rubbished by outsiders!

Comments - Anomalies
Environmentalists were pro Perth Beach-Surfing (vs) Perth Ocean Surfers hate surf > push for Wavepool
Fears of Ocean Surfers overcrowding the Wave Park is reverse to Pool overflow into "WSR" Regions

Pro Wave Pool (*Positive Comments) in order...
[ Council How 2 Vote + Submissions + Rally] > Kidz > [L] > No Sharks > Tourists > Hunky Brand Ambassador/s >
Olympics > Property Values -Local Pride > Other Pools look OK! > Hodads > Jobs
Continues ...Blowins + o/s > Night Surfin' > The Beast > Vidz > WSL > Longer Waves > No sand.

Pro Wave Pool (*Concerned Comments) in order...
(Rant - Antis/Nimbys) > Closer CBD Utility Site > Pricey Admission > Perth's Shit Surf > Drawn Out Process >
Elder Abuse > Whinging Bowlers > Idle Rich > Council Corruption > Pool Crowds > Other Wave Parks are Better >
Wotz da Wind Direction > Build Reefs instead > ALP Stooges > Park is already Shitty.

Pro Environment (*Positive Comments) in order...
Defend Wildlife Reserve - Foreshore Park > Respect Perth's Beaches > Prioritize Health / Homelessness >
Protect Tranquil Reserve Views > Protect serenity > Alert all to Flooding & Toxicity of Site

Pro Environment (*Concerned Comments) in order...
Wave Pool will go's not Sustainable...(re: Nearby Aloha Wave House > Went into Liquidation!)
Local concerns over WA Govt backing & funding the Wave Pool continue to this day!
Limited Transit-Increased Traffic & crime > Water Waste -Toxicity > Concerns over inside Shares Rort.
Continues : Locals prefer a Phone Service or Jungle Gym

WA Aloha (Indoor) Wavehouse was code compliant in Joondalup Uni / Trade / Rail Precinct
Urbnsurf lost out in Recreational Reserve > Gearing to Red Tape Free - Airport / Olympic / Rail Precincts

#1 swellnet exclusive community cross referencing > Park Life Community Wave Pool Proposals
Melville Sports Precinct Wave Pool with current Goldie Parkwood Golf Surf Village.

Proponents usually canvas in-house backers / Clubs / Media for initial consult.
Recently restricted submissions to 30 yrs (Zero property affected group!)
Likely rebel bastard outcast wannabe Gromz of the Idle Rich Neighbourhood Targeted for Wavepool.

Lazy arsed Grom : "Dad! Can we have a better Wave Pool than that shitty Flow one!"
Idle Rich Dad : "How about ya just STFU & Finish up yer Oz WSL CT leg a good Grom!"
Lazy Arsed Grom : "FU Dad...I'm gonna press send on my Wavegarden Flight Academy Submission!"
Anyhow! It goes something like that...same in your house too huh!...Like...So over it!

Gromz Rebel Mum is the rebel Enviro defender that gets the inside dirt on Dad's wave pool stuff.
tbb can confirm that both Melville / Parkwood Enviro chix shared some good Acoustic shit.
Don't be shocked if these chix know more about wave pool workings than surfers.
They need to be, if community is to back them up...

Usually know the basics then they'll openly update or correct as they go!
But they will likely corner aspects like Critters / Acoustics / Flooding / Transit & any corruption!
This then formats as leaflets to highlight community concerns.
Usually transforms into a united objection to easily sign & submit by end date!
Yes! It's that well organized & these chix outfits account for 20% of submissions.

Pro Environment Concerns ( Differ slightly for Dawn to Midnight hours )
Traffic +a/h Noise & crime > Wildlife Environment > Lighting > Water-Waste-Flooding.
Loss of Serene green natural flow to Wildlife Reserve / Polluted by Noisy Theme Park Ride.

Proponents usually counter with their own 20% mental arsed Zomboid brochures
Don't ya just love the sound of Roary's sea shanties when yer time sharing...
"That's it, just Burp over sign here!'
Hey! Did I just buy a Wave Pool time share condo...
"See ya!"
Caravan gets towed away!"

Parkwood Pro Wave Pool (*Positive Comments)
Olympic Venue > Pro Surfers > International Tourism > Alt Poor Surf > Avoid Crowds > Real Estate!

Pro Wave Pool > Alt poor surf > posh Surf Village hang that hosts pro Olympic tourism.
(Wow!) That sure does sound like a prized catch!

Action Groups > Defend their tranquil Wildlife Reserve Panorama from something outta place.
They say to put yer darn contraption anywhere but fine thanx!

New World Olympic ideal rather unsportsmanlike bullies ye olde world village green.
Yeah! Can see ya problem there!

