Beta Testers Wanted For The Brand New Swellnet App
We're very close to launching the long-awaited update of the Swellnet App, and are looking for people to help with the final testing stage.
If you're interested, please leave a comment below or email (you'll need to be a Swellnet Pro subscriber), and we'll send you some details.
The Background Story
I'm gonna admit it straight up - Swellnet hasn't had a great run with its App.
But, there's a bit of history to discuss, so please allow me to indulge in the backstory.
The new Swellnet App.. lots of time and attention has been put into the look n' feel
Prior to the advent of the smartphone era - fourteen years ago! - we'd been through several years of peripheral mobile technologies, all of which promised robust revenue streams to small businesses like Swellnet who had unique content.
Of course, none of it eventuated. As a tiny business with one staff (me!), it was an endless source of frustration to waste time, money and effort pursuing opportunities that would soon vanish into thin air.
So, when the iPhone was released in July 2008, I was cautious with new technology. Still enjoying my BlackBerry (remember those?), I found the concept around Apps quite interesting, but there was still no related business model: Swellnet was solely ad-funded, and the small display sizes on the phones attracted a fraction of the advertising income compared to the website. Subscriptions didn't exist at that time. Corporate sponsorship was too complex.
So, pushing your audience from your website to an App would essentially be akin to in-house cannibilism. We couldn't afford to lose any advertising revenue just to make Swellnet more convenient to those surfers who'd decided to buy an iPhone.
On top of that, App development was (and still is) very expensive. Around this time, a high profile website owned by a colleague of mine spent a small fortune building their new App with a much-hyped development company, yet it failed spectacularly upon release, to the point that they wrote off the entire project and started the whole thing from scratch. Big companies can often absorb these kinds of costly technical fuckups, but Swellnet couldn't. I was determined not to make the same mistake.
Gradually, development work began on our first App, however we too made errors hiring developers who weren't suitable, spending time and money on failed versions. Eventually we teamed up with a trusted colleague who built an App that worked really well at the time - around 2012 - but over the following years, it became less compatible with each update of the iOS and Android operating systems, to the point where it now barely works at all. Regularly updating the App soon became an expensive, pointless exercise, because we'd chosen a poor technical framework to begin with - we knew we needed to start afresh.
So, back in about 2018 we started planning a brand new rebuild of the Swellnet App, using a different software approach, all the while feverishly hoping that our Subscription numbers would increase to counteract the rapidly declining advertising revenue (you may remember my article from 2017 - almost five years ago - We need to have a talk about: Subscriptions).
And there was an upside to our previous failures: we now had the benefit of a decade of hindsight and experience - we knew why the first versions went wrong, and what was needed to make them work properly. And, we knew that Subscriptions were on the rise, as a sustainable business model.
If you boil it down to basics, there's a couple of ways to build an App (and indeed, a website). You can drop a shit-tonne of money in one go, find/recruit/employ/contract a team of development guns, hope it works out as expected, and then gradually recoup the costs back over time. The upside is that you'll get your product to market much more quickly. The downside is that if the App doesn't work properly, your already-expensive upfront costs can blow out considerably.
Oh, and remember: you need that shit-tonne of money upfront, too.
The other way is to gradually scrimp and save, and put those funds towards a couple of small offshore developers who can slowly build the framework. The upside is that you're risking much less money, the downside is that it takes a lot longer to get your new App to market.
The second option was the only one available to Swellnet, so we took it and ran (well, 'walked briskly' is probably more accurate, I suppose).
The good news is that in the last year or so, we've built further upon the App development team, spearheaded by Mitch (welcome!), who's helped us overcome some major technical hurdles. There's a number of benefits in having Mitch on the team: he's not distracted with any other parts of the Swellnet website, and moving forward, he'll be able to respond to you all in real time about any technical problems you have, and we'll be able to fix them all up really quickly.
And now we're at the final stages of testing, so we thought we'd get some trusted Swellnet Pro subscribers in for a sneak-peek of the App, to see if they can find any bugs we haven't uncovered.
We're after genuine, unbiased feedback in the comments below too. We reckon we've built a great new App, but want to hear directly from you as to what's missing, what doesn't work, and what you'd like to see in the future too.
Thanks for your support!
Nice one. I use your current app everyday. Am super stoked you're releasing a new version.
Happy to test it out.
Definitiely would like to test it out. I get so annoyed having to restart the app all the time whenever I go to look at the forecast charts.
Keen to do some testing.
would love to give it a look over.
Keen as!
As above, I'm using the current one everyday, so looking forward to the update.
I'm keen. I use the current one everyday.
I'd have a go but I'm pretty tech dumb.
I like pretty pictures though.
I’d like to try it out
Sure, will give a shake
Would love to give it a go too.
Im in
Count me in.
