Australian Designer To Launch Crescent Head Hotel Amid Local Development Concerns
Like many small Australian beachside holiday towns, Crescent Head heaves under a huge population surge every summer.
Its enduring small-town charm and surf culture on New South Wales' Mid North Coast has captured the attention of Sydney-born designer and hotelier George Gorrow.
Cisco Tschurtschenthaler and George Gorrow plan to open the revamped hotel later this year
With his wife and German model Cisco Tschurtschenthaler, the pair are transforming an old motel at Crescent Head into a 1970s-inspired surf club hotel to be opened later this year.
However, some locals who are already managing the annual tourist congestion are unhappy, especially as there is another motel redevelopment proposal under consideration for the town.
From Bali to Crescent Head
Mr Gorrow co-founded streetwear fashion label Ksubi and has spent the past decade living in Bali, where he and Ms Tschurtschenthaler opened a successful hotel and gallery in Canggu.
Long lines at the Point (Photo: Woody Gooch)
Now parents of two young boys, they have returned to Australia and to a town holding fond memories for Mr Gorrow.
"Crescent Head still feels like that place you visited as a child, still feels so pure " Mr Gorrow said.
"I love surfing. So does my wife, and Crescent Head is one of the most iconic surf breaks on the north coast, so we are trying to keep in with that [theme].
"My vision of a surf club hotel comes from when I was young and used to travel around the coast with my dad, who was an avid surfer.
"We would always stay in different cabins."
Mr Gorrow also loves "original Aussie pubs overflowing with culture".
"So I want to bring that into the place, where everything you look at tells a story," he said.
George Gorrow is a father to two young sons and loves to surf
The hotel, on Pacific Street, will also include a gallery, music and restaurant, and locally shaped surfboards.
Mr Gorrow said the external structure would not change much in a bid to "keep a lot of the uniqueness of the building" and its footprint will be reduced to 24 rooms.
"The Macleay region is so rich in culture; we will also be partnering with local farms and producers to showcase the region," he said.
A village 'under incredible stress'
The other motel redevelopment proposal in the works is for a property on nearby Baker Drive.
The development application for a three-storey building is with Kempsey Shire Council and on public display for feedback.
It has sparked concerns among some locals that the character of their seaside community risks being lost among new and upmarket developments.
Crescent Head Malibu Club president and resident of 30 years Roger Fergusson (left) says the village community is "under incredible stress".
"Coastal villages are under threat everywhere, the ethos, the history of village lifestyle that makes up the north coast of NSW," he said.
"We have an incredible surge of traffic and people this summer, a huge volume of illegal campers, our water is under threat, our sewerage is under threat and parking is over the top."
The town 'needs tourism'
Robyn Harvey, 72, a former Australian longboard surfer who grew up in Crescent Head, said there was a positive side to new developments.
"We need tourism for the shops to survive and get through our winter … this will just sparkle it up a little bit," she said.
"I've seen the town back in the 1950s right through to now.
"It was great then and now. We all have to learn to share and get along with every generation."
A public meeting to discuss the latest Baker Drive development proposal will be held locally on January 12.
Robyn Harvey watches Crescent Head's point break in 1963 as a 13-year-old. (Supplied: Robyn Harvey)
Finding the right balance
Kempsey Shire Councillor and resident Alexandra Wyatt said finding the balance between maintaining small town character and embracing expansion was a challenge.
Crescent Head is a popular coastal village on NSW's Mid North Coast. (Supplied: Robyn Harvey)
Visitors were recently turned away from the Mid North Coast holiday town of Seal Rocks due to safety concerns over gridlocked roads.
"I find opinion in Crescent Head very divided," Cr Wyatt said.
"Things can't stay the same as they were in the 1970s, '80s, '90s … and we need to make sure they evolve in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, that maintains environmental values and the character of the landscape.
"I would also like to see some social equity in there, so we don't just kick out everyone who can't afford to be there.
"We cannot love these places to death."
© Australian Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.
Perhaps I miss-read earlier articles but now it is going to be a hotel?
The interviewees are a motley crew- reflecting the dreaded balance required by the ABC.
Firstly the self promoting developer - wasn't he banned from company directorships after an earlier financial " error"?
None the less we should expect him to sell up as soon as the land release of 109 new home sites kicks of/ are half completed.They will be for sale from February. Located about a kilometre away from the two hotel/ motels.
This has already been the case locally, talk talk talk, disruption, development goes ahead , shiny new asset sold to gullible outsider unaware of the surrounding socioeconomic problems.
Fergo has his supporters and detractors but asking a guy in his mid seventies about the next 20 years?
What this reflects is that what elsewhere are described as normal families can no longer afford to live in Crescent. Maybe the local primary teachers would be more future focused in commenting?
Including how many kids bus in to Crescent. About rentals being unavailable even for teachers.
The noticeable change in the last 20 years has been the groms getting older, leaving , getting trades, some returning as tradies but there being few replacements.
Again few families live locally.
Lastly we get the opinion of a local multimillionaire, one making bucks out of tourism. Why another person over 70's opinion needs to be included is debatable.
The latest unwelcome phenomenon has been a somewhat comical
affair - angry localism is back, well as angry as old mal riders can muster! "Fuck off back to Sydney " was rippling about the other week through the lineup.
The gathering of what has been described as a group of " Byron people" at Crescent recently has coincided with a massive increase in dropping in so some anger is not surprising. Including as the worst offender , a perpetually self videoing sort of egofreak was talking in the lineup that "dropping in is ok , they are only tourists. "
On a postive note and without being too specific the wave outside the breakwall has been firing in the easterly swell. After many many years.
Where is the the old saying...”they’re pulling down the old hoo....they’re building a new pub”...hooray.
Anyone who works at , provides services to, or provides money to this proposed project should google Mr Gorrow's extremely chequered corporate past. It is not pleasant reading.
70 ‘s hotel? Does this mean only guests with single fins and crochet bikinis are allowed?Hope he knows how long surfers spend under hot showers.Look forward to seeing hipster heaven.
There will be diversity - singles AND twins will be allowed.
Hehe - "We got both types of music here; Country AND Western"
I reckon the 'Lived in Canggu, balooning away from over insta soaked Byron to your local Motel hipsterism' probably would put the fear into any local renter or anyone else trying to keep it all quiet. My area totally overrun by new tourists. But in a way its only the flavour of the tourists thats changedThe irony, allegedly, one who epitomised the surf culture of day back in the 70s couldn't even get served at some North Coast pubs.
