Politicians Single Out Kelly Slater For Vaccination Stance
Following the Novak Djokovic scandal, numerous Australian politicians have singled out Kelly Slater for his anti-vaccine stance.
Despite the Australian leg of the Championship Tour being three months away, Federal Sports Minister Richard Colbeck proactively warned the eleven-time world champ that the only chance of entering the country was with a vaccination.
“I reckon he knows the rules. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a surfer, or a tennis player, a tourist or anyone else, those are the rules. They apply to everyone,” Colbeck told Nine Media. “I don’t like the chances of him competing in Victoria, and I’d hate to think of what the chances were of him competing in Western Australia.”
(Richard Saker/ The Observer)
Slater's hesitancy on vaccines predates COVID-19 with public comments made on social media dating as far back as 2016. Since COVID, however, he's become more strident and outspoken saying recently, "I know more about being healthy than 99 percent of doctors", and “maybe Stockholm Syndrome can now change its name to Melbourne/Australia syndrome”.
This morning, Senator Jacquie Lambie continued the criticism saying, “You might want to tell Kelly Slater we are not the only country putting our foot down on this."
Lambie continued, “These sports people need to realise most countries over the next few months, that is where it is going. Unless you are double-vaxxed and lining up for your booster, you ain’t coming. That happened last week to another sports star.”
Despite earlier protestations to the contrary, Slater now claims he's not 'anti-vaccine' but rather 'anti-vaccine-mandate'. A subtle difference that leaves the door ajar for a vaccinated Slater to enter Australia with his integrity intact.
However, if he chooses not to enter then Slater will forego his last Australian leg as a full-time competitor, as the almost-50 year old surfer flagged retirement at the end of this season. It would almost certainly quash any chance, however slim, of a twelfth world title.
Slater isn't the only surfer with a shadow hanging over their movements, as last August Gabriel Medina admitted he hadn't been vaccinated, dismissing the efficay of vaccinations. He quickly walked back the comment, saying "vaccines save lives" and that he would soon get vaccinated. However, that's yet to be confirmed.
Kelly needs to look up the meaning of "Stockholm syndrome"
Propaganda we agree with is the hardest to deal with.
If you reflect over the incredible amount of lies that 95% of the community have accepted, without criticism, over the past 2 years, it is jaw dropping.. just 'vaccines stop transmission' alone... consider that every public health order is based on Transmission.. is that fact alone not enough?
Almost all of us will get covid. The vaccines don't work to stop transmission, evidenced by the 'Let It Rip' policy, by whats going on all over the country.
So now we're a country that is anti-science. Our national narrative is:
"Slater, you can't come here because your not vaccinated, which means you'll spread covid, even though the vaccines don't stop anyone from spreading or catching covid"
Come on fellas! it's not that hard - we've all been taken for a ride.
Yeah, it stops people from getting sicker, but we could have had a stratified approach to risk and assisted those who are at risk.. but instead, our politicians who represent corporate interests, together with the corporate controlled media, including ABC, are fucking us over.
And the majority of us, got. it. wrong.
Propaganda works, especially that which we agree with.
"but we could have had a stratified approach to risk and assisted those who are at risk".......and what would that approach have been?
That's one of the big questions, and one that we must suspect appeared too difficult or too politically fraught to tackle.
"At a No. 10 [Downing St] briefing in March 2020, cabinet minister Michael Gove warned the virus did not discriminate. “Everyone is at risk,” he announced.
And nothing could be further from the truth, argues Professor Woolhouse, an expert on infectious diseases at Edinburgh University. “I am afraid Gove’s statement was simply not true,” he says. “In fact, this is a very discriminatory virus. Some people are much more at risk from it than others. People over 75 are an astonishing 10,000 times more at risk than those who are under 15.”
"We were mesmerised by the once-in-a-century scale of the emergency and succeeded only in making a crisis even worse. In short, we panicked. This was an epidemic crying out for a precision public health approach and it got the opposite.”
"Rather than imposing blanket lockdowns across the nation, the government should have adopted measures designed to make contacts safe, Woolhouse maintains. “You can see from the UK data that people were reducing their contacts with each other as cases rose and before lockdown was imposed. That, coupled with Covid-safe measures, such as masks and testing, would have been sufficient to control spread.”
‘The “GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION”’ https://gbdeclaration.org/
@jack stance: what makes a dumb cunt like you think you're smarter than everyone else?
Easy...People who make comments like you!
haha, ...so obvious, except for the dumb cunt...
not another thick as bit dumb cunt who goes along with jacks zero-qualification-facebook-based research stratagem.
I'm also known as DrOldMate, here's some advice:
1) If you're old, or have co-morbitties, look into getting the stab;
2) if the vaccine worked to stop transmission, it would not be ripping through highly vaccinated communities. SO, simply, we're all going to be exposed to it, and most of us are going to catch it.
3) if you're healthy, get yourself healthier and prep your immune system (D3+K2, zinc+quercitin, C, sleep, all the shit you already know)
4) in about 2 months theres going to be a shit ton of antibodies built up in the community
5) look after your Mob
6) live and let live.
7) she'll be fuckin right mate.
Hey numb nuts, no vaccine stops transmission. They are designed to reduce transmission and the effects if you do get the virus, including hospitalisation. Hence that is why the majority in hospital clogging up the system are the unvaccinated!
I look forward to the day when anyone turning up at hospital with Covid, who, for whatever reason, are unvaccinated, will be informed that there are no ICU beds available for them. But we've got a drop dead isolation unit for you where you've already made your bed. Now lie in it.
If that's the case,why haven't we had tetanus,polio,hepatitis A&B,measles,typhoid,chicken pox etc etc epidemics,vaccinations that most people have had,after being vaccinated,like covid worldwide after the vaccines for them?
I'd hazzard a guess it's because they were all tested properly for the relevant time frames,instead of being rolled as mass ongoing live experiments in their earlier stages of testing like these one are being.
All vaccines go through 5 stages of trials before beingb put to market for mass use,that takes the barest of mininum 5 years to achieve,and usually more around 10 years.
And it's official and been made open to the public that these covid vaccines had stage 1 and 2 trials fast tracked,and stage 3 is now being conducted en masse globally,and is due to conclude in july 2023.
No room for nothing to go wrong and vaccines to not work as well as others before them under those conditions right?
"tetanus,polio,hepatitis A&B,measles,typhoid,chicken pox"
Maybe just go and do some research on how each of these are transmitted, you may understand why we don't get a tetanus epidemics.... Polio, Hep, Typhoid have run rampant through third world countries for a long time now (Blessed be the West I guess). These spread via contaminated food/water, once again, a problem we don't have in the likes of AUS/USA.
Comorbidity but good try...
Hearing you,
Very well & logically stated :-)
I’m in 40’s, never get sick, never worn a mask (scored an exemption because I don’t wanna breath in crappy air), & live with a triple vaxxed 70yo who’s caught it twice, along with 4 super close triple jabbed contacts…… Lmao, They’ve all caught it & been pretty sick…, Yet, I’m unjabbed, fit & super healthy & lived as normal during ‘Plandemic’ ……. Well what do you know……. The healthy unjabbed (me) hasn’t caught it or had any signs or symptoms!!!
You don't know what you're talking about. Be good of you to shut up about things you are either incapable of, or unwilling to understand. You are, quite simply, a moron. and the worst kind of moron too.
I was just beginning to think there were only highly educated people in this thread, I’m new here and was very impressed, but here.. here we are.
Ummmm, he’s obviously rather intelligent, & spent many hours researching …….. Have you? Would you put all ur eggs/faith/whatever, into the Natzi regime, without knowing WTF’s going on/WTF’s in ur frequent potion that does Ummmmmmmmm…..,, You still catch it & transmit it????? Lmao, just saying
i can't tell if you're trolling or just spectacularly stupid. what the fuck is a Natzi? dude you need to go to school and stay the fuck out of any lineup i'm in, goddamn kook.
what amazes me now is that people will now ferouciously defend the very system that enslaved them
Indeed. While at the same time stating that Stockholm Syndrome doesn't exist lol!
This comment reminds me of 'My Dinner with Andre'.
Brilliant dialogue!
I can go surfing, bush walking, bike riding, running, dog walking. I see my family when I want. There are no more restrictions now I'm vaccinated (I also have my flu jab) I didn't feel enslaved not going to Westfield or the club.
Few hysterical people here
Other thing is Covid kills older and immune compromised people prematurely. The vaccine greatly reduces those deaths.
Few selfish cunts here
Dr Norman Swan has provided C19 science, stats, & public advice re transmission; whom has been spot on so far for the two years of the pandemic. These daily 10min "Coronacast" Podcasts are on still on the ABC website.
" he not the messiah"
(& in memory of the late Terry Jones 23/1/21)
no way. Not an actual scientist with actual qualifications and capable of rational thought. Who the fuck would pay any attention to that when an intellectual giants like Kelly, Novak and Clive are telling us how it is?
Agreed mate. It's an excellent, well balanced source of high quality information and they're not afraid to admit when they are wrong like good scientists.
He's been providing govt sanctioned half truths and propaganda.
Meanwhile Steve Kirsch, Silicone Valley multi millionaire is offering $1M USD to anyone from the FDA/CDC outside committees to simply sit down and have a recorded debate on the actual "science". No has taken him up on the offer. I wonder why???
Here's a list of questions Steve is asking: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/100-questions-they-dont-want-to-answer
The link to Steve's substack is a beauty for those of you out there that can sniff that something is indeed fishy with this whole covaids debacle and for those of you attempting to red pill for fence sitters.
"Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus. It was first identified at the end of February 2003 during an outbreak that emerged in China and spread to 4 other countries. WHO co-ordinated the international investigation with the assistance of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and worked closely with health authorities in affected countries to provide epidemiological, clinical and logistical support and to bring the outbreak under control.
SARS is an airborne virus and can spread through small droplets of saliva in a similar way to the cold and influenza. It was the first severe and readily transmissible new disease to emerge in the 21st century and showed a clear capacity to spread along the routes of international air travel.
SARS can also be spread indirectly via surfaces that have been touched by someone who is infected with the virus."
Reference; World Health Organisation below
SARS (Covid) advice from WHO in Sept 2003
"Inadequate plumbing is likely to have been a contributor to the spread of SARS in residential buildings in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, a World Health Organization (WHO) technical Consultation concluded today. It also contributes to the spread of a number of other infectious diseases in several other countries. In the absence of proper maintenance and without consistent monitoring, reviewing, enforcing and updating of building standards and practices, inadequate plumbing and sewage systems could continue to enhance the potential of SARS and some other diseases to spread. The meeting concluded that it would be relatively easy to interrupt and avoid some diseases, including SARS................ if it were to return."
Q. What have the Romans ever done for us?
A. water, sanitation, roads, medicine... &.....
Fuck the World "Health" Organisation! Sorry to burst your bubble, but the criminals working for that corrupt organisation are soon to be scrambling like rats on a sinking ship.
You do know that the number one donor to, and therefore influencer of the WHO is none other that the esteemed..... *drum roll*....
Bill Gates.
I fully agree with and back your comment. Jack.
What can we or even slater do against business giants? Not much.
Please explain how a stratified approach to Covid would be as effective as a vaccine that clearly reduces deaths reduces the burden on health system and the economy.
I’m all ears
That would probably be the strategy called Focused Protection as proposed by 3 professors at the medical schools of Harvard, Oxford and Stanford Universities way back in October 2020 that has been conveniently ignored by the world's health organisations. Except for in places such as Sweden, Florida and Texas. Check it out at https://gbdeclaration.org
On lockdowns "Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed"
This is clearly outdated. Try again.
“BOOM”! Thank you, soooo happy an ‘uncensored’ perspective from ‘BOTH SIDES’ is allowed a voice (science isn’t science, without debate from all angles). Btw: The “GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION” (Harvard paper, peer reviewed by Oxford & Stanford early on), was made available to all countries……….. Go figure………… No profits for the elites & governments in that ‘logical’ approach!
I dont know the context in which Kelly said it.
But people in Melbourne have been held hostage during Covid to the point we become the most lock-downed state/city in the world, but crazy enough Dictator Dan still retains a fair degree of popularity and will most likely get voted back in, thats Stockholm syndrome to a tee.
And now he’s saying soon you’ll only be “fully vaccinated” if you have had 3 shots. I would be very happy if I never see his shit eating head on tv again
FFS when will this shit end.
When people stop complying with corrupt tyrants beholden to China and the World Economic Forum.
Daniel Andrews will only get back in on the strength of the fact that Mathew Guy is an already failed, lying, swarmy , back room dealing cunt of an individual.
Wonder if you would say this to his face?
Don't die wondering pal. I'd definitely say it to his face and anyone who knows me would verify that.
I'd say it to your face too if I thought it was warranted.
Here here.
Hear hear
Tough talker. Keyboard warrior.
Did you know there is no such thing as Stockholm Syndrome? Nils Bejerot, the psychiatrist who invented the term, never spoke to the woman at the center of the event and have coined the term to make himself and the authorities look better. It was a made up misinformed explanation of how empathy works and can manifest even under duress.
Slater himself suffers from what some would describe as obsessive compulsive disorder, in his case surfing and being the best at it. Another example are champion golfers, who in their right mind can stand there and hit 600-1,000 balls, day in day out for years, to be on the PGA. (Slater is a PGA standard golfer as well).
I enjoy surfing and golf, but I ain't no "Champion".
Whether you are Djokovic, Slater, or any other sports champion, doesn't mean you suddenly become a mechanical genius with technic colour and a have a brain with floating decimal at 20,000r.p.m.
Djokovic has claimed a number of times on TV, he can change the structure of water molecules in food and drinks with thought and will power. Slater has come out with some weird comments over the years as well, most of which his sponsors were able to suppress.
I look forward to the day Slater performs robotic surgery on himself, if he happens to get prostrate cancer or tells skin specialists that none of his moles and freckles are melanoma's.
Anyway look on the bright side; those who are not vaccinated will experience the Darwinian affect and lessen competition on those waves, etc.
These vaccines are not an over night sensation, the research and the making of them has been going on for over 20yrs. Qld University played a big part in the research and development of them, using CRISPR technology, which is much safer and has less side affects than the "old ways".
A study released this week found that over 64% of people in trials, who listed a number of side effects from CorV-19 vaccine injections, had actually received a placebo, i.e. water.
Says a lot about the mind, must be the "Stockholm Syndrome".
Can you see how I can lose faith in your opinions when you say things such as this :
“Anyway look on the bright side; those who are not vaccinated will experience the Darwinian affect and lessen competition on those waves, etc.”
You do realise that the fatality rate for covid in Australia is pretty much the same as influenza and that healthier people have such a tiny chance of succumbing to covid , that your comment sounds like it’s referring to another disease?
Seriously bloke, the number of people dying from covid due to being unvaccinated is about 1 in 1000 of those dying from heart disease. Yet you’re not gloating about getting more waves off the thousands of surfers who will die from preventable lifestyle conditions of that sort.
Get some perspective bloke. Slater has proven, with his achievements, to be a more reliable source of health information than you.
There’s a simple truism you cannot conflate away with your ludicrous analogies of Slater performing surgery on himself. The truism is : “Stay as healthy as you possibly can and you will maintain a higher than 99.99% chance of surviving covid unless you’re over 90 years old or suffer pre exisiting chronic illness. Slater does maintain a level of health though cannot imagine and it’s yourself who’s far more likely to be hanging up the leg rope prematurely.
Thank you for drawing attention to my comment.
I gave it special consideration before throwing in that line, with a great degree of reticence.
The comment was subtly aimed at the "non-vaxers", who may think twice, and the reality about not getting vaccinated and its repercussions.
i.e. That they may die and they will not have the pleasure of riding any more waves.
To the average lay person, it would be obvious my comment was tongue in cheek with a serious message. I hope you expressed the same concern when ScoMo at 9.00pm on a Friday night told Australians not get vaccinated with Astra Zeneca Vaxzevria because it may kill them. Reason being because he and his Government wanted a "kick back" from the drug manufacturers in the US and was knocked back (the US Gov. had legislated "no kick backs", as a result none was ordered of it, or any Pfizer or Moderna.
How many Australians lost their lives as a result?
"I know more about being healthy than 99 percent of doctors", and “maybe Stockholm Syndrome can now change its name to Melbourne/Australia syndrome”, are Slater's words and self explanatory and extremely dangerous to many who admire him and know no better.
As for myself, a couple things come to mind, in 1975-6, I was involved with Apex and we were the first service club in the world to raise $1million, (10-15million$'s in today's values) this went to towards Child Leukemia Research, our bumper sticker was "Did You Hug Your Child Today", over the next 10yrs Australia became the leader in the field of Leukemia Research and Treatment.
In the mid 1980's I successfully lobbied the Minister for Health, Dr.Blewett to allow the importation of "cancer saving drugs" under license approved in Britain, Europe and the US, without having the drugs approved by the TGA. On 12 September I978, I took action (that received world wide coverage) at great personal cost myself, that resulted in WADA and later ASADA into coming into being years later. I am not including the number of people (into double figures, mainly young women) over a 10yr period I rescued at a particular un-patrolled nudist beach, as for me it was fun.
W.r.t. Slater's Medical Advice I am not familiar with that nor how it equates with his achievements.
As for myself I am reasonably well versed in the nutritional, psychological and physical aspects of a number of sports including the 4 legged variety as well, that have received media recognition for my achievements and results, as well as that of my peers.
I have spent too much time surfing with others, not understand that many require a reality check from left field that includes them and hopefully brings them to their senses.
Remember, "there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with butter".
First up I’d like to commend you and extend my personal appreciation of your efforts to further the health of Australians. It sounds as though your tussling with bureaucracy and charitable work has contributed a great deal towards the collective health of Australia.
I feel that Kelly Slater has also contributed a great deal towards public health on a global scale. Many people are inspired to push themselves towards better health after witnessing the incredible example he’s set through dedication to health and the obvious results which attest to the benefits of self maintenance. He’s appeared on the covers of health and fitness magazines, respected sporting magazines and many general media outlets which herald him for his incredible physicality. A physicality which is not simply youthful vigour but is the result of hard work, discipline and dedication.
I can personally vouch for Slater’s influence on public health. He’s basically the same age as myself and many, many times I’ve had the creeping belief that my own physical shortcomings were the unavoidable reality of the ageing process, only to see Kelly shattering this convenient myth with his achievements.
Kelly is truly an inspiration. He shows me what is possible. He’s not a god, he’s just determined to maximise his body’s longevity and ability through constant application of discipline. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t enjoy my good health without Kelly’s example and it’s a guarantee that I’m not alone in this.
Kelly has a direct and positive influence on public health in Australia. He is not arguing against vaccination as far as I can tell. All he’s said is that vaccines come with potential consequences. This is true….my own mother was hospitalised as a result of the vaccine. He says that someone with a strong immune system shouldn’t be compelled against their will to be vaccinated. I agree with this and it’s an undisputed fact that people with strong immune systems are not inherently vulnerable to severe covid.
Instead of your remark about the unvaccinated dying due to Darwin’s theory being interpreted as comedy, many people have been led to believe this to be true. You only have to read the comments on here to grasp the falsehoods widely believed. It’s quite common for people to think that the unvaccinated are living on borrowed time and lucky to be alive! How they can arrive at this belief when the fatality rate of covid sits at the same rate as influenza is beyond me.
Slater shouldn’t be banned as a bad influence on Australian public health. He should be welcomed as a hero for inspiring others towards a healthy lifestyle which prevents the lifestyle diseases which kill exponentially more people than covid ever will whilst also protecting against covid.
If all Australians lived as healthily as Kelly the death toll from Covid would be 90% lower irrespective of vaccination status.
Thanks for your words. Everyone that is capable is able to make a contribution to society, unfortunately too many are influenced and held back by "they".
I to have followed Kelly Slater since he made the head lines surfing and admired his fitness and dedication. I watched him play a round of golf with a Pro, on the Golf Show back in 2010 when I was living in VN. I formed the opinion (as have others) that he would have marvelous addition to the PGA Tour and what stood out and subsequently enabled him to do is his level of overall fitness. Similar to that of Djokovic.
