Has Vans Cracked The Code?
There was a lot of hype but also some lessons to be learned
Has Vans Cracked The Code?
Did'ya see the Vans Pipe Masters?
You must have watched some of it: Perhaps Bryant's or Carissa's Backdoor nugs. Balaram's Pipe kegs. Heavy. Proper Pipeline.
Did we just witness the future? Leaderboard format, long heats, guys and gals getting shacked, looser commentary, a more truthful approach to Contest Directing, cool graphics, interviews with worthy characters, and just a general relaxation of the corporate noose around the neck of pro surfing. There was definitely a different vibe about it.
It seems all very straightforward and not at all radical but compared to what the Woz has dished up for Finals Day, or even moreso compared to the most recent QS comp broadcast in the Melbourne Tub, it all felt very fresh.
What the fuck happened to the future anyway?
I mean the one which was promised to us by Andy Irons after the 2001 OP Pro boat trip in the Mentawais. "Comps like this will be the future," said Andy twenty years ago.
We'll all be watching an elite few ride foamballs at ten foot Kanduis on live webcast with all the chips on the table and having an absolute ball live commenting while we drink beer from the safety of our couches.
But the day after making a very honest attempt to watch the QS Comp at Tullamarine I'm reading total caca in the mainstream press about what the future of "our sport” is. Reports like this in The Guardian: “Saturday’s event may be the first WSL competition at URBNSURF, but it’s unlikely to be the last. There’s a clear value-alignment between wave pool surfing and WSL’s desire to make the sport more accessible, including through reforming the Qualifying Series and pushing towards gender equality in the sport."
In breathless language the Guardian journo assured us that, “With big turns and stylish aerial manoeuvres, the wave and surfing quality were on par with some of the world’s best lineups”.
I don't believe he watched a minute of it. The boiler-plate corpo language has the strong stench of a re-written press release about it.
This re-molding of reality according to current corporate norms is the WSL modus operandi writ large.
Herbie Fletcher, Owl Chapman, and contest director Nathan Fletcher just before Owl went on a winding yet entertaining monologue
Whilst “audience capture” is considered a pitfall for large chunks of the internet, pro surfing has fallen prey to forces at the opposing end of the spectrum. Corporate and media capture is producing a product that alienates even the most rusted on fan. I went down to the local surf shop during the wavepool QS to see what the shop grom thought. He watches every comp, froths on every second. Even he had to admit after two or three waves he was not entertained. "I'd rather watch twenty beginners on foamies out there getting smashed against the walls," he confessed mournfully.
Wavepools as the future of the sport has now been comprehensively and thoroughly repudiated by the people who are supposed to matter: the fans of the sport. No matter how many times now this sickly repetitive gruel gets dished up to us and told it's a gourmet meal it's going to be rejected.
The contrast with the Vans Pipe Masters couldn't have been more stark. About the first thing I saw was contest director Nathan Fletcher telling us with a straight face it wasn't the best Pipe but it was what we had to deal with. Just this honest admission of reality alone was as refreshing as a cool summer breeze. The girls had a good dig and I think we are moving quickly into a post-paternal era where performances are going to be evaluated on their own merits and not as “good for a girl”. That's a wonderful advancement for the sport.
Not everything worked. The format was a little hard to follow but I'm generally a fan of the leaderboard. It can, however, be finessed.
The biggest failure though, was that there wasn't enough on the line, especially for the men. Though the WSL sanctioned the event, the big dogs on the men's side no-showed. No Kelly, no Gabe, no Italo. Toledo could have shown up to get some reps in but declined the offer. John John cited injury concerns but posted clips surfing neck-breaking sand bar waves anyhow.
A hundred grand prize money and empty Pipe is obviously an insufficient inducement to get the alpha males to perform.
A Pipe Masters crown is now obviously very much reduced in status.
With Vans now taking sole ownership of the Triple Crown franchise, why then is the Pipe Masters not part of a revamped Triple Crown? Add Haliewa and Sunset and throw down a chunk of cash and there's your inducement to get the big dogs out of hibernation.
Somehow, this Pipe Masters is not even part of the digital Triple Crown, which makes no sense whatsoever. What was once one of the most easily understood and anticipated highlights of the competitive calendar has become a confusing melange that no-one seems to give a fuck about.