And so it continues, ya don't know what ya got til it's gone......
Pave paradise.....
Just like Yamba is the "New Byron"
But they LOOK like nice people !
It’s this sort of mindset that’s killing surfing.
Take a place that’s out of the way, quiet and that doesn’t attract the same amount of people as other, more well known locations, and then develop the shit out of it and try to make money from it. Thereby killing the magic and allure that attracted people to it in the first place.
This has sadly become the default attitude from expat surfers in indo, makes sense why this clown is trying to do the same in Crescent. The same people are the ones who quickly try to claim local status and complain the loudest about the crowds.
The demographic these guys are chasing are a fickle bunch, so who knows if they’ll succeed. But usually once they get a foothold in there’s no stopping them.
The only silver lining is that sure, lineups become more crowded, but as far as actual surfing ability goes, these crowds tend to be well below the standard, meaning anyone with a half decent skill set and a bit of cunning can still quite easily keep a relatively high wave count. Case in point, Byron.
Just developers in a slightly different guise.
They talk a good show and make all the right noises - sustainability, showcasing the region, using local produce and suppliers.
It's all well and good but the real game is promotion, increase in numbers and making as much money as possible.
And if people get shunted out of town and have to commute from Kempsey to be a barista or kitchen hand then too bad for them, they should have been smarter with their life, right?
Collateral damage.
Sometimes I think at least the Gold Coast is honest with its intentions, whereas the new #wellness crew hide behind buzzwords and whatever else maintains their shiny veneer.
another one bites the dust
Just more generic exploitation from Indo to Cresent, it's an easy life if you got it or able to take it. Will the rich be taking out future lawsuits against the lifeguards? Nothing of soul in this one. Sign of the times. $$$ speak louder than communities. Fair well Cresent may your soul never be forgotten.
Father of two sons who loves to surf don't give a shit about your small town character when it's gone he will just relocate cause he can. At least someone made a buck right. #hellness from wellness. The exploitation will continue until you vote with your voice or your feet. The exploitation, rape and pillage and plunder continues at a cost to us all. They don't give a fuck.never have and never will as pretty as they paint it. At least you get the truth with ugly. Carve and commodify our children are next, oh wait... It's happening again....
Be apart of local consultation, ideas and positive progression, discussion, raise your voice, vote for and support those who truly have your back. Australia's still getting fleeced. And will continue to do so until we act. At the expense to all for the very small benefit of a few. Gentrified by design, dominated by the rich and influential. This is Australia.
I'm not against progress or positive progress but in so many cases we can do better, Our last pri minister is a case in point. We've got go back to calling a spade a spade no matter how ugly it is. Our kids deserve better, not just the rich or entitled. Or just accept more of the same until nothing is left but a soulless pit of consumerism and consumption. Space is what once separated Australia from more global urban areas in contrast. It's some what what makes it special and unique. But if we continue to develop with out good thought or planning we will elliminate those areas of common sanctuary no matter their use, coastal or inland. In thus destroying their common natural soul or natural ambience that they carry. For all users.
We can do better in regards to progress and community expectation and delivered outcomes. But we must ask and understand how first. Surfers and local community groups got to network and get organised for the common good. Progress will always be present as will change, but major development really should be up to the local communities and the people in how it should be implemented or carried forward into future. Whilst protecting the best possible outcomes for all now and into the future. Rich or poor. Its time to quit selling lies and tell it like it is cause theirs no going back.
"look like nice people" lol
hipster douche bags!!
DAW , if your ever given the opportunity , would you "burn" him ? Fuck I would ! Looking at that board he's carrying , nothing interesting is ever coming from one of his rides .
Exactly the type of board I would expect him to ride,or maybe a mid length twin ;)
I hope these old Crescent whingers never leave their postcode, not even for a short surf trip to Indo. Because the same logic applies to not wanting anyone to come into your town.
Denyer I'm not from crescent but have and continue to travel extensively. Its got nothing to do with who comes to your town but how they come and often behave, as is often the case, some parts of indo are pretty fucked as are other surfer centric locations. regardless of what I think. It's obvious, Has been that way for some time, nothing wrong with a community raising its voice. But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Do we need to surrender and silence ourselves to the entitled who only serve their self interest at every turn. Whilst pulling the wool over the communities eyes they impact?
If I buy a bintang singlet on my once a year overseas trip will it help me find more etiquette in the water when in indo or anywhere worldwide, Australia wide. Whilst fighting for scraps amongst the influencers, the Sydney elite , pro crews, those who take more than they give time and time again, world wide and are raised with entitlement ingrained to the core despite the communities they tarnish by bringing their influence and fallout (behavioural change) I guess countless world wide communities bear this mark but its the truth and the ramifications have been to the detriment. For the so called benefit of a few. As another poster stated there are empty waves world wide but you gotta have the means and the money to chase this shrinking resource. Many a pro realise this upon settling down. Or is it to the new pool or russia for the last bastions of water fed nourishment.
The truths already spoken volumes over the last two decades globally we cant cover it up no matter how we try, it is was it is,
But we know how we got here and people have always questioned it wether I or anyone else agrees with it. No one owns the ocean it has been said. But as has been seen it's the place to be, and it's only going to get more hectic. Until communities voice themselves or establish a return to practical positive development. Why add to the cluster fuck for so little community gain? Self interest? Entitlement? $$$$ or exploitation or all of the above.
Gotta admit it is often quite absurd hearing someone who's had the world at their feet cry about the crowds after they exploited and sold places with out the blink of an eye in some areas.
I would have thought with the profits they'd be sitting pretty but maybe it's the fact that they now realise how much ramification and impact their developments have had on the small towns they infringe.
And the fact that the soul of the towns and areas they infringed upon is long long gone. Just as is the bintang t-singlet and the return to paradise they once touched . And the ever soggy reminder of ciggybutts, rubbish and throwaway coffee mugs of what once was, never to return to the somewhat tranquil space it once provided or the community it served. But that my friends is current modern progress. They don't give a fuck about you. And never will until you raise your voice. Be it for your own communities or benefit of generations to come.
theres no going back.
Question: if you've already killed the pig financially, or won the housing/lifestyle business race, why not go get a place and live or part-time stay there quietly, so you get to enjoy what it is now and the rate of change remains similar for your own kids?
Eddie said it best
“Oh, it's a mystery to me
We have a greed, with which we have agreed
And you think you have to want more than you need
Until you have it all you won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have
You think you need
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
'Cause when you have more than you think
You need more space
There's those thinking, more or less, less is more
But if less is more, how you keeping score?