The thing both have in common physically is the eyes. They are "cold as ice", expressionless.
Some would say psychopathic. When the average person smiles, the eyes smile as well and there is warm. Thus there commitment and obsessive behavior to their sport is of no surprise to me.
W.r.t vaccines, please go this site, https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2021/04/14/what-is-novavax--....
Previous vaccines usually used a "full" version of the dead virus, hopefully 100% of it is dead, not like what happened to US President Roosevelt and his Polio shot.
Understand many people with "strong/high immune system" can be detrimental in some instances, as the CorV-19 virus relies on the victim's body over reaction to it. Usually drowning in their own fluid build up in their lungs. Once I heard that that was killing many people, I immediately thought why aren't they using/trialing Dexamethasone to suppress the immune system. (Something one learns, of the side effect, and becomes aware of when using the drug.) In many cases "too good" an immunity has been lethal.
Every time a egg is fertilized in life, there are some mistakes made in the DNA replication. Thus no two persons are perfectly the same, therefore no two immunity's are the same.
Each time the virus infects a host, the same happens when it replicates. The next replication maybe more contagious again and a 1,000 times more lethal. The only chance we have is if there is 100% vaccination thru out the world. The latest Nova may offer the best opportunity as it can be kept at normal fridge temperatures. But the biggest hindrance is anti-Vaxers or unvaccinated, who comprise up to 98% of hospital beds thru out the world, and the will of those who hold the reins. Otherwise let her rip, and the last man standing will have herd immunity.
Why stop at saying the unvaccinated occupy “ up to 98% of hospital beds around the world “? If you need exaggerated hyperbole to push your point, why not just say “up to 100%”?
As to your claim that the unvaccinated are responsible for variants….that’s a spurious allegation with no evidence to substantiate it. A vaccinated person can just as surely generate a variant.
Every person who gets infected creates a new variant, whether they are vaccinated or not.
The DNA of the virus alters each time it infects a host whether it be human or animal.
This virus is smart, tricky, dangerous, deadly and lethal.
Vaccinated people have a better chance of not getting infected, surviving an infection, combating an infection, suffer less and have milder symptoms and a major decrease in morbidity.
Both Djokovic and Slater are fools and great danger to the public with their idiotic statements and comments and have lost any credibility they may have once had.
As many before them who have lived by the sword, will likely die by the sword.
A bit dramatic and may I also remind you that the greatest weapon thus far in ending the pandemic, the Omicron variant, emerged out of a country with a vaccination rate at the time of something like 19%. The prevention of deaths due to vaccination has only been shown to be significant in the elderly, the overwhelming majority of people were never going to die of Covid in the first place. And due to a system that believes individuals are incapable of making sensible informed decisions, we now we have a situation whereby children, who having nothing to worry about from Covid, are being vaccinated with vaccines that do not have any long term safety data. The EU medical body has recently cautioned that more than three shots may in fact damage people's immune systems, yet in Australia we seem to be suffering from some sense of "I've picked a side, now I'm gonna ride with it no matter what". Our current approach to all this is increasingly becoming less and less about people's health.
Forcing the vaccines upon us may have meant that some people who should've got vaccinated given their existing health got vaccinated, and thus prevented a few deaths here or there, but this approach is very much an example of the ends justifying the means, which is hardly a sound ideology with which to run a society. Such an approach also opens up many opportunities for unscrupulous individuals or entities to operate behind a shield of "for the greater good", and take advantage of the situation to achieve their own ends. I believe we are already witnessing this in the actions of leaders such as Daniel Andrews and the nonsensical approval of the vaccines for children.
I've had plenty of vaccines in my life. You can get all upset about it but it does appear that Omicron is much milder, it originated in South Africa and the vaccine figures for SA were indeed low at the time this variant emerged.
The emergence and domination of more transmissible yet less virulent viral strains is keeping with our understanding of viral evolution: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41576-018-0055-5
Screaming that you want reality to be a certain way won't actually change reality.
see the footage of him at haliewa just recently? def an inspiration for health and longevity
finally someone with an ounce of science knowledge (which I thought was common knowledge if you completed at least 10 years of school)
Slater is miles off being a PGA level golfer. His golfing ability gets talked up in the media by non-golfers and the myth is propagated from there. PGA tour golfers have handicaps in the range of +6 to +8 and are expected to break par (by a long way) in almost every round. Watching Kelly golf with with PGA players is like watching a masters level local ripper who has one a few board riders aggregate comps surf on the CT.
He had the talent 15yrs ago and I watched him play as a guest and being interviewed on the Golf Channel a Social Round with a PGA player and Golf Coach, he finished 1 over or square from memory(according to the host). From my observation he had a nice swing and could hit the ball straight and long his official handicap at the time was 3-4. The challenge is of cause doing it over 4 days.
Its quite wise really, don’t you think? He’s strategically used the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’……… Ie. Put yourself in his shoes (last bite, ICC cases, Nuremberg code etc etc), and there’s a lot to come from it……
Yes indeed. Your words go over the heads of most of the Dunning Krugers in this forum though. Let's see what happens with the case that's been accepted by the International Criminal court at the Hague where Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Dr Sam White, Dr Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP) and others Have levelled charges of Crimes Against Humanity, Mass Murder and Genocide against such parties as: Bill Gates, WHO boss Tedros, Tony Fauci and many others including politicians. It's why the UK have rolled back all restrictions. The politicians are shitting themselves, they know their heads are on the chopping block. Not enough people fell for their scamdemic plandemic and they will be held accountable. This covid shitshow's wheels have fallen off. So many ostriches have had their heads in the sand for 2+ years, believing the govt and the MSM. The truth's coming out. I wonder whether those that've been hoodwinked will be ready to accept it? For as the famous quote says, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled” Mark Twain (allegedly).
“ Reuters examined a suggestion that a claim made by Dr Fuellmich and his team of lawyers — namely, that Israel's COVID-19 vaccine program had violated the Nuremberg Code — had been "accepted" by the International Criminal Court.
"Anyone can submit information about alleged crimes to the ICC's Office of the Prosecutor (OTP)," the fact checkers noted, "and the OTP has cautioned that acknowledgment of receipt is not the same as a decision on the merits of the information."
Ahhaha!... "Reuters", owned by Blackrock, the same megacorp that owns Pfizer, where they have Reuters "fact checkers" repeatedly claiming Pfizer's jabs are "safe and effective"? That Reuters lol?
"Fact checkers" lol? ABC news lol? Oh man, you blokes have a lot of catching up to do. When you're getting your information spoon fed to you from the Ministry of Truth you're not getting the full picture, just sayin.
It appears your claim “…the case that's been accepted by the International Criminal court at the Hague…” is false.
Just sayin’.
Ok, what's this?
Best people stop trusting the "fact checkers" and start verifying things themselves.
That website states "A complaint has been filed".
That's it.
It hasn't been accepted, or assessed.
"The OTP email said the office receives many communications and that an acknowledgement of receipt does not mean they have yet assessed – or accepted - the claim".
I can file a complaint to the ICC if I want to too.
Also, as I stated above, the UK government has rolled back all restrictions. Could this be why? https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/18/update-on-criminal-case-%E2%80%8Bfrom-...
Time to start paying attention boys and girls. The Aussie govt and the media, even your 'trusted" ABC are fucking lying to you.
The Daily Expose has been removed from multiple platforms for miss representing data and breaches of copyright. Far from a quotable source. It is one of many recently created sites that paraphrase original papers and documents, intentionally miss interpreting the data to support their cause.
Oh ffs, so instead of listening to independent sources for info, you listen to the corporate giants that own everything? Blackrock and Vanguard own everything that's easily accessible, including all the big pharma companies, all the MSM and "approved" social media (YouTube, Twitter, Insta, FaceBook, Google) and all of your "reputable" "factcheckers". There's a reason for the censoring of truth. To quote George Carlin, "It's a BIG CLUB, and you a'int in it". Time to wake up friends, before it's too late. Oh, and please do not believe a word I say. Start researching and most importantly, turn off the fucking television.
Tell me more!
I suggest you do your own research. Trust no parasites from the mainstream media, big tech social media platforms, political spheres or govt agencies. Or do, the choice is yours lol.
You're posting a whole lotta broad sweeping statements, most of which are false or misleading.
However, let's circle back to what appears to be your main point: "everything's owned by Blackrock and Vanguard". I'm curious on ownership, who's the person at the top etc?
Who owns Blackrock and Vanguard? Aren't they owned by funds, most of which are publicly traded? If so, then Blackrock and Vanguard are owned by all of the fund's shareholders.
Aren't shareholders every day people like you and me?
Taken at face value, the Vanguard website says that it has 20 million investors as of March 2019, encompassing "Financial advisors, Institutions, ETFs, Global investors and Individuals".
That's a lot of shareholders, spread right around the world.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for Blackrock and Vanguard. I don't have the expertise to scrutinise their enterprise either. I also don't own any shares in any business or investment firm, other than my own.
But the idea that 20 million shareholders are essentially agreeing to fund "The corrupt scum running the shitshow are now wanting to inject children with a genetic altering poison that very few people understand anything about" just seems slightly OTT. Just a bit.
Sure, the world is full of corporate malfeasance. But I'm curious: how much time and attention have you put into non-Covid issues?
There may be 20 million shareholders but the funds are controlled by majority shareholders.
The political equivalent of what you’re saying is that, whilst there may be 25 million Australians and many are eligible to vote, most of the decisions are made by politicians under sway of vested interests. Just as the Minerals Council Australia has a more powerful voice than 10 million ordinary Australians, despite the MCA representing a tiny handful of companies.
Actually Ben you seem to be misunderstanding the commenter and it seems that you don't understand the nature of Blackrock and Vanguard and the structure of the overall world of share and ETF/managed fund investing.
When the commenter says "Blackrock and Vanguard own everything..." what they really mean (well, at least what they're trying to say) is:
Blackrock and Vanguard (and State Street) offer a very large range of mutual fund and ETF investments everyone can invest in. They along with State Street are ETF and managed fund providers. In fact, they are the biggest and overwhelmingly dominant ETF and managed fund providers in the market.
Then if you look at the percent of share markets owned by the ETF and managed funds of these ETF/fund providers, say in terms of market capitalisation, you'll see that it is absolutely massive. ETF and managed fund provider percent share market ownership is likely well above 50% now. Basically, everyone is abandoning direct share ownership in favour of investing in ETFs, and we see commentary about this every day.
Then you need to understand the structure of share ownership and voting rights and how shareholders hence influence company decisions. The underlying investors in the ETFs don't necessarily actually have the voting rights in the companies they own through the ETFs because these companies are held in trust by the ETFs. It is the ETF providers themselves that overwhelmingly have the voting rights in the companies their ETFs invest in.
There is a very large commentary on this problem such as here and here and here. There is currently a massive backlash to this ownership and voting rights problem. It's a hot topic in the managed fund and ETF space, with commentators calling for a reduction in the power, influence and control of ETF providers through their in-trust ownership of the shares and subsequent voting rights over the companies they hold, by letting the underlying investors in the ETFs themselves be the ones who exercise the voting rights and hence influence over the companies they own in-proxy via the ETF.
So in a nutshell what we have is a very large concentration in share ownership, and consequently a very large amount of influence, power and control of this large chunk of the corporate world, by a small number of ETF providers via the sheer size of them and the structure of in-trust share ownership and subsequent voting rights via their ETFs.
As you could imagine, this raises all sorts of questions relating to conflicts of interest and concentration of control over the corporate world in the hands of a small number of companies and hence people: the ETF providers.
You could then inform yourself more be drilling down and looking at the individual holdings of the ETF providers and the glaringly obvious massive alarm bells ringing in terms of cross ownership and control over the corporate world by these massive ETF providers.
Thanks for a comprehensive, coherent reply without using 'MSM' or 'Big Pharma'.
So, excuse my corporate ignorance, but why don't shareholders pull their equity from funds they don't have control of, and with whom they don't agree with their underlying principles?
Wonder why you’d think it lessens the tone when someone mentions the MSM or Big Pharma, as though the conversation is rendered irredeemably into tin foil hat territory, yet you’d feel no such compunction to confidently drop the name Murdoch into other discussions about the insidious reach and power of non-democratic interests controlling political spheres ?
Same same.
Ben is the answer possibly:
1. The problem is fairly uniform across the ETF/managed fund sector so to properly take a stand investors would have to go back to direct investing and managing their own portfolios, which they don't really have the time or expertise to do (this is a major reason why they invest in ETFs in the first place)?
2. The overwhelming majority of managed fund and ETF investors:
- don't have the expertise to research and inform themselves about all this, and even if they do they don't have the time?
- honestly don't really care and instead are mostly concerned with their wealth going up and up and up over and above anything else?
healthy dividends and "could care less factor", organisations with suspect underlying principles and that pay a healthy ROI aren't anything new. Although CSR and general social awareness is on the increase for the most part. Most shareholders/investors aren't buying a majority/voting stake anyway so that control factor is negligible. With ETF, from what I am aware, happy to be corrected, ETF holders (you or I) don't have voting rights at all, only the providers do i.e. Blackrock/Vanguard.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I disagree with your opinion that most of what I've stated is misleading or false. Are you aware that recently FaceBook had to admit that their "fact checking" were merely actually some clowns' opinions? Anyway, whatever.
Time will tell mate. Maybe when the truth is revealed your opinion will change? Or maybe you'll stubbornly cling to your cognitive dissonance? I'll tell you one thing, the coming wave of myocarditis, blood clots, stroke, shingles and death directly attributed to the jabs will clearly display the corporate malfeasance you speak of.
Oh, hang on, it's already started- Have you seen how many footballers in Europe have had heart attacks and dropped dead on the pitch this last 6 months? Maybe you haven't because MSM and big tech don't report it and/or censor it. Closer to home, players have been dropping like flies at the Australian Open. Ffs, even a ball girl collapsed the other day. It's going to get a lot worse, mark my words. A LOT worse.
It's well overdue for people to consider they've been lied to by political representatives and media personalities at all levels. Crimes Against Humanity trials will eventuate. No different to Nuremburg post WW2. Especially now the criminals are pushing this poison onto the children who essentially have a 100% survival rate from the covid sniffles unless they've got multiple co-morbidities.
I'll state it again: Parents, PROTECT your children! Don't let them get jabbed!
To those of you defending all these bullshit mandates, lockdowns, pathetic mask wearing and criminal government overreach: Are you all willing to accept getting jabbed every 3 months forever just to maintain your "vaxxed" status to participate in society? If so, good luck! You're gonna need it!
And hilariously, by you questioning how much time I spend on the covid issue you're acknowledging that I yes indeed have extensively researched what the actual fuck is going on. Nearly 2 years worth of research in fact lol.
how ppl cant see through the mainstream BS is mind blowing
Yes. It's bizarre. There's seems to be a brainwash going on via the TV "programming". It's the Mass Formation mindset, or as some have been calling it, Mass Formation Psychosis.
Mate, I don't mean offence. I know you're a clever bloke. I appreciate big time your analysis of many aspects of our surf culture, but mostly your scientific understanding of the mechanics and hydrodynamics of waves, swells, bathymetry etc. The reason I'm not lurking and am actually commenting is this: The corrupt scum running the shitshow are now wanting to inject children with a genetic altering poison that very few people understand anything about. There's a reason Pfizer didn't want their jab ingredient list revealed for 75 years. Thankfully a US court recently ruled that all their documentation must now be revealed within 8 months, (unless there's an upheld appeal). Time to start paying attention friends, especially parents. Your kids' lives depend on it believe it or not. Don't let them get the jab, protect them.
Previously someone has mentioned the COVID vaccine formula had not been released. This is IP-related and similar to the approach AZ has used as well to ensure ROI on their investments.
Not uncommon in Pharma Tech. Some drugs take decades to be released as generics.
The only IP Free Vaccine in production is the Corbevax vaccine that Dr. Peter Hotez and team have developed at Baylor’s Texas Children’s Hospital and its Center for Vaccine Development. being rolled out by India to the third world countries. Peter Hotez and his team have given all profits away.
The key ingredient in Pfizer/Moderna is lipid nanoparticles. Lipid Nanoparticles have held a recognized position in the mainstream of drug delivery systems (DDS) since the discovery of liposomes in the 1960s. The Pfizer/Moderna formulas rely on Lipid Nano Particles which were discovered pre-digital (2G,3G,4G, and 5G) before mainframe technology started in 1960.
The following article talks about how the mRNA vaccine process works.
All the best to you and your children.
Thanks Wurtulla. I guarantee there'll never ever be any of that nano tech injected into me or my family. For if anyone tries, I'll be resisting with every fibre of my being and will be defending myself and them as though our lives depend on it. Because they do. Accepting these jabs is like playing Russian roulette. Not all batches contain the same ingredients. Japanese scientists discovered vastly different "stuff" in various Pfizer vials, some simply saline, others contained stainless steel type structures, others "rainbow" particles. There have also been many microbiologists, doctors and scientists such as the recently murdered chemist Dr Andreas Noack alluding to what looks like graphene oxide and/or graphene hydroxide in the shots. "Fact checkers" will dispute this, surprise surprise lol. It's recently been found the vast majority of injuries and deaths are coming from around 5% of the batches, both Pfizer and Moderna. So, for those who like those odds, go for it! Me? I'm happy to take my chances with trusting that my immune system will be able to deal with the sniffles.
I wonder if that's contributing to thngs changing so quickly, for example the UK lifting all mandates, the US government no longer requiring hospitals to report covid deaths. Sems there's a whole heap of back pedalling going on at the moment all over the world...except here in bloody WA of course!!
Yeah mate, absolutely. It's being referred to as a strategic retreat by some who've been dissecting the legal and medical info over the past 2 years. The UK politicians may try to claim ignorance and hang their chief health officers out to dry as fall guys. We'll see. Meanwhile, yeah, I reckon our Aussie pollies are in so deep with the corruption they may push hard until the end. They know they've committed treason which draws very harsh penalties. I keep turning the screws on em, letting them know their shitshow charade is coming to an end and time is running out for them to be on the right side of history.
I feel sorry for you in WA, that McGowan cunt is a total psychopath. Interesting how the NSW/Qld border has reopened and Qld is talking about opening up to International travel... I personally feel that things might get a big rough for the jabless here in Oz the next few months though. They're still building those "quarantine" camps after all...
hear hear on that McGowan cunt!! haha
Yeah, man, Psychos be psychos! Nice profile pic btw if that's you, fark yeah!!!
Yew! Cheers mate. Fiji. Bula!!
Yep, bingo! Careful mate, the Dunning Krugers might get triggered by your "weirdo right wing website" link lol.
Did you donate to them AB?
Interesting comment. No. What? C'mon, you're a clever bloke Steve. I met you 20 odd years ago and you seemed open minded and aware of your surroundings. If you've got kids, or if you've got siblings or friends with kids, it's definitely time to be hyper aware of the surroundings the govt is attempting to impose on you, on us, and on our families. This is war mate, whether you believe it or not. Mark my words.
Yes pays to "Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity".................
Smelly Skater and Novax Jokeabitch walks into a bar ...
haha waxy, Novax Jokeabitch good one
Is that the one where Novax Jokeabitch asks Smelly Skater "Would you like a shot?" to which Smelly says "Novax" (?)
Gold dust
You can't enter a bar if your not vaccinated. A convicted paedophile can though haha
On the face of it, I'd prefer a vaccinated pedo walk into a bar than a school
is he commin or to turn
around and return home
or What ?
Two clowns cashed up to the hilt. Soon the bald one will be claiming that he can walk on water. What a joke, he knows more than the worlds doctors, what a crock of shit. Both of these guys are not sportsmen, they are simply businesses. All of their friends are the same, Adam Scott, Tom Brady, Eddie Vedder etc. how sad that these type people can only hang out with people of the same ilk. It’s enough to make you vomit.
Sounds you like you know them well....I'd guess he's getting in the water most days, and still performing at an elite level, therefore actually is a sportsmen and an athlete. I'd also guess that both these blokes have had unfettered access to best medical advice money can buy for most of their lives, and both have had an obligation to themselves and their sport keep their minds and bodies in peak condition for years on end and have done so, so yeah, I think both would be better placed to make their own health decisions than that cookie cut out doctor down the road in that block of shops opposite Woolies, who fucking googles your questions when you hit them up with a half curly one.
