Charging Into The Quiet Corners
I’ve bought an electric bike.
It’s a big, techy, flashy looking thing. Fat wheels for the sand, military-looking frame, folds up small to fit in the car. I’m genuinely embarrassed by it. It grates against the whole way I try to live my life: quietly, low key, minimal fuss. It’s a purely utilitarian purchase, a tool to escape the crowds by accessing up the beach.
I park my car in a little covert area, grab the bike and sneak down a more inaccessible but isolated track onto the sand hoping that no-one sees me.
The blessing and curse of the area up the beach is its relative inaccessibility. It's an effort to get up there, but the chance to surf alone is the trade-off. Now with the bike, the effort part has become an almost non-factor.
Ninety Mile Beach: Offshore up the other end
Whether it’s human nature or inherited Western thought, it seems we're driven to seek out ways to make our existence and experiences easier, while exploiting our environment. In the surfing realm it's no different.
Wetsuit technology has improved to the point where trips to snow-covered coastlines in the Arctic circle are content fodder. Boardshorts no longer rash your private parts to pieces. Wax comes with temperature ratings. Sunscreen no longer comes with coconut oil to help you develop skin cancers more efficiently.
Board manufactures around the world fuss over curves, contours, materials. We have boards for small waves, performance waves, big waves, fat waves, grovellers, foils, paddle-boards, mid-lengths, twin fins, long fish, mini-Simmons, boogers, hand-planes, soft-tops, SUP-squaches.
We surf open swells, slabs, points, shories, beachies, tidal bores, boat wakes, rivers, glacial calvings. We use sleds and air compressors and paddles and pumps to make artificial Wave Gardens, BSRs, and Tubs and Ranches.
Progression and technological advancements have given us a seemingly endless array of ways and means to engage in what is ostensibly a simple act of riding a swell.
As I pedal up the beach...well, not really pedal but move my legs around while effortlessly cruising at 30 odd km/h, I wonder if I'm cheating myself of something; lessening the experience somehow.
In our increasingly comfortable lives it seems we still want to be challenged, people want to suffer and overcome. They sign up for Push-Up Challenges, Triathlons, Ultramarathons, Dry July, No Nut November, a smorgasbord of deprivation and pain, the old maxim of the journey being more important than the destination in the path to self discovery.
It used to be a drag walking up the beach into a headwind, constantly swapping the board carrying arm, backpack weighted down with the required surf equipment, balls chafing, sand-scraping heels, sun beating down, but the paddle out at the end was all the more sweeter.
Don't we all surf to pit ourselves against nature? Persisting with the paddle out, struggling against the sweep, clambering under the close out set. Suffering to accumulate the knowledge, experience, and guile needed to better navigate the lineup and grab more waves.
I think about all the small details the beach trek used to allow me. Seeing the way the winds and the tides constantly shifted the sand and reshaped the dunes. The driftwood and the detritus. Sea eagles soaring and ghost crabs scrambling. Time spent alone with just thoughts and observations.
Now it all whizzes by in an instant as I beeline for the breakers.
I wonder if I might be an accidental foreshadower of disaster. I think of Trestles in Southern California. It used to be an untapped escapist playground for a handful of San Clemente surfers prepared to stretch their legs a little. Today it’s an E-bike superhighway. Surely that wouldn't happen here..?
Trestles: Where once there was one, now there's a flood of E-bikes
"Someone has to be first," I justify to myself, "so it may as well be me, right?" However, often people won't cotton on to an idea until someone else does it. In my desire to get away from everyone, what if I'm instead helping to unlock the gate to the masses? What if I'm the trickle that begets a flood? A little harbinger of death to my cherished area of quiet?
So will I be ditching the bike?
Hell no!
What used to take me an hour to walk I just knocked over in less than ten minutes without breaking a sweat.
I can score fun waves to myself and get home before the wife and kids are even out of bed.
Give me convenience or give me death!
Don't forget to pick up some maccas from the drive through on the way home!
and then someone steals it while you're duckdiving a set
Thought provoking piece Dan.
As you've touched on, I find there's beauty in the process. Be that the slower passed walk through the bush, up the beach, taking it all in while accepting the extra weight and effort that goes with it.
It makes the end result all the more rewarding and a bit of the magic is lost if you can just boot up there, bypassing the world as you go.