Means for every point you make, your level drops
Kinda like you're starting from the top
You can't do that“
Worst thing about Crescent is you have to deal with Kempsey for everything.
Park down behind Woolies and you can catch a bass.
That is the local reality, do not try to shame the less well off, the poorly educated or those needing assistance to survive.
The mid north coast has 6 or the 20 poorest Local government areas in Australia.
All areas where the Nats dominate politics and until recently always had.
Where will the local families go when rents rocket? For what positive outcome?
The snake oil salespeople at the local realestate agents are often banging on about the need to have Maria River Rd tarred - for exactly the reason you stated, so the poor, quivering tourists are isolated from the local people and can shop in Port Macq.
Shameless elitism - among a downtrodden local population.
Let the tourists see the truth, Let them feel uncomfortable at the living standards being imposed on many. Some of them have helped implement it somewhat by the leaders they have chosen, often for their own self interests, Don't hide. As they flee back to their spacious newly built air bnb's and up market boutique's. Don't be ashamed, go you underdogs. Bark loud.
It's a disgrace in the way it's played out. This is Australia. Our Australia. We can do better. Vote with your feet , be proud of the distaste you feel directed towards you. They are uncomfortable because they can't relate and are trying to avoid the truth of many Australians who have been forgotten. Mostly in areas they feel they are entitled to enjoy without what they consider eyesores, blights or leeches to there privileged life. They can holiday but can't change the system that created the fall out. Floods, fires, poor government or whatever Says it all really. They don't give a fuck and neither should you. Onwards and upwards
what's your problem Friar? Kempsey's a nice little town.
Yeah - I always enjoy my stops there. Fish and chips by the lazy river with the kids and the sun setting over the land.
Reminds me of a quieter Australia
Only reason to drive through Kempsey now is the Fredo pie shop
The crowds I used to count during the silly seasons of '07 to '10 ... 150 at the point and would loose count at 200 + in the bay ... welcome to the new norm in the Off Season ... a sad reality
Only been to Crescent once in my life in about 2012. Not the silly season but counted 19 people in front of me waiting to jump off the rock. How the fuck do you deal with those kinds of numbers being a local or even a half local. Nowadays with the entitled generation taking over it would have to be 100 times worse.
learn to windsurf then after that learn how to kitesurf. then you will realise riding a wave with a sail or a kite is just as fun if not more fun than surfing.
I could cry for the way the whole north coast has turned out. Can remember many solo sessions back in the 60s and early 70s. I'm just glad that our forefathers had the sense to proclaim the national parks when they did. Although now that I've been in Tassie for ten years I'm watching the present government doing their hardest to develop the national parks here for high end tourism (for their mates?). Same reason I left Byron 20 years ago due to the increasing crowds and congestion through the whole area. Not many places left to go in Australia where the climate and landscape is comfortable. And our federal government wants to bring more people into the country!
National parks are public spaces not private business spaces. The privatisation of public assets in servicing a few whilst impacting cultural, flora and fauna areas of high significance is a concern. Some which are the last or areas of important national significance. And blight on all that those spaces have been preserved for. Walk in walk out. If you cant do that maybe you shouldn't be there and do something closer and easier to home. Access shouldn't always be easy as it provides protection to those natural spaces. Extinction for many loved Australian species is closing in, Why loosen the governing acts. preserve and protect areas of national, cultural, environmental significance. Development has it's place, But It's not everywhere humans lust after once they've destroyed or gentrified elsewhere. Time to get a grip Australia. They are carving it up from under our very eyes and feet. . Plundering and pillaging is the name of the game. From Byron to the Pilbara. If they can get away with it they will.
We have the knowledge, the will power, the desire but we have not yet reached clear implementation or leadership that can prevent privatisation or the desecration of public, cultural spaces, flora and fauna for the benefit of all Australians. Or at least those who know the endangered value of environments and species that cannot be readily replaced once destroyed or developed. Without a communities best interests in true critical progressive thinking, in regards to development and to what impacts are to be governed or encouraged into the future and what the true realities are of those impacts. We will just continue plunder and pillage for little gain.
Haha, Australia has become an absolute joke globally. I'm 52 and 10 years ago saw the writing on the wall and decided to get the hell out. I'm not rich, far from it. The country I now live in is considered "3rd world" but is a far far far better place than what is Australia today. Australia has been sold down the toilet a long time ago because politicians allowed it and wanted it. They no longer 'serve the people'. I laugh when I read this stuff. Fuck you Australia. The aussie spirit is dead, your country is gone. You only have to look at the covid scamdemic needle compliance to understand the vast majority of Australians are complete morons, footy boofheads and dumb sheep.
My country now, there are 3 main surfing areas on the main island which can get crowded but mainly with kooks and learners. Use you head and drive at least half hour out and there is rarely anyone surfing. Drive even further and there's absolutely no one surfing. Vast stretches of coast where you can't even DRIVE to. So no, there's no traffic conjestion. Most here call 2'+ 'giant waves' and stay away from perfect empty peeling 4'-6'+++ point breaks, reef breaks and beachies. The vast majority of the time I surf these spots alone, unless I want the comaraderie of other surfers I might go to a more popular spot. Face it, Australia is screwed. Do something about it....or don't. I've explored less than 1% of what's here re surf potential. A lot of that 1% has been sublime. What will the other 99% bring where google earth shows similar and even better potential. Haha,,,Australia..tsk..u guys can have it. You won't stop this shit like what's happening to Crescent and the whole damn country. You are the little people, colateral damage and you do not matter to those with the $$ :)
Just curious have you revoked your Australian citizenship and burnt your passport yet??
If no then why not?
Also, how's the health care system?
Thank god you left, you sound like a real fuckhead
This comment didn't get the love it deserves goofyfoot, fucking brilliant!
Nice work Goof
swellnet & fellow Goldie crew send greetings to mixie six & our northern neighbours.
Unvaxed tbb welcomed & directed an endless stream of 100% Vaxed OFWs thru our GP Clinic.
Each of them kinder & kinder to us Aussies & we to them...we Salute your expert young carers!
Aussies donated 3.6m Aussie Made Vaccines to yer Country in return for Frontline assist in our Crisis.
Oz also supplies yer Island/s with $160m worth of fuel...just enough for mixie six surf safaris...Maybe!
Unvaxed or not...mixie six is free & welcome to return to Oz anytime > untested or without constraint.
Should unvaxed [+] mixie six wish to return to paradise, well that's not an easy test to pass, is it now?