Haha. I tried out our local bulk billing doc years ago.
Googled my symptoms on the computer. Weren’t even discrete about it either haha. Catchya!
Went to a local GP with ear issues and explained the problem, after a pause and him staring at the comp screen he swung it around and showed me what google suggested. The hospital contacted me very soon after with an ENT check up appointment and they identified the infection and prescribed the right antibiotics, his or in this case google's just didn't work.
well said dc
i have always wonderd if old baldy will be the next lance armstrong as a pkt of peptites falls out of his purse.... over and out in a flash.
You said it there, he is a businessman who doesn't need to worry about the money that his sponsors are giving him potentially drying up based on his personal opinions. He can support himself and say a big FU to the corporations and governments that control every other sports person and person in the world.
Before criticising him for who he hangs out with, ask yourself if you would hang out with Kelly based on his opinions around vaccination and then voice your judgement. From the sounds of it you might enjoy hanging out with 'people of the same ilk'?
this is the very comment that has me shaking my head, someone sounds very jealous of succesfull smart sportsmen , and you say the worlds doctors when you are only hearing from a very select few of these worlds doctors, for every one doctor you find in support of mandates lockdowns vaccines i will find you 50 that disagree or at the very least question it (remember questioning things? the basis of science) this has been the most regulated event in history it is quite amazing to see how it has been done anyone with a question has been silenced , meanwhile novak and kelly have had there covid and continue to be perfectly happy heathy human beings
As long as they stay where they are.
Exactly. The TV watchers have never heard of Dr Robert Malone, Dr Sam White, Dr Micheal Yeadon, Dr Jane Ruby, Dr Carrie Madaj, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Andrew Kaufman, etc etc, (all of whom have called out this covid debacle as a criminal scam and were subsequently censored by big tech)... nor even the Nobel prize winning inventor of the PCR test, the great man, Dr Kary Mullis, who just so happened to "pass away" two months before Event 201, OCT 2019 (sponsored by Bill and Manlinda Gates, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins Institute) simulating the steps necessary to deal with a world wide coronavirus pandemic. How interesting! Anyway, Mullis had always stated, his PCR was not an appropriate technique for diagnosing infectious disease. But that's what the entire world used for the last 2 years to diagnose the covid??? Then the CDC admitted a few months ago that the PCR couldn't differentiate between covid and the flu. What?? Then consider there's been no registered flu deaths world wide for the last two years? Hello??? Anybody?
Good to see Kelly sticking to his morals and health values.
Would be good if he just shut up and did that wouldn't it.
Instead he's out there sharing lies and BS to millions of people.
Great stuff, what a guy.
You and many others think it's BS, myself and many others think it's worth saying and worth standing up for. I have made huge sacrifices to my own lifestyle to be able to maintain the choice that is right for me. Personally I am super fucking glad that people like yourself aren't enough to influence people like myself or the high profile advocates for freedom of choice like NJ or KS from doing what is right.
If you feel something is wrong you speak on it. Shutting up because other people are going to judge you negatively is exactly what the negative people want, as the things being said directly conflict with their world view and induce cognitive dissonance, which is uncomfortable.
You think it's lies, fair enough speak on it. Other people think the pharma companies making shitloads of coin might be lying, also fair enough. We disagree and that is okay. However, shutting down the conversation over the disagreement only perpetuates the existence of a population that is unable to find common ground, unable to communicate effectively, and is less coherent/more susceptible to manipulation.
I say these high profile people need to keep speaking their minds. I say regular folk do too, including people with an opinion that differs to my own like yourself.
Yeh cool, freedom of speech etc etc.
How does your logic stack up against say colonial dissemination of the good lord's word in say PNG?
Was that a good thing? They were white people's beliefs.... total horse shit, but hey stand up for what you believe in even if you believe in total horse shit hey.
Personally I'm super fucking glad I train every day to maintain quality fitness to be able to surf when it's good and run when it's not. I'm also vaccinated because I understand that those lifestyle and fitness choices are great for my BMI and fitness but do sweet fuck all for my immunity against coronavirus.
Like another post of mine below, these vaccines are safer than peanut butter. More people have adverse reactions to peanut butter every year. It's deplorable the division being created by these high profile idiots who assume that everyone has their own PT and lives off Laird Superfood. And if you think it's just "BIG PHARMA" who are profiting off this fear then you honestly need to get off the algorithms.
oh right, so a vaccine in a trial phase is safer than peanut butter now. You and nobody else in this world know the long term side effects so you can't say it's safer than peanut butter.
Also you might find that your fitness actually does help prevent sever reactions to covid-19. One of the main reasons people die from covid is because they are obese. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-82862-5
Sorry, which vaccine are you referring to exactly? It's interesting when people who are against vaccination seem to lump all of them together like they are all equally evil, but then through conversation you realise they are talking specifically about mRNA vaccines and their logic is obviously straight from the same echo chamber that demonises this technology.
You do realise there are now multiple options for traditional vector based vaccination for covid? Go get one of those if you are concerned about mRNA.
We don't know the long term side effects of peanut butter either if I follow you logic.
Maybe all heart attacks are linked to the consumption of peanut butter?
Maybe a high percentage of car crashes include people that have consumed peanut butter at some stage.
There's no reason to believe that any of the covid vaccines have poor long term impacts on health, and certainly not in comparison to a severe infection.
The link you provided is based on a study of 26 people... not exactly representative of population based trends. To say you are not at risk if you are young, fit and unvaccinated is not based on data it's based on Rogan and Slater. And this mentality further endangers the response at population level by brushing off the severity of covid and its resultant impact on healthcare systems and people you are susceptible to negative outcomes to a Covid infection regardless of their vaccination status. And by susceptible people I'm talking about people undergoing cancer treatment, the elderly, diabetics, infants, people who are pregnant etc. With the exception of infants, all of these people may well have lived an honest, organic life like yourself and Slater, and through the natural progression of life and the human condition generally, are now in an at risk category.
But sure, let Slater spew lies about Covid, that's helpful. Go humanity!
It was the first article I found but you don't need to be a rocket scientist, even MSM tell you not the be obese.
There is no one trying to coerce me into eating peanut butter either.
Oh so MSM are a reputable source now?
95 - 5 champ. Your "many others" actually isn't many at all...
Lol, i'll think you'll find that a significant proportion of the 95% who are vaccinated were coerced and had no other option. What were they going to do, live on the street with their kids, not travel on an aeroplane overseas or go to a cafe (lol the last 2 are sad but true)? Therefore I guarantee there are 'many others' who don't agree with the agenda. Sorry to spoil your party.
How many times, prior to 2018, would you say you used the terms "agenda" and "Big Pharma"?
How many times had you said anti-vax prior to 2021? Anti-vax has traditionally been reserved for anyone who refuses ANY vaccine, now if you are anti-covidvax apparently you are anti-allvax.
Yeh ok, again, which vaccine are you referring to as a self described "anti-covidvax"?
Any vaccine that is being mandated without long term safety data.
So a traditional vector or attenuated viral vaccine based on technology developed over a century ago?
I said ANY. So I don't think there is need to question it again.
You have confirmed your position is based entirely on ideology rather than science or data.
Ask yourself why. And then do yourself a favour and get off any algorithm based social media platform.
Wow. You sounds like a scientist. I'd suggest that before you make your mind up and vocalise your truth you should prove your assumptions. Why do you think I am on any social media platforms? Also, why would I take a vaccine against covid when I don't need it and we'll quite frankly it doesn't help protect anyone by limiting transmission?
"Your truth", "doesn't limit transmission", "trust your natural immunity"
geez this shit is tiring.
Good luck!
I wish you all the best with your resonance, vibrations and wish nothing but charged crystals to you and yours.
Lol - here come the FrEeDuMb fighters talking about coercion and mandates....whatever. It's like all the Pauline Hanson supporters calling themselves the "silent majority" when they're actually the retarded 4%. Keep shouting into your little echo chamber that we're all sheep champ. In reality the anti vaxx tards are the sheep - all their bullshit comes from the same 12 flogs...
Hey man, you are calling yourself a sheep there, happy to go along with it though, If you ever wake up I'll be happy for you.
No worries oh-woke-one
Why do you resort to name-calling?
Yeah you're right - I shouldn't punch down.
no way near 95% only about 40-50% of Australia population are fully vaxed
Its the adult population
Best comment yet, thanks cyls
agreed. i’m double vaccinated and do not want pfizer ever again since it has made my heart condition return and even gave a perfectly healthy mother of 2 (pro vaxxer aswell), 31 yrs old, 5 yrs to live unless heart transplant … so very sad but all i would like is freedom of choice. And get on with living ffs
I'm genuinely sorry to hear your story. And you're not alone. There are so many others who are unfortunately having to endure what you're going through. One of my best workers, big strong fit lad, able to bust his arse labouring a 10 hour day, then go home and hit the gym, now has myocarditis after his first shot, within a day ended up in the cardiac ward. And was surrounded by other young people with the same issue. Like you, now needs a heart transplant. He listened to what I've been saying, but "just wanted to travel". We've been lied to on a massive level. I hope you've reported your story to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). The more evidence the better when the time comes to try these criminals for their Crimes Against Humanity. Bless you Polly, good luck x.
Stuff Slater
How many times over past few yrs has he withdrawn from contests at last minute feigning injury and then sighted surfing better waves somewhere else and as a result probably denying a good local wildcard getting a start
Hopefully aust govt will not even let him board a plane inUSA bound for aus
I’m sure they will not repeat the Novak debacle
Slater is an aging and boring millionaire with the carbon footprint of an oil executive and the political opinions of Joe Rogan. Despite his ability to surf really well and having won lots of contests in the past, I don't reckon he deserves half the attention he gets anymore. Cut him off and let him fade away selling fashion to blokes with too much money.
The world is cooked.. Fucking politians trying to force the fittest humans on the planet to inject shit into their veins..
Amen to that
You're doing vaccination wrong if ya inject into your veins. Intravenous injections might be what these "healthy" sports stars are used to doing when they is partyin'!
Ah yes my mistake.. Wasn't thinking right, veins.. flesh.. It'll still work it's way deep into ya body either way?
Apparently not. When giving vaccines you're supposed to draw the needle back slightly to be sure you didn't hit a blood vessel - if you see blood you hit a vessel. Its called aspiration. Vaccination isn't as effective if this occurs. The thing is the EU dropped aspiration from its guidelines before covid hit - so its likely lots of folks had shonky jabs.
Define "shit"? Does that mean hepatitis, polio, whopping cough or even tetanus shot vaccines? Let's see him refuse a tetanus shot after he steps on a rusty nail.
Sure he's very fit, healthy and obviously genetically gifted, but come on he's a f**king surfer not a doctor. I have no doubt he knows more than most in terms of diet and training to keep your body at a peak level , but to claim you know more than 90% of doctors about being "healthy" is just delusional.
Also the politicians are simply enforcing best practice medical advice, not their own personal opinion on a health matter.
G'day Smorto, 'Shit' is just a simple word I've used for 'something someone doesn't want' I'm not against the vaccine aye, just against mandates.
Kelly is probably right, I'm sure he knows his own body better than anyone else on this planet.
You might be interested to do some of your own research on what health actually is. You might find that it is not what you have heard from the TV. You might find that GPs do 1 day of theory study on nutrition to obtain their licences. You might also find a lot of things wrong with the 'health' system.
No, Chrisebb, much better to do your own research on conspiracy websites and use facebook algorithms that send you further down the rabbit hole.
Totally better to not be able to think for yourself I reckon.
Hahahaha the old "do your own research" line, are you serious?
Facebook and instgram aren't research! You're delusional to think that any kind of your own research makes you more informed than someone who's done 8 years at university studying medicine and has access to the most up to date medical journals / studies.
I have no trade qualifications but I'm not going to 'do my own research' and walk into the building site next door and tell them how to do a concrete pour.
Take off the tin foil hat!
Your own research - affirmation not information.
Could just be the cynic in me though.
I take you you have a Facebook and Instagram account? Personally I don't and you probably shouldn't assume that I do.
P.S. who ever suggested telling people how to do their job? No one has the right to do their job on my body or yours for that matter without my or your approval.
"Trust the SCIENCE!" Right? Just not the doctors speaking out against the Big pharma, MSM fake news and corrupt govt agenda. Gotta censor THOSE university educated doctors and scientists right?!
Oh look, it's the Physician's Declaration, backed by more than 17000 doctors and medical scientists. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/press-release-on-the-eve-of-washington
From the link:
"Now with more than 17,000 signatures confirmed through a rigorous validation process, these physicians and scientists are represented by Dr. Malone as he speaks at the march to Defeat the Mandates on Sunday, January 23 in Washington, D.C.
The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:
1- Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
2- Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
3- Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early."
Hmmm, didn't see that on the ABC news or any Guardian sharticle did ya?
It seems like you can't find it on many other websites, either, Algae. Though I did find the media release you cite on the NZ Daily Examiner along with a host of other articles that would make your regular run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist blush.
As for Dr Robert, the information on him is scant outside of the usual nut-job sites like Rogan et al. But I did find an interesting article from The Atlantic - https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccin...
Aside from a few clangers, the bit I found funniest was that none of the doctors/scientists that Malone suggested the interviewer call wold actually back up his claims. Ouch.
Good source that one. "The Atlantic" eh? At the bottom of the article it says this: "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative". You heard of them? Zuckerberg and his Chicom missus lol? It's these types of sites that are deeply invested in pushing the covid bullshit narrative. Part of the "Big Club" and you and I "ain't in it". All they do is promote propaganda and denigrate dissenters like Malone. Time to peel those scales off the eyes mate.
A hint: Stop searching the internet with Google. Fuck Google, FB, Insta, Twitter, YouTube. All you get with these sites is censored "Ministry of Truth" bullshit. Instead, consider using Duck Duck Go as your search engine and Brave as your browser. I've heard Tor is ok too.
How about this for a link if you reckon Dr Malone is not a credible enough source:
The original declaration with an update from a few days ago:
The tide is turning boys and girls. Time to catch up with what the actual fuck has been going on. Eat some humble pie. Start by turning off that fucking TV lol.
"Also the politicians are simply enforcing best practice medical advice, not their own personal opinion on a health matter."
So shutting down playgrounds, putting bollards across BMX tracks is the best medical advice? Not one single piece of evidence was produced to support these measures, and then in Vic there was cheers when Foley didn't support the CHO's recommendations as proof their new powers were in check, how do you explain that?
We're talking about vaccinations not playground closures, regardless, the pollies are just shit scared they're going to get blamed for not taking adequate prevention measures if there's an outbreak and people die.
What other motive would they have? Come on, hit me with your big conspiracy theory.
The majority of them are bought and paid for. That's the reason Gladys had to step down after the ICAC investigation. She got busted accepting millions of $ in bribes from Astrazenica and Pfizer. Duck Duck Go search it. There's plenty of evidence.
There's also the usual "fact checkers" that'll naturally deboonk the claim. Funny how these "fact checkers" miraculously appeared out of nowhere just as the plandemic was rolled off the press. Does anyone remember "fact checkers" being a thing pre 2019?
You really need to stop getting information from the weirdo far-right websites.
Gladys is no doubt corrupt but its got nothing to do with the vaccine and she definitely hasn't been "busted accepting $millions in bribes" from pharma companies. Not sure if there's any evidence of that.
She does however appear to have issued dodgy grants to electorates that didn't need them in order to get her boyfriend re-elected in addition to other pork barrelling type grants in marginal seats or lib/national held seats. There's clear evidence of that.
"... weirdo far right websites." lol?
I get info from far and wide mate.
"...she definitely hasn't been "busted accepting $millions in bribes" from pharma companies."
Ok, if you say so lol.
"OK, I you say so lol" - Right back at you mate haha
The world is cooked!
You can buy peanut butter on the shelves in super markets and yet the adverse reactions from kids eating peanut butter is greater than the adverse reactions from covid vaccines!
It's authoritarianism! WAKE UP
To counter your very poor argument - yes you can buy Peanut Butter but I can’t give my kids peanut butter sandwiches or peanuts to take to school. Do you know why ? Because some kids have adverse reactions to peanuts (not mine they gobble that stuff). Now, I could be a selfish prick and claim it’s authoritarianism and insist on giving my kids peanuts to take to school, fuck those weak allergic kids or I could recognise that being part of society means not being a selfish prick and doing things for the greater good.
Unless I'm mistaken, and you have taken my comment as sincere rather than sarcastic, I'm not sure that is a counter argument. I'm very much in favour of vaccinations and anyone still banging on about adverse reactions and whether they should take their chances with covid vs a ridiculously safe and effective vaccine (safer than giving your kid a peanut butter sandwich) has rocks in their head - regardless of how well they can do a cutback.
Ha - I was so fired up by this thread that I let fly. Emotional arguments are the best kind….
honestly, it's the most absurd argument in history.
enjoy your peanut butter toast!
You're so absolutely right...no consent just lineup for your QR code...
Kelly knows his body as does Novax D ...have to to perform at the top of their game.
The French freediver found out by complying to the govt and MSM narrative. I'm sure he wishes he hadn't.
Pretty sure we can get heart and pericardium inflammation from both vax and covid.
Taken me a month to get the old ticker running decent again post-infection.
One could hypothesis that athletes whom experience those symptoms would notice the deficiency more so than a couch potato. Athletes push their cardiovascular systems to the max -in an analogy, a big clunking old land cruiser can get some shitty fuel and still run OK, but a brand new ferrari gets some dodgy fuel and she's fucked!?
Yeah, nah?
Only decent comment here
Missed a 'C'.
You wonder how many others on the CT might be fellow travellers.....and how strict this vax mandate might be enforced come April.
I'll wager a few Rand that 35th placed Matt McGillivray ain't one of them.
considering, most have nothing else to fall back on...most will chuck their morals and get vaxxed to compete. Prizemoney will be more important than taking a stand.
Rumour mill is suggesting that many "vaccine hesitate" WSL types have secured a fake sign off from US doc. You'll probably be able to identify who when the tour starts and their presence in competition will stand in opposition to their expressed opinions in person and on socials.
the man who chooses privilege over principles soon loses both
And if they've been given any of the real "juice" shots we may unfortunately see what is being seen on European soccer fields this last 6 months: athletes having heart attacks and dying. I think at the stage, this might be what it'll take for people to wake up. We're seeing it at the Australian Open- how many retired from exhaustion? Ball girl collapsed too. Is this normal? We all know they're jabbed.
I hate to say it, but there's a world of pain coming for those who've succumbed to getting the shots, and to a greater extent, those that've taken their kids to get them.
Some serious advice: DON'T get your kids jabbed! If you've participated in this experiment, STOP! Don't get "boosted". Hopefully if you've already got jabbed you've been lucky enough to receive one of the "less deadly" batches. It's Russian roulette people.
Pretty simple - no jab no entry. Get over yourself champ.
"no jab no entry. "
pretty sure he doesn't care
he's been picking and choosing his contests for ages
pretty sure he couldn't give a shit what jaquie lambe thinks too
but yeh, probably could get over himself a bit
Can any Swellnetorians fact check "I know more about being healthy than 99 percent of doctors".
Is there some context I'm missing in that seemingly bold statement?
There has been no context around anything in two years mate
I'm sure he "believes" he no more about being healthy than 99% of Doctors. I suspect he follows a healthier lifestyle than a hell of a lot of doctors.
99% of doctors don't make money from healthy people
Most doctors I've met know about treating symptoms with drugs. A very small percentage that I've met know something about cultivating real health and wellbeing - and none of those learned that at medical school. Although it seems at face value like a monumentally arrogant statement to say he knows more about health that most doctors - given his elite athlete status for an extraordinary long time as world champion, I reckon it's probably likely to be accurate. He would certainly be healthier and fitter than 99% of doctors. He's not saying that he knows how to treat disease better or operate on or prescribe medicines - he's saying he knows about health - and hasn't he embodied that knowledge for a very long time?