Some of my favourite spots are that little bit further off the beaten path, the wave quality being similar to other easily accessible spots, but to end up on a stretch of beach or reef with not another soul around while also taking in the surroundings on the slow journey in, it's unbeatable.
The same goes with the mountains and backcountry skiing. If we could ski-doo/lift up within minutes to peaks we otherwise take hours to get to, it would be at detriment to the whole experience and reward of doing it under your own foot.
Instant gratification is that and the feeling doesn't last. So maybe a mix of using the e-bike and at other times walking in is the best compromise.
Just dont take out any sensitive shorebirds!
What about one of those little fold up bikes they sell at Aldi?
pure pedal power. Is that a compromise?
Depending how much you use it, I'll give that bike 18 months tops before the metal bits that aren't stainless or galvanised start to rust, and sand makes its way into the bearings and brakes. You may be able to delay the rust if you hose it down thoroughly after each ride but there's nothing you can do about the bearings. Sand and hubs don't mix.
Hopefully Powered Paragliding doesn't take off as a supplementary travel option. Coupla guys around here have been occupying the skies off the local point most afternoons and weekends, and the friggin things sound like an orchestra of lawn mowers. Noisy as hell.
They were at it again on Saturday morning Ben, annoying as F**K. So much so I started wondering what the range of a BB gun was.
Not sure if this was at my local spot too, 2-3 of them firing up their engines on the headland for 10-15 minutes before taking off... could have done without the mouthful of exhaust fumes, thanks fellas
How's the wha what pedal on overdrive very late sixties early 70's. I had the HT wagon puppy shit brown was a beast (handled like an absolute pig) with front disc brakes very sophisticated. Was mean't for the Stu vid of the HQ - 'pushed the wrong button max'
Bike? Pffft...
Sooo good!!
So smooth
Jet smooth
Epic! I did find my Kingas were more 4wdable than my Fairmont.
Also of note: Australia without speed limits or rules - looks great!
Had the station wagon, never put the back seats up once more board sleep room .
Ran on lpg 18 cents a litre.
Fuck off orange.
Only Mugs put their boards on the roof.
Not the Kingswood!
"Bloody shambles of course. Somebody should blow E-bikes up."
"Whether it’s human nature or inherited Western thought, it seems we're driven to seek out ways to make our existence and experiences easier, while exploiting our environment. In the surfing realm it's no different."
"In our increasingly comfortable lives it seems we still want to be challenged, people want to suffer and overcome. They sign up for Push-Up Challenges, Triathlons, Ultramarathons, Dry July, No Nut November, a smorgasbord of deprivation and pain, the old maxim of the journey being more important than the destination in the path to self discovery."
I know that it's fashionable to denigrate all things western culture, but which one is it? Are we lazy or suckers for punishment?
Ah, someone wants to escape crowds and avoid trestles dilemma so promotes ebike transport in popular web site read by thousands. Then ponders in story what if one or two people sees him disappear down a sandy track??
More than a little conflicted. But got a headline. So all good.
What are you trying to say..?
Equivalent of:
Surfer discovers secret spot down hidden track.
Worries that by surfing it he might expose it.
So writes story and with photo of secret spot discussing his dilemma for thousands to read.
Except there are no photos, maps, or locations mentioned.
Possibly you think lightbulbs are flashing now that it's been mentioned, in which case I'd say you have a low estimation for humanity.
On the flipside, the story is akin to other technologies used to our advantage - legropes, 4WDs, jet skis - and warrants a discussion.
"Ninety Mile Beach: Offshore up the other end"
For reals..?
Haha no.
The secret spot comment was an analogy. Not a comment on any spot Dan mentioned. Exposing a "secret" with faux guilt.
I know stories need an angle. I guess I would have preferred a straight out "ebikes are great angle" in this case
I wouldn't have run it.
Sounds boring. Like advertorial looking for a kickback.
The uncertainty and ambiguity is where the richness lies. If you don't appreciate that then look elsewhere for news.
Bad night's sleep Stu?
Nice to feel so welcome on your web site.
"Ah, someone wants to escape crowds and avoid trestles dilemma so promotes ebike transport in popular web site read by thousands. Then ponders in story what if one or two people sees him disappear down a sandy track??"
Great explanation Stu on the magic that makes a story worth reading. What a gem this site is.
Problem is,
Currently no one gives a fuck.
We live in the age of me me me instawhoring.