Paradise mandates for Unvaxed mixie six to certify a [-] Test 24hrs before leaving any o/s Nation.
Oz donated Paradise Vax to enable a mandate for us to police Unvaxed that choose to surf Paradise!
Yeah! That sure does sound like Aussies > We paved Paradise now we gotta mop up their dregz.
Do a good deed & the fan blows the shit back in our face...OMG are we Vax experts or wot...well durr!
Unvaxed tbb is not keen on mixie six's mandated Paradise Surf Safari...Anyone for Tennis! (Cough!)
Unvaxed tbb respects crew's right to Vax & for your Experts to let our donated Vax expire.
A vast number in Paradise are also Vaxed yet no one is laughing...Wotz the point?
swellnet & Oz welcome & respect all crew equally.
Courtesy of #1 swellnet > Surf's Up!
I agree with you Rob - the grass roots action needs to happen (and does happen - good examples to follow). As a younger man I do think this really is the only way. Start small, do what is possible around me.
There really is not changing big politics and business, if we don't manage our local communities we will get what is imposed on us. I feel like we can get carried away with what's wrong, and what doesn't work - but what's our contribution?
They will be charging $3-400 a night for a double so that will leave most real surfers out anyway.
Gotta love old 2 turn Coffs, not one new resort or hotel for over 30 years lol.
Go the young greenies and the old dune care folks.
So is he redeveloping an existing motel. Kinda confussed, how does this add to overcrowding. Is it not a preexisting establishment?
My thoughts exactly, the way I read it he’s improving the existing motel & actually reducing rooms, thereby reducing the number of people who may have come into town when the old building was in use.extra numbers is something people say they don’t want or need as the town can’t handle it. But as some locals/ business people have said, the summer tourist trade gets them through winter. Sounds like he’s bringing it up to date , things can’t stay the same as it was 50 years ago. As we’ve seen before with this sort of news/ development you won’t please everyone, but the change/ development has to be done right. Now the 109 block development is a different ball game, infrastructure has to be there to cater. You could say there’s an argument for those people who don’t want change/ development are the greedy ones, don’t want to share these beautiful coastal areas with too many people. Population increases year after year, lot of population wants to live by the coast & who can blame them, but it has to be done right & that’s where council/ state government has to be on the ball, can we trust them though?
Some excellent points mr mick I have no problem sharing or even with conscious development, it's the past and present negative fallouts and experiences that are shaping some of my ideas. You can have too many people anywhere, We are in not living 50 years ago but we should have learn't and implemented better in the last 50 odd years in many areas regardless of coastal population increments or surf numbers. Social and environmental developments could be allot better had they been conducted in light of what we know and so often see. I don't think expanding coastal population's is going to solve much other than continue to urbanise coastal areas, that will see some effects of environmental change in the future. High rises add little soul to a place and neither does the in and out crowds they are filled with. Yes they support existing businesses but how much growth is necessary or needed by those little towns. I no longer believe in populate or perish. We cant even look after or repair what we already have. Council and state governments have so often been bought, it's become national folklore. Infrastructure is the in an overused word at the moment along with jobs. How's those seawalls at Collaroy going? Are they classed as infrastructure, more concrete monoliths for the sun gods of Sydney. Build it and they will come. I don't buy the hindsight arguments either in regards to coastal development or some of the problems Australia is currently facing (natural disasters). No one likes traffic jams etc poor urbanisation has created along with declining social living standards with in Australia. It has been time for some while to think differently, regardless of predicted population increases and current coastal infrastructure trends to think outside the box and move populations away and possibly to struggling inland economic areas for regional benefit to already established areas of decline. Covid somewhat proved this was possible for some people to consider this. Many coastal communities have people who never venture to the beach. The government has not explored this option as there is more money to be made allowing coastal areas to be over developed and exploited somewhat. So they keep selling the dream and the costs keep rising for those on the edge.. In corsica the local people have stopped developing their coastline to conserve the remaining environment and it's beauty. They develop specific areas. They still function and still make money to lead good lives without exploiting all that they have. They are proud and passionate about what they enjoy. They have preserved and managed progress to fit with the lifestyles they love. Yes their population is smaller than many urbanised coastal areas of Australia but they have gained far more through beauty and respecting what they have preserved. socially environmentally and economically.
Just don't get on the wrong side of them.
Yes, if our illustrious government officials thought 20/ 50 years ahead instead of 5-10, we wouldn’t have all the congestion on our roads that can’t take the volume of traffic we have now in a lot of areas. Make the house blocks smaller, cram in as many as possible. Too many high rises , equates to too many people on top of one another, but more money in council coffers & dare I say it more money in councilor’s pockets. Sea change wasn’t a term banded about 15 years ago like it is now. TV, magazines, internet, you tube, Netflix with that Byron Baes show, (which makes you want to throw up thinking about it,) put the glamour lifestyle at everyone’s finger tips, telling you , you need to be part of this lifestyle. No one can be moved or forced west to regional areas, you have to go on your own free will. Most people don’t want to go, hell they still have a problem getting health professionals to go even after doubling their pay, offering free housing & other incentives. This is where immigrants can help. So, what’s the solution? Any new developments need to be done right, scaled back if necessary, stopped if necessary, local input, etc etc because it will not stop that I’ll bet my bottom dollar on, & really that’s the bottom line…..the dollar. Having said that 109 blocks is a drop in the ocean compared to Kings Forest at Kingscliff near where I live, 4200 blocks released over next 20 years, 11,000 people to house……result ? A Shit Fight is what I’m thinking , & time to move on. But at least at Cabarita locals put a stop to a 4 storey building & kept it to the 3 storey limit . Let one 4 storey in, next they’ll go 5 storey, 6 & on it goes.
I'm not interested in forcing people but encouraging them to look at alternative ideas. Financial incentive has often been used by the Australian governments. But moneys now so tight I don't see it happening.
I am confused too, though a long way away from being a local. Not sure why you would complain about an old motel being refurbished and capacity actually reduced. I guess it's just a personal opinion whether you like the people involved, the design or the types of people you perceive will be staying there and that's fair enough.
If the article is actually meant to be about new development/s being touted for the area - no problem having a crack at that - bombs away.
Refurbished.......Check the Arch plans
11metre height limit as good as reached.
So you don't like the design? That's fine. I guess my point (and a couple of others) was that the article talks about overcrowding but I didn't see how that pertains to this particular development which it says has a reduced capacity from previous. Any other complaint or comment about the development is absolutely valid.