An asset to the webcast was Mahina Florence (nee Garcia) who brought knowledge and a breezy sense of familiarity, putting all the surfers at ease
If the top men didn't show, the top women made up for it. There was much more to play for in the women's draw. The opportunity to get reps in at a cleared Pipe lineup was taken up with gusto. Carissa's Backdoor wave was a new benchmark. Lots of gals hucked the ledge in super tricky, gnarly Pipe conditions. When it settled, the women's final was all CT surfers, and could easily be a forerunner for the Pipe finals when the Championship Tour starts at the end of January.
Three of the four were next gen female surfers with Molly Picklum taking the win. The hardcore hassling by Betty-Lou Sakura Johnson on Carissa Moore suggests a very spicey start to 2023.
The major absentee on the women's side was Steph Gilmore. Despite admitting her backside tube-riding was not up to standard, the eight-time champ shined the chance to get some competitive experience out there. With Trestles again the Finals location perhaps she has already relegated Pipe to a throwaway. There won't be any excuses available in January if she shows up undercooked.
Could Vans take that formula and apply it to a Finals Day at Cloudbreak, or even a whole new tour if/when Ziff gets sick of carrying a loss-making venture that fans are becoming increasingly disillusioned with? Did they just crack the code?
If that was the template then I am all in.
Nothing new or innovative from Vans/Stab. Just a bastardization of the Backdoor Shootout. Another textbook Stab move to slightly modify an existing concept and call it their own.
Credit were credits due though and it was undeniably monumental that they gave the women equal opportunity to the Pipeline and they certainly answered that call.
Not that my opinion matters in the slightest, but I reckon it must of been one of the most paradigm shifting events in women's surfing to date.
I would still rather watch the Backdoor Shootout though.
Why the preference to watch the shootout? Aren't they the exact same format, the only difference was the equal opportunity for woman?
Well done Stab/Vans for the progression and allowing woman to have a fair go IMO. The whole event was epic, commentary was impeccable.
The back door shootout has a far better selection of surfers and pipe specialists rather than just Stab’s circle jerk of their in-vogue favourite surfers.
Also the shootout has an all Hawaiian island style commentary and broadcast which is honestly quite funny as well as having a Hawaiian cultural Professor from the University interlacing cultural knowledge and language in with the casual humour and surfing.
Also they exclusively surf pumping conditions and none thing less.
Tune in next time it’s on and decide for yourself.
While it obviously drew a lot from the shootout - Which was acknowledged throughout event - wasn’t it an improvement in that it had the 4 person deciding final at the end to add spice?
Only saw a bit of it, the women's heats I watched, they were killing it. Sierra Kerr's backdoor barrel was sic, shame it was an interference that went against her & stopped her from reaching the final. The moving leader board format too seems like a step forward.
I enjoyed it, warts and all. Could have had better score/standings info readily available (seemed to catch up on that on day 2). Nathan Fletcher was a great contest director, and the whole thing was almost BS free.
Re the winners, Balaram S is a Pipe class act, and Pickles has World Champ written all over her.
Yeah good article @FR. Was an entertaining comp, and agreed, it's pretty much a rip off of the Backdoor shootout, but i'd watch that too because it's worth watching, as was this one too.
Having a contest director like Nathan Fletcher immediately gives the comp some true surfing grit and grass roots. A surfers surfer. Reminds me alot of a few of the older blokes i grew up surfing with when i was a grom, some of whom drift through SN from time to time. Salt of the earth chargers, skaters and surfers.
The only downside i thought was the crew who lucked into that last couple of hours on day 2 at Pipe when it cleaned up and went into flawless wave of the winter mode, hence they all scored jacked scores, whilst those more unlucky with conditions and with less opportunities had to settle for lesser scores, but if that's what Pipe chooses, then so be it. Will b interesting to see how the woz respond to the comps overall success come January. Agreed on Steph too. Would have been a great opportunity to put some time in, but who knows, she might just be doing that somewhere else at a heavy reefbreak.
Commentating was classic. Some terrific banter and insight and didn’t feel manufactured.
The graphics need some refinement , and more replays were needed.
Scoring is odd. Tough to compete across heats, especially when some got skunked for waves and others pumped. Having 2 rounds helped.
Waves pumped. Girls did great.
Loved watching, felt lively and entertaining.
That interview with Herbie and Owl was all time, the beauty & finesse of Mahina Folrence delivery was captivating. And Sara Kerr's amazing wave and unfortunately drama was fuckin legendary. These were my highlights. and every one out there sent it or at lest had a dig. As far as a modern contest modelled off " Da Back Door Shoot Out" Best since the big day at Fiji and the contest stopped, but the cameras stayed on for the best 3 or 4 hour s in surf media history...