People are to busy graming and influencing on soft tops .
Either that or no one who surfs can afford a house at the beach.
Check mate.
What is a mini-Simmons?
A gateway drug to weird boards.
Haha thanks
Look at all those e-Bikes, almost having completed their natural migration into the water.
Far out that picture from Trestles is crazy! Is that really how it is?
Melbourne shows how to deal with the problem:
I get why you might ride to Trestles, but I'm not sure why they've all adopted e-bikes. It's only a couple of kays.
Looks like you can't anymore.
When stories don't get fact checked:
Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article stated that e-bikes would be banned from Trestles. The San Clemente e-bike ban will not extend to Trestles, as the area is outside of San Clemente. Trestles is in San Diego County and is managed by the California State Parks.
Ha ha...I guess I deserve that. I should have read it properly.
Better get in soon!
Thank goodness for deep inlet entrances and rivermouths!!
Great writing though.
Apart from cruising down a low tide beach to previously hard to reach spots, e-bikes are already ubiquitous. Not only that; it's hard to differentiate legal from illegal bikes and Victorian lawmakers have yet to catch up. Kids with zero road experience and no helmets zip around on bikes that look like high powered Vespas. Accidents waiting to happen. Parents please be prudent in your purchases (including purchasing scooters which are probably more dangerous) . Some of them are really high powered and it's easy to circumnavigate restrictors with a simple chip or tweak. These things are not going away....and selfishly, for me that's a good thing. Best toy / transporter I've bought in a long while. Surfboards included.
Hi agree with icandig. Just be careful where you ride a high powered e-bike. In NSW if the e-bike can do more than 25km/h with peddle assist or has a hand throttle (yikes!), they are illegal on public roads and beaches. Yes, the chances of getting fined are slim, but if you have an accident and hurt someone else, you better get yourself a good lawyer.
Six or so months back I was waiting at an intersection two streets over from my house. Two girls on an e-bike came flying down the hill looking to turn right. Girl on the back had a board under her arm, neither had a helmet on.
They went to cut the corner while turning, however a car approached the intersection blocking their path. The rider tried to straighten up while going fast, lost control and went straight into a parked car. Horrible sight.
Hasn't appeared to change any behaviour around here, which is no great surprise, everyone was bulletproof at 16.
I think the concept has merit, especially if you consider the alternative of fwd's using the beach as their unrestricted playground, you're always going to be range restricted by battery size, and limited to solo or maybe 2 up.
I've been tossing around the idea for a while. Where I'm thinking of is way out of walking range, but overrun by fwd hoons, and I never want to join that party!
Same here Spider.
I'd be hoiking in for less than average waves and beaches full of 4WD's.
I surf waves hiding in plain sight using the "spaces in between" theory.
The amount of hiding in plain sight quality sessions in recent years has been fantastic! It's like having private spots at times, though I know no one truly owns any of them.
Be interested in how you explain 'spaces in between', I call it 'no one bothers with X'
Bit of that VJ, I have a few fav little combinations of conditions that I know few people will be onto.
It would be different for each spot/region.
You'd find it hard to believe but happens in Manly. Quite a bit. The last three weeks especially. Surfing the best bank on the beach yet almost solo and no one is aware.
That's gold Stu & IB got to agree used to go to a swim/gym years ago & people would be parking as close to the entrance as possible so they wouldn't have to walk far & then they'd be belting it out in the gym on the treadmill etc. Funny us human beans
Yep, local gym they park illegally to avoid the (beneficial) 50m walk up to it lmao
For what it's worth.
I have a buddy who sailed into the ranch(USA) to surf.
They mored the boat early, only to be met with hoards of surfers on ebikes.
Said they spent the week trying to find hidden uncrowded waves only to be met by crowds and surfers on e bikes.......
Sailed? Like on a yacht? I really feel for them. How dare anyone ride a bike to their spot.
Sailed, they slept on the boat.
They also surfed the channel islands.
I think they decided it was a novel trip.
No e bikes on the islands......