Don't get confused, I was throwing out ideas on the implementation's of development and developments to come, It's going ahead regardless of what any discussion thinks, If they didn't do it someone else would. There will be many more in the same vain. people are looking at the context of development not just in regards to this piece. By all means develop everything.Someone will enjoy it. Progress never sleeps.
Sometimes it enough to make you laugh. And sometimes all you can do is laugh. Carry on but don't avoid the crux of the matters being put forward even if we approach this article differently. I'm all for development too.
Heres to
Hows the development in Toonalook going ? Full steam ahead, nothing wrong with some of their current progress, infrastructure or rebuilding. Everyones totally onboard. Blowins to locals. Baz hasn't been seen but apparently he's cool too.
This is happening to every Coastal town and Village between Melb and 1770.....The beautiful rolling green hills of San Remo now long gone ....never too return again....until the apocalypse
Crescent Head Development group Facebook
I was recently parked beside a hipster on pretty good day at cresent ... 15 minutes to get his board out (no leggie ) put a unzipped wettie top on ... he then went around to the passanger side mirror of his van and squatted and trimmed his moustache for at least another 15 minutes with a small pair of sissors ( his board across the footpath ) .. I try to understand but i struggle
vanity explains it
Shaun , it's a known fact , you surf better with a trimmed moustache.
This can't be true, but I hope it is.
Regular people are attracted to these places to get away from self-absorbed, entitled, capitalistic twits like this. Image is nothing, thirst is everything. Obey your thirst!
Same old story....nice surf/coastal town made cool by hipster/insta/youtubers saying they have discovered a secret quiet spot on the coast then go on to name it to their thousands of "followers" who then go and blow the place up even more.
Do they not realise by naming and over exposing such places then the very reason people go there for a visit (nice and quiet) is forever lost and all for a fucking like or thumbs up on their pages. Whoopty doooo.......who gives a fuck.
On a positive note though hopefully this developer can put up a shitload of surf cams to really piss the locals off and to cement his legacy as a complete flog (I am assuming he is of course).
Two thumbs up to progress
I do not go to anywhere near to canggu to avoid these "types". Now bali is ruined they are all heading to our beautiful small australian coastal towns to spread their hipstergramdisease there. Great! next stop Streaky Bay..........where will it end????
Completely day they'll wake up to themselves but I fear it'll be way too late and crowded
Don't even joke about it, carparks full of vans of cool kids with phones and drones on the west coast is a real thing already sadly
I think the photo of them at the start of the article sums it up.................
They are not into themselves at all.
ha ha
I wonder what the word "progress" means in the context of this article?
forward or onward movement towards a destination.
"the darkness did not stop my progress"
forward movement
onward movement
development towards an improved or more advanced condition.
"we are making progress towards equal rights"
step(s) forward
move forward or onward in space or time.
"as the century progressed the quality of telescopes improved"
make one's way
move forward
go forward
go on
make progress
make headway
press on
gain ground
push forward
go/forge ahead
work one's way
develop towards an improved or more advanced condition.
"work on the pond is progressing"
The Summernats and mullets are better than this. Business at the front party at the back. Ugly at times but at least authentic and full of soul.
I didn't know about the Seal Rocks turning tourists away thing.
How did they go about that, did they stick one of those trailer signs at the turn off saying " Fuck off, We're full."??
Just pay the boys to send a few of the SK mob through for a few brawl and haul weekends...hipsters will clear out real quick confronted with the REAL locals...
TS. See link below re Seal Rocks.
Some parallels with Crescent back road now that is sealed. Can now see up to about 100 cars at Racecourse. And people wonder why the locals were protesting about the sealing.
Cheers Distracted.
I miss those old bone rattling dusty trails more than ever now.
I'd agree with this comment. The first time I went down that way it was pretty reasonable south of crescent regarding crowds. Last year I spent a couple of weeks around that patch and was stunned driving past racecourse with the number of vans and surfers.
TBF most of the places on the east coast that I visited suffered the same fate of being loved to death. Still some beautiful places that aren't popular, but every single point break that I visited from noosa down was overcrowded to the point of absurd. Even on weekdays, even in shit conditions. I'm living overseas now and miss many things about Australia, but surfing isn't one of them.
100 cars? Wow. I camped there only eighteen months ago and surfed the point on my own a handful of times.
I think we picked the right time of the year Ben. I've been there a couple of times since and not had issues with crowds. I think #vanlyfe follow same migratory patterns as grey nomads tbh
True, Xmas/New Year is always a shit show, always has been. This year has been particularly horrendous around my way but so has everywhere else.
Still, I am surprised at the 100-car claim (three surfers per car and there's three hundred surfers). Can't imagine the joint with anymore than a dozen or two in the water.
Was there a week ago, 10 cars in car park, 12 in water, Crescent had around 50-60 in water, car park full, 100 cars I think gross exaggeration!
More signs and fines isn't what necessary but they will go in as they always do. Ah hows the serenity, Enjoy it whilst it lasts, wherever you may find it. Because tomorrows going to be a great day.
i read this and think - stop world, i want to get off!
then i decide to look past it and see the world behind it, and it is still there in glimpses. just harder to find.
The Oz locals can be polite & patient mob; 200 yrs of euro invasions..... waiting for a treaty and/ or a seat at the table.
Wayikarr marrung
Dhanggati dhithiyn barri
This is Dhanggati Country
Nyiyanang guthun barri dhitiyn
We (all) belong to this country
Dhanggati guthun dhithiyn barri
Dhanggati belongs to this country
Nyinahambu bita, nyinanhambu warra wa bukul, banduunggakayi mulumungu
Our rivers, our plains and hills from the mountains to the coast
Thank you
Baker St Development Proposal
No public good will come from this and local lives will continue to suffer as the asset-rich continue to turn every aspect of a surfing life and small coastal existence into assets they can own or advertising backdrops for something they can sell.
nailed it bbb bird. respect
He says that the town still has that old vibe that he experienced in his childhood. It still feels pure he says. Then he goes on to develop the hotel to attract more people in which will obviously change the vibe. You can’t really trust people like this.
Tchurchenth.....Tthurchencha....Thurschenschal....Theurchentha.....Tstchuthruchur.....Thursthsthshtschentrailor.....ahhhh fuckit!
ha ha ha.
Really cool cats hey
My take on all this is that NO human should ever be homeless. House-less yes but homeless no.
All humans on this planet deserve a home [basically a small piece of earth to call home]. Where the fuck else are we supposed to live? the moon?