Think the new relaxed format is great for surf fans, but how about everyday joe non-surfers watching for the first time on foxtel/ espn ect
I thought they did a very good job, but need to adjust to scoring range to account for the heats that suffered crap conditions.
everyday Joe non-surfers are never, ever going to get it.
And your spot on about the Guardian when it comes to anything they report on …..
Just write this and don’t and let the truth get in a way of a good story…
We’ve got to look after the donors ….
They would have got too bored watching it more fun cutting and pasting in the office over a cup of coffee - says a lot for that contest.
Yeh that’s true - I chatted to someone about this the other day - my cousin a sports nut - and they just couldn’t understand the differences between waves. And, he said even huge surf would only
Capture his interesting momentarily
Great to watch - tough conditions at times but thats what surfing is all about. Loved the long heats. More please.
really enjoyed the commentary, it was real, and a breath of fresh air, also enjoyed seeing different faces in the line up, I didn't care that the usual suspects weren't there..shame Huey didn't turn up to the party. but yes way better then the woz
I loved it all, especially the women charging. Note there were originally supposed to be three rounds to iron out the variation in conditions but the lack of surf precluded that.
Loved the commentary, the locals do a great job like they did with Triple crown before the Woz and Dahui .
Normally couldn't give a rat's rissole about pro comps and rarely watch but this one IMO was so easy to watch and listen to.. basically it was real, felt kinda lo-fi / analogue (!) and without too much effort captured some of the surfing heritage so deeply part of Hawaiian culture.
Agree with every point and para you made Steve. Cheers.
What he said ^^^
Great article FR. Loving these articles that SN are putting out, keep it up team
It's the 1st time I've watched a substantial part of any contest for 2022 - and with the sound on too. It's hard to say why it was unique and so much better than what the WSL delivers. Now I'm thinking specifically about their pissant marketing campaigns with Urbansurf AKA positing that sharks are "marine hazards" to be overcome by safe, didactic concrete pools - this idea is anti-theoretical vs. what the ocean actually is and my belief that "all is connected" - humans can only ever be land-based visitors.
A clue to their success was the grass-roots ethos of the commentators, it was so natural that it couldn't have been manufactured; as a result, I felt like I'd grown up on the beach at Pipeline, as had literally many of the competitors, the contest director, and guest commentators.
My add - it was satisfying to hear the next generation of Rothman's talking about the spirit of aloha vs. the previous generation who tried to justify physical violence and intimidation. Coz' we're over that idea as a society. It would be nice to experience the surfing community as being at the forefront of change, not nostalgia and stupidity.
Bring on the future.
Rebel tour! First contest in a while I've had any interest in. Commentary was way better
Was lucky enough to watch it from an incredibly privileged position...was like a skate jam beers flowing ,screaming high fives and shakas very cool.
Laura Enever is my hero
Best 4 scores over two rounds, expression session style format was floated to the WSL (then ASP) a long time ago.
Not longer after the no-elimination round 5 “expression session round” was introduced and accredited to Pritamo Ahrendt.
Might be something in the leaderboard style format after all
The commentary was extraordinarily painful
Yeah start to finish cringe inducing vomit if the 2 minutes I listened to was anything to go by. Got sick of hearing from and about these meat-headed clowns who have never done anything in life except surf and the fools who worship them 30 years ago.
impressive wave Harry Bryant got , was it the first heat ?
Heat 6 - Riding a Tokoro ..
Really poorly written copy, trying to be just far too hip man (sic) and not giving us the information any junior journalist is taught in first-year university. Stu and the other guy, stop masturbating over yourselves (you are not 16-years old anymore) and write properly for your sought mass audience.
To the contest: It's a contest. Sure Kelly, Italo & JJ etc would be better, but if not so what? Totally happy to watch Mason, Jamie, Koa et al who are all Pipe long-timers. The WSL is a joke run by amateurs. It will ALWAYS fail to attract heavyweight sponsors until real, professional business people are in there operating it (this includes the Vans comps for now). The TV coverage - which is great - only works because of the tiny handful of pros doing it (and not getting paid properly for it). Highlighting pretty females who are doing beach interviews is boring and superfluous arse-kissing. Why? Really, grow up and stop whining about the lack of money and progression for global surfers if this is the sort of adolescent dribble you are providing.
"Highlighting pretty females who are doing beach interviews is boring and superfluous arse-kissing. Why?"