Would be very happy to help with the testing.
Yeah I'll give it a crack
dont forget me!
I'd be keen, cheers
Happy to help. I use the app on my phone for the cams but frustratingly have to read forecaster notes/surf reports on an internet browser on my phone, keen to help you with any new app feedback
Happy to have a crack at the new APP. Will email you too. Exciting times!
keen for the final product, not into beta testing as i hardly use my phone anyway.
Haha, love it groundy
Happy to put my hand up and give a little back for all the tireless work you blokes have put into this website. Count me in if needed.
yep, working at a tech startup in Manly ATM as a senior dev. Would be stoked to have a look at the beta. Cheers!
Sure I'm in
Yep happy to give back for a lot of the fun and knowledge you guys have given me
Yes - I'd like to help test as well
thanks for the story ... similar to many of us that been thru the birth, boom, bust and 'now' of the internet/mobile ... what a ride! did not make the big bucks but it was interesting to say the least. Happy to help beta test your app mate.
Interesting, isn't it? People only hear the glitz and glamour stories of the big tech companies that make it big (or, fail spectacularly) but there's a thousand interesting stories from small digital companies like Swellnet who simply put their head down and worked their arses off.
I have an early request = Don't put camera at my local. Thanks & keep up the good work.
Yeah thank fuck no cameras have been put up in the NW.
Love to help if I can, count me in
I'm happy to be a guinea pig too
yeah give us a burl bud
Count me in
I'm not really that interested, but.....if it'll improve our surf down here in Vicco, I'll do what I've gotta do. For the love of God.... there's got to be a bloody La Nina off switch.
I visit swellnet daily, had no idea there was an app. That's probably because I use browser for everything. But happy to give it a go.
Sign me up, happy to provide some feedback.
Sounds like its overdue for a tweak, count me in.
Hi Ben I’m happy to participate and contribute if you are still looking for beta testers. I use Swellnet several times everyday via safari and chrome (which I’m guessing you should be able to confirm from your end) and admit to avoiding the App where possible. I’ve done a number of work related beta tests over the years and my iPhone and iPad would be delighted to have a fantastic Swellnet App.
Yep, love to help out....I’ve just one question......what’s an app?
Keen to try it.
As an everyday swellnet user who recently lost six figures in a can't go wrong app development, I would be happy to beta test the new Swellnet app. Congrats on your dedication to a cause you obviously whole heartedly believe in. Cudos to you Ben!
Shite.. sorry to hear your project didn't work out.
Some of the stories I've heard over the years... might have to write a book one day. Some are variations on a theme.. for example, another mate of mine worked for a big tech company, heading up a team of about a dozen local developers. Worked day and night for a year on a major project, broke new ground, built something special etc.. then one day, a few weeks out from sign off, the client walked in the door and said "things have changed, we don't need this any more".
Sure, the company was big enough to swallow the tech debt (how much would a dozen developers housed in a capital city office cost for 12 months?), and all of the devs were full time, so everyone was paid, but imagine the mental effect it had - having worked so hard on something for so long, for someone to walk in and press the "delete" button?
Big business can be brutal.
I still have the old app installed, but I skip over to the website. I'm excited that there's a new app and I can't wait to have a go!
Keen, count me in!
Yep keen to give a go ..
I’m keen to test it, I love this website
Yes I'm keen to test it. Current app good when it works but I only get one occasion of function then I need to restart my phone to get another crack (all I get is a white screen with green menu bar on the side that doesn't work when it's glitching), wasn't always this bad but yep I'm stoked to hear your upgrading it.
Swellnet is such a great story and loving this new chapter. Would be stoked to give some feedback and test run as there are a few surf trips around the state these next weeks.
If we can get the forecaster notes on the app, that would be great? Looking forward to a new platform, I’ve got to close and refresh the app at the moment to re-open the cams. Still use it more than a browser page! Can’t wait.
Yes please
Happy to test it out!
Ill have a crack.
Honesty is the best Policy ~ #1 swellnet is so far ahead on all accounts.
Who else would lay it on the line & share the whole deal...Gromz take note!
Great leadership Ben...all luv yer ripper yarn...the crew are stoked.
Don't know wot it is that yer up to, but it sure looks & sounds great.
Only know that everyone wants one & that's plenty good enough...All Hail the App!
Just got Huey's blessing ....WOTD ---^~~~/\~~~/|~~~/(~~~/C...../C`...../(C`[ ben )
Happy to help test…
Thanks for the nice comments and feedback everyone.. holy shit I've been deluged with email requests too, so we'll start to get everything into place over the coming week or so.
Im in if there's room :)
Yep I’m in
ill throw my hat in the ring to give the new app a test run ,
can you put in the energy levels that the swell is making please
Are you referring to forecasting kilojoules?