Every human should be given a piece of land at birth, to 'borrow' mind you, as you are only using it until you pass away. Build your own house/dwelling at your own expense/effort, but why spend your life trying to pay for a piece of dirt that is your birthright as a human born on this planet? Some countries like Samoa still do this and despite being a really poor country, no one one is officially homeless.
We lost the plot when we stole all the land from the original inhabitants [who where NEVER homeless]
and then made it worse, by setting up a system that allows one person to own many OTHER peoples homes [land] .
People talk about a minimum wage as a good way forward. What about a minimum of having a home! [a piece of land to call your own] as everything else becomes easier when you have that stable base.
Would love to see a property system that taxed the shit out of people who own more than ONE property. Certainly tax people at rates that make it unprofitable to own other human's land [along with their dignity.]
It's all about money $$$ as who could ever live in the 20 houses they own?
Is that entire back road now sealed all the way from Crescent to Plomer or is it still only sections?
Not all the way to plomer but past racecourse and a bit further down as of early 2022
This is why there may be a big future in surf lakes .
poor crescent this sounds like the start of another canggu its so overpopulated even the hipsters are moving on to the next golden goose .
why is it that if you don't like the place you come from then why move somewhere else and try to make it exactly like the shit hole you came from.
this is north coast of NSW all over .
Point breaks are doomed - a magnet for crowds and development.
Plenty of lonely beach breaks...
Who gives a fuck about hipsters……
It’s about time someone fixed that old development up anyway- it’s got a maroon roof on it-…surely it really is time to reno it and you don’t have to be a hipster to see that.
Did you look at bbbirds DA links ?
Communities can fight back, our community at Yaroomba defeated a crude development app outside all town planning and community standards against a big japanese developer and our own council.
it is very difficult though, if we did not have some very well intentioned and fiercely determined people within the community driving it, we would not have won this fight. There will be others though especially with a Major who voted against its communities wishes.
people want to live near the beach and populations only increase so its going to continue to be an issue everywhere thats nice or has a good wave.
Wise words Rob Williams and thanks for the film tip, I’m looking forward to seeing the whole thing.
I'm guessing Mr Gorrow is doubling up and giving bribes to whoever will accept them so he can get this new development off the ground so he can earn some money to pay off the debts he owes to his shady business associates in Canggu.
Of course its equally possible he is a benevolent high wealth individual who wants to give something back.
I looked at the plans and it does have a warm organic kinda feel….like a turd.
“Crescent Head Malibu Club president and resident of 30 years Roger Fergusson (left) says the village community is "under incredible stress".”
Last went there just before Covid got going. Mid-Feb and everyone should be back at school and work, and it was jam packed, the van park and camp sites full. Couldn’t imagine it being much more crowded. Already loved to death I would have thought.
Certainly didn’t have any ‘village’ vibe. No doubt it’s better in winter, might still have that village feel then. Locals no doubt will be priced out, but I don’t think a pub reno is going to make much difference. The writing is on the wall.
It really is a trick to find places on the coast that aren’t under terrible stress during the summer months.
Sth End aka Wrong End?
Reading comments, kept thinking of this tune and clip. I guess every generation will look back at better less crowded times. Bali for example, had mates telling me on my first trip in 1990 that it was over then, geez would kill to go back to Bali of 1990! Grom going there for the first time in 2023 would love it. Re Oz, yep it's sad to see what we have being wrecked and becoming a play ground for only the very privileged.
I haven’t been back to Bali/Indo in 12 plus years. First trip was 1990, second 1993 then every year to 2005, then gapped only a few visits. Mainly was an age thing, had all the time in the world then I didn’t. Now I look at it and it resembles nothing like my memories so I’m happy to skip. Agreed though in the early 90’s I was jealous of the guys who went the 70’s/80’s!
Bali is still an amazing place for waves and I had some great uncrowded surf's in 2022. Just have to be patient with traffic! And Bali magic still there if you go looking for it away from surf spots...
But yeah time machine would be nice!!
Balance can be challenging on ocean & earth.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way ..... in short,
the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. "
Reference: Tale of Two Cities: A Story of the French Revolution, by Charles .Dickens written in 1859 Chapter I. The Period (1775)
"Do they not realise by naming and over exposing such places then the very reason people go there for a visit (nice and quiet) is forever lost and all for a fucking like or thumbs up on their pages....." I reckon they are fully cognizant of what they are doing and give not one absolute fuck. Their motivation i$ absolutely transparent - the rhetoric just hyping the return on investment. It's not confined to the eastern seaboard either - recently visited some old friends on the Tassie mainland who live at one of the Hobart proximity local beaches and the last dozen or so years have seen what was once a predominantly quiet shanty town follow the same man bun, no leg rope mal feasance, hyper crowded template. Overcrowded chaos.
Goofy4 they'll be coming for your little island next and all the secret spots it holds. Best you start arming the coastline to keep them at bay. :):)
Rubbish. Where? I live in Hobart and surf the locals. Never seen this.
Reckon he's talking about Park. I surfed there a bunch in 2016 and was empty most weekdays after the pre-work session, but it's not uncommon for there to be a dozen out all day. Worst I've seen it was at least 50 surfers, mostly mals and mids, from the rip bowl to the bank the other side of the toilet block - chockers and dangerous. House price has more than doubled in 4 years. Fancy new cafe and at least a dozen of my mates have moved there and work from home. There's about 50 AirBnBs between there and up the road in Carlton, including one run by a Sydney influencer that was profiled in all the major real estate websites last month.
It's definitely on a different scale to mainland hotspots, but it's an unmistakable change. That said, I surfed a pumping well known north coast point last year with fewer people than I would a very average session at Park.
Park. Ha ha. Crumbly shitty break. Discounted already.
"Rubbish" -yeah well - I'm citing and reporting on the experience of people who have lived in the area for decades, not daytrippers from Hobart, Dandan provided a fairly representative picture of the changes in the area mentioned over the last 10-15 years, although the numbers cited, with photos of packed car parks overflowing onto nearby streets as evidence, would seem to be an under representation or reflect the exponential increase in numbers both living there and visiting to surf since 2016. Crowded days being 70 plus in a two peak zone.....the place has been swamped and is no longer the small coastal community of pre-2010. Am not suggesting things don't change - I lived at this local for two decades in the 80-90's and got out when I saw the writing on the just musing over that what has happened elsewhere has also very much happened in Tas.........the masses at the points when anything bigger than 1ft attests to the sheer number of surfers in the sth. take would be you either don't have a grip on what is going on or maybe never surf this local or do so only on small onshore slop days. It is possible to find quality days elsewhere without crowds but this is also becoming an increasingly rare occurence on the Tas mainland / even many of the previously less accessible and uncrowded breaks are as likely to house a number of boats and jetskis atop of the foot patrol anytime on. The tourism factor is relevant too - there's been a huge increase in the number of crew touristing here for surf's not "Rubbish" / it's a clear reality that is echoed in countless coastal environments, including Tas.