Exactly. Health is derived big time from the fuel we put into our bodies. Good food = good health. Kelly has mastered this, it's so obvious. Just like you said, doctors prescribe drugs. Drugs that bring profit to big pharma companies. There's a reason med schools have not one subject relating to nutrition in their 6-8 year courses. Oh, and the med schools all receive massive sponsorships from the big pharma companies. Surprised?
Witch doctors?
What a great inspiration.
All of our athletes would do well to follow the Slater grit for risk sacrifice to stand your ground against the powers of evil.
I’m sure he knows a lot about keeping himself healthy, I doubt it is more than 99% of doctors.
But this isn’t general practice, and I doubt he knows much at all about virology and epidemiology. In fact one of his statements clearly indicates he knows very little.
There’s a big difference between keeping an individual healthy and keeping a population healthy.
The hypnotic arrogance is pretty standard though.
"There’s a big difference between keeping an individual healthy and keeping a population healthy."
That's a great statement and gets to the crux of the issue.
Good question. I wonder what it might be. I certainly haven't heard our government dish out any health advice that is going to make the population healthy.
They've missed a great chance here!
" I certainly haven't heard our government dish out any health advice that is going to make the population healthy."
So Chris, you never saw any of the government promotions for sunsafe, staying active, giving up smoking or driving safely? Hard to believe!
Sorry my comments were in regards to Covid.
In regards to covid the answer is a strong NO. "Stay inside, don't exercise more than 1 hr", and there has been no mention of eating healthy, staying fit and ensuring you consume the vitamins that will fight off infection. Not to mention refusing to allow Dr's to do what they do best, treat their patients with already developed medicines and protocols that are proven and give other options to people who may be seriously ill. Vaxed and unvaxed are sick remember, it's time to allow dr's to get to work.
what about "get vaccinated". Seems like pretty healthy advice to the population
Health doesn't come in a vaccine. Educate yourself and your family.
haha, good comment. The notion that a large percentage of people (it seems) are primarily pursuing their "health" through chemistry as the default mode is what I find difficult to reconcile. One part of the sum
exactly.. it’s plain and simply. 5 food groups and exercise. play in the dirt and build a strong immune system. that worked well. these days its way too soft and pathetic.. keep docs in lucrative careers by believing bs and take the drugs they make for you AND now your children from day one. it’s all money and greed and also manipulation by the one thing that ‘everyone thinks is trueful’ but is exactly the opposite… ‘media’
it’s so obvious yet people are unaware and too scared to think for themselves.
i.e. if going into lockdown, wouldn’t you be more worried about food and water and things to keep your mind healthy.
OR rolls of soft paper? lol
why have I heard, almost word for word, point for point, this same argument over and over for the past two years?
You've never taken ANY medication?
Just tell me how the jab is keeping the population healthy
oh I got this one!
Less people are dead...
Hey HT have you any proof of that....hasn't changed given the numbers ...but keep those blinkers on.
errr if you are arguing that vaccinations for covid have not saved the lives of people who get infected with covid, then you are cooked sir.
happy to be cooked just not jabbed and I hope you like many friends and family are able to live long and happy lives...Like I've said to them lets talk about this in 4 years.
Well, if 4 years is your time frame, then so be it.
Good news is we are halfway there given that mRNA based vaccines for Covid began being administered in March 2020.
Exactly. Big wave of pain coming for the people who fell for this con. It's black humour cringe hearing the jabbed gloating about the empty lineups in the future cos all us unjabbed will be dead from the sniffles.
The Facebook comments to this article are unsurprisngly heated. Two years of this madness, how long can it go on?
I've resolved not to join the madness, not on any side, so 2022 will be my annus chillus.
Join me and chill your anus.
Count my arse in.
I'm over it totally.
I have massive covid fatigue. Bobs in for the win
I am fatigued (literally) by it all. Count me in, or is that out? Vote 1 fora Covid free zone!
mmmmm................chilled anuses.
Wish I could, Stu, but my wife is a GP and the whole health sector (in Vic at least) have hit the wall, with all sorts of unthinkable stupidity happening eg ICU beds, thanks to a largely unvaccinated muppetry. Letting the f@ckwits go unchallenged is akin to throwing one's hands in the air. I'm particularly fed up with tools who think they have the same access to info as GPs and, by extension, the same smarts to sort this all out.
You do realise that the term "unvaccinated" in Australia applies to people where it's been less than 21 days since their last jab?
Consider that that vast majority of jab injuries and deaths occur within this three week period.
Starting to see the grift yet people? The "unvaccinated" in the hospitals have all been jabbed! Prove me wrong.
Just watch the comments here turn heated......and of course there's the lovely thread I've regrettably dipped my toe in 'Covid Health system overload'.
Give me some of that annus chillus.
Stu, you cant open a can of extra chilli-worms and ask us to join you for annus chillus, haha. Its boiling over and, well, everyone in the cesspit of opinion that is online comments sections, now has a chilli anus. May have to leave the lid off the pot now until it all burns off rather than leaving the lid on. It just boils over. Haha.
It's like we're these monkeys with tiny little peanut brains trying to understand the infinite quantum matrix that is nature and biology.
What's that Buddhist parable, "at the point at which you think you have grasped reality, that's exactly the point in which you haven't"?
I reckon this crazy division of society through covid rhetoric will last only until society realises our 'conomy has been completely fucked. I feel like I'm watching history in real-time. You know, like when people have wars over religious discourse, and the rich folks just make money off it. Anyone watching the stock market at the moment?
yeah, pretty flat but still above 2020 levels.
@Ape That's how civilisation started: deep in the jungle, the chimpanzess wept for they were exhausted and had no more poop to sling.
Brilliant Ape! Divide and conquer. It's been the modus operandi of the controllers forever. Although, I've got a spidey sense feeling the plebs might be gaining ground this time around and may even win this information/psychological war. Let's see...
Unfortunately, there's no escaping it Stu. you can run but you can't hide. You can get jabbed and jabbed and jabbed again to get your "freedoms" back. Those freedoms ain't ever coming back unless real men (and women) stand up, resist, defy and do not comply. Sorry, it's the cold hard reality of the situation we're in. Great to see legends like Taj, Barton, Jack and Trev Hendy choose a side. The time is well overdue we all did the same.
I feel as though what Kelly meant to say was that he knows his own body more than 99% of doctors, which i agree with him 100% .Maybe he just worded his statement poorly?
"Googled my symptoms on the computer."
Nick, I think you will find that doctors have access to medical websites that provide more detailed information than those publicly available...and even if they do use Google to double check things, better that than the doc who tells you that it is an infection, hands you a prescription and gets you out of there in five minutes flat.
They certainly google it, you have access to the same info they google. I've seen multiple GPs do it first hand.
This kind of comment just shows how little an understanding you have of modern medicine, Chrisebb. I have a shovel if you'd like to keep digging that hole.
You are probably right, but you are wrong if you think I have not seen GPs google issues to give me an answer that I already knew.
Lambie continued, “These sports people need to realise most countries over the next few months, that is where it is going. Unless you are double-vaxxed and lining up for your booster"
GET FUCKED!!! These fuckin criminal cunts telling people what to do can go and get fucken fucked!!!! They want to strip away peoples God given freedom of choice, they want to tell me what to do with my body then they can fuck right off, I won't comply with their agendas and I won't swallow their incessant push of ludicrous propaganda over mainstream media channels....fuck off!!! They can go and get themselves gazillion boosted for all I care (they won't of course) but they have no fuckin right to dictate to others what they should do nor use coercion to force someone to do something against their better judgement and will!!!!
2 weeks to flatten the curve they said, double jabbed and your 100% protected from contracting or spreading COVID they said, you won't need a booster they said, no vax passport they said, masks don't work they said, NO MANDATES THEY SAID!!!!!!!!....lies lies and more fucking lies and it keeps going on.....GET FUCKED!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP AND STOP COMPLYING WITH THEIR INCESSANT AGENDA OF BS!!!
The more people swallow the narrative and comply the longer this shit goes on and the more people will lose.....if people haven't seen all the red flags yet and invoked their powers of critical thinking in regard to this whole scenario then perhaps when your lining up for your 10th or 20th or 100th booster every week in order to have your passport revalidated so you can go and buy food....perhaps then it will dawn on people what is going on!!!.....lets just hope it doesn't take everyone that long to get the picture as it may be too late by then.
Get yourself over to the Wax Off > COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster forum Agitator. You'll fit right in like a glove! :)
Reminds me of a joke.
Did you hear about the man with five penises?
His pants fit him like a glove.
it's a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuult
Fucken Ay..
You're welcome in my platoon brother! World war 3 is here and most have no idea. Meanwhile, little bitch men are still wearing masks and scared of the sniffles (cos big daddy govt told them so). Fuck that. RESIST, DEFY, DO NOT COMPLY.
Surfers used to value questioning authority and thinking for themselves. Sad how many have now fallen for all the fear porn and the heavily promoted, but questionable, salvation of the "vaccines."
Around here the vaxxed and unvaxxed are catching and spreading the virus the same. So.. why force it on people that used to have the right to choose their medical treatments?
And we know do know it's NOT a vaccine....right!
And those that don't question authority are usually the first to be led blindly to the edge of the cliff.
... The recently discovered mammal, the Australian lemming...
Aye, yes! No true Scotsman!!
Ah Slater, Joe Rogans Gimp. Another alternative facts disciple, who can't read the room. Greg Hunt just stated he is not allowed to travel to Australia. I imagine the French will do the same shortly. Best he retire and run for congress as a Republican in the Florida 8th District where he will be surrounded by people who believe they know more than doctors. He could get Trump's endorsement easily, maybe he could marry Tiffany.
And what was Greg Hunt's role in the WEF?????
Let me enlighten you.....He was the Director of Strategies!!!
Don't know anything about WEF - World Economic Forum and there agendas?????
Do yourself a favor and educate yourself, might learn something pertaining to what is actually going down right now in society....then you may be able to make accurate statements about people and their motives.
I have heard of the WEF story about Hunt before. Thank you for your kind comments regarding my level of education. FYI, I do see what is going on every day in my role as a healthcare professional dealing directly with COVID's impacts on our society. Have a great day mate.
Thermal Ben thanks for the good times. Please delete my account.
The agitator runs the board now.
Ahhahaha! You've obviously not even browsed Klaus Schwab's "The Great Reset". That's fine.
Unfortunately for you, when the Crimes Against Humanity trials roll out, your "I was just doing my job" line won't wash. Many are awake to the hospitals' covid "protocols" whereby you're instructed to prescribe Remdesivir for struggling "covid" patients. This drug eventually causes renal failure. Next step, put the patient on a ventilator. Next step, 95% of the time the patient's lungs blow out and they die. At which point the hospital receives a "covid relief payment". Big $$$.
Good luck nurse wurtulla. The game is up. Bout time you and your ilk opened your eyes to the mass murder you're involved in and spoke up like so many actual brave doctors and nurses who've left because they've got a heart and a rational mind.
Ahh yes, the old WEF and their 'agenda' theory. Like any run of the mill Joe Public I have a healthy disrespect and suspicion of governments and authority in general but please, don't make me laugh. Most, not all but most, country's governments around the globe haven't been able to put together a decent response to any local problem/challenge/disaster for years, let alone any internationally. Brexit. US elections. Greek debt crisis. Catalan independence in Spain. Yellow Vest riots in France. Etc, etc, etc... Governments can't even control their domestic issues so, please, how on earth do you think they can all agree on and coordinate a world wide 'agenda'.
...and there you have the absolute indisputable statement about how absurd and unattainable this retarded conspiracy theory regarding a 'one world government' is.
Human nature would never let it happen.
“Agitator” - central part of a washing machine. Give up the Qidiot conspiracies mate, it’s just lame.
Sigh alright. Dunning Krugers everywhere!
Well said.
I'm sorry but this post should be deleted in the interests of continuing the head-up-arse ignorance of so many comments above and below.
Yeah, I bet you want it deleted. Truth hurts doesn't it.
You see folks, this is what happens when an open dialogue becomes too hard to handle for some who get triggered. People who either have an agenda of some nefarious sort, or oppose freedom of speech (for whatever their reason may be) call for censorship. Here it is, brought to you by tango. Thanks for the demonstration tango!
Ok, a question if l may, who has had Covid here ? Ohh yeh forgot why I was here better do that surf check right ; {}
Yes mate I have. Thanks to being double vaccinated all I needed was tissues for three days, not a ventilator
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive craving for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with others' feelings. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the eleven sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders.
"And those that don't question authority are usually the first to walk blindly off the edge of the cliff."
No mate , they looked at the warning sign thought, "yeh right, what would they know" and took one back step too many when taking a selfie.
"No mate, they looked at the warning sign thought, "yeh right, what would they know" and took one back step too many when taking a selfie."
I said "usually" in reference to people who don't question authority, meaning blindly following what they are told to do which can result in being mislead.
It had nothing to do with your assumption of "selfie" and "yeh right, what would they know" which implies an arrogant disposition to obvious dangers as indicated by a sign declaring that which is apparent.
Questioning authority and being a blind follower has no comparison to your example. If the warning sign says danger cliff edge and there is indeed a cliff edge then the cliff edge is apparent and it's easily perceivable to those who look....if the warning sign says danger cliff edge yet there is only a mole hill then those who actually look will see it for what it is because it's apparent....it's those that don't truly look and just accept the sign at face value that have problems. It's got nothing to do with arrogance or self centered narcissism.
User name checks out. Good work brother!
Narcissists score low in Agreeableness so are more likely to be hostile, indifferent, self-centered, spiteful, and jealous.
They score high in Extraversion so exhibit sociability, activity, and assertiveness as well as dominance, competitiveness and frankness.
Now I wonder who fits that description?
Kelly is an incredible inspiration. It’s not just his surfing but his lived example that dedicating yourself to optimum health is literally the best investment you can ever make.
Whilst Kelly’s peers in earliest career were smashing beers, bongs and lines and shovelling junk food into their bodies , Slater was educating himself on maximising the performance of his body. The same can be said for several generations of his peers.
Where are they now? They’re not jousting with the very apex of cutting edge global talent that’s for fucking sure. Slater’s intuitive and aquired knowledge of human physiology has surely passed the 10,000 hours to achieve expertise. This may not be reflected in certificates on his wall but it’s more than evidentiary with his incredible longevity of peak ability.
And incongruously with the low thinking of some, an individual doesn’t have to be an epidemiologist to know the single pertinent fact relating to personal liability to the virus : Covid is almost exclusively an issue for the frail and the chronically sick.
That is literally all you need to know.
Slater knows this and he’s refined his health and fitness to such a degree, through a lifetime of commitment, discipline and learning, that he has virtually no benefit to be gained from a vaccine. This is indisputable and there is not an epidemiologist in the world who will contradict this reality.
So Slater has no need for the vaccine. Why the pressure for him to be vaccinated?
The pressure is political in nature. The vaccine mandates Slater rejects have no medical or scientific claim for existence. None. They are a political tool weaponised to enforce maximum and indiscriminate uptake of a vaccine which serves no useful purpose whatsoever for large slices of the population.
Question: Who do you think is more likely to be hospitalised with Covid- An unvaccinated Kelly Slater or a double vaccinated Scott Morrison?
Any risk assessment places elimination of threat as the highest priority. Slater’s immune system would be so strong that he has basically eliminated the threat of severe covid.
So Slater, like Djokovic, is not being denied on health grounds. He is being denied access to Australia for THOUGHT CRIME. Djokovic was rejected on the basis that he would perhaps stir up civil unrest , thus Slater , like Djokovic is guilty of a crime they have yet to commit!
Slater and Djokovic are guilty of PRE CRIME!
Slater should be welcomed with open arms for the inspirational example he presents as someone who has succeeded in achieving the highest levels of personal health. It’s personal health - or it’s lack- which is responsible for the majority of severe covid. Obesity and preventable lifestyle diseases such as heart disease and diabetes are responsible for the vast majority of hospitalisations from covid and here we have the most exemplary example of just how effective personal responsibility and dedication to good health can reward someone with near complete safety from covid.
And how is Slater treated?
Like a pariah. Like a filthy villain.
I can’t for the life of me think of a more perfect way to describe just how perverted the public conversation about a virus you can combat with simple good health.
It shows just how politicised this situation has become. It’s a cult at this point. A cult manufactured for political gain.
Scummo defends the borders against…..? Against what exactly? Slater is not a threat to public health in Australia. Does Scummo think that Slater can’t pollute the minds of gullible Australians from afar if that’s his argument? Are the innocent waifs of Australia more susceptible to Evil Kelly’s message of maintaining good health and taking responsibility for your body if he is surfing heats at Bells than if he’s blogging online?
Blows my mind how fucken weird people are getting about this shit.
100% agree with this!
Kelly poses no threat to Aussies at all.
His only "crime" is that he has not submitted to Australias covid vaccine cult.
Well put BI
Thank you Blowin, well said.
1984 is not a user manual.
I am really worried about where we're headed. The Left (of which I'm one) has completely abandoned critical and open discourse on this, and left workers who question or don't want to get a medication with no long term safety studies, no where to politically reside.. it's either an isolated island in the pacific or Trumps alt right fascist fantasia...
by completely anihlating any nuanced middle ground, there is just this blunt hamfisted polarised cult.
And a cult it is.
The has been no discussion on the stratification of risk, but there is a gag order in place for medical workers which quashes any open critical debate in this country.
The aggregate effect is what we see on any forum: complete success of the corporate agenda: divide and conquer., and meanwhile: laws are enacted removing civil rights; the rich make record profits while most of the community struggles; and the vast majority, as we can see in this thread, cheers it on.
I've got an alternative twist for you. What if the anti-government, anti rules rhetoric being disseminated through antivax and wellness types is coming from Russian/ Chinese in order to sow distrust in the cornerstones of western society, namely Democratic government and the rule of law? Classic pysops 101. Undermine the government and then take advantage of the choas.
Geez Dandob, that would make good inspiration for a Tom Clancy style novel/ movie.
If anyone is really interested in understanding why the world has gone crazy due to a virus which is similiar in overall deaths to the Asian flu of 1958 and the Hong Kong flu of 68 (which the world never locked down for) then read the new book by Peter Breggin MD called "Covid 19 and the Global Predators". Breggin has been often called the conscience of psychiatry for his courageous work to end lobotomies and other over reaches by the medical establishment. With over 1100 citations to factual sources he provides the evidence to understand what is going on.
Yes.. in the short run it may seem easier to just go along with the herd that is following the mainstream media programing... but it is really in you and your families' interest to look more closely.
Best wishes to you all ... no matter what your current beliefs.
Yeah but if I could think of an analogy for you to consider - if Lewis Hamilton came was coming to Australia and said fuck it, I’m not going to follow the speed limit because I’m a shit hot driver and it poses no risk and by and large he would be right. One very skilled driver driving above a speed limit from a risk perspective makes fuck all difference to me. The problem is dazza, muzza and azza from Rooty Hill think fuck it, if Lewis can do it so can we and now we have problem. As Jim Jeffries said in his gun control speech (worth a watch) unfortunately you have to legislate for the dumbest of society.
Well said Blowin!
Awesome and well put BIow in
does it count as a pertinent fact when you use "almost" in the sentence ? I couldn't read on after that.
Always good to read blowins opinions and once again they align with mine.
I too have had covid and don't see why I need to take a risk in getting the vaccine that will not stop the spread nor protect me from something that didn't bother me too much in the first place...
I have read this a couple times now, provokes so much thought mate, really well put Blowin. To be
honest I viscerally feel the insanity, division, and confusion almost exclusively online or when watching/reading the news. In my everyday life, people respectfully go about business, even when there are known opposing views. That is a sickness in and of itself. In many ways modern technology has made us digress socially. Whatever, we all know that though. A fella I regularly catch up with down at dbah summed it up with a saying “Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube now can they.” I couldn't agree more. Too much face to save, there will be no forthcoming admissions or mea culpas from anyone in charge.
“Blows my mind how fucken weird people are getting about this shit.”
I actively avoid talking about it with mates or crew I run into. Of course it comes up but I’ll just try and brush over it and move past if I can. Certainly nothing like the exchanges or discussions i get into on here daily.
I find it helpful to come on here and vent. It’s a good opportunity to dismantle some of the rubbish propagated.
