'Corners Of The Earth: Kamchatka' Tour Dates
Recently interviewed on Swellnet, filmmaker Spencer Frost has just announced dates for his forthcoming film about surfing during the Russian winter.
Corners Of The Earth: Kamchatka was filmed in Russia's far east, eleven time zones away from Moscow, during the last northern hemi winter. Surfers had been to the Kamchatka Peninsula before, though none had been there during winter when frozen tempests scream off the Siberian Shield making for a cold, lonely, and god forsaken coastline - but one with waves.
See below for initial dates, though some don't yet have locations locked in.
Check their website for updates and also to book tickets.
Hey Dudes
we surf in South Australia as well!!
Oath, surely a screening there?
Donuts Craig
8 NSW screenings!
Way Hall Pitt Street Adelaide Surf Films in the 70's .
You shouldn't say it's a god-forsaken coastline Stu, that's not nice. The native Itelmens, Koryaks and Chukchies might just consider it god's own country.
Melbourne? Guess not!
tbb reads insightful Stu was hinting at God Forsaken Coastal surf community.
Wow! That sounds like an invite to further explore these never regions...
This surf coast fishing community were renowned for Wipe Swapping.
Should the crew happen upon this wave a century ago...
...Let's just say, the locals had a taste for exotic lasses.
Customary to proposition yer seaside frippet in order to shoot the curl.
tbb is not suggesting our upstanding crew would ever swap beach babes for Waves.
It's a mighty long walk for a Chiko Roll around these parts...like, almost as far as South Oz.
Keep yer dirty minds out of it...
Survival of this 'Cold, Lonely & God Forsaken' Surf Coast Tribe was at stake.
#1 Surf Journo Stu tells it how it is...surf stickers can't gloss over raw Surf Culture.
Once again Stu opened our eyes to another world far removed from our own.
Gutsy call Stu...more punk cred to ya!
Gritty review further dives into this God Forsaken bitterly cold coastal existence.