Ha ha. Off ya trot.
Is Gorrow connected to the Baker drive Development or just the Crescent Resort Conference Centre ?
There are real surfers who can see it…and feel it ….that special thing…then there are the others…the pretenders…developers…scene stealers/ promoters selling a vibe they will never actually understand personally.
Only a Surfer Kn... nah, forget I even said that!
Well, I won't be staying there unless there is a full time Yogi on call, a cold-water immersion bath and early morning motivation and meditation calls from Tom Carrol himself. And that mini bar better be everything they say it is.
The hotel, on Pacific Street, will also include a gallery, music and restaurant...
A public meeting to discuss the latest Baker Drive development proposal will be held locally on January 12.
"I've seen the town back in the 1950s right through to now.
"It was great then and now. We all have to learn to share and get along with every generation."
The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tzu, once said: ‘He who knows he has enough is rich’
Development’s are going to happen whether we like it or not, but it’s has to be done right, & that can be the problem. One thing on here I find ridiculous & petty is with certain comments in the put down of ‘hipsters’ . This is comment about development & it’s effect on a town. I couldn’t give a rats arse about a hipster trimming his moustache , he can trim his butt hairs if he wants for all I care, while we’re at it lets bag the greasers, swampies, bikies, gays, trans, bi’s, cross dressers, drag queens, baldies, African American, Native American, whitey’s, nonga’s, weirdo’s, perverts, etc etc, apologies to anyone I’ve left out, no offense intended !
I trim from time to time Buy the odd coffee, I always laugh at myself it's half the fun, I don't think its the labels or the coffee shops that are or have ever been the problem, but the behaviour of the consumer or participant that is actually disrespectful to an area community or culture that is possibly somewhat getting called out. If we cant laugh at ourselves what hope have we. Beard trimming and coffee has never been the problem.
Gorrow has misread the punters. What we need is something between the Broadbeach Hotel circa 1985 and Wet'n'Wild.
Haha not sure Cresent can handle that mix
I'd pay good money to take a full-strength tallie on a waterslide
Tall neck, full strength, there's a blast from the past haha. Chucking on some violent femmes right now.
Been to Mrs Sippy ??
No, but I do own 17 Bintang singlets
Similar Broady vibe but the Bar has a pool with a diving tower for drunk people, it's hilarious, you'd love it
Are we talking cold long necks and funnels as the entry fee?
It's Bali mate, they'll do whatever it takes to flog you some knock off grog. Think they still do lay-backs there, remember them? Tip your head back and they pour vodka and lime cordial straight down your throat.
Only went there once, just remember wondering how good it would go in the Broady beer garden for schoolies.
Roopy is on it and our gorgeous influencer friends should up the fun factor significantly, extremely even
Oops, this was meant to be a reply (see above) :)
Firstly... fuck me... one only needs to read the heading and take a look at those two stiffies in the first picture, and the mind can fill in the whole article word-for-word from there!
I think it's distance from major metro areas will ameliorate some of the pressures people are concerned about.
With the exception of Yallingup/Gnarabup, you name a big flashy over populated "surf" town and I bet 9/10 are < 2 hours from a State capital CBD.
Crescent is about 5 hours from Wynyard Station, so unlike Noosa, Byron, Terrigal, Torquay etc., you can't really just "pop up to Crescent". Last time I was there was circa March 2013 and it was a mission (probably because my beat up Bommodore had no a/c). I'm not saying it won't take a turn for the worse (any more than it has), but fears it'll end up like those other joints are overblown for the same old tyranny of distance issues that have stymied development agendas elsewhere.
Someone called out the Sekisui case here on the Sunshine Coast. That particular community movement probably would not have been what it was without the involvement of locals who actually had strategic planning and legal experience (and had personal stakes in the matter).
Mowgli I think you're misunderstanding the modern world of the digital nomad, the trustfund traveller, and Instagram.
Maybe. Like I said, I didn't say that negative changes wouldn't occur, but rather that I think that for geographic reasons people are falling into a trap of false equivalency with places such as Byron Bay, Noosa, etc.
Those places have long had a status a cultural mix (to outsiders at least) of surf/beach crew, boho yuppies, wealthy folks, hippies, tree huggers etc. Does Crescent? Maybe the the first one but that's about it from what I've seen. That is to say, there's nothing "glam" about Crescent to be honest. The two times I went there I thought "yeah this setup (river and point) is sick" and that was it. Mind you, I have noticed the yuppification of some of the real estate on line. Not only does it not really have a pre-existing glam reputation (perhaps this proposal is the thin end of the yuppy wedge) but it's just not easy to get to, with a car or otherwise. For me, the impact of that on people's behaviour in this context is being too heavily discounted.
In addition, the yuppification of regional coastal towns (plus Bali/Indo, etc.) we've seen in the last decade has coincided with a historical easing of access to cheap credit to fuel property development/re-development. I suspect the economic fundamentals re-asserting themselves in FY23 + FY24 will lead to some fire sales of more recently (<4 yrs ago) developments and a halt on some new ones (or at least a relcalibration of them). Put it this way, if old mate Ksubi came to me as a financial backer in Q1 FY24 and said got two identical pub-revamp projects, each with Council approval, but one is in Crescent Head and the other is in Cabarita/Lennox/Gerroa (take you pick)" and I could only finance one, I'd pick from the latter list as the fundamentals on those places are more robust than Crescent.
So that's a long-winded way of saying that I think that the fears expressed in the article and comments here (putting aside the flaws in who has been interviewed, the incongruities, etc.) are aren't totally founded in (economic) reality, in my view.
Especially compared to so many "cool" places around the world, I see Crescent as being really easy to get to.
This is one of my points - you can't look at Crescent (or anywhere else in Australia) on a local level anymore.
If it blows up on Insta or whatever, then anything is possible.
And why wouldn't it?
A lovely little town where you can come in and get supplies and then go "off grid" (fuck I'm beginning to dislike that term) to the south.
Trendy and cheap, with fun waves on its day, and you get to park up with like-minded scensters.