This thread and ongoing discussion is definitely a cathartic, infuriating, unbelievable, amusing, interesting, depressing, humorous, sad, hopeful, intense, informative, uninformative, illuminating, and hilariously excruciating emotional experience. That is for sure.
Best yet
Best yet
"....he has virtually no benefit to be gained from a vaccine. This is indisputable and there is not an epidemiologist in the world who will contradict this reality."
He may be one of the lucky people whose immune system is positioned through either good health or good fortune to effectively fight the virus, but we wouldn't know unless he subjected himself to some lab-rattery. We also don't know how long-coved could affect someone like Kelly. There might also be something in his genetics which makes him even ore susceptible to the next variant.
I'm calling bullshit on there being no epidemiologist who could posit a decent argument that Kelly might have a quite a bit to benefit from being vaccinated, but I couldn't be farked doing the homework on it. For now, here's an article from the AAS about the risks and benefits which suggest that it might not be all about the individual, and that's a message that those who insist they're above it might do well to heed.
"So Slater has no need for the vaccine. Why the pressure for him to be vaccinated?"
I'm feeling lazy, so I think the alt-hype around the muddle-headed belief that healthy young people don't need to be vaccinated is partly answered by articles like this one:
Oh, and sorry for including links to reputable sources to support my point of view.
Brilliantly put. This comment deserves to be a post of its own!
Go on Stu, I dare ya!
One of the worst things we can do is to change this into a dichotomous debate. It is very nuanced and the science is as well. I would encourage everyone to try and get their information from published journal articles and directly from databases, without interacting with google, youtube, our government heads, or any of the major news outlets including the ABC and the BBC. Their information is frequently not representative of the scientific community. One thing we should all look at is the rise in all-cause mortality through 2020 and 2021 IN FRONT of the covid case curve, and well-above the historical average.
There is a lot of subjectivity in covid symptoms and there are controversies regarding attributing covid deaths. The all-cause mortality rate is immune from these issues- a person is dead and that is that. It shows that all-cause mortality was much higher than it has been over the last 5 years, but this was happening in front of the the current outbreak. This is data from the ABS, it is as clean as it gets. Please ask yourself, what were we doing extensively in the lead up to the current outbreak? Fear prevents rational thought, exclude your fear (media) and step back into your cerebral cortex. Clean data, no media. Kindest wishes to all
Good point, but clean data is not much use when people don't know the methodology used to generate it, understand the assumptions used to interpret it or have the background to translate it.
I can't believe the strong anti wax sentiment on Swellnet, Strong left bias on everything else, care for society, environment etc...But on waxx, it's all about me, me, me....
Me me me?
How do you even get to this belief?
Do the vaccinated spread the virus ? A million plus infected Australians say YES.
Is Kelly Slater likely to clog our public health system with his severe Covid? Lol…no.
So what’s your argument here?
Who is Slater jeopardising ? Does the idea that someone hasn’t conformed make you feel icky? Because that’s all he’s guilty of.
You’ve just got to realise that the vaccine mandate is unethical and not backed by science to discover that it’s yourself being selfish by demanding others submit to your subjective ideology.
I feel you Blowin. I’m absolutely staggered by most people’s inability to think rationally around this.
The public have a right to be skeptical as we are trusting the safety and data from a company who holds the record settlement for healthcare fraud, $2.3 billion.
They have 75 violations since 2000 (https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer) and if anyone questions the integrity of these companies you get shutdown as anti-vax, selfish or conspiracy theory nutcase.
I am not anti-vax and due to the pressure of work and government got jabbed up.
However the mandate has made me question the efficacy and integrity and now more hesitant.
Well said Blowin.
Spearman, I could agree more. If anyone is skeptical of mandates, the propagandised immediately think that are anti-vax .
If anything, it reveals who effective the propaganda is.
And another thing- better brace yourself Stunet, this is anecdotal.
I’m currently the fittest I’ve been in a long, long time. Same size boardies as when I was 18. The recent cyclone swells showed me just how fit I’ve become as I fought insane sweeps for hours on end.
Not too many days go past when I think to myself “ Imagine if I’d been this dedicated to health and fitness since I was a kid?”
I know for a fact that I’ve improved my odds of combating this virus by an incredible margin. There’s not a doctor in the world who would disagree that the improvements I’ve made for my own health have given me an inestimably large improvement in my body’s immunity to any virus, including covid.
Slater HAS been living like this , and better, since he was a kid.
Where’s the surf community rallying around their champion ? Not just the best surfer we’ve ever seen, but the best example for being the best surfer and physical specimen we’ve ever seen? Every man, woman and child should be pointed towards Slater’s fitness goals and dedication to health and told to aim in that direction.
If the world was full of Kelly Slaters then covid wouldn’t have gotten a guernsey.
But yeah….let’s all rally around Scummo and Barnaby. They’ll show us the path to salvation.
"But on waxx, it's all about me, me, me..."
Got it in one flollo
Narcissists score low in Agreeableness so are more likely to be hostile, indifferent, self-centered, spiteful, and jealous.
They score high in Extraversion so exhibit sociability, activity, and assertiveness as well as dominance, competitiveness and frankness.
Now I wonder who fits that description?
That’s yourself obviously. Don’t forget that narcissist is just another variation on Sicko.
Ever wondered why your every post is ad hominem? It’s because there’s no medical or scientific justification for excluding Kelly from Australia and you know this to be true. But in your eyes Kelly is the naughty boy in the corner who you think might disrupt the class, so you want to expel him from the room before he makes the other kids laugh at your shortcomings. Before he undermines the undeserved authority you derive from your job title.
Just like Scummo.
What if Kelly was to just swan in , be super healthy and the people realise that you’ve sold them a lie about armies of undead unvaccinated flooding the border! The classic being that Kelly has far more chance of getting sick from Australia than Australia has of getting sick from Kelly. But if people realise that Scummo has lied to them about that they might start to wonder just what other porky pies Scummo has told.
And the whole point of the Djokovic/ Slater episodes is specifically to distract fromScummo’s other porkies.
BTW…I’m struggling to decide if it’s a case of you becoming more like Scott Morrison everyday or is he becoming more like Sicko Blindboy?
Same same.
That is you to a T Blindboy
Fantastic, very impressive that you are experiencing such fitness and health through your own dedication. Well done. Genuinely.
Just a thought though. Consider this: Despite your good health, you are unfortunate enough to experience some significant accident (e.g. car accident) which requires you to be admitted to ICU. At your nearest major hospital no ICU bed is available due to COVID patients already occupying all beds and requiring ventilation (Where I live and work in the Northern Rivers the ICU is full). Subsequently you had to be cared for in a general ward without the same level of care and expertise... Would this situation concern you?
Consider this: Someone's teenage son/daughter is involved in a nasty yet relatively common place sporting injury like a broken ankle which requires surgery for metal fixation. Due to lack the of hospital beds (already occupied by patients with moderate - severe COVID symptoms) their surgery has to be delayed by 2 days. Doesn't sound like much but this delay of surgery leads to a significant increase in their risk of post op infection which can have major, lifelong implications on their recovery- pretty tough to take as a promising 14 year old local board rider who had been just mucking about in the skatepark.
Consider this: Kelly Slater contracts COVID in Australia - he is symptom free due to his incredible health and deity health guru status... good for him... whilst symptom free he signs autographs for some frothing groms, what a good bloke. They all catch COVID... but because they are young, fit, healthy groms they barely get a sniffle... but one of them, before showing any symptoms, went to see his 76 year old immunocompromised Grandfather who was having treatment for cancer.... despite being double vaxxed and boostered up he isn't strong enough to fight COVID and dies, in a hospital bed with noone able to visit him
I am uncomfortable with mandates, I am very very uncomfortable with the politicising of COVID but...
So many of the posts on here seem to completely (maybe deliberately) misunderstand the fundamental reason for vaccination... reduce episodes of severe COVID disease, reduce the need to go into hospital due to COVID and to preserve the health system so we (healthcare workers) can keep doing our best to do our bloody jobs.
Whilst Kelly and Novak don't necessarily present a significant risk to Australians just by being here, their anti vaccination stance does contribute towards the growth of misinformation and fear within those not blessed with their wealth, health and privilege.
Well said.
Second that!
Thanks. That pretty much sums it all up. I’m gonna stop reading any more comments from here.
Let’s not start on the negative and lifelong effects the jab has had on fit and healthy people. I personally have in my large friend circle 2 miscarriages, 1 stroke and multiple visits to hospital and GPs with heart issues, cmon mate there’s a helluva lotta bad coming outta this unproven jab for very little efficacy.
Out of interest does anyone know why members of state and federal governments are not required to be vaccinated?
Yeah Benny, exactly right. I personally know of 3 jab induced deaths. Also, my mum's best friend, super healthy until jab, going blind. My foreman's missus, post jab has had a massive blood clot removed from her brain (88 stitches, horseshoe shaped scar on her head where they had to carve her skull open, 2 clots still remain, cancer has now flared up in her lungs, now in palliative care. And my best worker, late 20's got the jab, now myocarditis, needs a heart transplant.
Fuck these cunts still pushing this bullshit. they're coming for the kids now. Enough is enough!
Politicians, "health care providers', police, you've all been publicly put on notice. End the charade and stand on the right side of history!
Speaking of the cops, there have been good ones out there. Craig Backman from Victoria, Absolute legend, and Alex Cooney, founder of Cops for Covid Truth are but two.
You must know a lot of people Algae.
You were born about three centuries too late. You would have made a great town crier or maybe a missionary?
Good at telling stories.
These jab induced injuries and deaths I've mentioned are real. They are the reason I can no longer sit silently and say nothing while this genocide is rolled out. Just because you haven't experienced it in your social circles doesn't mean you won't. I hate to say it but It's coming mate. Especially as people are now lining up for their boosters (soon to be every 3 months) and injecting perfectly healthy children. Like I've previously mentioned, it's Russian roulette. Good luck, you're gonna need it.
47 posts so far. Reckon you can knock it on the head at 50?
Hahahahaha. LMAO. Pushing hard for half ton on this deteriorating wicket, with rain delays, and heading for an inevitable draw...One can only imagine they must be batting for themselves.
Lol, you're still commenting too it seems. Enjoy your 3 monthly boosters for freedom mate. Or do you still believe it's for your health haha?
Yeah. After 6 days, I think I finally broke double digits.
Why Stu, do you think I've got some sort of vested interest? Apart from witnessing first hand what these jabs do?
This thread will fade away, or get deleted, whatever. Maybe some readers will reflect on it when they start to witness what I've seen. There's a world of medical problems coming for the jabbed in the not too distant future, mark my words.
Why? Because you've turned a discussion into a polemic.
You've had your say, it's been great, but the constant repetition is grating.
You rarely tell the countless other posters guilty of this to take a hike stu. What makes this idiot so different?
Truth hurts. Name calling, not so much lol.
Also, have a read of Polly's comment on this thread. She got jabbed and has suffered a heart injury that requires a transplant too. Myocarditis and Pericarditis was a rarest of the rare issue in the younger population until this experimental jab came along.
It's going to be a bitter pill to swallow once the truth comes out for all to see, especially when loved ones are dying...
And make sure you get Vaxxed/ Booster after the Transplant
I put it to you that you are making these stories up, very unconvincingly I might add. Carry on though. It's quite entertaining.
Stu wants me to stop though lol.
And nah, the "stories" are unfortunately true.
Surely I'm raising the bat now, did I get that half ton? yeewww!
Yeah Manley, nailed it.
Thank you Manley, best comment yet
Thanks Manley. I too can not read anymore of this. Joining the cold anus people.
Nailed it. Before I read the comments, I actually hit 'search' and entered 'narcissism' to see how many times it would appear in the comments. Once again, it's all 'me, me, me' Kelly in the spotlight again. I'm sure he knows if he has an opinion that causes division he will be talked about.
After only just listening to the ATS podcast with Owen Wright... he even said about the New York event (enormous prize purse - possibly biggest ever?) that it just seemed like 'his' event. Even the surf ranch – it's all him. Never anyone else and always about the money.
Funny story while we're on the topic: I once was surfing The Alley mid-week. Never really surf there and only paddled out because it was head high, clean, sunny and not a soul out. Someone else paddled out, sure enough, was Kelly. While I've never actually liked the guy because of his apparent self-centredness, you should have heard him blow up when he was missing set waves. He did that whole bullshit starey thing he does but I wasn't going to let him run the show because it's him.
I said "g'day". Got nothin'.
Got a little cover-up right in front of him on one of the better ones that came through, flicked off the back and just cruised back on out like nothing ever happened and that triggered a 2-3minute highly entertaining surface-slapping, water punching "gawd dammit" Kelly blowup!
"There’s not a doctor in the world who would disagree that the improvements I’ve made for my own health have given me an inestimably large improvement in my body’s immunity to any virus, including covid."
Immunity doesn't quite work like that, Blowin. You might improve the functioning of your immune system, but that's no guarantee that it will still be able to respond to any or all threats it detects. The vagaries are such that I think you'd find a great many doctors willing to to disagree with your unsubstantiated and blanket statements.
Yes it does work like that. How else do you explain the fact that covid has little effect on most healthy people? Their immune systems defeat the virus. Why do you think we are all hyper aware of the vulnerability of the immune compromised to covid? Because their immune systems are compromised and weak so they are vulnerable.
We have an immune system for this very reason.
My point is that there is a lot of complexity inherent in any consideration of immunity, and that most blanket statements about it are dangerously ill-informed. Your points don't seem to be nuanced or recognise the complexity - you make it sound like Get Fit + Eat Well = Good Immune System and No Worries Covid.
Plus, you're articulate and there will be people who believe what you say without understanding the complexity, and that's the dangerous part.
Yes, the research shows that most healthy people will experience mild symptoms and get over the immediate effects of covid relatively quickly thanks to their immune system and its response. Or perhaps they were only exposed to someone with a small viral load making it easier for their immune system to get on top of it. But you can't ignore the research which shows that some people (who knows, maybe someone in your family) can experience severe symptoms requiring hospitalisation and then could experience long covid because their immune system wasn't up to it, or perhaps they were exposed to a much more substantial viral load that their immune system was overwhelmed by.
There has been a lot of work done about why vaccines are important. Here's a straightforward page from John Hopkins Medicine about the natural immunity issue, which clearly shows there's more to it - https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavir...
Here's one from Sydney Uni about how the level of protection from our immune systems doesn't;t appear to hold up for future variants and that vaccination is more effective - https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2021/07/07/study-reveals-how...
And as for covid having little effect on healthy people, again you're generalising and also suggesting you haven't thought past the sniffle issue. Lots of healthy people get knocked sideways by it even if they don't go to hospital. Here's an article about arterial hardening in healthy young people caused by covid and the potential for future disease - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/05/210506125817.htm
Feeling fit and eating well help, but in the bigger picture they only go so far.
Feel free to post relevant links from reputable places which show doctors are on your page.
Like this?

geojson java api
“Confirmed covid deaths “…..lol.
You never learn or listen do you sicko?
So what was responsible for the extra death? You link is irrelevant to the issue of extra deaths NOT classified as covid....as it deals with deaths misclassified AS covid. An easy mistake to make for an amateur epidmiologist passionately seeking confoirmation bias. Throw in a few insults too mate they always strengthen an argument.....not.
So you’re a professional epidemiologist now?
Come on Sicko, you showed gormless kids how to light Bunsen burners for a living. You don’t think you’re stretching things to include yourself amongst peers in the world of elite epidemiology ?
Anyway…this isn’t about you Sicko. I came on here to talk to people who don’t think they’re respected scientists because they maintain a subscription to a science magazine. I’m here to discuss our King being barred from Australia by a tubby politician who’ll do anything to keep his snout in the trough.
"So you’re a professional epidemiologist now?"
No mate, never claimed to be, but I have a long background in teaching the basics of epidemiogy at HSC level. Anything I put up as factual is backed by a link to an authoritative source. If I express an opinion it is clearly identified as such. You, an ex-chippie apparently too lazy to work even when businesses are struggling to find tradesmen, constantly make demonstrably false claims backed up by nothing more than your over-inflated ego and a barrage of abuse to those who disagree. So do you have anything further to say about the excess deaths or are you just going to fuck off, as you usually do, when called out for your bullshit?
On one hand we complain about overpopulation and our populations effect on the environment, then on the other hand we complain when the environment tries to equalise the effects we have on it by reducing our populations. Then in retaliation to mother nature we try to oppose her by creating vaccines (that aren't working) to keep the population up. On one hand we advocate for and support doing what is right by the environment but when she scares us with sickness we won't have a bar of it.
Good on him. Lambie’s rules is rules comments define just how stupid this country is. There is no need and no evidence to suggest everyone needs to be vaccinated against Covid, as has been clearly demonstrated here and around the world.
It's pretty simple, actually - Ke12y can demonstrate his understanding of medical science, virus transmission and vaccine efficacy and confirm his respect for the people of Australia by getting vaccinated before he attempts to enter Australia and compete for his 12th world title.
Mr Djokovic did neither - and had his visa cancelled and was deported.
Unlike Mr Djokovic, Ke12y has no chance of boarding a flight to Australia without providing proof of vaccination.
Anti vaccine vs anti vaccine mandates is an important distinction. To stand for bodily autonomy is not to be anti-vaccine.
To object to a government mandate which forces healthy, low-risk people to take a vaccine with waning efficacy against a rapidly mutating virus and unknown long-term side effects is an understandable position. Covid carries definite risks, and we have a duty of care to each other, but to listen to the government over here you'd think it's Ebola.
I've been vaccinated because on balance it's still probably the best thing to do, reducing a low risk to a very low risk. The vaccines are probably perfectly fine. The data so far are encouraging, though of mixed quality. But I admire Kelly's integrity in making a political stand.
Unfortunately, many people will refuse to acknowledge the objection as politically valid. Status quo bias makes it easy to accuse anyone who raises an objection of quack conspiracy theories, being a science denier etc. This sloppy groupthink has been ignored or even welcomed by governments who have not been able to implement a better covid response than mass vaccination, and even that has been done poorly.
Meanwhile, here in WA, the government has been basking in its own glory of keeping Covid out, while failing to invest in hospitals and healthcare to any significant degree. Now the borders are about to come down and they are hastily erecting tents in front of low-capacity hospitals. This tortoise-and-hare fiasco has meant that their only solution now is the blunt force of vaccine scare campaigns and mandates, restrictions, etc. etc. Apart from a few early voices, there hasn't been even a suggestion in mainstream media that we might implement a targeted response geared around protecting those most at risk, or purchase RATS a year ago, or open the borders to nursing and medical practitioners and students, or anything else but, "Get vaccinated or else." This state is the richest it has ever been by a country mile, and still their answer is to push all the sacrifice from state to citizen.
Excellent comment.
It’s far easier and cheaper for McGowan to create a monster in the shape of healthy people who don’t feel they need the vaccine , than it is to improve the disastrous state he’s let the WA health system become.
It’s the classic politicising of an “other” out group which so many recognise if it’s done on basis of religion or sexuality, but fail to acknowledge when it’s done on bodily autonomy.
Then you’ve got perverse outcomes such as Swellnet’s Bluediamond experiencing severe mental and emotional stress because of this strategy which is nothing more than political manouvering . I say perverse outcomes because you’ve got the predominant cheerleaders for this unscientific vaccine mandate , such as Swellnet’s very own Sicko Blindboy , loudly demanding the relentless social pressure be applied to the unvaccinated and then when confronted with the tragic results of his handiwork, he offers up a glib “ Are U OK?” To the victims of the disgusting medical apartheid they support in the name of Mark McGowan looking tough on a virus.
I have been anti-wax since I left my board in a board bag in the sun at cactus.
All-cause mortality is everything. It differs from excess which is above predicted based on past data. If there is a significant rise in all-cause mortality before the rise in Covid cases, it implies that covid is not the cause of the "all-cause" mortality. It stands to reason that people usually die from covid after contracting it, rather before they get it. Get it?
The vaccine mandates which Slater opposes are so very, very necessary for public safety that Boris Johnson just dropped them like a hot pie cause he thinks it’ll keep him in a job for a bit.
Governments don't want you dying because they want your Tax, the end.
Any Anti-Taxxers out there ?