Really tugging at my heart strings there Deano. These guys are pretty hard done by.
no disrespect, but IMHO e-bikes are the worst of all worlds - heavy, ugly, cheaply made yet relatively expensive, degrees more environmentally unfriendly, bad for everyone's health. The are fraudulent on so many levels.
at least motocross bikes, obnoxious as they are, can showcase the riders skill.
but yeah I get the whole, cruising on your pushie, accessing a quiet break, but you can also get that feeling cruising to the beach on a rusted out old pushie with a board rack for under $100
Respectfully disagree. There are many different types of bikes. Lightweight road bikes, heavy cruisers, mountain bikes, town bikes (we all know their type). It depends on the purpose. Inner city in the right climate with the right infrastructure are vastly superior to a car both in convenience and environmentally. Mountain bikes - physical benefits aside open up so much more terrain (you can peddle them if you want). Cruisers are fun and convenient. There are grommets everywhere on the surf coast not having to pester their parents for a ride to the beach. Many, many benefits, but of course open up other problems (crowding / accidents) etc... Get used to them. They are everywhere and their numbers are growing.
Yeah, you can't fight it.
Another thing you have to try not hating or getting sucked into.
Just like these click-and-comment bait articles.
(Don't try and defend it Stu, you know what's up:)
Nice bit of writing Dan. Glad you got some.
It's a motor cycle, on a beach that other people are (hoping to) enjoy.
Regardless of the transport type, you only have to put in a little effort and go "off-piste" and you can still score uncrowded quality waves. Surfers have long been sheep and will paddle out where they see others. Make a little effort and reap the rewards.
I think you will find that in AU e-bikes, whatever the type, must be peddle-assisted ie they must be peddled to activate the motor and are limited to a maximum legal speed of 25 kmph. The speed can be increased marginally voiding any warranties and risking jail time if you’re caught after any sort of accident (the law is slowly catching up with e-bikes and scooters after the deaths and serious injuries to riders and others). At the maximum speed travel range becomes a serious issue even on bikes with a $10k plus price tag not to mention excessive wear of expensive chains and gear clusters. I want one as an alternative to my car and hope to get to the point of selling my car all together and just use the bike to get to the surf, shops and the forest tracks and trails where it’s legal to ride. As others have said riding on the beach will rust out most bikes/components pronto so lots of environmental problems etc
What are the repair/maintenance bills like?
Components more expensive and will need to be replaced way more frequently unless you ride like a normal bike using the gears to get proper cadence. Bike mechanic fees vary but count on repairs costing more but basic maintenance is easy to do yourself. Don’t get the motor wet as in riding in water unless you’re made of money.
"Don't we all surf to pit ourselves against nature? Persisting with the paddle out, struggling against the sweep, clambering under the close out set. Suffering to accumulate the knowledge, experience, and guile needed to better navigate the lineup and grab more waves." Have observed the local that I used to live at become inundated by a peloton of mostly middle aged, recent converts who are attracted to the one specific and gentle beachie. They surf, for want of a better description, no where else. "Going surfing" is a process of driving to the same asphalted car park and parking in the same bay every day pretty much regardless of conditions. It appears to be primarily a social happening - there is no possible challenge, exploration or suffering inherent in this. Arrivals will hang in the carpark, chatting and socialising, for extended periods of time before paddling out - and it is a paddle in the true sense of the word. It has been interesting making periodic return visits and observing the change - it's built upon a decidedly different motivation than the premise of this otherwise enjoyable bit of scribe is based upon.
Mate I live on the coast and I still can score solo surfs
Open your eyes and stop the heard mentality
Scored waves on a swell this week while other breaks had standard 50 guys
No pushie just walked
Nice article and finished with a DK album!
I'm a tight arse so in Bali, I'd be the one doing the long paddle while the hordes caught surf taxis. In Peru I do the run back up the point instead of getting the Zodiac. Now and often I'll run/walk to the surf which I like for all the reasons you mentioned plus it counts as a warm up. I do chuckle at people doing elaborate 20 minute warm up routines before surfing 2ft waves though. I don't like the run back as I'll get chaffed legs from wet boardshorts but such is life.
I guess I've processed it and now I'm happy with people doing what they want. Yes, they take the easy option before doing something hard and I don't. I won't lie and say it's a good feeling to paddle out at dark and get one wave before 3 boat loads of surf taxis rock up with fresh frothers on a one week holiday, but, that's how it is. Similarly with people that ride SUPs/Mini mals on a shortboard wave. Why don't they just get fit and stop being fat C*#@$? It is how it is and we all choose our path. I do take the point about time saving though, I have the luxury of time but most people in their busy lives do not so I can see the utility of an E bike, although I don't see the advantage over a normal pushy but as I said, each to their own!