There's a thousand stories to back up the reality of it only taking one business to start at a certain time, and mine was up in a very small town in Queensland back in the 90s.
Place had always been a hangout for surfers, miners, fisherman and drop outs.
One fella turned up in the mid-90s and opened a shit-hot restaurant.
Next thing, all of his clients from the big smoke turned up, the QCs, barristers, stock brokers and the like.
The place would have changed anyway, but this really gave things a hurry up.
Changed the demographic, the availability of long-term accomodation, the price of real estate, the whole lot.
Sounds like the fella at Crescent is pitching retro Australian surf culture - wonder who's buying?
Or maybe it doesn't matter as long as it's the place to be?
Maybe you're right. I haven't been around long enough to say for sure as I'm only in my mid-30s; so perhaps everything was fucked before I got here!
There you go, probably depends on your point of view.
Do you want to retain environmental and cultural heritage, do you want to be able to have affordable real estate and a relaxed pace of life and how do you define all of the above.
Watching Gerry Lopez "under the stars" and "encouraging more salty legends to get on the party wave" sort of gets the cringe factor going doesn't it. Maybe I'm out of touch with the main stream surf vibe nowadays, but surely people don't lap this kind of shit up in large numbers do they??
I'm increasingly sceptical of the material value of anything else that fits into what you might (a little bit unfairly) call the Patagonia-fication of social change.
"Goofy4 they'll be coming for your little island next and all the secret spots it holds. Best you start arming the coastline to keep them at bay. :):)" on a small island with boat access island only off Mainland Tas Gary........Tas is already an overcrowded tourist destination for mine.....
Not sure if it’s a valid comparison, haven’t been to Crescent in decades, but I’m reminded of the instant effect the Komune development had on the crowd at Keramas
Yep, that was a fuck up! But all good, developer made a mint ...
Anyone else notice the irony in the marketing 'collective', 'commune' 'co-op' and the reality of one entity banking the coin. It's a significant point to make, the external presentation of social inclusion with the inner drive for the self.
As I said above, these days you don't need to tap into the Sydney crowd to profoundly change a place like Crescent.
"Crescent Head still feels like that place you visited as a child, still feels so pure " Mr Gorrow said.
How ironic he will be spearheading the project to crush that feeling
Matthew chapter 16 verse 26
the same then and now
Not Gorrows but next Door :
The proposed development at 1 Baker Drive (old Mainski or Bournes Cottages) has a few issues with a shortage of parking on site.
The proposal details the parking requirements under KLEP2013 (Kempsey Local Environment Plan 2013) which requires one parking space for each residential unit, one parking space for every two staff and one parking space for the manager, this equates to 45 parking spaces.....PLUS one parking space for every 3 chairs in the 150 seat bar/restaurant, which adds an additional 50 parking spaces which equaling a total of 95 parking spaces required.
The proposed development has been designed to include 25 parking spaces in total including 2 disabled parking spaces.
The proposed parking solution for the shortage of parking spaces is as follows (quote) There is an ample amount of on-street unrestricted parallel parking available in the following streets:-
More than 300 metres along both sides of Baker Drive
Along the southern side of Pacific St for 160mtrs westward of the proposed site and 260 mtrs eastward of the proposed site.
Along the northern side of Pacific St for 310 mtrs westward and 320 mtrs eastward of the proposed site.
Unrestricted parallel parking is also available in Killick Crescent and Lee St.
Evidently all of the above listed parking areas could support the additional parking spaces required but not provided in the proposed design.
As part of the offered parking solution, the proposal notes that Crescent Head has an adequate supply of public transport including bus services and a major train station at Kempsey and it is expected that a number of the guests will arrive at the motel via public transport and without out a car, thereby reducing the overall demand for parking spaces ?
It is also noted that patrons wishing to use alternate means of transport when leaving the bar/restaurant will be provided access to a taxi or Uber if required ?
I would recommend that any concerned residents should consider lodging a submission to Kempsey Shire Council if they feel that the proposed parking solution may affect them.
More to come
Sounds similar to what Justin Hemmes is doing down in Narooma.
My partner and I had a rare outing the other day, when we went out for lunch it was not at 1 of his venues. I'm sure he is doing well from cashed up retirees, Canberrans and tourists. Overall id say different market(s) to this development but I hear you, similar themes for sure.
Just out of interest have visited Rick Steins' restaurant area in Padstow, and the whole town was absolutely filled with people with the restaurant experience being a major drawcard. My old man did love his series. All we could get was the takeaway local fish and chips option as the restaurant was fully booked, but that was nice nonetheless. Went over the river and for a walk, looking for surf lol. My point is the town becomes the tourism venture.
I went to his restaurant in Mollymook.
It is some of the best food I’ve had.
Pricey, but worth it for a special occasion.
Yep, had a squiz there too VJ and saw that Rick Stein had a very large influence on gentrifying the town.
Felt like it was on its way to becoming a bit of a theme park.
FWIW, I thought the food itself was very good, extortionately priced and at the end of the evening I went home hungry.
But again, don't underestimate what a single well run and well promoted business can do to a small town.
The next plateau, eh?
Some say it was Greenland, and some say Mexico
Monday Morning Ramblings
1/ When the caravan park is charging $280 a night for a cabin...has the horse not already bolted
2/ Long time visitor, 100 cars @ racecourse never happened, Surfed Delicate in September by myself, eventually a few others came out, but total of 6 by mid morning on 3 ft offshore
3/ I personally wouldn't mind an option other than the Club and its oversized Schnitzels....might bring me back more often so I can spend more money at the local butcher, at the local bottle shop, at the bakery.....mmmmmm Crescent bakery......
Need to bring back the Vietnamese lady who used to run the kitchen there. Those viet curries were the bees knees after a long surf. winter post surf warmer
I hope the pink wombat is still there
I have very found memories of Crescent Head. The first stop of my first trip 'up the coast' in 1974 (geez, a long time ago). My family lived there in the 90's when my wife was working in Kempsey at the Aboriginal Health Centre. Lots of great days on the point. Unfortunately greed or avarice of plain bloody mindedness creates in people the need to devour a place and shit out the same place they are trying to escape. Been to Sealies lately? Arrawarra? Byron is dead. Crescent is dead. Lennox is dead. Indo? Long long dead. If you experienced it in the glory days rejoice in the memory - and feel the pity for those who will never experience it, because once it's gone, it's gone for good.
More Hip Ultra Chic Byron..
WSL commentators must earn big $$..... click insta link