You're more than welcome to your opinion but there's no mention of that in the article.
At least read the words and show some basic comprehension before you have a swing.
Wave pools are for beginners, why have a comp on a go-cart track when you can rip it up on at Bathurst. They're not the future, they will fade away like flow riders did!
Bit like test cricket, can have a break come back to it, listen to the old codgers about the old days and goes on all day. Love it.
what happened to Craig Ando in this event ?
Score of only 5.88 Caml
Heat 8 @ 3hrs37:mins
3:52 Herbie Fletcher and Owl Chapman = Gold
Judges cracked the code for the swellnet crew.
swellnet Red Flagged Pipe Masters for Days then a week or more.
Did untold damage to #1 swellnet live web cred. (That's how tbb saw the Big Red Stain)
No lead surf media can tow punters along for a week or more without a hint of promise.
Salute to swellnet for backing up the crew with recent Oz Urbnsurf RipCurl Live webcast.
WSL Judges scored international competitors highly for surfing on quality longer waves
Each quality wave broke long enough to afford surfers to improve surfing towards the final..
Judges scored Men & Women fairly in same Quality waves, far removed from typical CT Bias.
Note : Same waves increased the competitive surfing standard as m/w heat scores advanced.
4 man Heats > (Best 2/3 waves) > Only get 1 throw away score per heat > High Performance!
Mens (Avg 2 wave scores rose to finals [15.0 -15.5] Highest ride scores [9.10] [9.07] = 18.7
Womens (Avg 2 wave scores rose to finals [14.23 -14.89] Highest scores [8.5] [9.0] = 17.5
[Factcheck] WSL judges were scoring Pool Wave surfers higher than their last heat onward!
Urbnsurf Comp is ahead of it's time & most surf fans were typically too lazy to notice!
Urbnsurf exhibits true m/w measured "Ability" banked on Comp Surfing progression!
That is Gold Standard for the Future of all Athletic Comp Surfing Events = Olympics!
Urbnsurf can claim & bank on pioneering real Surfing Progression in real viewing time! (Win! Win!)
Meaning! Surfing can now upscale Ad packs towards Finals Day (Based on Legit progressive Results)
tbb is just saying that only a fool ignores Live Prime Time Surfing Advancement.
(Pause!) tbb needs to check other non WSL wave pool Comps to verify if this is bankable or not.
Wave Pool Judging has only recently moved towards WSL Comp format...it is possible the check this!
Consistent Waves ramp Score Cards (vs) Messed up Slop sends ya broke.
WSL Pros could ramp their [WSL Avg Heat Score] by surfing in more Pool Comps = More Sponsors!
Simple as that folks...Wavepool comps are bankable for Surf Brands!
WSL lumbers around death knell of prog surfing, can see why they're wading into Wave pools!
They too can bank easy money by forging Score Sheets into Bank Notes!
$100k Pipe Master sits idle in it's wake..Should've been here whenever or yesterday...doesn't matter!
After a week went by...
tbb like many, gave up on this Legendary Pipe Master ever showing up!
When yer fast approaching 60...a week is too long to wait for yet another Dodgy Plumber!
Thanks to swellnet code breakers > tbb finally got to inspect this dodgy Pipe Laying.
Had to wait 1/2 hour for some dude to squeeze out a #[2] to Advance to next round...(That bad!)
Vans Surfers can camp in the shadows of neighbourly Wave Junkie's Junk Pile. (None give a shit!)
Most Pipes got clogged up then were deemed too piddly or wayward to fairly judge any Pipe Master!
Lucky to score a ride at all or one lasting long enough for Judge to reach for his pencil sharpener!
Yes...tbb studied the Koa Rothman "Not the real Pipe Master" (Parts 1&2)
Air affair with Driverless Car, Shifting Sand bank, Heat Switches, Snubbed Interview + Surfer Babe!
Highest Combo of Pipe Master's scores > [8.6] [8.86] Mixed best Total = 17.46
Pipe Mistress scores > [8.0] [9.8] Mixed Best Total = 17.8
Judges Verdict = $100k Pipe masters aren't qualified to hook up a $20k Rip Curl QS Jacuzzi!
Judges : All the surfie Chix & Pool Boys shamed these Legendary code breaking Pipe Masters.
Wot Pipe Masters Where?
swellnet sent out last minute invites for Urbnsurf Pool Party...
Crew begged for Real time Wave Changes & got 3/4 of those...
