G-Land Tower Losing Its Grip On The Reef
Built earlier this year to seat judges and officials for the Quiksilver Pro, the G-Land tower sits far out on the reef at the lower end of Moneytrees. While some surfers grudgingly admit it helps with lineup navigation (I'm one of them!), the general consensus is that its a blight on an otherwise beautiful landscape.
Never intended to be permanent, the tower was to be dismantled in October, carried ashore, and then reassembled before next year's contest. All the wood and the joints are marked so they can be fitted back together the same way next year.
The word from Plengkung, however, is that the tower may be disassembled earlier than expected, and not in any methodical way.
The tower isn't free-standing, it needs guy ropes to support it from the waves which push against the superstructure and reach to just below the first floor on high tides or big swells.
When built, the tower had eight wire guy ropes, each connecting to a concrete block drilled into the reef. Over time, six of those ropes have given way (Corrosion? Salvaging?) so that only two ropes remain, and those two are loose. The tower is losing its grip on the reef.
The newly unconstrained tower will face its first test next week as a large swell makes landfall on Tuesday. At this stage, the tower will have to withstand two days of 10 ft waves - big by Indonesian standards - with the forerunners clocking in at a mighty 19 seconds.
Worse, the swell is paired with a new moon tide, which falls a few days earlier but is still pushing 2.4m of water over the reef on the big day.
Of course, surfers who care not for construction may get something entirely different out of this story. In that case, Godspeed to you.
The tower
Two footings, one with no wire but friendly rebar, the other showing a flaccid guy rope
The view from under the tower looking back towards Bobby's showing two limp support wires
Given the WOZ's self proclaimed 'Whatever it takes' approach to ocean/reef/marine custodianship, I'm sure they'd be deploying their not-inconsiderable resources post-haste to minimise any adverse effects on the reef by their hand.
this. Can some canny youtuber mock this little bit of greenwash redemption up for them? There is a lot of satire begging to happen here.......
It writes itself: young pro looking earnestly into the camera, saying “we have to do what it takes to look after the blah blah blah” – cut to pro's yahoo jetski circle work in Chopes Lagoon, cut to footage of pros planting trees, coral on string, picking up wubbish – cut to Locker room post-loss board demolition, cut to haviannas or Oakberry happy beach ads, cut to footage of choking waterways, and so on
Coming back better than ever to the WSL's spiritual home, discovered by Quiksilver, investing in the future of the reef with a bigger, more permanent tower.....
Surely the Wozzle could use the timber for their Ikea 'Kaseberga' collection.
Not if the villagers out on the point get to it first. My wish is to next season see a sweet A-frame with sunroom facing west over the keyhole, but even a humpy made from tower timber would make me happy.
Something, anything just not waste and environmental vandalism as is the potential outcome. Extremely disappointing response from the WSL. Not even a token "we'll work with local authorities to minimise" blar blar blar
Jawa Timur… the cable is long gone. Probably holding up someone’s dragon fruit trellis.
( In Indonesian accent)
"Friendly rebar".....nice
Stu > great news you've projected the likelihood of its imminent demise next week. Now, surely, someone in your readership must have inside contacts into the WSL, so they can get it taken down before there is an actual environmental disaster? Everyone already knows the WSL is an inept green-washing machine, so can't someone in the "pro-world" MAKE them take it down before the next swell arrives? Is an avalanche of satirical "told you so" joke's a good outcome vs. an environmental disaster averted - not in my opinion. I wish I knew how to take effective action. > RR
Can the WSL be contacted for a comment as to there plan?
It's, conveniently, not their plan but that of Alas Purwo NP.
Well that's an obvious failure of oversight right there
I went to Bali and visited Keremas months after a WSL comp back in 2008 I think. I couldn't believe the amount of bamboo infrastructure that was broken, washing around in the shore breaks with promotional signage (Oakley), etc. The mess left behind by the circus was disgusting and one of the worst single pieces of human impact on a beach for the sake of a few days of comp. They really need to sort their show out and stick to locations with suitable infrastructure and willing community and clean up every last bit of their mess before they leave.
Maybe once it's smashed to bits next week the locals could use all that timber to build a wickerman, then invite Eric Logan to G-Land..................................
the guy from the oprah winfrey show?