Nice! Good work monkeyboy haha!
I think Batfink said it best in that "There’s a big difference between keeping an individual healthy and keeping a population healthy."
To be honest I needed a refresher on why I got vaccinated and why it matters that others do the same. This has been going on so long that you need to relearn the basics sometimes on why it matters, I think the video wraps it up perfectly in under 3 minutes.
I'm 37 and not as fit and healthy as I'd aspire to be, but statistically speaking healthy enough that should I get the disease the odds are in my favour to overcome it. I, Iike many others, got the vaccine to reduce the chance of spreading it to vulnerable members of our community and in turn not use up valuable resources (hospital beds, doctor and nurse hours) that could be allocated elsewhere.
I have a 4 month old son awaiting his cleft lip surgery (usually done between 3 -6 months). At this stage his operation has been postponed as it is considered a Category 2 surgery, this is a direct consequence of resources being stretched. QLD government puts it like this:
“Our healthcare workers are continuing to work hard to respond to this unprecedented demand on our services.
“We need to do what we can to help our frontline heroes, particularly when, as expected, more and more of our healthcare workers will be away from work due to being infected with COVID-19 or quarantined as a close contact.
”These changes will ensure we still have enough staff available to continue providing essential healthcare to the Queenslanders who need it.”
We're confident but anxious that should the postponed lip surgery pose any long term issues ie: excessive scarring impeding facial growth or a speech impediment that he'll be operated on as a Cat 1, unsure how it works at this stage.
That's just our story on why we're invested in slowing the spread and keeping hospital beds open, I'm sure there's many more like this.
And this is why the people who keep lying that the vaccine stop or slow spread are dangerous. Mate….that herd immunity lie was quietly dropped months ago.
There’s a million vaccinated and infected Australians in China the Big Vaccine Rollout Experiment to prove that the virus doesn’t give a rat’s arse about your jabs and it’ll go where it wants.
BTW….Batfink is empirically incorrect. If every Australian was at the optimum health their physical state allowed, then Australia would have had about 90% less deaths. The fatalities amongst even the elderly are almost always predicated by existing ill health and almost all ill health is the result of poor lifestyle. Not everyone can be healthy by choice but most can and certainly enough to save many lives otherwise lost to covid.
Obesity is a the primary contributing factor in 80% of covid deaths. If Australians weren’t fat there’d be a lot less death.
All good Blowin, I often find myself agreeing with what you write and to be honest I don't necessarily disagree either, I just don't know enough and can only really take direction from sources that I deem trustworthy enough on the topic.
In this particular instance I don't feel the need to "question authority" I guess.
At the core of it I don't have much skepticism of governments and worldwide general medical bodies overall intentions and trust that the "system" isn't trying to screw me, my family or anyone for that over intentionally.
Umm..technically no. ‘Death’ would be the same….maybe a bit ++ delayed though!
Excellent excellent post.
It's about the bigger picture.
Within my work the cancellation of elective surgery due to resource pressure is meaning that all of my 600+ patients (predominantly over 60) are disadvantaged and will suffer for longer with poor quality of life and many will unfortunately be left with very real impacts on their long term health outcomes which could have been avoided.
I have a child the same age as you and I really hope your family get what you need as soon as possible.
Thank you for the support and your own story, we're confident the little legend will be alright in the long run. Much appreciated.
Very well said as well. It's such a shame that people are having such trouble moving beyond their own personal biases and fears and not seeing the reality inherent in the urgency of the bigger picture.
"I know for a fact that I’ve improved my odds of combating this virus by an incredible margin. There’s not a doctor in the world who would disagree that the improvements I’ve made for my own health have given me an inestimably large improvement in my body’s immunity to any virus, including covid"
Breathtaking ignorance, right here folks.
In the first, "covid" is not a virus - it is a disease CAUSED by a virus.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In the second place, how good a condition you are in makes little difference when a new pathogen appears for which humans have no immunity.
There were plenty of healthy Hawaiians in the Hawaiian Islands at the time of European contact in the late 1700's - they had lived in isolation for as long as 500 years, since the great trans-Pacific voyages from Tahiti had stopped and they lived a very healthy, active lifestyle with an all-natural diet and daily exercise in their tasks and recreation. They were likely very much healthier than modern people in Hawaii and guess what?
They were exposed to pathogens like smallpox, influenza and typhus from the Europeans, who carried these endemic pathogens but had developed immunity over centuries of exposure - the Hawaiians had never encountered them previously and they died by the thousands.
Don't deceive yourself, like Mr Slater and many others - if there is a new pathogen for which humans have no antibodies because they have never encountered it before, it can kill you. Covid-19 is not the bubonic plague nor is it smallpox, which had a kill rate of up to 95% when unleashed on the New World, but it is dangerous and it has killed up to 20 million people worldwide in two years.
In case you didn't know, that is what vaccines do - stimulate an immune response. No vaccine, and your only chance to stimulate an immune response is to become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and survive. This is not recommended, for obvious reasons.
Yes - your vaccine status affects me and my vaccine status affects you! It is NOT a matter of "personal choice" or "body autonomy", as vaccines work by a percentage of people who are vaccinated - if the percentage is not achieved, the efficacy of the vaccine is weakened.
As Australia has reached a very high percentage of fully vaccinated adults without a national vaccine mandate, few people in the general population hold strident anti-vaccination views and few people have outright refused to get vaccinated.
The Omicron variant is doing what viruses do - increase their efficiency to transmit to a new host and DECREASE their ability to kill that host - and that's how viruses become endemic in the human population worldwide. In a few years time, Infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus will make you sick for a few days; like common influenza, but it won't kill the host like the 2020-22 pandemic or the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed up to 50 million people worldwide.
The influenza strains that circulated every winter in every country around the world do kill people, but not at the same rate as 100 years ago, as the virus has mutated to become endemic - NOT to kill the host, but keep them alive and thus increase the ability of the virus to spread.
Same for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but it takes time and billions of replications of the virus for this to happen and in the meantime, the safe and effective vaccine from Pfizer, Moderna or other manufacturers is your best option to avoid hospitalisation or death from Covid 19 - NOT a delusional belief in your own superior fitness and immortality.
Basic stuff which I had assumed was common knowledge, but from the incredible ignorance and stupidity exhibited on this thread, apparently not.
Great post, John.
It helps to listen to the experts in medical science. I am yet to hear an evidence-based rebuttal to vaccines. Lots of pontificating going on. Many of which I can tell have never completed the first semester of a science-based major.
Most of them come across as having not finished high school. I put my faith in those who finished high school with great grades, went to university & studied science based degree, then dedicated their life to scientific & medical research.
Enjoyed this post, great summary and will be using it as a proxy when asked why I got vaccinated and trust medical experts. Good work.
You’ve just repeated disproven falsehoods.
Not everyone is vulnerable to the virus . Proper bullshit. Severe Covid is almost exclusively a disease of the frail and weak. If you don’t want to believe me or the statistics, go ask a doctor. Any doctor.
For almost everyone Omicron is basically a cold whether you’re vaccinated or not.
It's such a shame the 23yo Power lifter from Sydney with no significant underlying health conditions passed away from Covid earlier this month....If only he'd seen this graph!
Obviously he wasn't as fit as you Blowy...
It would be pertinent to reference this "almost" graph you continually refer to or did you knock it up in your spare time from being the fittest you've ever been in your life?
1/ There is always outliers. It’s not unknown for a young child to develop dementia but there is no desire to treat the entire youthful population of Australia as potential dementia patients. A single healthy young person died from covid….and you think this means the rest of the nation is susceptible? Lol. Try looking at the statistics which completely disprove your theory bloke.
2/ The weight lifter had no superficially obvious comorbidities but the death has still been referred to the coroner. Why ? Because his death from covid is extremely, extremely unlikely.
3/ The fact is that covid is almost exclusively only a serious threat to the frail and the weak. There is no such thing as absolutism with a virus in this regard, thus the exclusive nature of the disease is qualified by the word almost .
This fact is pertinent to those concerned about their personal susceptibility to severe covid.
Not sure how much more plainly this can be stated. You seem to think you’ve found some clever little jibe here bloke. You haven’t.
Applause John!
Excellent post, Mr Callaghan. I gave you a serve about an earlier article, but I'm patting you on the back now.
Geez! I thought articles on shark attacks were what really got the people on here going...
Bells and Margarets? In a normal year he would be looking for excuses not to come....
People have the right to reject Covid-19 vaccination.
But the question I keep asking myself what priority should they be given ? And should society prioritize the minority who choose to make that decision ? !
It raises a paradox which affected me personally when visiting an old school friend over Xmas who has only recently found out he has a life threatening congenital heart condition.
His corrective heart surgery has been postponed due to Covid-19.
He is double vaccinated and ready for booster but it does raise the question why do the un-vax appear to get priority ?
Is chronic pain enough ? That was the sacrifice required by people needing hip and knee replacement surgery in the past 2 years when hospitals were full. Is it enough to stay home wondering whether malignant tumors are getting bigger and spreading ?
People had to do that last year.
Will some of those be required to stay home and die for the minority who choose not to Vax ?
Yes, what you're talking about hasn't even been researched properly yet (or I'm not aware of it). From a first-hand experience, my father was due for hip surgery before covid (already waited around 12 months) and then covid started. In the end, he had his surgery during winter last year (another 18 months wait time) and literally just made it before they shut down the hospital that afternoon due to a covid outbreak.
My mother-in-law - has 2 hips gone, she's basically an invalid, nowhere near getting surgery. No one even gave her some sort of indication of when and what chances are of it happening. In her case I had enough, in her case, I am sending the paperwork overseas and booking her tickets for May to do it overthere.
It would be interesting if the medicare levy contributions of the anti-vax crowd were all that was able to be allocated to their care for covid-19. It's not hard to join the dots about why our hospital systems are being crushed and the health of people with all sorts of issues are being compromised by hospital beds full of people with Scovid and furloughed/burnt-out staff.
Maybe taking cues from sporting heroes?
Novak's home country Serbia - 1 in 659 people have died from this virus, 51% have been vaccinated
Australia - 1 in 8650 people have died from this virus, ~ 90% have been vaccinated
"In the second place, how good a condition you are in makes little difference when a new pathogen appears for which humans have no immunity."
Thank you John.Callahan
Read that sentence Blowin you twerp.
Doesn't matter how fit you are when it's a novel virus.
Vaccines give you information.
Only a sus cunt goes on swellnet bragging about his rig. "I'm so fit". Fuck off dickwit.
Nope. John Callahan has zero idea. This virus affects different people to different degrees and it’s dependent on the bodies ability to defend itself. This ability to defend itself is dependent on health of the individual. Covid is almost exclusively a severe disease amongst the frail and weak. Let’s hope your body isn’t as frail as your mind bloke. It’s quite eye opening to discover the mass of misinformation some people have swallowed. I mean, the knowledge that the virus is extremely discriminatory in those it affects badly is not new. It’s years old. But here you are still parroting absolute rubbish in the mistaken belief that you’re on top of things. You should really educate yourself before you spout rubbish again.
To wit:
"At a No. 10 [Downing St] briefing in March 2020, cabinet minister Michael Gove warned the virus did not discriminate. “Everyone is at risk,” he announced.
And nothing could be further from the truth, argues Professor Woolhouse, an expert on infectious diseases at Edinburgh University. “I am afraid Gove’s statement was simply not true,” he says. “In fact, this is a very discriminatory virus. Some people are much more at risk from it than others. People over 75 are an astonishing 10,000 times more at risk than those who are under 15.”
For a start, you can learn to read a graph , twerp.
So what about those extra deaths on the graphs I posted Blowie? Where did they come from?
so explain how before we were all forced to get a vaccine that 70% of people who contracted covid had experienced mild or no symptoms, made a full recovery, you are justifying the choice you made by ignoring the alternative
im double vaxxed and caught it of a double vaxxed person, so what was the point of the vaccine, and dont give me the bullshit answer of that it kept me out of hospital,
I'm anti - pro vax ppl.
I'm over it. Happy to talk about it in 8 years time.
you cunts telling me what to put into my body can just fuck off. The definition of what a vaccine is had to be broadened to bring covid stabbies into the scope. They are not like the small pox vaccine which actually worked.. Many of your who are healthy are just gonna keep lining up for boosters and wrecking your immune systems..
How about you start questioning authority for fuck sake.
It is just so fuckin simple, here's some advice from Dr OldMate
1) If you're old, or have co-morbitties, look into getting the stab;
2) if the vaccine worked to stop transmission, it would not be ripping through highly vaccinated communities. SO, simply, we're all going to be exposed to it, and most of us are going to catch it.
3) if you're healthy, get yourself healthier and prep your immune system (D3+K2, zinc+quercitin, C, sleep, all the shit you already know)
4) in about 2 months theres going to be a shit ton of antibodies built up in the community
5) look after your Mob
6) live and let live.
7) she'll be fuckin right mate.
@john.callahan Nice post but this here is an anti wax fortress, it's hard work.
It’s especially hard when your operating from such an obvious deficiency as John!
He’s still quoting debunked rubbish from February 2020! WTF!
More importantly what does Garry G think? That's the comment we should all be looking for.
Over to you Garry G
I'd imagine he thinks it is all a bit invasive...
but he'd be open to it
Never commented on this site before, and unsure if anyone reads this far down a list but a comment seems justified. There is no question KS is probably the best surfer ever, on so many fronts. There is no question he is a remarkable athlete, understands how to get the most out of his body and is almost beyond compare for what he can still do and achieve for his age. A staggering human being on so many levels, but not immune to the dunning-Kruger effect. Maybe he should look that up. He is also not alone in this. One facet of this effect is when one is exceptional in a certain field, they might over presume their knowledge in other areas. With due respect to KS, I do wonder what his knowledge of viruses, immunology, antibodies, the bodies immune system response is?
To be honest, the muddle we are in is not in small part due to this effect. For example, doctors have been at the forefront in the media with politicians and police next to them. The lack of direction from the start in responding to this has been due to no planning initially ( and to this second in time still) but constant responding. The responses generally still don’t take into effect looking forward so there is constant undesired ramifications due to not thinking ahead. For example….everyone can go now get a vaccine comments last year. People rightly sought vaccines out, overran every health professional and then became angry and disillusioned. This moment showed that a federal politician and head medical staff ware highly intelligent in their fields, but basically buffoons when it comes to logistics. The lack of planning, the poor communication of knowledge, the consistent lurching from one directive to another has been apparent from the start 2 years ago. The sad part is it has allowed poor, often dangerous opinions, which generally always have self service at their core, to gain more and more traction. The world will keep on turning but we do need to be a little less flippant about our parts to play. In Australia we value our rights to freedom. We should never not fight for this right, however we have somehow lost the recognition of responsibility. For yourself, your family, friends and your country. I ‘play games’ at the front line of health. Have seen quite a few people already with covid, including my family. Some not so bad….some not….so good. If we can simply ‘think of our mates’, and adjust attitudes, egos, expectations, it might not be the old normal, but an acceptable new normal that we end up with.
Best comment thus far. Can we move on from the Covid discussion. It’s fuckin everywhere and jammed down our throat at every corner. Kelly will be fine and fuck knows what changes will have occurred in 3 months time. How was the surf in everyone’s region today? This is a surf forecast site isn’t it?
Same here. But had a great run, surfed 7 out 8 days previous to today.
You're way too intelligent and logical for these forums Ymail.
Please jog on....
Never commented on this site before, and unsure if anyone reads this far down a list but a comment seems justified. There is no question KS is probably the best surfer ever, on so many fronts. There is no question he is a remarkable athlete, understands how to get the most out of his body and is almost beyond compare for what he can still do and achieve for his age. A staggering human being on so many levels, but not immune to the dunning-Kruger effect. Maybe he should look that up. He is also not alone in this. One facet of this effect is when one is exceptional in a certain field, they might over presume their knowledge in other areas. With due respect to KS, I do wonder what his knowledge of viruses, immunology, antibodies, the bodies immune system response is?
To be honest, the muddle we are in is not in small part due to this effect. For example, doctors have been at the forefront in the media with politicians and police next to them. The lack of direction from the start in responding to this has been due to no planning initially ( and to this second in time still) but constant responding. The responses generally still don’t take into effect looking forward so there is constant undesired ramifications due to not thinking ahead. For example….everyone can go now get a vaccine comments last year. People rightly sought vaccines out, overran every health professional and then became angry and disillusioned. This moment showed that a federal politician and head medical staff ware highly intelligent in their fields, but basically buffoons when it comes to logistics. The lack of planning, the poor communication of knowledge, the consistent lurching from one directive to another has been apparent from the start 2 years ago. The sad part is it has allowed poor, often dangerous opinions, which generally always have self service at their core, to gain more and more traction. The world will keep on turning but we do need to be a little less flippant about our parts to play. In Australia we value our rights to freedom. We should never not fight for this right, however we have somehow lost the recognition of responsibility. For yourself, your family, friends and your country. I ‘play games’ at the front line of health. Have seen quite a few people already with covid, including my family. Some not so bad….some not….so good. If we can simply ‘think of our mates’, and adjust attitudes, egos, expectations, it might not be the old normal, but an acceptable new normal that we end up with
Crazy how divisive this topic is.
Never thought a surfing legend as Slater would be denied entry to our country because they choose a different form of protection.
This narrative of everyone get vaccinated needs to be so strong that we will ban people from entry.
They are a threat to civil order.
More forums like this should allow a balanced argument. Noone else does.
So what is Slaters different form of Protection ?
HUBRIS is defined as "a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride, or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance."
Udo, you don’t need “special protection” to beat covid. Unless you are extremely frail or weak , the chances of you experiencing severe covid are absolutely tiny. Get yourself vaccinated if you’re not confident in your own immunity.
Here’s a graph which illustrates how discriminatory the virus is between those with strong immune systems ( the younger ) and those with weaker immune systems ( the elderly). Obviously some younger people do have weakened immunity due to a variety of reasons such as pre existing health conditions. Often times it’s being overweight which is the critical condition leading to severe covid. Being overweight is very unhealthy.
Even age is not a death sentence. It’s only those who are very old plus have multiple underlying health conditions who are primarily at risk. Covid kills and severely affects far, far less people than the media would have you believe.
Prior to vaccinations ( June 2021 ) the average age of a covid death in Australia was 86.9 years old !
Kelly is supremely fit. He has virtually nothing to worry about from covid. You do not need to be a health specialist to know this very basic and undisputed information.
Here’s that graph:
Doesn't he own real estate here?
Thats pretty fucked if he cant even come back to his own house because he isn't vaccinated.
Can't he return if he does quarantine time?
Just to have his visa cancelled by a power tripping politician at his discretion.
The power the minister has to kick people out at his discretion is disgusting and needs to be changed
More like higher than covid heart disease risk politician.
It's like lockdowns, pizza, chips, 2l bottles of coke beer and netflix - stay safe people! ridiculous
As with Djokovic, Slater is guilty of thought crime, nothing else.
Don’t contradict the cult leader !
One of the oldest questions in psychology, and in other fields such as philosophy, is whether humans have free will. That is, are we able to choose what we will do with our lives?
Regretfully on many levels, this belief in free will is a fallacy. On some levels, we have choices (who we fuck, where we eat, surf, when we sleep, get vaccinated, etc) but generally, in a governed society some acts of free will come at a truly heavy cost.
With the COVID Vaccination as an example, an individual's future participation in future society will be directly impacted and limited as a direct cost of not participating in the group actions/behavior (Vaccinations) of others. This is a governed outcome beyond the control of any individual who has NO power to change the directive. Slater and Novak as cases in point.
So for example, if 85% of the world is vaccinated by late 2022, the 15% unvaccinated will be in an awkward position of being excluded in most cases from the activities granted by governed societies to the vaccinated.
This position for individuals (in this case one who chooses to not be vaccinated) from a purely metaphysical perspective will lead them to question if I don't have free will, why am I here?
What is the point of my life if I cannot choose my own path? The reaction will most likely lead to a Kubler-Ross-style set of actions. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance (forced or realized) that they never had control of their own free will.
It's going to be a rough ride for both the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated. Friendships will be lost, divisions widened, families split.