Yep happy to provide feedback to get a better result
Would love to beta test it!
I'm a software developer so may be able to provide some useful feedback
Great explanation Ben.
It looks like you have no shortage of volunteers but for what it’s worth I’m happy to help with testing out the new app!
Yes count me in
@TheMalBen I'd be very keen to test the BETA. I'm an IT Infrastructure Engineer in the work world so can give some good feedback. As It stands I just have three tabs in my mobile's web browser for webcams and the daily GC Surf report from the swellnet website so this is a welcomed sight.
Question: So I use three tools to check the surf from bed in the dark before I drive down the coast for a surf,
1: The tweed buoy - I check the wave height and period and especially the 'Spectrum' graph which is a great graph to see whether the grunt has increased/deacreased
2. Seabreeze - for wind history overnight at both Cooly and the Seaway and current tides
3. Swellnet webcams and early morning surf report
I wonder if you guys can utilize an API to get some data from Seabreeze and the Tweed buoy? A graph of the wind history is a big one for me, rather than just the live wind at the time.
Data from Seabreeze? They run the same wind models as everyone else. Not sure what you'd want to see that we don't already have (other than a diff presentation style).
Tweed buoy data is a little more complex, we'll have more deets on that soon.
We have wind history on the current site (have done for about ten years) and on the new App too.
Sorry, I just noticed the wind graph now, completely missed it. You're right, its the same data just cosmetically different.
I'm in! But can I please be an Alpha Tester!? I don't like being a 'beta' anything, sounds like an Albanese/labor voter, thing, it, he/she wrong pronoun person
Keen as. Not sure if I'll get to use it much if the Surf Coast doesn't break out of the perpetual SE windswell slop cycles.
Happy to test, never used he old app have only ever used the site on my phone or desktop. Might bring a good perspective?
Happy to test, and feedback bugs.
I use the App every morning to keep me updated.
yes please! i've contacted Swellnet a few times regarding the app experience, and am really keen to see the new app. would love to be a beta tester. lesgo!
Yes please i'm an everyday user
keen to help
Sign me up I've been hoping for an update!
Would like to sign up, have been a SW Pro user for a while now.
Defo interested
I’m very interested, use the app everyday
Tried the app,several times but preferred and always went back to the website,
Happy to test if you interested by my type of user,
Taking occasion to thx the team for the impeccable workings on the iPhone safari
Had no idea there was even a swellnet app!
add me as tester please
I would love to test the Beta.
Happy to give it whirl!
Would be happy to test the app, not even sure what that is but if you want someone clueless I'm your man.
I would go straight to see if the tide times synch better with the forecast. At present you have to click on Monday to find out the tide times on Sunday.
It must be frustrating to try and get the Sun and the moon cycles to co-ordinate but that's my only complaint with your otherwise excellent site.
Use it every day ...vey keen
Would be keen to test out the new app.
Yeah I am in. I didn't even know there was an app. I have been using the webpage on my phone.
I'm keen to test out if you need another
App development background here, and I surf... so guess it might make me a good candidate to help out. Feel free to send the invite.
jsut saw this I am keen too !!
Keen to test as well!!
Would love to jump on the new app - am actually a real life UX designer so certainly assist.
Very keen!!
Current one works when you figure out how to navigate it so save your money.
Use the old saying if it aint broken dont fix it.
I'd love to be able to test it Ben and team.
Keep up the good work team
I enjoy the forecasts, cams and well written articles as well as some forum topics, although the comments often go too toxic for me personally
Happy to test the beta, found the current one non responsive alot so to get it on par with the website would be a bonus
Happy to test out the new app, im actually a systems tester for the govt, we test the new software programs out that our govt dept develop and find bugs the coders have missed (they hate us) also write test plans and use cases.
If you have an app that transports the tester to a lush tropical island with perfect right-handers, no crowds and a massage therapist than please let me know. Very happy to help. I could go on.
#1 swellnet / Top Ten Surf Forecast site reviews...
Feb 13th 2022 Surfd Best 10 Surf Forecast Sites (Crew are stoked Ben...well done!)
US / Blueberry Surf Top 10 app Review ... again congrats Ben.
No date on this Review > possibly early 2021...
re: last 'Da Surf' YouTube link - dated Dec 2020...(If that helps!)
Surfline / US Coastalwatch / app...unsure how that ended up after the takeover?
The swellnet app featured (Ben will likely know which version & when!)
Alright! It's taken way longer than expected to finalise but we're now into BETA testing. If you've previously expressed interest in helping us to test the App, you should have received an email by now (if not, drop us a line via
All feedback is welcome: positive, negative or indifferent. More importantly, we want to know if anything doesn’t work. So, please log into this forum thread (link below) and let us know!
I'll close comments on this article now.