"Who is Eric Logan?
Image result for Eric Logan
Erik Logan was named president of OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network in July 2011, where he spearheads the day-to-day operations for the award-winning network."
BurningMan end of festival attitude required.
Corporate thieves. NAB, CBA, ANZ, Westpac and WSL
Disturbing it is, similar to a concert organisation leaving up the main stage for next year in some paddock. Take it down, give the timber to locals, set the precedent.
Pure Garbage : Photo shows bundle of decking gets tied into WSL seaworthy rafts.
Conveyor Belt drives the Pure WSL Garbage Patch to collect more stickers as it chokes the planet.
Time'n'Tide regurgitates each years paylode of WSL Pure Marine Debris...(We're back!)
Not suggesting that WSL paddle battle with the legendary Hawaiian Eddie or the Goat's Golf Stream
Purest WSL would be showered with Big Kauna Plastic Leis & Huey's flapping sandy surf stickers
Huey's Pure WSL Judges Rafting Tower goes with the flow washed up itinerary...[10][10][10][10][10]
eg: Portugal > Brazil > J Bay > Indo > WA > Bells (Pacific Lull) Tahiti > El Salvador > Hawaii > California.
Huey : "Crew can reverse flow with the Big Kahuna & Chix can equally pimp a ride with Thalassa!"
It will be interesting to see how it handles a big swell with real high tide, i wont be surprised either way, it could stay strong and just wash through like a jetty, or if the post are just sitting on top of concrete pads it might move a little and go a little wonky then structural break up over time.
BTW. After a few years of not going to Indo, i was super surprised on how much the tidal areas of a reef i surf regularly had changed in that time.
What’s changed up there ID?
Heaps of large (too big to lift) dead coral chunks washed up onto tidal areas of reef and heaps of smaller sized ones, i know there has always been a natural process of this happening to some degree and the locals often collect to use in house building mostly foundations, but ive never seen so much on the reef before especially the bigger chunks.
Also a long narrow bridge of smaller broken coral which as long as i can remember has been in one spot has shifted to a different spot.
So now where i use to walk out without booties and be able to step on weed or limestone reef is now really hard to do as all chunks of old sharp coral, so i had to change where i paddle out.
Yeah, in what way?
Without the Cables........Its pretty much a Goner
Chippys check the lower bracing...3 nails per end...Only Knee bracing on other Levels that i can see
Note the Power cable to the power box...here's the rest of that recent Power hook up!
Excellent News coverage shows the whole set up from Tower > Power Poles > Viewing stands
Note the late start with Lt Col Commanding the rush job of one fortnight until 25th open day!
Wait till ya see what they laid out in that short time...Salute the work crews.
10th May
12th May
23rd May
25th May (Check all the new Power Poles)
Last Photo shows the Roof
28th May ~ See Mains power is all coiled up on high side mount...
Mega phones & speakers directed towards Comp Zone Line Up + 2x Light Globes on each level!
Priority # are very hard to spot...try yer best! tbb won't say...keep looking! Is that them?
Note the very large bulky Telco mast onshore...that's installed in a NP ?
31st May ~ With Sponsors Logo but stranded with no safety rescue craft or access?
A few tips for blowins :
The ladder rungs are spaced further apart...not an easy climb.
The height between the decks is under 6ft ...bang / Ouch!
Mind yer step on that 4x4 deck trim...damn I stubbed my toe & bumped my head...again!
How does this Tower have no board racks? The boards litter 1/2 the decking...Ouch!
No Priority Discs of use or any Life Buoy to be seen?
Tower usually features clear distinct 1m priority Discs + Paddle / Rescue Board (Now! Neither?)
Safety is slipping + now with waves lapping at Massive Power Poles to 5G Telco Tower.
Short straw wins the WSL G Land Hot Seat...be riding yer luck buddy!
Been having sunset beers on the tower the last few nights I think it will survive the coming tide and swell, but if not…contemplating how to navigate large bits of timber floating through the Moneys lineup when it’s 10ft next week! As if the size is not hairball enough.
Perfect conditions on 1ft of swell on the Bukit
New Swell to fill in late arvo and overnight ?
Forerunners on dark.
Anyone got an inside word on what dates the Wozzle are looking at for the 2023 comp?