"Politicians Single Out Kelly Slater"
Not really, not vaxed, can't come in, same for everyone.
Well guys
all i can say after reading all these comments forget if your vaccinated or not this is exactly what the
Goverment want from us to separate a class off society against each other and there winning
we should all be equal to live our lives peacefully and respectfully and be responsible for our own lives & actions hasnt surfing already taught us this ?
We're all in this together.
to quote the last paragraphs in the article above from a Doctor of philosophy Christiaan Geusau...
"truth is a goal to attain, not an object to claim and thus requires humility and respectful dialogue. They understood that a society can only be free, healthy and prosperous when no human being is excluded and when there is always the genuine willingness and openness for a robust public discourse, to hear and understand the other, no matter how different his or her opinion or attitude to life."
They (USSR people) finally retook full responsibility for their own lives and for those around them by overcoming their fear, passivity and victimhood, by learning once again to think for themselves and by standing up to a state assisted by its enablers, that had forgotten its only purpose: to serve and protect each and every one of its citizens, and not just those it chooses. "
"Blessed are the meek" & blasphemers ....alike....
RIP Terry Jones (Monty Python).
I'm where Stu's at since this time last year.
But this year, the band's getting back together, so time to put my butt onto that throne again. Its only been 10 years. Fun times ahead.
2022 version of 'Surfing, it's what we do' (but there's always a choice):
For governments to try to control the spread of infectious disease is not totalitarianism nor is it deprivation of personal liberty, thought control, etc.
A ridiculous assertion.
Disease control is categorised under "Public Health" for a reason, because it concerns the general public - not "private health" like cosmetic procedures that do not concern anyone other than one person.
If overconfident hubris WAS a protection from infection by the coronavirus that causes the disease Covid-19, then infallible super-beings like Blowin, Ke12y Slater and Novak Djokovic wouldn't have a care in the world.
For the rest of humanity, (that means you and moi) vaccination with two or more injections of the safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines provided for free by governments in Australia, Singapore, NZ, etc is your best protection against illness, hospitalisation or death.
Best protection for many, not all. And I should have a choice without coercion. Great the govt did something through the initial shock. Mandating a 3rd/booster for many is outrageous.
but the vaccines have not stopped the spread, im double vaxxed and caught it off a double vaxxed person, so please explain again how this is helping the community, it certainly didnt help me or the people i know who are infected, what fucking part of that dont you get, or are you that invested in your truth that you will not see it any other way
Seriously Blowin
The NSW Premier made the comment regarding C-19 in late Dec
"80% of C-19 patients in NSW on ventilators are either non vaccinated or partially so"
So when Delta.2 occurs and you get really sick are u gonna roll up to your local hospital and demand medication ? Or go home and self medicate on CBD oils & pyramid crystals ?
Ultimately who gives a fuck what KS or Eric Clapton have to say about C-19 vaccination both are nothing more than white supremacist.
My brother in-law is a GP working a local practice
He has made the decision to quit medicine at 65 years.
I asked him why as he is fit and looks it.
He told me C-19 has been the tipping point & what does his head in is the militant ant-vax mob who book a GP appointment & lecture him on the loathing of Big Gov, Big Pharmacy, Big Tech, Big Telco, Big everything and then tell him he is lazy and gullible for vaccinating people. Then on exit claim the Medicare levy, fucking hypocrites !
Christopher Columbus sailed the America's in the 16th Century and made global news that the world was not flat ! Guess what the anti-science brigade were the Catholic Church and continued to preach the opposite for the next 2 centuries.
Do not trust Right Wing Christians, Right Wing Republicans, Donald Trump types, George Christian types, they are the lunatic fringe.
If Kelly happened to do well in the first three events ( that a big if - best bet is the first two) then I reckon he will be here for Bells and Margs but if he doesn’t I reckon he will be happy to skip the event and blame vaccine mandate.
Knows more than 99% of doctors?
I wonder if he does house calls?
Does he bulk bill too?
Did someone mention WA ? bahahahahahaha...
The VIC Health clown show has snuck into WA.
WA premier Mark McGowan has just announced that Ms. Kym Peake has been included on a 4 person panel set up to review the effectiveness of the WA Health System.
This is the same Kym Peake who shafted former VIC Health Minister Jenny Mikakos. During the pandemic Peake reported directly to premier Andrews.
Peake was in charge of the VIC Dept of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and under her watch the DHHS Covid-19 response was poor. So poor that WorkCover VIC has laid 58 charges of breaches of Occ Health and Safety against DHHS.
Peake resigned in disgrace after the Coate Inquiry.
Good luck WA, your gonna need it. And please ignore any of her recommendations especially on org design and accountability.
thanks for the heads-up, from a Gulag WA detainee.
BTW I have family in Italy who is a doctor and she and her husband have chosen not to vaccinate.
They both got Covid.
Her hubby is now dead at 53 yoa.
Me? I don't really know what the world is up to these days. I have no comment good or bad as to what is, or isn't real today.
I know his passing is real though.
You do realise Kelly has medically diagnosed “Relevance Deprivation Syndrome”? Getting vaxed would cause serious side effects.
Can i get a quick two sentance recap on these 120 odd comments pls swellnet staff?
I can summarise in two extended sentences for you boogs:
Team Kelly: "Kelly Slater is GOD and knows everything about health and societal well-being because he is an elite athlete, he will never die nor get sick, why does he need to be vaccinated?"
Team Science: "Kelly Slater has no formal medical training, and may be a little bit over-exaggerating his knowledge."
Cheeers epictard. Anyone know where i can place a bet on whether kelly gets in or not???? I got $50 that says he wont.....
Interesting point brought up today on ABC. Novak was booted for the "chance of inciting anti vax sentiments" according to the 3 judges who publicly released their reasoning today.
Now TECHNICALLY, an American like Slater could hypothetically be vaccinated, but say he is "pro choice" re vaccines. Being pro choice could raise anti vax sentiment, as in anti vaxxers could use Slaters calls for "freedom of choice" in their protesting. The immigration minister could ban entry to Australia to Slater for " "chance of inciting anti vax sentiments" even though vaccinated.
Let THAT sink in
Ive read that Novak, a while back, supported anti Rio Tinto demonstrations in Serbia, and that most Australian Politicians are involved in Rio Tinto, and when the share price fell, a lot of money was lost.
Most Australians got vaccinated saw Novak getting an exemption, as getting prefferential treatment, and jacked up, encouraged by msm. Scott Morrison flexed his powers and has finally been seen to have done something right by many Australians. A while back many Aussies were calling for his sacking. Ive heard or read none of that for a while.
A precedent has now been set, and now Kelly is on notice, not to come unless fully vaxxed, along with any other athletes.
As I understand it, politicians and judges are exempt from vaccine mandates?
For me......Lots of lies, confusion and division, from politicians, msm who are influenced or ruled by big business.
I wouldnt know how to research anything health related on the internet, and a mate of mine and I agreed you can find anything you want on the net. cv19 to support your ideas or beliefs.
There may be only a few that know what is really going on. I do not. I have my beliefs or ideas.
As someone stated earlier. The govt has done NOTHING to educate Australians how to best manage their health to combat cv19.
Ive read that the govt has ordered enough for x7 boosters, for all Australians.
If this is true are they catering for future cv19 variants? How is this possible?
My only way to make a choice with anything cv19 related, is to assess the actions and sincerity of govts and msm.
Lies by the truckload, confusion, division dont inspire my confidence or belief in govt or msm.
Im a KS fan. I dont think KS is an un manageable cv19 health risk, if he competes in the Aussie CT events 2022. In a week or so around 10,000 people will be indoors watching the Australian Open Final minus the best player, because he is a cv19 risk to Australia. More confusion.
"Ive read that the govt has ordered enough for x7 boosters, for all Australians.
If this is true are they catering for future cv19 variants? How is this possible?"
Maybe check your sources on that. It sounds like bullshit.
Good Morning , lots of real solid points here on both sides . The crux of it is - the vaccine was NEVER meant to stop transmission. Its purpose is to reduce serious illness and therefore reduce load on the hospital system , which , if you believe the stats , it is achieving to some degree .
I'm off for a surf ,, ( oh hang on, its dead flat in Vic - The pool is bigger than the ocean ...again ... :(
Thank you! I agree, its a fairly simple equation, when you get covid as we all will (I have - good as gold after four days) would you rather need a tissue or a ventilator? Forget the bullshit spewing from knobs with cars as profile pics that couldn't spell virus two years ago...fucking any vaxx clowns are the literal embodiment of Dunning Krueger
These shit useless vacs were only given emergency approval, they are not fully approved till 2023.
Emergency approval could only be granted on the grounds that no other treatments are available.
No other treatments are available because the authourities banned the precsription of other treatments. If you've got a clue you'd know what they are.
Now we have a society that is double whacked and boostered on the franken-juice, yet still going down with civid en-masse.
If these vaccs were a box of lettuce or punnet of strawberries, there would be a national recall, and everyone would be refunded.
But hey, don't you you people down there worry about that.
Just listen to Dr Norm on the gAyBC, roll up get your boosters every 3 months, and don't forget the kiddies and the hamsters.
and dont forget that the TGA, which everyone defers to as the gatekeepers who will protect us, although being a branch of the Dept of Health, their annual budget of approx $165 million is almost entirely funded by Big Pharma. and that info is readily available on the net.
Talk about a conflict of interest.
if mr slater gotten bitten by a 2 headed cobra hobra say out the back of cactus, would he knock back the anti venom and want to know whats in it ?
if mr slater gotten bitten by a 2 headed cobra hobra say out the back of cactus, would he knock back the anti venom and want to know whats in it ?
You don’t seem to understand how little efficacy against severe covid the vaccine provides for an otherwise healthy person.
A man like Slater has a 99.992% chance of avoiding severe covid due to his body’s robust immune system.
The vaccine ( theoretically) increases his chance of avoiding severe covid to about 99.994%.
The difference in outcome is statistically insignificant.
An editorial article from editors of the British Medical Journal, one of the highest ranked, most elite medical journals in the world.
It's just not possible to label these editors as conspiracy theorists, non-experts, uninformed, anti-science, anti-medicine, anti-vax, etc.
(Note: the seemingly random numbers scattered through the article are footnote numbers to references and comments that can be found on the webpage.)
Thanks for that gsco. It is very interesting and highlights once again the weakness of regulation, particulalrly in the US. It is important to note though that, in the case of the vaccines, the trial data has been overtaken by real world data showing that the vaccines, though not 100% effective, significantly reduced hospitalisation and mortality. Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies are publicly owned, which means their primary duty is to make a profit for their shareholders. If we want to actually inprove corporate culture, the laws need to be stronger and place the best interests of the consumer and the environment above those of the shareholders. Australia is probably better than the US in those areas, but it is not much consolation when US corporations have such a huge global footprint.
Not true at all. Without a control group there is no empirical evidence to support your assumptions on the efficacy of the vaccines.
In the case of the real world data, the unvaccinated provide the control group.
There’s no “real world trial”. Without mandatory reporting of side effects there is zero empiricism about it whatsoever.
Here’s an interesting read about the situation in NZ which, with its closed borders and zero pollution of data assessment by covid itself covid, is as close to a clinical assessment of the side effects of vaccines and their potential impact on excess death as you’re likely to see.
To state there is anything even resembling a “real world trial” is a patently false declaration.
The only determination for vaccine efficacy you possess is that supplied by the manufacturer itself. A manufacturer who has previously been found guilty of fraud.
Its a damning article. there is no excuse for such arrogant behaviour on sharing data especially when they have received a ton of public funding. The public needs transparency. This has been a wasted opportunity from big pharma to capitilise on its success, improve its reputation, and build goodwill. instead they are actively contributing to the breakdown in the public's loss of trust towards our institutions and leaders. i am over the division and scared at how we are trending as a society. this shitfuckery needs to stop. for best practice science and for societal harmony.
you can find enough bullshit to back up whatever statement you wish ... go and talk to a nurse who is at the front line which I do regularly and see if your info stacks up ...slater is a fantastic surfer but I dont want some grommet saying that he surfs fantastic without vaccs so why do I have to get jabbed .... got eye strain trying to read and understand what you posted
Definitely no expert on this issue but just my take on it is I’m all for the vaccine and people having the opportunity and choice to take it but strongly against the mandates.
I get when people say we need the vaccines to ease pressure on the healthcare system so it can cope but if we are going to go to such draconian measures to stop this from happening because of Covid then why don’t we just put a blanket ban or introduce strict limits on cigarettes, alcohol and fast food and I’m certain our healthcare system would no longer be under duress.
By the way I am strongly against these measures as it only gives governments more control and power and begins a slippery slope (which we are already on) to introduce laws that are against the freedom of choice. Governments work for us not we work for them.
For as long as these governments have these harsh measures in place we will constantly be on this never ending merry go round of divide between the community .
Sad times
Kelly Slater!!?? Bloody oath! Feather and tar the bastard!!!!!!
Wait, what did he do wrong again??
KS can come to Aust [ land Qld ] Unvaxxed but has to do 14 day Quarantine
Is that correct ?
May be thats only for returning Australian citizens??
Thats what I thought Udo.
Geez I hope Slater rocks up. If only to see the gnashing of teeth from the mouth-breathing winged Pfizer monkeys on here.
Fly my pretties….fly!
Apart from that I want to see Slater do his thing on his victory lap. It’d be so fucked if that tubby pants shitting bludger Scummo derails Slater’s entitlement as best surfer ever.
Is there nothing Scummo can’t absolutely root with just a glance in its direction?
On 11 Jan 2022, Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported that Gabs told them he was vaccinated.
With the help of google translate
“ With just over two weeks to go before the start of the world surfing circuit, O GLOBO consulted the ten Brazilians who will compete this season - nine in the men's and Tatiana Weston-Webb in the women's -, and all said they were vaccinated, including Gabriel Medina.”
Is this where Dunning Kruger will get you?
He actually sounds like Kelly.
"You don’t seem to understand how little efficacy against severe covid the vaccine provides for an otherwise healthy person.
A man like Slater has a 99.992% chance of avoiding severe covid due to his body’s robust immune system.
The vaccine ( theoretically) increases his chance of avoiding severe covid to about 99.994%.
The difference in outcome is statistically insignificant"
No Indonesia for KS either then
No i think he is ok for Indo- the right visa and 7 or 10 days Q.
Eugenics returns and no one has caught onto this.
Politicians exclude people they consider to be inferior, not worthy of being able to come to Australia, but it is OK for Australians right?
The truth is that heart disease has always been a bigger killer, something that Novak and KS are the epitimy of preventing influence wise. Also the biggest Comorbidity for covid!
I say that fat, old, unfit politicians look pretty stupid giving out health advice/trying to enforce eugenics.
I am behind everyone on here that knows the truth of what is going on. This agenda the elites have is absolute BS but very real and so many people can't seem to see it. Critical thinking is a dying art.
Thinking ain't an art
Love that in 24 hours this article has 250+ comments. Covid topics certainly fire up the masses!
Well said Blowin. He is no threat to Australian people, like Djoko. Leaders and role models are the threat according to the govt. Thought crimes indeed. Its a slippery slope that shouldn't be acceptable to anyone.
Who really cares if he comes here or not?
Seriously for the past 2 years there's been rules for the general population, and then a different set of rules for the "elite" (the wealthy, sportspeople, film and media, politicians etc).
The only reason the federal gov is doing anything now is to win votes for the upcoming election
Exactly gragagan. Djokovic is a distraction so people don't talk about our shitful govt's fucking incompetence. Let it rip and don't buy any RATs until the crisis hits. FFS, I mean FFS. These fucking muppets couldn't run a bath.
Slater will be another distraction in March/April when this shitshow government inevitably fucks up again.
No doubt the anti-vax scum (Hanson / Palmer / Kelly etc) will rally around Slater as part of their election campaign, hoovering up the votes of brain dead surfers and other useful idiots. Hanson and Palmer will then steer the votes back to the LNP (The very people who refuse to let Slater in the country) via preferences.
Fuck me, this election could well be decided by fucking morons and opportunistic scumbags. Christ, just imagine how fucking shit Morrison and co will be in 2025 if they get re-elected and owe Palmer and Hanson big time. We'd be better off just getting random drunks off the street to run the country. At least they'd be cheaper and less corrupt.
Vic Local
"Fuck me, this election could well be decided by fucking morons and opportunistic scumbags. Christ, just imagine how fucking shit Morrison and co will be in 2025 if they get re-elected and owe Palmer and Hanson big time. We'd be better off just getting random drunks off the street to run the country. At least they'd be cheaper and less corrupt."
Absolutely spot on ! The LNP and there fan club of cross bench senators are WEIRD ! Time Australia for a political change.
Here’s an excellent watch which frames the interaction between the governing institutions, such as the US Federal Drug Administration, and the extremely rich and powerful pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate. A very timely and relevant series during this period when we are all involuntarily held thrall to the dictates of companies such as Pfizer and their extensive histories of criminal and fraudulent enterprise.
I watched it on Disney.
To all those who mistake ineptitude, opportunism and fear mongering by politicians as genuine malicious intention.
Science data [Peer reviewed] says you can throw your conspiracy theories down the toilet as the simple fact is people are extremely shit at keeping secrets, and the facts eventually surface.
Hanlon's Razor has never been as pertinent as now:
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
And Occam's Razor
It’s both.
It’s psychopathic people obsessed by greed and power enabled by the stupid and weak.
Your absolutism in denying the evil of the world is unfounded and naive. Your denial of the predilection and ability of humans to conspire is disproved by history. The best kept plots are the ones enacted in full view of gullible people.
There’s ample evidence of US conspiracy to collaterally murder hundreds of thousands of innocents in order to access resources throughout the world. The conspiracy is ostensibly undertaken to spread freedom and democracy. Half the world knows it’s bullshit and they just want the oil, the arms sales and the reconstruction contracts but the conspiracy succeeds nonetheless.
How is that any different to what’s suggested as motivation for some behaviour during the pandemic?
You think that people are unaware of the behaviour because it’s not proven?
A conspiracy doesn’t have to remain secret. Most don’t, this does not negate their existence.
Obviously they never tried this on before or since they were caught….lol.
That’d be a conspiracy!
@Blowin I never actually stated there is no such thing as humans plotting evil acts. [I agree history is full of these evil fuckers] I merely stated that when they do, the facts always surface in the end [when enough people are involved as it's a numbers game]
Sure, the governments lie and conspire all the time but their dirty little secrets never stay secrets very long when a lot of exterior entities are involved.
If you are saying that the entire Political, Scientific and medical communities world-wide are in on some sort of Covid conspiracy , then the truth would have already been exposed. I added a post earlier that shows the peer reviewed scientific study proving the time limit a secret can be held is a direct correlation to the amount of people holding it.
I think we also need to be careful about the use of the word conspiracy as well, since you try and make the point that some conspiracies are right out in the open yet that is the opposite of the actual meaning of the word.
Conspire - make "secret" plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.
So if it's out in the open then it can't be a conspiracy any more. It's just brazen power-tripping lunacy......and yes there is plenty of that going on at the moment.
We unwaveringly agree that not everyone needs saving.
Take this for what it is. One of my best friends got admitted to hospital last night with a suspected mini stroke. Had head scans today. Had her first jab 2 weeks ago. Not sure where she's at with second. She does have a compromised immune system, however day to day is a healthy fit 35 year old that only eats the best greens/grains etc. Is it related? Who knows. Is it a coincidence? Don't think so. She's not had any health issues in the last 2 years and nothing at all like this. Anyway, trying to get more info as it's obviously a stressful time for her. She didn't wanna get the jab but felt pressured to for family/social reasons.
Just an update on my friend. She was released from hospital Sunday morning. Doctors consensus was it was a mild stroke, caused by a reaction to the Moderna vaccine. Like i said above, she's immune compromised, but a very healthy chick. Fit, eats well, gets alot of sun, lives a very healthy and active lifestyle.
Last night she was readmitted to hospital with similar syptoms.
Having trouble getting too much info out of her via text but it's not ideal.
Not sure if TrueBlueBasher is reading this thread but he posted a great post about his own experiences, also having a compromised immune system and the nearly devastating effects the vaccine and i believe paracetamol had on him. This is information everybody should know!! Why are we not getting this?