Crowd was neither large or full for either Comp...none seem to mind & bog standard for ELO era.
tbb thanx #1 swellnet & urbnsurf for saving the day & for advancing surfing or whatever...easily stoked!
PS: tbb never dreamt this up...simply relaying the Judge's Verdict.
Continued from last comment...(Score Check from the only other WSL Wave Pool format.)
Alaia Bay Wave Pool Comp results ... said to be run on WSL format...
4 man heats...verifies that surfing the same waves thru to Finals increases WSL heat scores.
Men's best mixed combo [9:50] + [10] = 19.50 > Much Higher scoring Comp than Pipe Masters
Junior Men Final (Lukas Skinner) [8.83] + [9.10] = 17.93 > Higher scoring Comp than Pipe Masters
Womens best mixed combo [9.17] + [ 9.17] = 18.34 > Higher scoring comp than The Pipe Mistresses.
Junior Girls [8.0] + [8.10] = 16.0 > This lone Heat / Final being the lowest score with least competition.
Surf Comps at the Crossroads.
Nobody wants Wave Pool comps but they're rapidly progressing surfing during Live Webcasts.
tbb is not even saying if that excites the crowds coz they likely don't attend each heat to know such?
Mostly just Judges & Organizers and the Competitors + us punters would observe this!
Pool Comps would obviously ramp yer Sponsored Pro's Career Avg Score...
If a wave pool Comp offered same Points & Cash then Sponsors would go the Pool to bump up Stats.
Perhaps now the crew can see why Surf brands are getting closer to sign!
Where as WSL Ocean Beach Comp finals are held in deteriorating onshore conditions.
Along with it...yer Team of pet Pros hard won Career averages start to downgrade...Team of Losers!
In other words X Wave Pool League Team would considerably outrank X Beachbreak League Team.
Yes! The Same Surfers on Same Boards but Posh Wave Pool riders with way way higher Heat averages.
Can argue 100 reasons for why that is!
Houston we have a problem...Just sign here.....X and again here.....X
All of these end of 2022 Comps just ran Back 2 Back 2 back...so these Comp reviews are alive & kicking!
Doubt very much the Surf Industry has had time to process all these New Kids on the Block.
So these results are equally new to tbb > swellnet > WSL > Big Brands.
Again! Not sure wot to make of them...but they will turn heads & force a re-evaluation!
If People want excitement to build as Comp progresses then Wave Pool Bosses can sign off!
As for Vans "Pipe Masters"
The wave is exciting but the Judges downgraded the Surfing beneath Swiss Wave pool standard!
Many would Judge that as a compliment!
What day and Time is Owl getting interviewed on the show?
Scroll up to my Post
Cheers! Bummer they cut him.
Very misleading/click bait headline.
Vans didn't crack the code but ripped off the code if that's what you call it
Hats off to JOB for charging on his soft top
Would of been good to see Jack Robbo out there but the event was generally dictated by what waves were thrown up at the time of heat.
i liked it. id be happy with everyone in the water and score everything for a week .like real life .so over man n man and seeing so many waves unsurfed.
Was the first comp I've watched that I had to push pause on everytime I toddled off to do something....not so much for the waves but for the commentary, take it to the future lads
Pipe looking as epic as it gets on First Reef on various cams at the moment. In the space of 10 mins i saw two probable waves of the winter. One was a natural footer wearing a white gath on an absolute Pipe screamer. Insane.
Are they subscriber only cams bd?
cheers mate
How does the “Pipe Masters” not insure the contestants injuries?
Regarding WSL, this is from their rulebook:
"all Surfers must purchase a travel insurance policy through MemberPro. "
More info on MemberPro and insurance here:
Not sure what guidelines Vans had regarding Pipe Masters and insurance, can't find any info on the web. Going by the injury above, I'm assuming there weren't any insurance requirements for competitors.
That, or they didn’t check to make sure the athletes bought it.
Not sure ld but the first sentence in the go fund me bio is him saying he’s a pro surfer.
How does a professional athlete that competes for a living not have insurance that covers you while competing?
It’s like me not having workers comp insurance that covers me if I hurt myself at work.
Beat me tp it Goofy
WTF No insurance
Social media following followed by crowd fund is the modern day insurance :D
What the hell?
Holding a comp at the most dangerous wave on Earth with no insurance for competitors?
I'm guessing they sign a waiver that acknowledges the possibility of injury at their own risk.
8 time world champs backside tube riding not up to standard (on a planet where the best waves are predominantly, left hand reef breaks). Says all we need to know about the WSL dream tour