How were the crowds before and after this year’s comp?
Interested to see if the increased exposure has seen an increase in visitors…
Just quietly there is a better month for bigger high tides and often more speedies swells, i could say but i wont say.
Dave Scardy and Camel put me onto that in the 90's and been there that month a few times since.
Always get at least 6 -8 speedies days in a month, often by myself if under 4-5 foot as at 2-4ft its a hollower takeoff or maybe due to it being more slow and much smaller compared to Moneytrees and ledge etc if the swells turning south.
If ya know ya know!
Swell hit overnight solid on the Bukit atm High tide now passed
Day one of Tower Test.
Reminds me of the stories i heard about the filming and aftermath of Leo's film -The Beach. Sad.
Saw some footage from G-land today. Looked very solid. Not sure how the tower went.
More than meets the eye as all surrounding Comp structures were either blown or torn down.
26 May (2 days before Comp) The main staging Area (Large Structure) Collapsed in strong winds.
See work crews in panic mode to clean up mess & rebuild...(No reports of injuries...hope all is well!)
So why the rush & mad panic on shore but not for the Judging Tower? Good question!
We can & will answer that...
Of equal interest is the 3 story Viewing Structure/s that seems to be a kit form as with Judging tower!
24 Feb 2022 ( tbb believes G Land Jack operates deals from here or tags it?)
28 May VIP Party in Exclusive WSL Village...ain't no blowins welcome here!
31 May Video shows whole Lego Village with repaired Staging Structure + 3 story Viewing Hut.
Note : This NP Comp seemingly has restricted access with tiny VIP Beach etc...
This in itself answers any increased crowds...(Ain't No crowds allowed in eco sensitive NP zones!)
Now that's all well & good but in the wash up...we need to check back to Stu's Photo 3 (Above)
#1 Surf Journo Stu chose this photo for a reason...as it answers nearly all questions.
We see the 3 story Kit Hut/Viewing Tower + Staging Building + Village have all been removed.
Even the Power Poles & perhaps even the Telco Tower all gone...now resembling a ghost town.
This is in keeping with NP Policy to retain Eco Cred Status...
We could be seeing a NP zone ending as it hits the Sea...includes the beach to meet tide zone.
eg: Structures / Power are removed from beach zone as to not interfere with turtle egg laying.
G Land surf break may be internationally renowned but it's not a reserve & has zero NP protection!
Noting that the Power / Poles / Telecom have been disconnected from Judging Tower > (NP rules.)
Only a few fold-up Beach umbrellas remain...as if this is a leased NP Private Surf Resort perk.
Meaning...The Comp Site / Judging Tower may be servicing (Nearby) Bobby's Private Surf Resort
As the Tower falls outside of NP...it's of lesser concern to keeping NP accreditation.
Guessing...Surfie Weddings / Dawn Boot Camps / VIP Lunch Breaks
Just saying...some surf maps include iconic Tower as a reference for a selling / marketing platform.
As in...our resort is closest to the Tower! We are therefore the best surf hang...the rest are pretenders!
Surfing world instantly recognizes iconic Judging Tower before gromz can spell G Land...All Say Aye!
From a surfie's perspective : Would a Marine Park listing or WSR status remove a Heritage Surf icon?
Soon as G land's G Spot gets given a name...It's One of Us!
The last tower they built for the Quiksilver pro in the late 90's stood fast on that reef for several years.
Interesting to see how long this one lasts.
Tower held up but has done some flexing and bending without the stabilisers being in place. Either way shit form from the WSL.
Word is Quiksilver and WSL have pulled pin on next year.
Interesting. Possible to say the source of the rumour?
Also, the ol' tower is gonna cop another test:
If you could use those emoji things in the comments, you'd throw up the smiling face with the love hearts for eyes for that forecast.
Biggest swell for the year to date for there?
except the winds
Just got word that Erik Logan is redlining to GLand in the WSL Gulf Stream jet. Solo mission apparently.
Just Elo, a head torch, some reef booties and his nail bag. Witnesses report him speed reading “Rigging for dummies” and refusing inflight drinks service.
If there’s one thing you know about Elo - He’s not the sort to talk it up, he just gets shit done.
Erik “ Words are cheap” Logan.