Parkwood envisaged a rubber stamp by Xmas well past Easter 2023?

Might need to dig deeper on that one...if any are interested in more is here!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 23 Apr 2023 at 10:01pm

Water is the Source of Life!
Perth Wildlife need Water & Wavegarden water is good enough to drink...Correct!
Largest Wave Lagoon in Southern Hemisphere should therefore be a Wildlife oasis!

So whats wrong with this scene...
A giant oasis in the middle of driest thirsty City...surely this is a Win Win...
Yet local Wildlife Groups are opposed to "Largest Southern Lagoon"

This intrigues outsiders as Birdlife are most endangered with fast depleting water resource!
Consider also that Cockburn Wild Life Corridor prioritizes Bird Watering Stations!
EPA say site is wasted & are Ok with "Largest Water Lagoon"!
This requires us outsiders to get up to speed fast to make sense of Local opposition!

Each Nation has Pools attracting their local critters > Insects love water & birds love insects!
Needed some kinda turnstyle entry to get across WA Critter's Water Habits...
Thankfully the local Network has Water Use front & centre...just gotta broaden approach to access it.
Pest control > Pool Cleaning > Eco Groups > Home Garden Cams...

tbb has compiled Cockburn Wildlife into groups most likely to benefit from arrival of Large Lagoon.
Mind you it's only an entry level but we got enough to work with...

Cockburn Critters Pool engagement Highest to mid use...(Mostly o/n when humans are asleep!)

Insects (Most) Midges / Back Bugs-Springtails-Boatmen-Striders / Dragonflies / Bees / Wasps / Spiders
Notes : Wasps luv Pool Side Fruity Drinks'n'Treats + Redback build webs on water side of pool environs.

Critters (Most) Mice-Dogs / Frogs-Long Neck Turtles / Lizards-Snakes / Koalas-Bandicoots
All can submerse & swim easily & mostly drink at night but also during Heatwaves.

Birds are the most diverse water users & drinkers as they're more vulnerable in an open pool setting.
This first group are comfortable with open ground level sharing with Human Wave Pool access...
Naturally ranked from Line-Up out to Pool Edge > Turnstyle > Outer Pool environs
Surfers : Ducks / Swans
Swimmers : (Full immersion) Kookaburras / Miners
Dippers : Sparrows / Swallows
Waders : (Ibis + Gulls-Cafes-Food Scraps) occasional Egrets / Herons
Drinkers : (Pigeons + Wrens + Crows - Cafe-Food Scraps) / Galahs

Drinking / Splashing Birds (Elevated) > Seldom approach or share urban ground water
Reason : Some are not big breeders or layers & need to defend nearby Bushland Nest.
Lower Level Back yard Baths : Lorrikeets / Cockatoos / Honey Eaters
Upper Canopy Baths (Manmade) : Black Glossies / Red Tails / Magpies

Only after researching - we can now see where the danger line is drawn for endangered species.
Crew can see that Large open Lagoon is of little use to local endangered Wildlife.
Hugging the m'wy & Rail Line is not a safe environment for birds.

Any site hugging elevated Water Bath would equally attract Magpies > Nests > Swooping of Surfers.
Also any nearby Upper Treeline would litter the pool with leaves.

At first glance...any Massive Lagoon would attract more birdlife...sadly not so for animals in most need!
So it is fair to argue the Local Environmental Group's Opposition was a genuine plea!

Local Wildlife crew are excellent innovators & design Emu Overpass / Possum Bridges / Cocky Troughs
Cocky-Troffs are 4.5m high > Solar Pumps 20L / 2x day serves 4 troffs for 12 cockies @ (42 locales)

Crew & locals voted for a fair & half decent local environmental impact study...
Ok! tbb can't claim this research is solid but it does target the local critter's response to a Wave Pool!
Sure...tbb is least qualified but reckon we now got some understanding of local critters water lifestyle.
Govt EPA walked away...doesn't mean we turn our backs on WA Locals / Critters...we do give a damn!
tbb always meant to get back to this stick in the mud...we do understand & our hands are clean!

Ok! So any crew that appreciate WA urban wildlife this much deserve a real wild bonus.
Revisiting Melville Wave Pool...Up & running ... check out the Line up!
SERAG : "Nothing Artificial About these Waves!" (Breaking right outside proposed Wave Pool!)

Remigogo's picture
Remigogo's picture
Remigogo Friday, 22 Dec 2023 at 11:59pm

Queensland's play pools may be drying up, but out here in the West, there's a splash of cash.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 5:41pm

Aug : US Tour securing rights to...
Atlanta / Austin / Dallas / Denver / Jacksonville / Las Vegas / Nashville / Phoenix / Los Cabos .
Plans for LA / New York.