Anyway, my friends home resting now, watching the Lion King, which surely should help. I'm crossing my fingers she gets through this relatively unscathed.
She did say in her text messages to me she regretted taking the vaccine. She thought she was doing the right thing, she felt pressured to because of social obligations. So all you crew championing the vaccine mandates, this falls directly on you in my opinion. These vaccines should not be forced on anybody, no questions asked. Their effects are still so unknown, but fark, tell you what, the more we know about them, the harder sell they're becoming.
just spent the best part of an hour reading this thread and now my head hurts. If 'can't crack a smile' Slater is not allowed to enter the country to (ffs) surf then im pretty confident 99% of the poulation will not care. bigger issues present that need more attention from the pollies and public. wish him all the best as he is free to do and say what he likes. I hope he respects the decisions of other people/countries and doesn't act like an entitled prick if he is not allowed to compete here or anywhere else
Is this the most commented on article in swellnet history or what? That’s why I fucking hate Vax related news. Shows we we are all under too much opinion stress.
I think all the commentary proves one fact - Whether your pro vax or anti vax everyone has become fucked in the head from this whole situation.
Personally I think Australia is a free country and if Kelly doesn’t want to get vaccinated who gives a shit. The only person it will effect is himself if he catches it but seeing he is fit and healthy he will probably be fine just like he said,
Is this forum even about Slater? I know the title is and there are comments throughout but the reality is if he comes or not is of no consequence to any of us.
The forum is about Covid. Our rights, or lack of, in light of a variant which is significantly less impactful than those before. Bull#&&# that it a mandated 3rd booster for many on questionable mRNA vaccines. Evidence is out that the efficacy has been grossly overstated as has the duration of the vaccination. I read above that lots are drawing their line in the sand at 2. Me too.
I can make a choice about my own health and well-being. As slater is and many on the forum. Vaccinate, or don’t it should be a choice. Politician should largely realise we’ve lost faith and many many are well read and researched outside their so called echo chambers.
Draw your line. Live with it. Give access to pretreatment drugs. We don’t need to be told what to do with our own health. Slippery slope…little by little.
Wow. That really escalated.
First post.
It seems this boils down to whether its reasonable for gov to place mandates on personal freedoms in order to protect the public good. Mandating a vaccine that has side effects (including death), the quantity of which is up for debate, including mandating injecting pregnant women and young kids is a very serious matter and wouldnt seem reasonable, unless it was shown that somehow, by mandating this action it would clearly save the life of someone else. Even then it would be highly debatable and subject to quibbles over exactly how much risk does the forced vaxxer take on and how much benefit does the community gain.
Its clearly OK for Gov to mandate certain things, weve seen it and accepted it before. Like: you can smoke and wreck your own lungs, thats OK, thats personal freedom but you cant smoke next to someone else and wreck their lungs.
On the other hand: collective good arguments clearly have a limit. I dont think many would be up for mandated legislated random sacrificing one of their mates on an operating table, so that his organs could save 10 random people in the local community who need the organs. Thats a bridge too far for most.
Somewhere between the dont blow smoke down my lungs group and the lets sacrifice the individual for the community group there is the line in the sand.
So basically it all comes down to how much risk the unvaccinated individuals are to the vaccinated community and if that risk is high enough to warrant forcing the unvaccinated to take on the risk of the experimental vaccine, that lets face it has not had the normal 3 year double blind placebo randomised controlled studies applied.
My opinion on it, is that whilst data initially suggested unvaxxed were clogging up ICUs etc in the alpha phase and to an extent in the delta phase, this is not the case for omicron. The NSW health guy I heard on the news last week was saying there was 45 ICU beds taken up and ALL were double vaxxed or greater, (except one who was single vaxxed.) This is no longer a disease of the unvaxxed, the vaxxed are the ones spreading it, catching it and now, being hospitalised. The old narrative that the unvaxxed are the lepers of society just doesnt stack up scientifically any more. Look at data in Iceland, Scotland, England and Israel to name just a few. Its why Scotland has just renounced all mandates. Data.
The data has changed, we must change with it and I dont feel it is any longer justified to mandate vaccines to "protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated".
Pure BS
The split of covid cases occupying ICU's in NSW currently is 50/50 between vaxed and non vaxed.
The only difference is that one group is 50% of 95% of the vaxed adult population and the other 50% is from the 5% unvaxed.........over represented don't you think?
Can you send a link that verifies that stat?
Sorry Gedsta, its not BS. I just went back and watched the clip on Channel nine news, which I have saved to my iphone. I will quote his exact words, "141 people are in hospital with Covid and 43 are in Intensive Care, 18 of whom require ventilation. So this is a very serious disease. ... (he then gives a breakdown of ages) finishes with "all but one are vaccinated, one person has just received one dose of vaccine. Even had the deaf hand signals girl in the background for those that cant hear.
Thanks nextswell,.........you beat me to it.
Gedsta, my understanding is that the ICU rate is only reporting patients with Covid, not patients in ICU due to Covid. So this stat doesn’t really give an accurate picture of the disease in relation to ICU intake. Be good if they could separate it.
unvaccinated blood will be worth more than bitcoin
Yes, and taddies, and eggs. serious.
Stuff this crappy vaccine! I havn't taken it and will not take it. fuck the silly politicians and their mandates.
if you went back 4 years ago and explained all of this would happen to people in society
what would of the average person said ?
they would say your a conspiracy theorist
funny how now were living in it
AO VIP : "Testing is optional + Us Godz don't have to inform anyone of [+] Test result."
Rubber stamping 20 [+] Vaxed 4x infectious AO VIPs with zero testing was the right thing to do!
Very next day after Oz WR Vaxed [+] entry Breach ...Oz is charged with Rat abuse!
CDC : { Avoid travel to Very High Covid-19 Level 4 destinations }
Hellhole of the Pacific Police State is Mandated Level 4...{ 2x WR voc Vax Spike Champs }
Anyone stupid enough to breach our Gold Standard VIP seachange infestation should be locked up!
Embarrassing so many surfers are scared of a sniffle.
If roadkills mum catches covid off someone vaccinated and she dies, roadkill has no problems but if she catches it off an unvaccinated person and dies he will hold that unvaccinated person responsible for her death.
Whether vaccinated or not we are all disillusioned together. The federal and NSW govt have done a terrible job. Mixed messages and an ever changing rules, mandates and dialogue on what the best response is. The facts show the unvaccinated are over represented in NSW ICU beds. Have the vaccines worked? Kinda. Have they worked like they said? Definitely not.
As a conscientious objector myself I applaud anyone who takes a principled stand against what is a blatant form of politically motivated manipulation whose underlying concern is neither for health or overall well-being but a rather specious form of disciplinary power and economics. I am a little tired of the propaganda from people whose snout never leaves the trough and the accolytes of a reductive collectivist logic. Funny thing about life it all comes down to breath. The old line from the Tracy Chapman song 'my momma told me all that you have is your soul' strikes a chord in the heart of a surfer who cares about oceans when the same mob vaccinating are less concerned about their genocide and ecocide. Does not matter whose history you read same old story telling people to do this do that while they exploit them hand over fist. Selah.
Czech singer Hanka Horká dies after intentionally contracting COVID-19. Great wake up call for those who will not get vaccinated. You are not indestructible.
No one claimed to be indestructible.
Unless you’re living a purist lifestyle and maintaining perfect health as topmost priority, your belief that vaccination is your ticket to good health is just more expression of the modern “Give me convenience or give me death “ lifestyle.
This is literally true. So many fat, useless carnts who think they’re laughing cause they’ve got the jab.
Here’s a heads up: The morgue is loaded with jabbed carnts. Get healthy or die….choice is yours.
Has Scummo started closing the border to fat carnts yet? He should if he values our health system. But no….it’s that epitome of good health , the global role model for self improvement and disease resistance, Kelly Slater , who’s held up as the representative of potential victims to a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate.
You’d laugh if it wasn’t true.
It’s something you’d expect to see in Beetoota Advocate.
This is where we are at.
This guy….

Is publicly declaring this guy to be a threat to our health system.How can this not be satire?
The bloke who gets so pissed he shits his pants at McDonald’s ( !!!!!) vs the guy who’s commitment to health has literally rewired the collective human mind as to the possibilities of the human body’s potential.
If the issue is potentially normalising bad health in Australian society then it’s not a big leap to see our fat fuck PM as the bigger threat between the two, is it? Surely if presenting an image which jeopardises the nation’s thinking about health decisions is the case, then Scummo should be expelled from our borders?
Scummo will prematurely die of heart disease or diabetes. He will clog up the health system with his failing body and place pressure on hospitals which means that others will have less likelihood to get the treatment they need. Yet he’s parading Slater as the threat to Australians?
Whether you think the unvaccinated are a threat or not, everyone must admit that the level of threat posed to the health system by the unvaccinated is a tiny fraction of the threat posed by the fat, the lazy , those with poor lifestyle, the greedy , the lazy and the sedentary. This is inarguable truth.
Kelly banned from Australia as a poor example of health for Australians?
Blows my mind.
A great conversation on this thread. Not to much animosity like most threads.. it’s a sad time for us a a nation and also as a civilisation . People should always have a choice on voxing. What’s they’re to worry about once you’ve had the jab? A lot of the rhetoric makes no sense..
I still think the GOATs entry into Indonesia is in doubt
Effective July 6, 2021, the Indonesian Government required all exempted international travelers to present COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card in digital or hard copy upon check-in and arrival in Indonesia until further notice.
I really do wonder about the science.
5 to 11 year olds are supposedly 2 doses at eight week interval.
Some docs are giving them three weeks apart, "So they are protected at school".
These clinical trials,err, experiments are interesting.
I'm sure Kelly has done his fair share of recreational drugs, including psychedelics, over the years. And yet he's concerned about a vaccine??? Riggghhhhtttttt
The pivot has started people.. But if you only follow the mainstream propaganda feeds then you wont be spoon fed this for another couple of weeks or months.
UK and US are pulling back from the hard positions, and now moving towards might be called a tactic of arse covering. Look up Ekstra Bladet, a massive mea culpa by a Danish newspaper. Also happening here in Aust if your eyes are open. ie: Finally... finally.. Norman Swan has provided some truth about masks, that being the face cloth everyone wears are fkn useless, and he has given some facts and recommendations about the N95 & P2 masks. But arguably 2 years too late.
The media like to think they lead the topic, well its changed, watch how quickly they do a 180 and try and get back in front. And that direction is now -> disclosure.
Did you know they were paid $$$$ to shill for the Govt?
I really don't care what you think about my statements above but what I want to do is plant a seed of worry in your mind.
Here it is: if you are in the 90% compliance group you must stay on top of your health, if you have ever had cancers / tumours etc monitor them extra diligently.
Don't ignore other new & weird shit that comes to your attention, get it checked out asap.
Act as if you are now immuno-compromised until proven otherwise safe.
Good luck.
Yep. Agreed!
utter garbage
Politician take aim at slater as they know Slater prob coming to Aus(hope he does he is more than welcome along with any other as far as i'm concerned) and is another super high profile, super fit sportsman more than capable of thinking for himself and looking after himself. They need to try to pick on others and their sponsors now otherwise the whole Novac BS blows out of the water and the covid tards in Aus. who keep biting the soft plastics might wake up to the smell of bullshit, too far gone now in Aus, too much bs has been spun, they're in a corner now need to keep kicking the can down the road..
“Hunt urges parents to check pharmacies, state clinics for vaccination appointments Health Minister Greg Hunt.
Patchy availability of vaccines for 5 to 11-year-olds has fuelled concerns some students will return to school next week unvaccinated”
Of course they will because the odds of kids getting sick is ridiculously overstated. mRNA vaccines are questionable for kids.
“Hunt urges parents to check pharmacies, state clinics for vaccination appointments Health Minister Greg Hunt.
Patchy availability of vaccines for 5 to 11-year-olds has fuelled concerns some students will return to school next week unvaccinated”
Of course they will because the odds of kids getting sick is ridiculously overstated. mRNA vaccines are questionable for kids.
Regardless of your view on vaccines and vaccine mandates, it is undeniable that the medical establishment have completely abandoned their standards of ethics and morals that they are bound through their endorsement of mandates. You can look up the AMA's own code of conduct if you don't believe me. For example, one of the things they are meant to abide by is the principle of informed consent which explicitly specifies that consent must be given [to a medical treatment] without undue pressure, influence, inducement, or coercion. They know they are breaking their own rules and they don't care.
utter garbage.
Haha, just spent 30mins reading through some of the very funny comments, it is obvious to me that there are some very educated contributors as I don’t know what some of the words mean. However, for what it’s worth, I am all for not allowing unvaccinated into the country, otherwise it makes a mockery of everything most of us have been through the last couple of years. Hopefully the Govt have cleaned up their paperwork so we don’t have to waste the court’s time anymore
Sister in laws dad works of the medical council that advises the NSW govt throughout the pandemic. When they opened up at 90% vac rate at start of December they advised the state govt to maintain masks, QR codes, social distancing and caps on major gatherings. The govt disregarded these recommendations whilst maintaining all rules were as per medical advice. Turned out pretty well!
Ummmmm..,,, I’m unvaccinated & never wear a mask, or check in (self beliefs)! Cronulla, Nsw 2220)
funny aaaas fk…,,,…. “It’s super close to being released” ☮️
That makes you a very selfish arsehole lorrissa , (regardless of self belief )
Not really….. I’ve never had any signs or symptoms, get tested daily for work, never get sick, are super fit & healthy, doctor & specialists advice is: Do not wear a mask for better immunity, no need for me to be jabbed! I live with a triple jabbed who was positive & I never caught it, work with 3 triple jabbed positive cases & never caught it. Negative results daily…… How is that selfish when I’m perfectly fit & healthy with no symptoms??? Why are the double & triple jabbed so worried about the daily negative results for a health unjabbed individual, when their all jabbed & I’m not????? If the vaccines actually worked, what are the jabbed worried about???? Ohhh, 21 double & triple jabbed contacts of mine have all caught Covid, and I haven’t??? Shouldn’t the vaccinated be concerned for the unvaccinated instead??? Appears not, although I’m not concerned whatsoever if I catch it (I’m tested daily)!!!
Typhoid Mary had no symptoms but she managed to kill at least three people and infected many others.
Get over yourself.
Well, for the last two or so days I have been checking-in to follow this thread. I would liken it to test cricket: Engaging too much time watching would be a severe waste of time, but I like watching parts of it and I see the comments increase like runs on a deteriorating whicket. Its been enthralling in some sessions. A few sixes and fours but, mainly just unplayable spin. It almost feels like there has been significant rain delays and the thread is now just bogged down in the style of cricket heading for an inevitable draw (reinforced divide).
But, that's giving this 'debate' too much credit. To me, for the most part, it seems more like primitive shit-slinging. I wonder, has anyone's mind been swayed by this thread? (and that's a rhetorical).
Well said!
More often than not, the people commenting on threads like this have a very strong opinion one way or the other. Definitely not swing voters. You generally won’t find too many people looking for guidance either. Argument in this form is mostly driven by self satisfaction.
Love the metaphor Crab. Appears many on this thread seem to be lost down that crack in the pitch, looking for Tony Greig’s key that is just not there. I thought the same has anyone’s comments on here changed opinions? Probably not!
I’ve worked out the only real world solution to this pandemic is for John John to win another world title this yr. This indeed will ensure people feel the world is ‘normal’ again.
Settle down. John John will need to be on his game 'cause he's got a few screamin' Aussies to get through.
Be a shame if Ke12y wasn't able to compete in all wsl rounds this year.
Funk me look at the bustard. He is not man, he is machine.
..."carry on bowling 'em low and wide Brett, low and wide."
I think I am losing it :(
I’d say you might be if you think 50yr old Kelly and a couple of rough head Aussies have a chance against a fit, inform JJF.
Good point. I have absolutely no idea which way to bet.. if ... even i knew which way... to bet.
Just remember, whatever point you want to make on the great vaccine dispute has already been made many 1000’s of times on the internet and hundreds of times on this forum. So, just relax. Job done. Put the rifle down.
People have different views. Dance in the moonlight.
To vax or not to vax? That is the question. Lets call it a mitzvah-(and look at it through the prism of the Jewish doctrine)
“None of these reasons are fully satisfactory and it is clear that this mitzvah falls into the category of Mitzvahs that have no satisfactory reason - Chukim. The reasons of many of the commandments in the Torah are beyond our comprehension. This allows for our acceptance of a Higher reason and the realization that our comprehension is limited.”
Great to hear Wally :-)
I’ve posted a few personal situations, mostly Re: focus on health & fitness, and you should be alright (I’ve dodged catching it quite a few times with super long term close contacts now)……..
But, the ‘keyboard warriors’ are super quick to sling sh*t on me & throw daggers :-(
Very disappointing from an online surfing community, when my local surfing communities builds each other up & supports one another regardless of personal vaccine decisions.
Good luck to all, hope u are all safe & healthy & happy :-)
Not up for anymore sh*t slinging for merely sharing info
Nahhhh, Kelly will either get vaxxed or do the quarantine, win at least one of the big dream tour location events setting up a top 5 position, then paddle out at Trestles in brand new OK star trunks and deliver the greatest result of his career
Let’s gooooo
I'm sure Slater will be able to handle it.
Margs has always been one of his less successful events,and he's well past his prime to ring another bell down in victoria now.
He can just be thankful that Pipeline is on an island that technically he's a citizen of.
There and Chopes are the only 2 events at this stage of his career that he's still a front runner to win in now.
Clearly the Vax doesn't work and the Government has been selling us snake oil and now The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended lifting international travel bans and relaxing proof of vaccination, citing their ineffectiveness at containing the spread of COVID-19 and the limited global access to vaccines.
The most intelligent discussion about the topic I've seen
Funny how everyone has a different opinion or different angle on things
which is human nature and its great but what concerns me is that the whole
world seems to have forgotten completely that this was released by China
as a act of war and has worked brilliantly for China and all you people
just blame politicians, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, medicos,
neighbours, friends and the dog up the road in reality its ruined our
lives and freedom the impact is massive. Everybody is a expert and
could done things better well of course, easy in hindsight just get
a grip and unite and blame China.
As for vaccination as long as you test negative come and go as normal
if you catch it suffer and die well thats your choice. Slater is Slater and
thats that a shame he cant do a final world tour but may save some face.
Right at the beginning experts said getting high vaccination rates combined with natural immunity that will arise was the goal and not to fuss about the vax worriers or residual unvaxxed
Made sense then Makes sense now.
Fuck paying for medical advise…. from now on I’m going to swellnet any time I’m crook .. soooo many experts here .. I feel safe
Too right, Rojosh! You should try out the other covid thread. There’s enough medical expertise over there to staff an entire hospital. Many of them have done thorough research on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Bitchute.
Told myself I wouldn’t comment again but your comment gave me a good laugh.
Happy surfing.
Let's be clear that is Swellnet subscribers and not Swellnet that have the expertise. I mean, quite like the gap between medical experts and gen pop., those ignorant meteorolgists forecasting the weather and surf have nothing us.
And now for some good news.
Tim Thompson's wife had their baby girl, Elke, Saturday before last.
Proof positive that the shit life can at times throw at you will not last forever, and that the beauty and joy it has to offer is just around the corner.
Just chill and wait for it you guys.
AB, respectfully, I don’t agree with your comments.
I want to know which one of you crackpots keeps vandalising the bridges between Mooloolaba and Gympie.
Not me. I have been fully vaccinated + booster. I sighted the Novak spray on the bridge at Sippy Downs you mention. Not good. Now off to work trying to keep the Hospital open for business.
It's on all of them up to Gympie. Gets cleans it up and old mate comes back.
Even if it were pro vax messages, keep it off public property. Spray it on your own stuff. Get some bumper stickers or something.
I propose a study titled
"Empty vessels make the most noise"
Due to the quantity of comments in response to a recent Swellnet article, a research question was formed:
Has productivity decreased among commenters since January 19?
From a review of the literature in the same comments section, it was hypothesised that average productivity in the sample would remain reasonably stable, controlling for baseline procrastination.