We would never have that E-bike problem like Trestles, Australian surfers are at one with the earth and surf, part of nature. Next you will be asking if Australia would start towing into 4ft Kirra with a direct camera feed to Insta to capture those moments when you burn some sorry bastard who had the audacity to attempt to paddle in…..that would never happen here….unAustralian
I use peddle power too, Nissan Navara.
to clarify, Bikes that require human propulsion are the solution to our affluenza.
E-bikes might not be the best solution if you are able bodied. There is a big trade off in weight, complexity and expense to get that little bit of assistance. Likelihood of your fitness improving is much greater if you ride a normal pushie, and you can get one for spare change
Price comparable to a Replacement E-bike battery
Quote from progear website above "A lighter frame also helps in creasing ..."
I too have a confession to share.
I bought an el cheapo e-MTB about a year ago. (about $1000). Without peddle assist you'd be lucky to make it up most of the steep hills in my area. It's only a rear hub drive but it does the job. I don't ride it for fitness either, it's just used for shop runs, surf checks and a 'Plan B' etc if I need to. My car was at the mechanics for a week and the bike was a life saver. It doesn't have fats but I take it down the beach at low tide on the harder sand when I do a bit of beach worming.
It is very convenient to have, and I often ride it on the shorter trips over my gas guzzling 4WD because of that, whereas with a standard bike I probably wouldn't.
The battery lasts long enough for me especially if you use the weaker assist levels. Full power is handy though when you're feeling a bit low on energy.
For $1000 I don't really care what happens to it, but I've given it a fair flogging and bugger all maintenance and it still going like new. I don't do any serious mountain biking on it either, it's more of a commuter, as a normal road bike wouldn't handle the tracks..
Tweaked the speed settings and it does 40kmh easily. It does have a throttle only option (no peddling) but it's nowhere near as fast without the assist and only good on a flat surface.
I'm 'time poor', so shaving time off anything I do outside of surfing is a bonus.
Everyone that has an ebike raves about them...
just needs to sort out the battery system: are tonnes of Lithium AA's the best we can do ?
E-bikes are great (unless you are getting run over by a non-descript gig economy rider). And getting to your surfing break faster, is why we drive rather than walk.
However, there is a reward v effort mechanism, that makes test cricket strangely satisfying to some eternal fans, whilst those who enjoy the 20/20 game last 20 minutes before turning off, and have already tuned out of my post.
Walking several hours for a surf is strangely satisfying because dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are all released, making us feel good. More effort = more reward.
But then again, there is plenty of reward in getting barrels at an uncrowded break.
I don't know what is best. E-bike, no E-bike??? Whatever floats your boat (or allows you to have fun)?
It’s all relative. e (bike) equals mc (Marching Cadence) squared. ie: It takes old mate on e-bike five minutes to scoot up the beach to a quiet corner it’s taken me 40 minutes to walk up to, that’s 35 minutes of me getting first dibs on the sets. And then we're square. Or something.
What are these magical boardies that do not cause chaffe that you speak of????
Rip curl etc should make sarongs for post surf walk homes.
Took a rare trip to Byron a few weeks ago, was sitting on the beach watching the sun set over the mountains.
At the same time, old mate was on the beach with his e-bike, doing laps up and down.
Reckon he was doing maybe 50 clicks, so this was no leisurely peddle.
Point being, e-bikes are great in theory and probably in practice as well but the things are basically motorbikes, so the scope for obnoxious and dangerous behaviour is pretty broad.
As the republicans would say - e-bikes don't kill peaceful ambience, people do.
I'm sure that's what crew on horseback were saying when the automobile was invented.
Id have one........if I could afford one.Less energy used getting there equals more energy to surf !Sounds to me there is a bit of "jealousy's a curse "going on here lol.Rather see a group of back packers on e bikes on there way to Double Island than 8 Germans in an out of control Troop Carrier burning up recycled dinosaurs.
Bet you that HQ Kingswood was perforated with rust 12 months after that beach run haaa! what a cracker of an add.
ps There are some contributors here that need to lighten up a little the world isn't that serious peeps.
But will still need the Troop carrier to pick up the 8 Germans and there E bikes because they ran out of Battery for the return journey.
Wow that sounds like a great business E Bike and rider recovery uber. Still infinitely easier to push a bike back down the beach than a Landcruiser.