Oct : Surf Park Summit (see facebook )

Oct : Team Aventuur
Surfing S. Korean Wavegarden (see facebook)
Pro Coach Glenn 'Micro' Hall + Surfers : Molly Picklum / Conner Coffin / Ace Buchan
Sports : Patty Mills / Sir John Kirwan

Nov : Auckland (56 mod) Wavegarden Surf Park reaches Final Consult Stage
Read proposal on Website

Dec : Perth Wavegarden > Big WA Backers (Thanx...Remigogo...see Above)

Jan : Construction start end of 2024

17 Feb : Bayswater Wavepool Grand Reopening Day (see : tbb's timeline tribute above!)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 7:18pm

March 2024 > MutantPig's parallel Enviro Thread (Salute!)
re: June ( Below)

Gallery of Perth Park Renders
3rd May Surfing WA partnership with Aventuur
*Official Surfing WA : *WSL Training + * Olympic Training + HP Centre + SR 365 + Skate Comps
Perth Inland Boardriders Club
Assist in Park Design / Surf Academy / Coaches / Guides / MSA Micro Grom Academy

Adaptive / Therapeutic / Mental Wellness / Holistic / Water Safety / Beach Clean Ups
Unbridled Access / Club Rounds / Comps + Hire Store

Sydney sister Park Open dedication has a nice rare Overhead Shot of Left Lineup.

June Ripcurl Partnership with Aventuur / B Corp
* Surf Comps * Flagship Store *Community Activation * Demo Days

From above ...# Memo :
June : All Approvals now Received (re March) > Construction commences later in 2024

* Music Festivals * Beach Club * Rooftop Glamping * Pump Track * Naturescape Gardens * Playground
Member Lounge / Fitness-Recovery Studios / Charity Functions / Community amenities
Restaurants / Bars

18 July : Surf Park Central ( Perth Surf Park ~ Partners / Brands / Products )
Andrew shares Iconic & Local Wavepool lifestyle logistics in this well presented review!
Not too bad of an intro into cross park customer relations...

Bonus NZ Auckland Surf Park Wrap
Data Centre heats NZ Aventuur Wavepool

Team Surf Safari NZ Vid is well worth a watch...some good rides here.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 11:35pm

WA Olympic Surfing Cont....
Reports WA Surfers training at Perth Aventuur for 2032 Brisbane Olympics ?

6th Aug 2024 WA Jack Robinson wins Silver Olympic Medal
Surfing Australia CEO says Jack's Silver has potential to set up 2032 Olympics

19th Aug 2024 Olympic Medallist wants Boring Wave Pools kept away from Games

Important Facts...
*2019/20 Jack was a Wavegarden Test Pilot + has competed in Ranch events
*2021 Oz Olympic Bronze Medallist rides for Wavegarden Wavepools.
*There is no Official bid or Surfing/Venue included in 2032 Brisbane Olympics as of this date!
*2024 WA Olympic Silver Medallist has not opposed... WSL/Surfing WA Olympic Training Wavepool.

Jack's Wavegarden Wavepool History

2019/20 Wavegarden Cove Official Test Pilots > Love Birds Jack & Julia (Wife)

Also noting that Jack was still recently supportive of Wavepools
Mid 2023 Oz media interviews with Jack on eve of the last Ranch Comp!"
"It's fun to Surf but, as much as everyone say's it's the same wave every time, the wave actually changes a little bit each time!
It suits everyone because it's linking the wave together because it is really perfect, but you just have to really put the wave together and time every part of it really well, that's the main thing!

I think the wave is too long, it's next level, cause we had 8 waves yesterday and your legs are just toast! Last time I was here I remember it was the first time I'd ever done it and then this time I've trained specifically for it but it's a full test for your strength!"

Jack's Ranch Wavepool (vs) Olympic Scores + Prizemoney in 2023 $AUD

2021 Ht 1 Jack 1.77 1.00 4.30 1.00 [ 5.30 ] Eliminated R1 (35/36) = $13,412
2023 Ht 1 Oldest Guys on Tour (vs) Jack : 6.17 6.17 5.17 5.87 [ 12.34 ] Equal last in R1 = $18,058

2024 Olympic SF 7.83 4.50 [ 12.33 ] > Olympic Silver [7.83] = $15,000 + Medal $486

Olympic Teahupoo Silver Medal score would not even score an invite to Kelly's 2023 pool party!
Also that Silver Medal score would Finish equal last in 2021 Ranch Pool Party

Wave gardener Jack is no Ranch Wave handler but JW can milk the Goat's machine
2 Oz Red Bull WG test pilot Olympian Chopes / Pipemaster Sun Bums hit the headlines together!
JW is looking to backdoor the CS with a wild card!